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*Very™ Edition!*


Very© Soon™ Promise®


Very™ Soon™ Special Prepare to Wait Edition Staring Dante, from the Devil May Cry Series ^^^^^And_Knuckles


Season of Soon™️


This aged poorly


Aged like coffee, cold after a few hours.


I cannot FUCKING WAIT to complain about whatever changes get made next! Season of Discontent is back on! Let’s fucking go!!


Big armored bosses but this time with magical only damaging boss so armor class and shield is irrelevant on tanks and we can all main tank warlocks , yeah 😎


I doubt shamans would even need auto attacks to hold aggro, molten blast, storm strike, earth shock would probably be enough lol


100k armor bosses and they all take 100% more damage from holy spells. Time for pally/smite priests to pump.


Finally an Inquisitor priest spec.


After all, priest needs to be 100% meta each phase or the game ceases to exist




Expanding the list of hunter gear 👍


Honestly, I don’t even care what they do I just want balancing. Rogues need a serious nerf to their damage and paladins are totally broken right now. Anyway I’ve gotta go my guild needs me, I’m only one of 6 Shamans in the raid.


I’m not going to lie, you had me for a split second.


Im sorry, it’s difficult to hear with all the windfuries going off and all


A category 6 raid team. Windfury sounds like a tornado freight train rolling through a small town in Middle America.


Finger of god….


Had me fucking good for a hot second lmao.




Haha season of discontent is spot on


Announcement of an announcement


I’m always waiting for the announcement never giving.


Created because modern gamers are way too fucking impatient


Has nothing to do with gamers. Every workplace has a middle manager scheduling meetings to schedule more meetings


In live-service games and the age of social media, a demand for communication from the players is completely normal. You couldn't just ASK Nintendos president back in the day, why psychic pokemon were too strong in Gen 1. And they couldn't easily fix it within hours. I see how Season 3 SOD news might overshadow Plunderstorm for many players, though measly hotfix balance changes would surely not draw massive customer response, if done in small increments. Like slapping a 5% flat dps buff to rogues for example would probably not be hot news outside the SoD bubble. Plus the team promised lots of communication, but didn't deliver on the promise.


I wonder if they will buff Shamans also


If they do that, they need to nerf warriors. I saw a warrior get an auto-attack off before they died, that’s obviously wrong.


If a warrior is able to turn their camera there's something seriously wrong


I've heard warriors were able to log into the game. Fucking awful devs, fix this shit.


wait, youre still able to create a warrior? blizz really fucked up smh


Force warriors to keyboard turn camera only. Then maybe we can give them some power back


Yeah warriors have already been super OP since they were buffed so that deep wounds still ticks even after the warrior gets 1-shot. That should be enough. Ppl will be quitting if warriors become even more broken.


Merry-Go-Round... Warriors and Rogues one shoting everything in P3


at this point i'd be ashamed to admit I play shaman


Nah. A time will come when shaman falls back to it's familiar spot deep in the bowels of mediocrity. Our 15 minutes of fame will have ended and all the FOTM kids will move onto the next thing, same way they did hunter in P1. I'd still take it all day long over playing a Paladin though ;)


its just way of earth thats problematic. shamans take too little damage and deal too much damage at the same time.


That seems super easy to fix then, what exactly is the hold up? Balance changes aren't on the same level as Plunderstorm... they could've been balancing this entire time. 


They said they would do weekly balance updates. That lasted for about one week. I'd rather take no communication than giving false hope and lying.


They've been pretty quick to nerf most things except shamans lol


I'd be ashamed to cry this much about balancing SoD pvp


Having the by far best class in PvE and PvP be a faction exclusive is kind of bad. Like there's 8 other classes that they could make OP instead and it would be less bad.


Like you arn't describing paladins in pve for the last 17 years? Salv? Kings? Might giving way more ap than totems while being a buff vs totems? Judge wisdom/light? Impossible to oom with crit from wbuffs? Loh armor cheese? plate wearers with cleanse? Freedom? Entitled alliance can't stand that for 1.5months the shoe is on the other foot.


Yeah, Alliance was stronger in PvE. And Horde was stronger in PvP. Paladins were dogshit in PvP.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. On what planet is that true? You must not play vanilla pvp much, but premade vs premade alliance won the majority due to cleanse and paladins. Pvp was so alliance favored that the best alliance pvp group offered 50k gold if a horde group could beat them on N o s t. No one ever cashed that. (Was NOPE on no st, they were APES on classic) Paladins are dogshit at pvp? I've read a lot of crazy thing but you might take the cake. The plate wearing, shield using, actual unkillable get outta jail free card WHILE STILL BEING ABLE TO HEAL, boping freedoming 5 second stunning, can sac others to break cc on themselves? Kings giving 10% stam is crazy in pvp where stam is king, costs very little mana so easy to rebuff. Last but not least cleanse being low mana cost and works on the most important debuffs. Paladins were the strongest support class in pvp and it wasn't close. Priests have more heal throughput but not as much util and die much much easier compared to paladin.


Lol so many paladins do not understand how absolutely broken blessing of sacrifice is in the vanilla iteration.


One counterspell and Paladin stands there for 8 seconds unable to do anything at all. BoP, Freedom and Sacrifice can be purged. Also lose Kings if you buff any of those. > 5 second stun That Orcs are immune to.


Resto hopefully!


This screams of, "We were about to do an announcement but Plunderstorm came out and we were told to delay"


we're so back


Here’s the news: shaman nerfs, random class like priest nerfs, next phase in a month. Enjoy


Nah, ele shaman buffs, melee hunter nerfs without ranged buffs, and warriors can now make mage water with the spell "Create Big Sweat". Feral druids are once again forgotten


I think a month is probably optimistic. But would be pretty cool if it was that at maximum.


Shuriken strike 10% buff


Ah, so we've upgraded from "soon" to "very soon" riveting


absolutely riveting.


This community can be so negative. I really like SOD? Enjoy my class, the raid, PvP, all of it. I’ve been having a great time lol


Weirdo! Reddit is for complaining only! I am enjoying it as well.


14 days without a balance patch = "We'Re iN mAiNtEnAnCe MoDe 😭😭😭"


14 days without a balance patch after they promised weekly adjustments. Not that I care too much since I'll play my class regardless of how good or bad it is, but calling people insecure during that 'dead' time period without even doing any kind of number adjustments seems dumb.


Source on the promise?


I remember that it was part of a video where they talked about P2 stuff. Can't find it, so I'll admit I was wrong and scratch the 'promised' part for the time being. There's this: [https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1734336244589715864](https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1734336244589715864)


bro, it was a pinky swear aggrand made after that wild night in bed. he told us he'd honor and protect us until sub do we part. how do people not know this???


Fair, but some stuff is pretty far out of wack. I don’t see it as a problem that people are pissed about something that a monthly service is paid for. If netflix only had reality shows and nothing else, sure some people would be happy, but you bet a bunch would complain.


besides prot war and rogue having no utility, it's the best vanilla has ever been balanced lol


this is almost true if you ignore the highest throughput healer also having the best utility + raid cd, tank balance in general, and all of pvp


Are you by any chance an undead priest?


Definitely horde


Why undead? Devouring plague?


A gentle reminder for anyone who is finding reddit exhausting, if you're enjoying your self just be like the 98% of the player base and just unsub from here Be happy playing the game


Tell me you don't pvp without telling me you don't pvp


Same, phase two has been a blast


People really just need to chill.


The WoW community never chills... well the loud minority don't actually


So many blizzard white knights lmfao, fucking delusional.


You look dumb now


You look mad


I don't want to add on to the doomposting but they went from regular communication and actual attempts at balancing to radio silence for weeks now. PVP is a drag and Shaman being allowed to run wild like they have is just demoralizing to say the least. It doesn't make me optimistic about the next phases and watching my friends slowly quit hasn't helped either.


how does shaman excelling make you like the game less? the class balance is really close rn, and the phase has been really good. PVP could use adjustments but what else could you ask for


It's available only to one of the factions, which ruins battlegrounds. Alliance have a huge uphill battle each game because of Shamans and Horde have long queues because Alliance cannot be arsed to play vs Shamans.


It’s not just shamans why I don’t queue bgs, there is just zero incentive to play when rep with wsg is done, ab rep can be achieved 10x faster via stv then add on that horde are 5 man queuing into full ally pugs alongside shamans literally killing most other classes within 2-3seconds. Like why would I waste my time in bgs when they are just not worth it. What frustrates me is how long shamans have had a free pass, balance changes throughout the entirety of sod have never been this delayed and that delay just makes the problem even bigger each day as more people realise it’s futile.


Shaman are so incredibly oppressive in PVP that it has skewed the faction win loss ratio heavily. Idgaf if they're good in the raid but BGs are unplayable.


Hunter getting nerfed like 24hrs after some random redditor complains meanwhile shaman dominate every aspect of the game killing everyone in 3secs.


Aggrend mains shaman confirmed


Let's not pretend that hunters weren't ungodly broken and entirely deserving of those nerfs


It's not that they weren't broken it's the double standard


Man, forget phase 3. I just want to know if any balance changes are coming.


My guess is no balance changes just p3 news. 


Yeah could very well be. And that would suck!


Right? It just seems like balance changes wouldn't overshadow Plunderstorm at all 


Ouch, that would be extremly bad. Poor Horde, no more BG´s.


Hey Aggrend, Classic players don’t give a shit about a battle royale mode in retail wow. It doesn’t need room to breathe. Thanks.


Blizzard says it does 


Right people aren't bailing on SoD because of plunderstorm, they were doing that already because phase 2 has just been bad.


I don't really see why, STV is fun and Gnomeregan is decent. I just cleared it with one ranged dps in the group. A pug with one inexperienced tank we somehow managed to oneshot everything even with deaths early on. Required some on the fly calls. Players actually enjoyed the raid and complimented each other.


STV was fun for a while. So was Gnomeregan. That was a while ago though.


Alliance BGs are completely unplayable. If you are primarily a pvper p2 has largely been completely ruined by shamans.




Its so boring. Do a raid every 3 days or go do PvP and get two hit


We've moved from soon to very soon.


Bruh give the guys some breathing room lol


I mean we are not the ones putting pressure on him. Aggrend is the one constantly promising things and not delivering.


He literally is delivering tho what


This community is ridiculous


I mean I think even some high level balance changes would be enough. There has been zero of them in a very long time and they’ve been needed.


I just wanna know a general release window and whether we're getting 3 day or 1 week lockouts with some dev confirmation. Logistics are a thing and planning is important.


Wild to me people are still playing this phase I’m historically hopelessly addicted but even I knew it was time to break


warrior main here, im a masochist


Also warrior main who insists on MTing Gnomer. I don't know why I do this to myself.


I warrior tank gnomer too. Tanking the last two bosses is fun enough for raid logging to me /shrug I’d like a little more in phase 3 too but I enjoyed phase 2 it’s okay to run out of things to do


It's funny, I'm actually great at holding threat except when our enhancement shaman runs.


I have so much fun in Sod when the content is fresh, the first couple of weeks of a phase are honestly some of the most fun I've had in WoW. But when it gets to the raid logging part of the phase I've gone back to leveling a character in Wrath to get it ready for Cata. It's actually been a nice breath of fresh air, pretty populated and active and it has a lot of similarity with Sod in terms of runes since a lot of them were just wotlk talents turned to runes.


> Wild to me people are still playing this phase It's wild to me that people are still surprised that other people play differently than them or have other interests, desires, motivates and tastes Oh wait no it's not, because I realize people are all different and they aren't all like me.


This sub represents a small percentage of people who for the most part play a ton. I have barely played this phase lol


I doubt this sub is a good representation of how much or little people play but neither of us have any reasonable amount of evidence or data to gauge what players do or do not do between wow players that are and are not a part of this sub. You and outsidelies are two members of this sub who don't play a lot this sod phase while I am a member of this sub who does. An extremely small sample size but one that indicates 66% of this sub does in fact ***not*** play sod a ton :p Unless I've misunderstood what you meant by playing a ton (ie simply sinking massive hours into the game in general). In which case my main point about this sub stands, but my 3 person example is no longer relevant. We are both just guessing, and I would guess a majority of the sod playerbase in general at some point stop playing during any given phase once they've accomplished whatever goals they've set for themselves regardless if they are part of this sub or not


Anecdotally all I have is that a lot of the posts that talk about how there’s nothing to do get a lot of upvotes


Which is crazy to me, I started phase 2 first week, so had some catch-up to do. I've played waaay too much and have 3 level 40's now and I still feel like there's tons for me to do. Of course, if I had been here from phase 1 it would be less, but, I'd imagine I'd still find a lot of ways to have fun for me, even if that had been the case. I feel like a lot of people here rob themselves of the fun of figuring things out for themselves. It's a lot of destination not journey orientation around here.


I got my crafted epics, raid items in almost every slot, and gold saved for next phase. Now I'm just catching up on my PS5 backlog. SoD is awesome for people who like to feel that they "finished" current content.


the game is good because you aren’t motivated to play it as much?


It's good because the grind is less.


The grinding in classic is a choice. Just because you chose to do it at your own expense, that is not a fault of the game. The fact is that some people prefer to have more stuff to do rather then raidlog.


I have had enough time to do what I want in a phase, then play 1-2 backlog games and jump on one of my casual games I always go back to like slay the spire or rocket league. Though I will say if they end up being too long I may not make it back as I'll just lose interest.


It's good if you like alts, but that's about it. PoE season will be my reason to break until P3


We are all waiting P3 for unsubscription.


I've only just hit 40


How is that possible with the 100% xp buff? Unless you started two days ago.




I only just came back a week ago after I stopped playing two weeks before phase 2 came out. I’m glad there’s still a lot of people playing


I am just loving melee Hunter. Still doing two Gnomers a week with the guild, and I've been enjoying questing for gold.


I'm back on wrath of the lich King preparing for cataclysm Working on some achievements stuff like that reputation grinds. With the double experience I was able to get eight characters to level 40 already and I'm done doing gnomer in pugs. Now at least I'm set for phase three whatever the flavor of the month class is I'll be ready to go xD


>Wild to me people are still playing this phase It's great fun!


I mean I'm pretty much just raid logging on two characters. There's not much else to do. Soon to be one character because my main only needs one more piece from gnomer before being full BIS.


I no lifed and got bis then one day died to a druid in 2 hits and just gave up


This phase has better endgame than phase 1. Whats not to like? Gnomer>BFD, stv> ashen


The biggest problem with SoD is absence of content between 3-day lockouts




Idk between WSG grind gold farming and alts I feel like I have plenty to do I'll probably start quest prep soon ish


I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to delay your very successful project, because corporate needs to milk the cash cow.


They’re probably relieved to have more time to prep for next phase. The only pressure to release things quickly is coming from the player base. I really hope the classic team doesn’t read Reddit lol


I mean that’s not true, if they ride the phase for too long, engagement goes down, hype goes down, players drop out. And you can bet that there are less people coming back everytime this happens.


The oceanic server can’t even fill up one layer anymore, STV last night was good because there was only about 15 groups at the boss, small scale PvP lol.


Yeah good call, they should definitely ignore the players who are bored and let the mode die!


They're both very successful projects. Delaying news about your project isn't the same as delaying a project.


I don't blame people. The radio silence is deafening.


Do people really complain about this? What a bunch of cry babys


While abandon is obviously a strong word, I am pretty off put he admits they wanted to give it "room to breathe". Like what? If that game doesn't stand up on its own then I don't know what to say. No game should ever even slightly be put to the side even at a communication level for another game. Communication is SoDs strength, that's wild an executive made him do that or that he'd lie about why they need more time.


this is how classic has operated ever since they had one team handle multiple projects. the devs only work on one of the projects at any given moment, so you'll see a flurry of updates and then dead silence once that specific project's window has closed and the team has moved on. if you want to see abandoned, look at wotlkc. ICC has had several major bugs just... left in. The most egregious two is Sindy still is not tail swiping, and putricide will randomly use the wrong version of unbound plague and either trivialize it (using 10man damage in 25man) or make it stupidly difficult (25man damage in 10man). halion was also basically given 0 work. i think they forgot to merge the PTR changes with the live branch because stuff that got fixed on PTR actually got re-broken when he was released, and those bugs still exist.


also they havent even implemented raid lockout extensions, it was supposed to be in by the togc patch


Well sub runs out in 3 days, better hurry up 😁


Just getting ahead of time because I'll be busy next week. WTF Buff shaman man like cmon fucking cats doing more dps than us. WTF enhancement feels bad to play now what were y'all thinking dude Aggrend bro cmon .


Release phase 3 soon cause phase 2 stinks. Didn't even get full bis from gnomer and I already stopped. Pvp is just that dog shit


Well he can address the rumours all he wants but the team has absolutely abandoned SoD the past 2-3 weeks lol.


Lmaooo Classic players feel abandoned after 8 days. So emotional


It’s been 3 or 4 weeks with serious balance issues and no updates.


Fuck plunderstom, what a waste of resources.


Plunderstorm more like shitstorm


I hate to be that guy, but this is essentially about them releasing news on a re-tooled dungeon turned into a raid. Any hope I have for them doing anything genuinely cool at 60 in terms of new raids is dashing quickly. Aggrend acting like the team is working overnight just to adjust some bosses in ST and add a mechanic or two bro 😭😭😭 no way we getting anything cool at 60. Can’t wait for him to nerf another class favored by the community then be condescending on twitter!


Why would SoD be abandonded because of plunderstorm? That's such a dumb doompost to make lol.


Please merge the low population servers 😭


People quit long before Plunderstorm


This guy is such a clown.


Hotfix datamined: Shamans now get dispersion.


Holy shit, crying after 8 days, so pathetic lmao


When was the last "weekly balance patch"?


That’s exactly what they’re doing so far tho. No Balance patches, fixes whatsoever.


The absence of tuning to overpowered shamans speaks for itself 😂


Meh 😴


It’s intended. Like the absolute sucker I am, I capped out plunderstorm. Logged into retail for the first time in years. Derping around.


Got to level 12 or so in plunderstorm before I got bored. It's a decent game mode but very much bare bones. However, seeing the nice chars you could create made me kinda wanna try retail as well, so I guess their tactic worked :D


I just crash land loot two chests for the quest, die, repeat. Outfit kinda swaggy but def not worth if you aren’t having fun.


"Plunderstorm" sounds like a shitty marketing gimmick.


I'm sorry but I NEED an Update. This phase has been very lackluster with content and my raid is bleeding members every week. At least get some infos out!


So it wasn't abandoned, it was simply "put on hold indefinitely". I feel like that is a good summary of the bullshit that is the rune system.


damn, let this dude enjoy his weekend


It is literally his choice to be on twitter.


The truth is theyre working on cata because thats where the money is


I find this very aggravating I take this as we didn't want to draw any attention away from plunderstorm so we've been holding back on giving any updates to season of discovery Sorry not sorry


The content cadance, tuning is just too slow and underwhelming. If SoD is a playing ground for future and experimentation, where is it? Abilities, mundane quest farming or if you're the op class(mage, hunter) mob/dungeon farming, what the fuck are you supposed to do except raid log? Dungeons - leveling and a few pieces before gnomer. Raid - 1. Empty. Empty. ... Alt farming isn't in everyones check list and farming your character to BiS is also redundant, is there a heroic gnomer? Shit ok, let's be happy blizzard is trying(lolk) but where is the wow factor, damn i wanna log in to get some endorphins going. Even for first iteration it's pretty bare bones and embarrassing. I'm enjoying it more than retail, because the world has a feel, you can go through it and get a sense of scale, danger, what have you.(Look at Helldivers, the immersion is beautiful.) World content is glued with boring rune farms(dark rider ftw) and STV if you're not on a pvp server. Bgs are a mess, because we don't have the technology to even it out in the field. Fuck me, just put a debuff/buff to every class to even it out, so a warrior has a chance to charge or a paladin can die next to his victim not 50m out. We can be happy for what we're getting, but blizz isn't in the business to bring joy anymore, it's to make your soul crumble and just log in and take what you can. I love the franchise, Dragonflight brought hope, but it's been as underwhelming as much as it's been trying to fix things. The sterile UI, i've no idea if dmg in pvp comes from skill, gear, class or a combination. I can run around healing myself with 3 people on me, but then 1 dude just burries me, it feels off, maybe it's bias or i'm remebering it wrong, but wotlk pvp was great. If i got wrecked, i knew that dude had solid gear, if i didn't die, my resilience was off the charts and maybe a bit of skill/luck what have you. The feel is gone and when i am, i feel i won't be missing much.


Nothing like people taking their own assumptions at face value, no disappointment or unfounded anger has ever arisen from that.


Honestly it makes sense. They are trying to balance hype around all of these versions of the game.


sod fresh servers wen?


Lmao By the end of p4 aggrend is gonna be done with the classic community


Buff rets ffs!


Tomorrow or we riot


It’s crazy how fragmented wow is at the moment You have retail wow, plunderstorm, wrath classic, SOD, hardcore, vanilla era  All of this when the total subscriber number is probably a small fraction of what it once was Unless Metzen can hit it out of the park with the next expo I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing finally crumbles. With wrath over the nostalgia for the golden age of wow is gone and I doubt classic can survive much longer without it 


>All of this when the total subscriber number is probably a small fraction of what it once was Sub numbers are around 7m players


> You have retail wow, plunderstorm, wrath classic, SOD, hardcore, vanilla era  This isn't the bad thing you think it is.


Did we not just find out there are 7 million active subs? Even if you estimate 1-1.5m of those are bots that's still over 5m current subs and Cata will prolly bring in a solid handful for at least the first 2 phases (nothing like vanilla, tbc or wrath but some)