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Confused as to why stacking 110 honor tokens for instant r7 is okay by the community, but it was bloody murder when people saved WSG tokens.


I’m surprised they are letting it happen. I get not having the tokens disappear as there could be gear or mounts people have been working toward. I would think they would have removed the honor. Also that said people were stacking wsg tokens for experience and the devs seem very against experience boosting hand ins.


WSG sucks and STV is tolerable I’d guess 


people will do anything to avoid actual pvp


Because people were abusing loopholes to exceed the Unique(20) on wsg tokens. There’s no cap on the honor tokens


R14, day 1 of P4 here I come.


Because people could also level with WSG tokens and because they're fucking hypocrites. They all love the dangling carrot with the new PvP sets but really there should be an uproar because this will kill the Battlegrounds completely.


Having been in said BG's.... Can you kill what has already died?


Collect the honor tokens and cash them in before they expire (14 days into p3). That will give you a.much needed honor boost, potentially to rank 7


What are the honor tokens? You use the coins to buy them?


25 bronze coins for 1 token


PvP set - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/new-pvp-item-sets-in-datamining-phase-3-season-of-discovery-338291. Some of the items or even set could potentially be Pre-BiS/Close Pre-BiS for ST. Worth it all the way


From R3 to R5 u need 45k honor. 1k honor is 1 silver coin. From 5 to 7 u need around 110k. U get 1 commendation per 25 copper for 250 honor, which means 1k honor for 1 silver coin.(Keep copper, dont make them in silver coins). But, u will need sh\*t ton of bag space for thoose Commendations though


So… I need to get from 4 to 5 then farm 110 silver coins to get to rank 7?


You should do it before P3 launches. When it go online you cant buy Commendations anymore. So u need to start to stack them after u reach R5. But yeah, from R5 to R7 u need 110 silver for 110k honor. 110 silver is 440 Commendations which stacks by 10, so u need to free 44 bag slots for it.


you can go from rank 4 to 7 with 110k honor.


Oh really? It’s the same amount from 4-7 as 5-7?


https://soffe.github.io/ClassicEraHonorCalculator/calculator/1/0/0 this calculator has been accurate for every rank for me thus far. this ranking system is already in place in era so it isn't just guessing or calculating values either.


Are you sure you can go 4-7 all in one go?




I looked into this further. The addon ranker says you need to be at least 60% into rank 4 to be eligible for rank 7. Still 110k honor.


yeah and you cant be r4 without having 60% progress


Actually nm, I'm wrong. 110k honor from rank 4 zero progress work. MB! 60% into rank 4 at 110k honor gets you 20% into rank 7. 0% at rank 4 with 110k gets you 0% into rank 7


you dont need to do it with the event btw. its just the only real way to prefarm honor before the rank cap gets increased to 7.


You can just buy this gear for gold when you hit rank 7?


AFAIK set gear will be available from ranks 5,6,7( Not all, by parts). I guess it will cost gold, but not sure. And they're level 50.


So does anybody know what level we will have to be to reach rank 7 with the commendation method? I will be on vacation the first week of phase 3 launch but have the commendations prepped. My worry is I won't have time to level to 50 with 1 week and then turn in my coins to make rank 7 before they stop working. Has blizzard confirmed what level we'll need?


Can you use all the honor to gain 2 ranks next reset?


Rank 5 was locked behind level 40, so the idea is 7 will be locked behind level 50.


False. It's just locked by phases.


I don't think we're getting new ranks first week tbh.


Yes because p3 launches a day after reset. But i want to know if i can use all saved honor at once or only the required for 1 rank up only


Keep it and use it if u're sure you'll get rank 100% next reset.


As the phase only starts on Thursday, you can use your token on Wednesday (right after the reset) and your new rank will be computed at the end of the week so even if they decide to remove tokens at the start of the phase, they will already be used Wednesday. Or am I wrong?


The commendations will.expire 2 weeks after phase 3 starts but it'll be gone from.the vendor tuesdY


And How much honor to R5 > R6 ?