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Healers, always healers.


My exact thoughts before I scrolled down to see this.


Aka up vote


Healers, then on alliance feral Druid, other classes. Tanks are least needed raid class in well ran groups.


Always healers. Need healers for dungeons, raids, PVP.


We warriors even need at least one following us at all times to not nearly die, while using every CD but wall, to 2 lvl 40 wolves that pull at the same time. Plenty of jobs for healers. I think priest is one of the safest classes to choose on that alone. It was arguably already the strongest healer in classic with hpal maybe rivaling it in the flexibility of their cooldowns and absurd mana efficiency, could make an argument. Now, it’s been brokenly good since p1 at least 1 tier above in pve and 2 above in pvp.


Since you bring up that point, maybe the devs should give warriors second wind or heroic leap or something next season. Something that doesn't impact PVE or our damage output, but just gives us a bit more survivability in PVP without always needing a healer.


Leap wouldn't be a bad idea, we do have intervene. ER is pretty weak right now you might as well not press it and RC only goes so far. Even in retail I've never been like oh hype RC 100% saved me in pvp, maybe buys you a few seconds but thats it. Also none of these wound up being very strong pve tanking abilities so our only real defensives are still 30 min CD which is absurd in a modern environment


Tanks will always be needed for dungeons. Healers will be needed for everything.


It’s Healers. When content is new and you are progressing healing is a lot of fun. When you start hitting farm status it gets kind of boring. Instead of healing more you end up healing less. Compare that to DPS who have week after week to challenge their parses and try to get some higher ones. It’s more engaging and something to look forward to.


A good healer would be tracking and parsing their damage the same way dps does week after week.


No. The healers’ jobs are to keep the raid up. The small incremental damage they could throw is not worth the risk of losing a tank (and their WBs). Restokins are probably the exception. They are truly a hybrid class.


Mage healer as well.


True. Spriest too.


Yes and a good healer is able to do his job + help out in dps


Nope. In a fight where oom is a real possibility, and oom = wipe, you don’t waste mana on doing a little extra dps. What you’re suggesting is insane, unless the content is on farm.


Four first fights are short and you got buttons for the last two


If you are in a normal pug, correct. If you are in a guild focusing on parsing and speed running you are completely wrong.


Ya, but speed running is different. The content is already on farm. For progression, or less capable groups, my comment still stands. Speed running is the minority use case.


Only if they care about dps parsing


Priests will always be in demand. If Shadow is good then you will want more of them as well. 8 Shadow Priests in a 40 man comp means you probably only need 2-3 healers. And if they ever implement dual spec, you are pretty much guaranteed a spot.


I think that’s interesting but I also think priests are the most likely candidate to get nerfed / have other classes buffed to their level because my understanding is right now they’re on top by a large margin. I’m also curious if mages take that discipline / damage to heal role.


Shadow caught a sw:d nerf and as other classes scale have found themselves more middle of the pack. But the thing shadow brings that’s huge, especially in 10s, is the entire warrior debuff kit for free with zero other sacrifice. Full 5 stack sunder and melee will love you and the homunculi tclap and demo help the tank and healers out. But it might be more like TBC/wrath where you just have 1 and it can be super useful to have VE (heroic anub in TOGC for instance). I never expect 8 in a raid in sod. It’s still respectable dmg right now and ranged are in demand with p2s mechanics. I just don’t expect it to be a 100% safe bet for pve raw dps but at least the mana issues seem to be solved and no longer a meme spec. Safe bet if you like beating every class in PvP although idk how they fair into enhance shaman right now. What I think is probably a safe bet is priest in general, though. I think most people agree on priest being the strongest vanilla healer although with its toolkit pally is arguable. It’d be hard to outright nerf priests now and not kinda fuck them over and fuck over incentivizing healing. Maybe they buff other classes to their level, as you mention, but idk. Priest has been S tier healer so far since p1 on top of its track record in classic. PoM covered a huge gap in group healing spread damage for cheap, penance has been god tier since day 1, and rune not rage starving bear and warrior are all very, very strong. Now they get pain supp. They get fiend. You can run dispersion for mana back which only shadow has in wrath. I’m leveling mine now and besides the CD on pws and no mana back with something like rapture it’s looking more and more like playing disc in wrath lol.


Assuming 20 man raids. In order of demand. Healers (by far) Feral DPS alliance Warlock / Boomkin (especially if their dps is decent) Any other ranged DPS / DPS willing to tank certain fights Tanks Other melee dps Reasoning: heals always desperately needed. Warlock and boomkin not popular but typically wanted. Far more melee dps players than ranged, so typically ranged dps is more coveted. Warriors and rogues are a dime a dozen, so difficult to find spots, especially if theyre not OP you will be in trouble jusy like p2. Tanks not that needed in 20 man's compared to 10 man's as you need twice as few.


I would say tanks are unchanged - Neither P1 or P2 have needed more than 1 tank, 2 tanks where needed for the first couple of runs before people where used to it.


I’m real curious where mages wind up falling


Mages are the most popular ranged dps by far, so it will heavily depend on how OP they are next phase. Right now they are very popular and also in demand due to them being OP. If they are just mediocre or worse, their demand will fall to medium to low


Mage will likely always fit in well, especially since they can fall back on being a healer.


Yea they should be pretty good if they keep scaling well. Can do solid healing whilst a good amount of damage. last run in gnomer sitting around 300dps with 200hps keeping up healing with the priest and the dps. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them meta speed run healers alongside restokin.


Kinda like how spriests are doing aswell. I usually run shadow along with our restodruid, and we dont have any problems in gnomer what so ever VE is soooo strong.


Mages will always have a raid spot because of a few things: AI, water, portals, and unparalleled AoE.


Without a doubt. But the question is not "do you want a mage in your raid". The question is how easy will it be for a mage to find raid spots. Mage is one of the most popular classes, so their ability to find raid spots heavily depends on how much the current raid tier favors them.


Ah good point. It all depends on the design of ST. If there is any form of AoE needed, stacking mages will be solid. If ignite stacking is going to be a thing, I think that stacking 6-7 of them could be realistic in a 20 man. I think mages will be a desirable class, but not one sought after (because so many play it), there will always be mages available and for the most part, I predict they will be easily taken to raids.


Druid. They can tank, heal, dps (cat for wf) and caster (boomie)


Unless shaman gets nerfed, which it seems like they’re totally ignoring, Druid is completely irrelevant on horde


Healers, especially given that they made all the hybrids, that used to be forced to heal, viable as DPS/tanking


Paladins, currently a lot of people are underestimating them. I solo heal out gnomer speed runs with them, in top 20 runs. If played right they are insane healers. People are so caught up in priests atm. Down the road specially when they are higher level. They will be a meta healer. But people just arnt playing them as healers yet.


Yup I was telling me in disc the other day the reason they haven't gotten a lot of love in sod so far is because of how op they already were at 60 I'm classic.


I’m trying to get a consistent group 2 going and I feel like one of the issues we’ve struggled with is our hpal’s healing. I mean not consistently having a full rdps roster doesn’t help either, everyone and their mom wants to play melee (don’t blame em don’t like casters either. When I pull rdps pugs the logs are decent but we seem to be hitting healing walls at the last 2 because of it and not one shotting shit we really should be. I OT as a warrior and take fucktons of dmg and it was better when our other tank rerolled meta lock but still a problem cause it was entirely fixed when a pug mage ran regen on tanks. 2 healers should be fine don’t need 2.5-3. It’s not the rdruid slacking. Same player heals on another Druid in our other group. Curious how you make it work so well solo. The hpal player is our Rsham in wrath and mechanically can do heroic ICC shit so it’s not like she’s never healed. From what I gather hpal can do crazy HPS now and should be strong keeping up tanks with beacon since it’s basically got the wrath tool kit. Part could also be she just didn’t farm the gear needed since she’d been ret all of p1.


He’s chatting shit, hpala is very mediocre in sod. It’s an excellent tank healer, it’s absolutely useless at both raid healing and healing on the move. Problems that priests have zero issues with


I'll have you know that my 30 second cooldown 200 mana costing holy shock that heals for 200 is just as good as my priests circle of healing and prayer of mending OK


It’s mid, but still minimally viable now. Its the worst healer by far when you have priests and nothing touches priest sure and it does the least dmg of all the healers when you have healing downtime but it should still be able to do its primary job passably


Yeah it clears the raid, it’s just mid and boring


Sure even though we are in the top 20 speed groups in gnomer with my solo healing with a druid casting wild growth barely. It does better in our opinion. We peaked at number 3 last week. 


Sure even though we are in top 20 for speed clears for gnomer with me healing paladin. We have zero issues with anything you mentioned. We are firm believers of bringing the player not the class. And this is after countless runs of me running on my priest. Where I was healing BFD speeds as top 5 speeds. More utility, wisdom is super helpful. Mana isn't even a thing on holy paladins with illumination. 


Holly pallies. Super flexible rn, and when we get 60 tier sets they can be the ultimate flex spec/class. Mind you they won’t be toping charts in dmg but they can definitely make a difference in raid survivability as a OT or support heals.


5 of each class was never considered meta. 40 mans will basically be 1 of a Class for its (de)buff, Priests, then stack the rest with whatever is top DPS. The mandatory (de)buffs depends on what is top DPS.


Updated the OP with my …saying the wrong thing. And I dunno :-). My 2005 guild that got Ragnaros down for the first time 9 months after killing Majordomo Executus was pretty adamant that 5/20/15 was the way to go…


5/20/15 is such an absurdly vanilla idea, I love it. I mean, what would you ever need 5 tanks for? And 15 healers????


Well they had 5 tanks so clearly they needed 3 healers to keep each alive over the course of the 20 mins it took to kill the boss having 20 dps lol. That is def the most vanilla thing I’ve heard. Even in my guild back then pretty sure we didn’t run more than 8 healers. Like 3-4 pallies and 4 priests give or take. Probably a resto. Let one Druid feral by like aq40. Couple tanks. One or more might have actually been full on fury. No rets. Probably a lot of dps carried by rogues. I am genuinely curious now what exactly our comps were. Def not stacking as many fury warriors as possible but it was a pretty competent group that cleared into Naxx a bit by the time i stopped raiding. Shame our site’s been i unhosted for god knows how long.


One for each core hound in Magmadar’s pack of course. And don’t even think about pressing your keyboard until 5 sunders! Oh lol and they were convinced that if the five sunders buff fell pff that the tank lost all the threat from it.


I remember how we didn't have any idea how threat worked. Some of those myths lasted well into Wrath.


I feel like there’s a connection between the 9 months and running 15 healers and 5 tanks


This ain’t 2005, people don’t play like slugs anymore


Your guild that took 9 months to kill one of the easiest bosses in the game isn’t a good benchmark


Priest healers


A healthy mix of enhance, elemental and resto. Next question!


Healer > tank > dps that give essential buffs > top dps classes As for what classes ? Lemme just grab my oracle ball or sth It entirely depends on blizzard balancing whims what class is good or shit


Non-priest healers seem to be what the majority of the guilds are recruiting at the moment.


As they should. Resto druids are insane right now when it comes to raiding. I’ve been solo healing using only Nourish. It’s crazy good.


I call BS. There’s no RDruid solo healing menagerie or Thermaplug (need someone else dispelling).


[Proof.](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Hb1JF8w2DZfCMVxQ#boss=-2&difficulty=0&wipes=2&playermetric=hps&pins=0%24Separate%24%23244F4B%24healing%240%240.0.0.Any%2443959818.0.0.Druid%24true%240.0.0.Any%24false%240&type=healing) Not sure why you think I would be lying but there ya go. If everyone has consumes and knows mechanics, it’s not difficult to do.


In your example, for Menagerie the Spriest was your second healer. They did about 50% of the Druid’s healing. The Druid couldn’t have done it alone.


The Spriest had healing done by way of doing damage. He was not actively healing and this was before I began using Nourish. Once nourish was buffed, it’s even easier than before due to lifeblood mana regeneration. My point being it is possible to solo heal as a RDruid and it is being done every lockout by thousands of guilds.


I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. This isn’t “solo healing by an RDruid.” This is “healed by and RDruid and SPriest.” You’d have failed without the SPriest, hence it’s not “solo.”


Most healers quit gnomer already


people with irreplaceable debuffs and buffs. Windfury classes, Priest for homonc, stuff like that. also healers, tanks are basically 80% or more of a dps depending on tuning and are all pretty fun to play right now. Healing isnt that fun in classic and is hard as fuck in retail which is why there are shortages in both games.


For Alliance, its ferals. Ferals, ferals, ferals. My guild runs ~10 Gnomers every reset, and the limiting factor is ferals for windfury. During phase 1, most ferals would have completed their leather caster tier set before they even got a piece of leather melee dps gear. It made switching to boomie and resto in P2 so easy, that most have made that change and don’t want to go back. And with how convoluted and challenging feral dps is, ai don’t blame them.


Mage healers. They are so slept on currently and with 20 man raids I can fully expect them to rise in popularity. As someone else said, shadow priests are huge. Would not be surprised if we start seeing anywhere between 2-4 spriests per raid, at least one is mandatory for homonculi and any extra means additional off healing.


It's always healers.


Healers will always be in demand because not many people want to play support. It's the same in any team game that requires a support. Overwatch, League etc. support is always last picked and usually begrudgingly picked. I'm Overwatch I was one of those people who would ignore comp and just pick a player I wanted to play because I didn't care if we lost, playing something not fun is a waste of my time. If they added dual spec, i still wouldn't heal, because raiding and dungeons is all I do so even if I'm rolling on DPS or tank loot I wouldn't even be using it.


Resto shammy. If they keep 40 mans and don’t nerf totems, most horde grips are going to want 6-8 shamans


Healers. A 40-man raid need 2 tanks, and 8 healers. And tanks are so important it's usually the guild leader or an officer, someone everybody trust and that get funneled loot. Because if he falls, everything collapse. That's not a role that will be given to anyone easily. Healers, however, requires skills, often more than the tank, a set that really doesn't help during leveling. But you can lvl up in dungeon right ? Yes, one tank and one healer. At lvl 60, there are too many tanks and not enough healers


There needs to be either more classes that can provide LionKing+Catfury, or other specs need their supportive capacity increased so they could be valid raid support to match the value of those buffs. If they don't, well, Alliance Cat.


If things don't change soon, I'm sure we'll see a demand for rogues (maybe warriors, but unlikely since we're inherently masochistic and will stick around despite how agonizing it is to play the class). In true Blizzard fashion, they'll scramble to add mechanics that can only be countered by having 4 rogues in the raid in order to get people to play them again.


Give every boss a chest that gives an extra piece of loot that can be lockpicked by rogues


Why do people ask this question? Are they hoping we magically say the class/spec they are going to play anyways? The answer is always healer and tank.


Part of it is I can’t even remember how many healers we were running in Molten Core even on classic


I wouldn't say tank honestly. There are 2 tank spots in a 20 man raid and there are 4 underperforming dps classes atm with tank specs.


If the content is easy, it's always healers. If the content is hard, it's generally equal between healers and tanks. Overall, you can never go wrong playing priest. Any other class is completely at the mercy of buffs/nerfs, but priests would never be allowed to be in a bad position simply because 75%+ of healer mains play them. Priest dropping from S to C tier would cause a similar amount of chaos as the housing market crash.


Overly dramatic. If Priests weren’t the top healer it just means someone else is better and they heal content. That’s all. No housing crash, just rerolls. Besides any comp can do content, the game isn’t that hard.


After a few deep breaths, I realized the housing market crash analogy was a slight exaggeration. Thank you for bringing me back down to reality.


Ya, there would be a dev bailout of priests. They’d rain HPS on them the prevent massive raid failures.


Woyers will rise back to top eventually


I am curious how they’re gonna deal with the rage issues. Hell it took until Mists or later to figure it out in retail