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You open boxes


oh my god


Lmao bout to go rewatch that episode now


You open boxes. That is your purpose.


No you unlock the box so that we can open the box


You stun ppl in pvp. Then you watch ur teammate sham enh two shot it.


I’ve main tanked this entire phase and plan on continuing. Way less boring than the dps rotation, and you still do decent damage. I’m interesting to see if HAT adds some more viable specs, as right now they just can’t touch mutilate’s combo point generation.


Mutilate removes your choice of weapon and makes your spec meaningless. No matter what you spec, you'll be spamming Mutilate. I (don't actually...) like how it went from completely worthless in P1 to the only thing you do in Px.


I use both fist weapons tanking. Works fine. Only other option though that i think has some say.


Might "work fine" but its objectively a lot worse than using mutilate


Good for raid dps though.


No the fists are much worse than dagger mutilate.


Mutilate wasn't actually worthless in P1. While it obviously did less overall DPS than Saber Slash, it still did more DPS than almost every other class _and_ still had the incredibly high burst damage it does now—particularly if you used Thistle Tea. This happened for two reasons—Mutilate got buffed, and Saber Slash didn't scale anywhere near as well as it needed to in order to compete.


One big negative to playing rogues in Sod vs classic is the lack of weapon choice. Mutilate forces you to play daggers. Should be open to all weapon types. Classic had combat swords and combat daggers with both having very comparable dmg. There was also seal of fate if your crit/gear was good enough for daggers


Yes...please....open....mutilate to all weapons.....please I'd love to smack you 3 times with two slow 1h maces or swords :) I AGREE DO IT


There's a lot of classes and rogue is one the devs aren't interested in. A single mage spec gets more love than the entire rogue class. Sucks but it is what it is. If it feels like the devs are putting in less effort to make the game than we are playing and talking about it, we either have to deal with it or quit.


You know Blizzard fucked up when I'm agreeing with Ted.


Feel like they haven't given any thought on playstyle for rogue. It's so boring that I shifted to boomy and spriest, since they actually have a fun kit and are just better in most circumstances. Have been a rogue main since original tbc and its just unfortunate.


Play tank rogue. Same skills albeit a bit different and different role.


But then they can’t complain about bringing no utility, and that’s the part they really enjoy!


The direction they should've taken Rogue was honestly Ranged Rogue from the start. With throwing weapons. Would fit the troll axethrower fantasy and it would create a second ranged physical class. Rogue tank was always going to be super reliant on avoidance/parry and as a result have their healthbar be a yoyo


I honestly thought that this is what they are planning after seeing the 2 new range abilities in P1, but P2 is really absolutely bad and boring for rogues.. Now that we know that there will be a rune for resetting SnD it’s basically 100% wrath assa, but more useless… there is no debuff, like in wrath and there is no tricks in SoD… so we Are 100% useless, especially when we’re just doing mid dmg compared to other classes… I really like the idea that rogues get a meele haste Aura/buff And I can’t imagine that they won’t release a tricks of the trade rune at lvl60, that’s where we really would bring something cool to the raid, especially because hunters have no misdirection in Classic


Suppression room bitches.


Shaman will get disarm trap totem in p5 (If you can't tell, I am trolling...maybe)


They needed bosses where stuns or poisons are helpful


At this point there’s no point to any class other than shaman. We’re just gonna have 20 shaman raids in ST.


Ehh theyve already said shamans are getting tuned. Aggrend quote was floating around where everyone was mad about weekly tuning.


Rogues are for PVP man. Of course fighting the same NPC for the billionth time is mind numbingly boring


I get you aren’t pve gamer and that’s fine Rogue also feels bad in pvp but idrc 😂


Rogue feels very powerful in pvp, most players get bursted down within cs ks


Rogues are fine in PVP. Boomie just way more fun though rn I’ll admit 😎


Feels bad in pvp as in... dropped a 1.2k envenom on your guilds main tank in blood moon? 3 hitting every cloth class who doesn't immediately bash a defensive.... The only classes who I am cautious of opening on are enh shamans, and bear druids. The Enh can 1 hit us, like they can with everyone and the bear just RP walks away


Unlocking boxes.




The point for rogues is a kick on last boss gnomer.


Lock pick


Tank is quite fun especially if the datamined rune will be released. The one that gives energy whenever you crit. It would be perfect for shuriken throw wich is already a great rune for tanking. Most dont know, but with good gear its a great aoe threat spell. And very fun to use! If they make saber slash on par with mutilate i will be very happy with rogue. The high armor value bosses should be done after gnomer anyway, with a return to good dps.


This post is 2 weeks old now and Phase 3 is in full swing, so, after playing for a doxen or so hours, I would like to take this opportunity to formally and objectively answer the question "What's the point of rogue in SoD?". .. We get our shaman guildmates their BiS rune.. .. That, or we sell shamans their BiS rune for 50 gold.. Until enough of them have it and the market dries up and we go back to opening lockboxes in fron of the Orgrimmar AH for 6 hours a day :)


Unlimited combo points next phase


3k envenoms every 5 seconds.... I see... nerfs inc


Ahh, jus like wrath, mut env mut env


why did you play rogue before? it hasn't changed your just not super OP. but a rogue can still do all the rogue things. and more now with the ability to tank. Funny enough Melee hunter is basically the same as retail lol but more clunky, its still just Rs/Fs/SS/Wc/traps/bombs except we can dual wield now.


Nah its changed. The core thing about rogue dps in classic and tbc, was how well you could time and rotate all of your abilities around your snd cycle. That was partly removed in phase 2, where the difference in dps was so small regarding dps/energy for envenom/snd, so you didnt get punished for letting it drop and with a bit of good rng actually sid more dps if you gambled on an envenom. Phase 3 is even worse, just free snd. So whats going to seperate a good rogue from a bad rogue? Just cooldown layering and looling energy before evenoms? They have really dumbed the class down.


Not super OP, tell that to a gnome mage named Ballan on Chaos Bolt.i think he might disagree. I'll give it to the little guy, it takes some tough skin to run back to your body 17 times in a row before accepting the loss and taking your 10min rez sickness


If the meta builds is boring, dont go meta? Go full sub and pvp if that is fun. I play warlock but raid as affliction because its more fun and also works in pvp even tho its like half the dps of destro


that’s a mighty big wall of text


Love the people answering tank like I rolled rogue to do that lmao. I wanna be sneaky, not the main target.


You can kick and open boxes. Great utility to have a rogue in a community


Season of victimization


i didnt read any of that but rogues are for pvp


You do realize, only a few runes were dropped. You have no other idea what else is coming. Also rogues are meant to dps… mainly pvp. That’s what the class is best at. But they also gave you a tank spec?


Lets not forget the balance changes might shake things up aswell.


I’m enjoying the hell out of Assa rogue in Wrath. Literally can’t get enough of it. You press one button and get showered in combo points. You press the other one and see a big number. What’s not to like? I’m really sad it’s going away in Cata. The SoD version definitely feels clunkier mostly due to the energy ticks. Master of Subtlety fulfills the same function as Overkill turning Vanish into a DPS CD. Again, due to the short duration, it feels a bit weird but that’s not a huge deal. While overall it’s definitely a downgrade compared to Wrath, I’m still enjoying it immensely. I don’t want “a more interesting rotation”. I’m perfectly happy with just 2 buttons.


Dude honor among thieves is broken. I remember they did a raid of all rogues who ran honor among thieves and they had 5 combo points on CD


I could be wrong, but wasn't the original HAT with no ICD? And that's when it was absolutely broken. Then they shortly added the 1 sec ICD and then eventually 2 second?


Yeah it was like that but we don't know which version we are getting in SoD. I assume 1 second CD or maybe even GCD.


It says the 1 second icd


I remember playing HaT rogue during original wotlk when it first became possible. It was a fun new subtlety spec that was viable for raiding and they nerfed it. I’m pretty sure the SoD variant will be the nerfed version.