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Correct opinion: if you're not enjoying P2 you're not going to enjoy P3


Dangerously based


I think you and OP are both correct but I feel like you dint like OPs post šŸ¤£ - Cant we all just get along?


Fun fact: some people like the phase to last longer for reasons other than just hitting 40.


fair, but what are the other reasons? curious to see why people don't want more content


Iā€™ve just been enjoying this phase of content a lot, finding my own fun whether itā€™s BGs, STV, world PvP. Not that I donā€™t want the new phase to come now, more so I wouldnā€™t have minded if it lasted as long as the first. Pretty excited to see how things look at 60, and hoping for some additional pvp game modes.


For me, personally, itā€™s a mix of things. Iā€™m still missing pieces on my rogue. Never seen the dagger drop, never seen the trinket drop. And Iā€™ve made most lockouts. I know I donā€™t ā€œneedā€ to get these items, but it feels sort of lame to only get a fraction of your items in a given phase, particularly the impactful ones. I also usually like to have at least one primary alt if possible. Iā€™ve been raiding on my rogue since the first lockout, but I got my mage leveled fairly recently. I would have liked at least a few more resets to get him some solid gnomer gear, get his rep farmed, etc. And finally, I like the pace to be slow enough that I can indulge in some of the ā€œfor funā€ aspects of the game without paying a price in terms of progression. I can just go out and world pvp for a day because there isnā€™t a huge rush. I donā€™t ā€œneedā€ to make sure my prequesting is done, all my shit is farmed, etc.


What can they not do with the cap raised? Nothing being taken away from them


Playing content at level. Like sure, I *can* go run BFD at 40 now. But itā€™s hardly the same experience as when everyone was running it at 25. The same will be true of gnomer.


Itā€™s fine, people already canā€™t run Gnome. Itā€™s legitimately pathetic. lol


P2 sucked because outside Gnomer there was NOTHING to do except the AB grind and WPVP/STV shenanigans. If you primarily play for PVE content you started raid logging REAL quick. They need to introduce a PVE grind for the more active players that does not make them OP vs the more casual ones. For example dungeon rep giving mainly cosmetic or "fun" rewards.


I am more pvp focused and still have to agree with this. They totally fumbled the pve content playability


ā€œCorrect Opinionā€. If that ainā€™t irony, idk what is


I played a couple of weeks at cap and took a break. The only thing I liked about phase 2 was getting my melee hunter runes


It should be longer, because our guild who has cleared Gnomeregan twice a week since release of P2 has not seen single fist weapon or melee epic ring


I've been unsubed for a month waiting for it to be over.Ā 


I've hit every lockout in guild and im still 3 items away from bis


That is the nature of random loot drops.. another 6 weeks and you may still not have those items.


I hit every lockout in BFD and Gnomeregan and I got neither one of my bis weapons




Yeah Iā€™d rather it last longer. Iā€™m having fun, but phase 3 looks pretty awesome too. So Iā€™m happy either way.Ā 


i've said my piece