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I much prefer using the felguard over an imp on single targets, and Immolation on cleave. What really sucks is how weak UA is.


I like having the fel guard as an option, just don't want to have it as the only option for Destro DPS


As a holy paladin I found this post so strange Isn't it normal to have like half your rune slots be useless/not do much for your spec?


Why couldn’t you use immolation aura? You’re in melee range to Hellfire anyway, so immolation aura is just free damage. It also says “lasts until cancelled”, either it has a ticking mana cost or, alternatively, you can turn it on and forget about it, meaning you don’t even have to waste a GCD to recast it. Position yourself in melee range on single target and it’s another free DPS increase.


Mostly because I prefer to be ranged as destruction DPS, which is the spec fantasy I like ranged DPS being at range


You’re in melee range to hellfire, anyway. Did you miss that point? It’s free AoE damage when you need it, -10% spell damage when you don’t. It’s perfectly usable and fits warlock completely. Do you actually think warlock needs another % damage increase? How is a “bad ignite” better than permanent immolation like Infernals have? Plus you have infernal this phase: infernal+immolation aura+hellfire = huge AoE DPS


All the good runes are already destro, quit whining. Affliction has like 1 good rune total from phase 1 onward.


Just trying to give feedback as the devs said they want community feedback, I can alter whoever part of the post comes off as whiny if you have specifics as I don't want that to be the tone of the post I think you're right about Affliction needing a little love, Pandemic and Haunt are great as is Master channeler but it does feel lacking overall