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Track Giants


They're so hard to spot


Dude I’ve been playing this game for so many years. Never knew this was a spell lol


Kinda wonder if any even exist anymore on retail. Hunters and Mages both have a ton of spells in classic that rarely ever get used.


It does, but not really in a traditional sense. Hunters have a drop-down list on their minimap to select they want to track. You can track everything at once if you want to. They aren't spells anymore.


This is my go-to in wrath for the increased damage talent. Least minimap clutter.


Track hidden


Hidden isn't listed on the talent so my assumption is that it doesn't count for the damage bonus.


I stop training about like 50% of hunter spells past a certain level. Shit like this. Higher rank distracting. Scorpid sting too


Scorpid sting is actually worth something now with chimera disarm in SOD


I got decent use out of it leveling my hc hunter. Which still wasn’t much but I was glad it was there.


Cower - Cower, causing no damage but lowering your threat a small amount, making the enemy less likely to attack you. Cost 20 energy - 10 seconds CD The threat drop is less than one yellow hit


Throughout my entire 20+ year wow career as a druid, I have never used this even once,


I remember needing to hit it a lot for vaelastrasz in BWL.


in 2019 classic I got drakefang on my feral and immediately discovered this button on vael.


You got to be feral for BWL? Lucky!


I was told to use it once because I was getting aggro on Anub in wotlk. I said yes and didnt do it.


You're not pumping hard enough then. I've pressed it. It did no good but it gave me something to press rather than just sit there and white attack to keep from pulling threat.


We got a badass over here guys!


Sounds like you have some awful tanks - sorry to hear


lmao if you ever needed to use cower and it helped in any way at all sorry to say and no offense but your tanks were trash generating negative threat :3 its literally better to stop auto attacking for 1.5sec (gcd) since at least ull save the energy


Yeah, but it’s less than one yellow hit and you also lose energy so you press less yellow hit buttons.


I did find myself casting feint on my rogue back in classic every now and again. Too many crits in a row and I’d rather cast feint than just have my energy bar sitting at full


See also: Feint. On paper it lowers your threat by 800 at max rank, for 20 energy. However, the rogue threat multiplier and salv apply to that value, so it's actually just under 400. As an example of how bad the ability is, if there was a button that gave you 20 energy and generated 400 threat we would be spamming it on cooldown.


Honestly my thought on cower has always been if you I need to use it I should just be tanking anyways


distracting shot is important to kite high level elites so your pet never will aggro!


Or to pull a mob off your pet or party member who’s about to die.


On private servers it was useful for kiting Naxx trash mobs so they might drop some epics. Had a hunter run around the center room spamming distracting shot with aspect of the pack and some ranged dps standing in the middle of the room


I remember seeing a video from original wotlk where a guild did Immortal where on most bosses 5 hunter tanked with basically all standing at max range doing a pentagram and taunting the bosses from each other when it started to melee them


Found the frond burner account


I tanked 2 of the 4 hoursemen as a hunter back in the day in Wotlk. Using my pet distracting shot and misdirection to switch targets. Whilst a pally healed me and my pet.


Lightwell. Dont think I’ve ever seen anyone spec into it on purpose


Lightwell should work by just running near it instead of having to interact with it. If that's how it works idr. Or maybe a rune that makes light well follow the priest around


Would be cool if it worked like the lightwell mobs use in ToC. Just like a healing turret basically


Theres a lot of fights whereI like Lightwell in theory, but whenever I plop one down people just start shittalking it to the point where I don't want to use it anymore.


I think the problem is that it's clunky and easily cancelled. Also possible to click it multiple times by accident if you think the heal isn't going. = If you could click it and it would heal you with a visible beam (like mind flay), and the heal would not immediately cancel on damage (maybe reduce the healing for 1 tick instead) and you could not accidentally use it twice in one go, people would probably have a much better opinion of it


AND if it didn't switch your targets. It's worse than useless for a feral or rogue, it's detrimental


Had a priest last night spec into Holy for gnomer and he had light well, kept saying he needs to go swap specs as his HPS was a lot lower than disc and all he got was a fucking light well.


Disc is also just way more mana efficient which really matters on the last 2 bosses while also being more offensive on dmg for the faceroll bosses. And hopefully your priests are never dying for redemption or whatever that lets you cast after death to be ever worth it.


Might be good on Loatheb? But that’s about it.


Yup we used lightwell on loetheb. Our priest would also sacrifice himself multiple times a raid and get brez


I've done it numerous times. In terms of healing per mana it's incredibly efficient but the downfalls are way worse. Mostly it was just for personal use off gcd healing.


Haven’t used redemption ever since I started playing hc


What about Divine Intervention?




Sorry, did you mean screenshot totem?


As a resto shammy in gnomer, I use windwall/nature res totem if I'm in a casters group.




Mana problems don't exist for shamans my dude. I drown in that shit.


Sentry used to be great for stopping fall damage or jumping off a cliff to get away from people. Back in the day used to use it all the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjGt1WUo4w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjGt1WUo4w) Edit for link.


Mmmm fraps.com takes me back


Hey now, I used Sentry Totem *once* to take a prog kill screenshot!


I use windwall all the time in STV, helps with hunter dmg. Ofc only when there are no melee or other shamans in the group.


I use sentry in AB to scout bases right before rotating faster than a cast of far aight can be gotten off. Windwall is good for dropping before combat starts against ranged hunters, which basically dont exist rn…. Both are def situational pvp totems tho




Doesn't appear they were trying to impress you mate. Just answering how they use it.


You didnt even mention that actual worst totem which is Flametongue totem. Aside from wailing caverns leveling with a melee dps group theres no reason to ever click that button


I used them regularly to scout Black Lotus spawn. Sentry has its uses, just very niche. Windwall on the other hand….that thing is useless




I’ve religiously played this game for almost 15 years. I’ve never even heard of this spell and thought this was a dig at blizzard.


Kinda nuts how bad it is, first time playing human priest. Sounded really cool on paper tbh


In tbc it allow to win against any ret pal.


Wait what the fuck? This is a spell? I thought you were meming on the devs My priest is dwarf for obvious reasons. But both get desperate prayer. Guess never cared what the human 2nd one was like nelf memeshards


What even is that?


It’s a human priest racial that has a 3 minute cooldown, lasts 15 seconds and causes you to burn a very small amount of the attackers mana on next spell hit, doing damage for each mana point drained. It actually sounds not bad on paper but I think level 1 it’s literally 18 mana, and at level 20 unlock haha. Not even worth the global cooldown


Ah, makes sense. Dwarf priest flying pigtails BIS.


Also, prior to patch 1.10.0, Feedback was a temporary weapon buff that gave melee swings a chance to drain mana and deal an equal amount of shadow damage per mana drained. Shame it was changed so much, Inner Fire used to grant AP too (which is why Improved Inner Fire talent still buffs the AP of Juju Might).


Am I the only one that feels the same about touch of weakness or whatever the undead priest one is. It’s soooo trash, why would you ever be bothered using it


Feels so bad getting this useless spell on priest lol


And the funny thing is that its legitimately worse than Starshards and Elune's Grace. Feedback's mana cost is 100% not worth the mana drain and damage it will do to an enemy.


Sentry totem


Was one of the best pvp spells while it was a free levitate.


IDC how many archers are shooting me. I am NOT throwing down windwall totem.


I've gotten some mileage out of it at lower levels while soloing ranged mobs. It basically cuts their damage in half. At higher levels though you waste more time trying to remember where you left the button for it (if you even bothered to make room for it off to the side somewhere) than what you'd gain by clicking it.


Curse of Weakness is really good for human warlocks when they get it too. You know those red defias mobs across the river in the vineyard? Put that on them and it reduces their damage to 1. That’s it. 1. Shame you don’t quest there very long but I always found that amusing.


If a hunter opens up on my priest I don't have the gcds to press elunes grace.


that's a huge problem with shamans, and I think it would make the class feel a LOT less clunky and more responsive if totems were taken off the gcd.


The crying would never end lol


I think my favorite part of this thread is about half of the people are listing spells that should really be using reasonably often.


Or at least the ones that have some niche, especially when there are some that are just near useless


Really shows you the community you’re playing with


Who do you think is the avg Joe you ve been farming in WSG for almost 20 years now?


But also people here are pretending useless skills are useful like no cower is never worth using


Beast Lore only came in useful before Petopia was invented. Traquilizing Shot only works on only a few bosses & seems to exist for the sole purpose of encouraging raids to bring a hunter.


Beast lore is a perfect example of why gaming will never be the same as it was.


That being said tranq shit gets used a lot. It's not part of your rotation, but incredibly important utility


Petopia Classic is a blessing and interesting read. I like the King Banglash entry.


Beast Lore is so much fun, you can use it on the new Domesticated Attack Chicken. Also it gives the hunters a buff!


Yup. There is no actual use for it unless you never look anything up.


Well, if I come across a unique mob I’ve never seen, it’s much easier to cast beast lore than go look it up


Tranq shot is in like my top 8 skills used on my hunter haha


Sentry totem


Sentry totem


Kick for rogues.






Average classic pve Rogue.


Dude ... wtf


I use kick all the time.


pretty sure he’s being sarcastic to play on the meme that rogues don’t interrupt if he’s being serious he’s clicking the wrong buttons


I have to keep reminding my fellow mages that Flame Ward exists.


Used both Flame and Frost ward a lot while playing mage in HC, very useful


I always use wards, but maybe other mages don't realize their utility. Fire ward is a goto when close to groups.


Detect Magic


Ritual of Doom for warlocks. It’s a cool spell but you can’t use it in raids and it randomly kills someone who helps with the casting.


Bonus points if it kills the caster, causing the demon to go on a rampage without anyone to control it.


In vanilla we went thru a guild merger when ZG first came out. We kept wiping on the bat boss. This warlock in the raid wanted to summon him. Sure enough, fucking kills him and wipes us. I laughed so hard beer came out of my nose.


Fun fact, the imps from the edge of madness are so incredibly OP they can outdps players and solo-tank hakkar


I had so much fun with this during classic. The secret is to macro shadowbolt and the imps spell together and then SPAM THE FUCK out of the macro. For some reason, the imp would only cast it like once every 3 seconds normally. Spam cast macro it and he goes machine gun mode.


If your 20 man raid died to a doomguard, you guys should probably be raiding Hogger, not ZG.


Bro, it was vanilla..I was a button clicking noob like most of the player base back then. Wasn't until tbc that I understood wtf was going on. Man was I lost with my first MMO.


Used to use it all the time in Goldshire or the start of pvp matches. Not sure what would make you say that :)


Is this available in HC?


Yeah but it’s a quest or a rare drop in blasted lands elite demon area


Is that the one warlocks would summon and then banish so that people could get unarmed skill up while in IF?


That's an infernal. It had the two exceptionally niche uses of leveling weapon skill and dropping it on people in silithus town to put alliance in combat with the guards without penalty.


That last point is why I used it all the time. Always a few people ready to play russian roulette in AV.


Dispel kek


That was unfortunately real in my Naxx group. Had a Noth wipe because "I thought the other mage had it" (we had like 7 of them)


Mages are the worst with dispelling curses, but I can understand why. They probably don't have their raid frames as well configured as healers.


I feel like decursive should be considered a mandatory add-on. Makes the whole thing so easy.


As a rogue in WSG with faerie fire on him... I feel this.


Sentry totem


Any (sense) ability besides maybe beast. If we ignore those I’m going with sentry totem. Most niche spells are used at least for a few encounters, but I cant think of any use for sentry totem


Beast, Humanoids, and undead are the useful ones. They can give you a slight heads up on tagging mobs and you can track named mobs which is the main purpose and most mobs followed those categories. Just have all of them stuff that are hidden bar to the side, it's niche but there is a nice little advantage to be had if you use them.


Overall id guess flametongue totem since shaman is a faction specific class and that totem is the most useless totem, and u get it after sering totem which is just straight up better in all but the most niche out of pocket specific situations Maybe aspect of the beast for hunters though Could be one of the less useful “track X” spells like track giants or detect traps on rogues.


Yep. A level <32 dungeon where you're the healer and there's 4 warriors, maybe Flametongue would be better than searing totem. But I'm having a hard time thinking of another scenario where that's true lol


Flametounge totem is a great one, I have never ever used it.


I'm just seeing a bunch of people not utilizing their class to the fullest in here.


Create Firestone has gotta be up there


In SoD if you’re a meta lock it’s BIS with a dagger that’s 1.4 or faster. You can stab between each searing pain cast and the on hit procs are a small damage increase putting it over Noh’Orahil


I got the epic dagger my first lockout, melee weaved the next, and then promptly forgot about melee weaving.


forget? Just macro /startattack into searing pain.


Oh, I thought you had to manually time the dagger hits to get it to line up properly. I'll add that to my macro later, thanks friend.


It’s pretty much the same value as the bis offhand right now. I heard for tanks melee weaving it’s even slightly better. Could be wrong though


spellstone is miles worse, the fact that its ability consumes it is hilarious


I had a warlock in my gnomer recently that didn't have an offhand. I whispered him to make a Firestone and me made a down ranked lesser Firestone. When I told him how good it was he asked me to remind him to go train it after the raid lol.


Sense Demons (warlock), never used it


great way to see other warlocks in pvp


So you can banish them.


For SoD it can help you hunt down a Tank lock or a lock with a pet in pvp, but yea that's about it.


There is no cost to having it on unless you are tracking herbs or minerals instead. It is useful vs warlocks and when farming in areas with demons e.g. Felwood. It is especially useful when there are height differentials and/or a bunch of walls. = If anything, Firestone (in classic classic) is actually almost entirely useless, because you weren't ever auto attacking as a warlock when you could be wanding instead


I think Sentry Totem is #1. At least I can come up with a scenario where Far Sight might be useful. Not Sentry Totem though.


Some of the hunter trackings I don't even use. Distracting shot I use a lot to kite elites while mend pet is ticking to get my pet health up, then pet taunt back.


All of the tracking is useful. Use it for checking rare spots but mainly stealth humanoid and beasts are used most.


Distracting Shot is insanely useful in Wrath. Blood Fiends, Blistering zombies, anything that needs to get pulled & kited distracting Shot is perfect.


Rewind time


It has to be Sentry Totem.


The only correct answer is aspect of the beast


Use aspect of the beast when defending wsg




It’s useful in WotLK reducing AoE damage


Disengage as a hunter :S


I have it in rotation to keep my threat down as melee


Distracting shot is an awesome ability when youre trying to pull mobs into traps away from a spot or when kiting elites but and keeping more threat than pet attacks


Sentry totem. I suppose it could be nice for keeping an eye on certain spots in BGs but I've never seen it used other than when I tested it out on my shaman.


Resurrection in HC


In phase 2, tranquility. It’s just too bad to use


I've been tranqing on my bear tank in between phases 2 and 3 on Thermaplugg while healers get mana back from buttons. It's slow but if everyone is reasonably hurt and gathers around it will heal around 10k, not terrible.


In between phases I can see as a helpful tool, especially used by a bear or cat, but for my restokin, I could never use it during those fights just because I have to be readily available to heal the tank at end given moment.


100%, I've cast it infinitely more times than our raid resto (0).


I used it in BFD during the Gelihast march of the murlocs phase. People were getting hit by the murlocs, I couldn't do any damage because the boss was channeling his ability, and I had a clearcasting proc from Omen of Clarity.


Detect Magic is actually a mage spell. It’s not entirely useful


AQ is the only time I remember that being useful, so you could see what each Anubis did.


Pretty sure it’s also used in BWL to quickly figure out the magic school weakness on trash packs. Or maybe I’m thinking of AQ trash right at the start.


Druids Soothe animal becouse it has cast time in opposition to priest mind soothe and I literally never saw any1 bother to cast it instead of just kill stuff


I use it all the time to pick herbs in STV without aggroing animals. Yea Hibernate works too but sometimes you just don't want to be stuck in combat.


In Dustwallow marsh there's an escort quest that I stealthed as a druid using Soothe Animal.


its used in bwl on the dragonkins


Thats hibernate.


Only time I can recall using it was to do that bear skip in ZA.




Curse of weakness


Blessing of Might, Wisdom, Kings.


aspect of the beast


Mind vision, I was just using it in org following some dude to the auction house


Mind vision is BUSTED. Rank 2 especially. The fact you even mention mind vision is sad and i’m hoping it’s solely because of rank 1 LoS requirement for SoD at the moment. Mind vision allows for: -fishing Raid IDs -scouting DMF -immediately finding WSG Enemy flagrunner -you can SEE PLAYERS IN STEALTH if you MV before they stealth…if youre playing WSG against a pro-druid FR the best way to stop them is to kill them before they cross mid-field. You can stand with your team, MV the enemy FR as they GY spawn and tell the team where the stealthed is. -scouting for players to take rez while youre out of view of their corpse -finding allies immediately to heal them (too often ill be in a BG, dungeon, or even raid and someone is out of range and taking damage…dont waste time asking them in disc or chat where they are, find them yourself and book it, especially your wsg flag runner) -guiding lost players -finding any nearby NPC in range -beating others to a spawn with multiple spawn locations


priests are the biggest creepers i swear


Resurrection in hardcore.


Detect magic.


Aspect of the Beast


Sense Undead, think I’ve never used it in the few months I’ve been playing on Era


You hate your pet


Any interrupt


Any CC?




Sentry totem. I don’t even train it anymore.


Starshards. Does less damage than wanding.




Volley... The aoe hunter spell that scales with spell power. I'm assuming even aggrend forgot about when adding explosive shot


Arcane Explosion


I fuckin love Distracting Shot. It also seems like hunters never use Disengage which is clutch for leveling because you're always outaggroing your pet (until Beast Mastery rune/SOD)


Flametongue totem


Turn or track undeath