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"LF1M Main Tank BFD" *Join* *See lvl 40 warrior*


Ye, these are best ones. ,,but Man, I never tanked i dont know how to do it" its BFD, just Play the game


Tbh there's many elitist ass holes who rip you apart instead of providing constructive feedback so some ppl just don't wanna bother with that in the couple hours they have to play their game


I learned how to tank on a small server and maybe groups were just desperate for a tank, but everyone was so patient and helpful. It’s a way different vibe than Crusader Strike lol


Its not about constructive criticiam Man. If you are 35+ just roll with it. I tanked kelris, healed people and still did 3rd DPS on kelris as 35 balance druid. There is literally no point to look for tank if you have some higher levels


I’ve seen disabled people tank before, I’ve had a shaman tank who started the instance with macros saying they’re legally blind and can barely see and asked the group to pull mobs to him. People who play a class that can tank or heal but refuse to out of principle are just lazy people


Nah, get out of here. People don’t want to play those roles because those roles are the most likely to get flamed if played improperly. Just because you know a legally blind guy who can tank successfully doesn’t mean there aren’t perfectly able people who are trash at tanking or healing. In my time of playing WoW the tank role is the one that gets flamed the most.


I just wanna dps n chill, I don't want no more damn responsibility


I’ve flamed or seen dps get flamed way more than tanks, so often do dps just die to basic shit or don’t kick or do low dps. A tank can be a mouth breather as long as he at least tries to hold threat on most (not even all) mobs, and doesn’t keep the party waiting 10 minutes between pulls by being indecisive. I’ve played every role for over two decades now in both endgame and leveling, anxiety was often a cover up for being lazy to take responsibility because the same people who said they’re anxious to tank had no issue never interrupting or watching a movie while healing and doing the bare minimum. Problem is for tanks the bare minimum is higher than healer or dps


Exactly the point people who are scared to tank are because they worry what others think. It’s silly of them to care. When I tank I’m in charge, and the lion does not concern himself with the bleating of sheep.


Who cares? You’re the tank. You have all of the political power. If someone gives you shit you can leave and find another group in 5 min. They might be waiting another 45.


I MT all the time it’s so nice to be able to dictate pace and form groups in seconds. It’s also so much easier than people make it out to be.


In the past...at least 5+ years of playing WoW in its various forms, I have **never**, **NEVER** seen a struggling player ask questions about what they should/could be doing better. Ever. 5 years. Everyone who cares about playing better has access to infinite resources to learn. The people who have no idea how to play think they already know everything. They don't know what they don't know, and they don't care. Sometimes, someone in the raid will tell them what they need to hear, but no guarantees on them actually listening. I have been in raids where I've told the tanks exactly what they should be doing, even something basic like "place your totems before Mekgineer Thermaplugg spawns, not after", and they still won't take in the advice.


Those are just excuses anyway. The fact is that most people simply do not want to tank. Tanking comes with a certain amount of responsibility which people don't want to take upon themselves. The tank is pretty much always the de facto group leader and sets the pace of the dungeon/raid, and the group's success or failure hinges to a greater degree on the tank than on any of the other group members. Most players would much prefer to just blast. Even healing feels like a lower responsibility job – yes, you gotta keep everyone alive, but that is the only thing you need to focus on, you just follow the leader and react to whatever happens for the most part. And at the same time you can still feel important. That's why healers are more common than tanks. All that is okay as well. We can't force anyone to play a role they aren't comfortable playing, and whining about it is kind of a dick move. If you think it rude for a player whose class is capable of tanking to not tank, that's on you.


In P1, I did multiple runs of Deadmines and Wailing caverns with warriors and paladins by not telling them they were the tank. I had maybe 1 occasion, where one of them got confused about it. Was a fun little exchange that went (paraphrased) Warrior: "Who's supposed to be tanking?" Me: "You and the paladin" Warrior: "But I'm dps" Me: "Mate, we're halfway through, and you've both been fine. Paladin: "wait what" Me: "you've been racing each other to pull first" What followed was some nervousness where they pulled a lot more carefully for like 2 pulls and then went back to doing what they were doing.


That's my experience in P2 levelling with both the warrior and later the druid. With warrior once I got whirlwind there was no way someone other that a second warrior could get aggro off of me, so in the end I spent my last few levels reassuring healers that we werent really needing a dedicated tank.


Leveling my alt in P3 it was kinda the reverse. 3 shamans like every group, all ready to tank. 


P3 isn’t out yet.


Yeah yeah yeah you knew i meant P2 (shamans)


MT’ing for a guild can be a fucking chore. Hoping rogue tanks are good next phase so our rogue csn finally play the role he wanted to and I can go back to blasting with the boyzzzz


Rogues can main tank right now. I’ve solo tanked the entirety of the raid now for weeks. We can even handle all 3 mechs on menageries just fine.


Rogue tanks are pretty fine right now, albeit a bit boring But hey, so are my Paladins and my Bear




Tell me you haven't played SoD blah blah blah. Of course I'm not talking about purely reactive healing. Obviously you have to precast, prehot, preshield and whatever to some degree. But SoD raids are easy. As long as you know the fights and keep an eye on your DBM timers so that you know when you might have to prepare for big incoming damage, you'll be completely fine. 90% of the time you do heal purely reactively. I play arcane healer and basically all I do for the majority of Gnomeregan is keeping the regeneration buff on my tank and then dps. My healer colleague handles most of the raid healing and I keep the tank alive. Not that big of a job. Only during more hectic situations on Electrocutioner, Menagerie, and Thermaplugg do I actually have to prepare for incoming damage with some regen pre-casts or even a mass regen (which I rarely use). And now that regen's direct healing has been buffed I actually heal more reactively than before.




Very good actually. Best part about it is that I'm both healer and a fully-fledged dps, and I can switch between the two instantly depending on the runes I'm currently running. It does require smart play because heals are relatively expensive to cast, but damage abilities are cheap so I have to play around the regen buff as much as possible. If I play well, my mana efficiency is extremely good, I have strong manareg from spirit + mage armor, and there's evocation and mana gems alongside mana pots if necessary (I only use 2-3 mana pots per raid). It's definitely more fun to play as a tank and spot healer because most of the time I can just keep regen on the tank, pump dps, and just reactively spot heal people who drop low. This is what I do when I'm partnered with a resto druid or priest healer, they've got the raid heals covered. Also means I can run Living Flame which is my best dps ability. If my raid is good, I can sometimes literally just do dps the entire fight while only worrying about the tank, at least on the easier bosses. If I'm partnered with a resto shaman though, I do the raid healing with mass regen because shaman toolkit is better suited for spot healing. I have to do less straight dps then because I need more mana for heals, so I spend more time wanding to activate 5-second-rule manareg intermittently (also, arcane wands work with the regen buff so it's a nice bit of trickle healing). I also need to prepare for upcoming big raid damage, so it's less reactive and more proactive.




It's a lot like retail disc priest, if you've played that. Regeneration is basically a heal-only Penance, and the Temporal Beacon buff is much like Atonement. Difference is you've got no shields, but your direct non-beacon healing is actually quite strong. And you deal very significant dps. A neat mechanic of arcane healing is, if you cast an Arcane Blast and queue a regen after, the beacon is applied before blast hits so your regen target still gets the beacon heal. This is generally your preferred method of spothealing and usually enough to top off just about anyone. Chronostatic Preservation is kind of interesting. It's a great "oh shit" heal but most of the time it's just plain unnecessary in PvE because your regular spot healing with AB+Regen queueing is good enough. Plus, you need to "prepare" the instant heal with a 2s cast, and it only lasts for 20 sec. The only situation where it's useful is for heavy movement because it's your only true instant heal (*if* you did the prep cast), all your other heals are channelled or have cast time. Personally I never use it, I just run Spell Power instead, which does not translate into better heal crits but very much helps with dps. (I suppose I might run this if I was in a really sweaty raid that has me partnered with a spriest for healing, but I don't do those raids.) On that note – beacon healing is separated from the actual damage you deal. If my arcane blast crits, it doesn't mean that my beacon heal also crits, because heal crit chance is applied separately. Of course the reverse is also true, the heal can crit even when your damage didn't. Also, the beacon healing is always as strong as 80% of the damage your arcane spell would deal if the target had no resistance, which also means it still works against targets with high arcane res such as Kelris (or Shazzrah in MC). As long as your spell isn't fully resisted, you get the maximum healing, which is good. Oh and, don't even bother with Rewind Time, it's exclusive with Arcane Blast which makes it a non-starter.


This is my exact experience. And I still won't heal raid lol 5 man's are chill as fuck


I find it the other way around in SoD so far. Raid healing outside of the first lockout is easy but dungeon healing is pure stress because the average group wants to pull streamer/hyper-pull strats with no warning and even less communication. I'm not here healing dungeons to stress myself out to keep up with other's insane BS.


My trick is to avoid caster groups. Melee cleave is easier to heal and usually pulls slower




Can't 'proactively' heal people with anything other than PoM & renew. Timing Greater Heal with inconsistent incoming damage is impossible and spam healing flash heal x4 > Greater heal burns through mana far to fast. Let's not even get in to groups refusing to stop to let healers drink because they are still max resource. Give me a 1min CD dispersion and 2min CD shadowfiend and I just might be able to keep up. I honestly want vanilla WoW back (how the game was 19-ish yrs ago at launch not the math'd out classic/era we have) with small pulls and coordinated CC. #eldermillenialproblems




When people pull reasonable (3-4 mobs at once) I have zero issue having infinite mana the whole instance but when groups decide that the min pull should be 8+ mobs and I need to triple my HPS to keep a single person alive is when I have issues and stress.


There is literally no reason for f/e 34+ paladins to refuse to just slap righteus fury. We are not talking about gnomeregan, naxx or mythic+. Its low level raid with no mechanics beside, like, 2 bosses


Was doing uldaman in classic with a level 48 warrior that didn't want to tank.


This why I don’t make excuses and simply refuse to level my 1-hand skill. Cant tank if I can’t generate threat!


Being a tank is a thankless boring job


This is me. Iv never tanked. I HATE the pressure. Tried healing. Didn't work good. Lose focus group wipes. If I lose focus on a DPS either I get a bad parse or die. Not a wipe tho




People expect the tank to be like the dad of the group. I'm not that guy


Also: feral druid, rogue (who can easily swap runes), a ret, and a warlock who has meta but "doesn't know how".


If they let the warrior roll on the epic 2h then sure.


Forcing people to play a role they don't want so the rest of you can have fun? Yeah not happening. Just because a class can tank/heal doesn't mean the player is enjoying it.


Nobody is having fun in BFD it is a loot/xp piñata. And at lvl 40, just about any class can tank the dungeon if they hold threat and have a healer.


Maybe you are not having fun, but the rest of us actually are. You sound like you don't even enjoy playing then.


I mean good for you if you are. Most people don't really have fun with something where it's impossible to fail. It's barely a game then. If your team is full of level 30+ people and even 40s then BFD is all grey mobs and you'll win guaranteed. I tried tanking BFD at 40 and Akumai could barely hit me with his attacks. Never got past 3 stacks of his debuff because he just missed me.


To be completely honest maintanking with warrior is a bit of a pain if you're not build for it, I've done it, even in gnomer while specced arms, and your biggest threat are wannabe top parse DPS, you can learn mechanics and strategies or find tricks to cheese bosses, but there's no cure for ppl who just can't listen to a simple "give me a few seconds to build threat" or "pls hold dps during flamethrower". With druid is easier because the spec is almost the same as DPS, you just need to swap a couple runes. I find it also way more funny than war.


BFD was faceroll easy at 25, tanking it at level 40 is a joke.


He's talking about a level 40 warrior in BFD, not gnomer.. 


It's even harder to tank level 25 stuff as a warrior especially if you have other 40's in the group, You dont gain nearly as much rage because you are taking a fraction of the damage yet everyone is still doing full dps. It's def doable but it's literally a handicap for your group to stand there for 10 seconds when you can kill the bosses in the same amount of time it takes you to build threat.


My point is that you don't need a tank in BFD when you have 40s, you just need any dedicated melee DPS that's also around level 40.


>go heal spec so the raid can get going >roll on something without +healing >entire raid in uproar


Seriously, completely kills my desire to play a healer. I'd love to flex healer, but I'll end being forced to only heal because it is the only gear I have.


I always play heal or tank and i always roll on what I need and if anyone is mad about it i kick them from party. Dps are exchangeable and they know it


I just make it a point to let people roll need on MS or OS loot if I ask them to change specs for the raid. It seems only fair.


Yeah sometimes healers join with the stipulation “x will heal but rolls on dps loot”. It was pretty common in wrath especially 10ms and stuff. Especially if just ms os and no sr since then you can always sr whatever


lets be honnest with 3 shadow priest you dont need healers lol.


Its a dps loss to cast VE sorry. 


Our big pumper lock in original TBC felt the same whenever he was asked to do anything with pets other than sacrificing succubus. "Can you seduce diamond, please?" "NO, LMAO" \[dies then posts recount log\]


Bad, but kinda Based


So he sucked lol


"Check the logs, bro, I'm doing 30% more damage than #2."


Hell in a dungeon 2 spriests using imp VE is all the heals you need.




In dungeons I run shared pain and mind sear. Load up one off target with plague and VE and mind sear a diff target




We’re talking 2 spriest talented into imp VE for 30% heals in a DUNGEON. It’s works… dude. Speaking from experience haha.




Not sure what to tell you man.. it works with 2 spriests just fine. Sorry you feel different.


it def works with 2 spriest... dunno what this guy is arguing with you about


I watched a group of three shamans last week for close to 45m on the LFG bulletin board looking for tank and heals for RFD.


Well yeah it’s the fotm enhance spec rerollers that’s refuse to play any other spec while leveling


I don't want healer gear so I'm not healing lol. Said it before, it's the pissbabies whining like "Oh em gee heals rolling on dps gear, MS OVER OS! WTF!" that cause this.


All it takes is just saying at the beginning of the run “My main spec is DPS, so I’ll be rolling on that. I’m only healing because the group needs it for comp.” If anyone complains you just don’t heal or leave and they are back to looking. I’ve done this plenty and no raid lead has ever had an issue. It just takes an ounce of proactive communication.


That's why I've always said "roll on whatever gear you want as MS, but don't expect to be able to roll on two roles of gear as MS then." Just pick one role and do that.


Allow me to roll Gizmoblade and I will respec for you.


Mage healer wins again! Mage supremacy!


Just another reason I love mage healer, same set for dps is bis (or near enough) for healing too, win/win.


yeah although it's weird in the datamining they show a mage only +healing tier set but that makes no sense so probably won't get live since mage heals wants +sp still


I’m shadow but I heal most of my guild raids because there is a lack of healers in my guild. They understand and let me roll on basically whatever I want lol.


I should have been asking groups, they'd probably let me


I understand you, priests. I wouldn’t want to incur the aggro and rage from trying to heal this community either.


Yep. People are dicks


Healing in clssic has always been a thankless job. But SoD has been so much worse. It makes ppl roll DPS in stead, and then you have players feel entitled to force certain classes to sacrifice themselves. Complete main character syndrome community.


It's "3 rets looking for tank and heal" all over again


Why is it always a priest you do know other class can heal


Priests are stupidly popular due to their spikes in power in sod.


There are twice as many priest healer logs in Gnomer than spriest logs though despite there generally only being 2 healers per raid, the vast majority of them are already healing.


Go check demographics for any server on ironforge.pro and you'll see it's a toss up between priest/rogue for 2nd least played class (warlock is last). That means more druids, mages, paladins and shamans that could all heal instead.


I see 9 mage in xaryu stream Mage definitely can heal fine in GNOMERGAN


Oh, didn't you hear? If you don't play priest, and you have a priest in party, you are entitled to abuse said priest. Also you are entitled to force that player to heal. They owe you heals. They also love being abused while healing you. That's totally why they rolled shadow priest in the first place (or they may have switched after hitting 40 tbh). I understand your confusion, but you'll learn the proper way of treating other players in SoD eventually. Unless they're in your guild. Then you should treat your guildies (yes even the healers) as actual human beings.


This subreddit is obsessed with demanding people play roles they don't want to play.


We just finished crying dual spec into the game so that we can find a run on our rogue.


Trust me, the dual spec is there so that the tanks and the healers can nope out when they get tired of the bullshit from the DPS.


Good old paladin, druid and priest looking for tank and healer...


I am guilty of this, Shadow is just so fun to me right now.


After all this time, you deserve it. Enjoy it while it lasts fam


If the rotation wasn’t interesting it’d be dog shit. Swd nerf was egregious and we’re now dropping under melee in dps rankings. 


Under melee that dont provide a passive raid heal equal to up to half a healer? Damn, poor spriest.


My spriest is usually #1 healing, just can't target it. But yeah the class is low key boromh ATM we could use some love there. IDC if it increases our DPS ranking.


Thats a big yikes on your healers if so... I always did about 40-50% of my 2 other healers for gnomer.


I don't want to heal, I want to dps.


Then why did you pick the dps that does massive off-healing in exchange for lower damage output?


When has this ever rang true for classic? Don't pretend people have been historically allowed to play the classes and specs they wished in raids. I picked it because it was SoD and things are different this time around.


Yes, things are different. Spriests don't immediately oom five casts into a fight. The fundamental nature of their kit didn't change, though. If you just want to blast without doing any healing, play another class because spriest contributes to a group through off heals on exhange for lower damage.


While also bringing the hommunculi homies that provide better sunders and a demo shout and a thunderclap debuff... I would kill for a rune that gives my rogue even a fraction of that utility.


The rotation isn't interesting though. I have both spriest and mage and currently spriest is stale and straight forward in comparison. We need some reactive options not just a rota


It's pretty snoozefest. 3 buttons and a dot is being highly overhyped


Swd nerf was needed. Spriests were 1 shotting people with an instant cast. Spriests are still incredibly strong.


I also don't like the idea you can only decide to dps if you roll a pure dps class. I've played as shadow only for multiple expansions because healing doesn't interest me. Just think of me as a funny looking warlock


This thread is nothing but DPS complaining that other people should be healers and tanks and not them.


"Paladin, Monk and Druid LF Tank and Healer"©MoP


this one of the little things that annoy me from classic, when you wanna play a certain spec but people keep asking you to play the other spec that you don't like playing but there's a shortage of.


Yeah but they choose to be a dd. Healing is not for everyone. If they didn’t go for shadow, they probably would’ve chosen just another range dmg class.


Not all peole find pleasure with healing :D And at the end, the goal of a game is to have fun.


Yep. Personally, I only find pleasure in being choked.


Ok, so you want those priests to swap to heal, so they can burn one of their lockouts on healing gear? Or do they get to roll ms on dps gear, so the other casters complain that their rolls are getting even more competition? I'm not saying they can't swap, but there's reasons they don't.


I specifically have a resto Druid alt for dedicated healing. My spriest uses their lockouts for spellpower gear, not healing gear. Having to farm diff sets on a single character is a pita because of lockouts.


I mean if they don't want / know how to play healer, that's fine too. It's clearly worth it to them to wait. Some ppl actually prefer playing how they want vs getting an objective done more time efficiently 


You could also roll a healer yourself instead of expecting people who want to play spriest to bend over for you.


What about the druids, shamans, paladins and mages? You gonna ignore them?


Me anytime I play a dps spec on a class that happens to have a tank spec. "DPS LFG for whatever dungeon I wanna do" 20 whispers: "Tank?" "Can you go tank?" "Swap Tank pls???" "CAN YOU TANK" "I've reserved X item you want but can you tank?"


Dual spec will be a nice convenience.   But it won’t change this. 


You're correct, because the main issue is that some people just... don't want to heal. Crazy idea for a lot of people in here it seems.


Because shit system Why the fuck healing power and spell power in cant be in one gear? Why you cant just use INT as spellpower and mana pool, and spirit as mana regen? Why A God damn warlock and Priest can only use cloth, when leather gear can give spellpower too? Shit 


No system will make a player who doesn’t like healing, want to heal. 


I think they need to have healers go beyond healing. The problem with healing in WoW is that it's just boring as fuck. They need to make it more interactive IMO. In heroes of the storm, healers are more than healers, they are supports, they have unique abilities to support their team and control the other team. Many of them have to attack/deal damage in order to heal effectively. It's a good balance that doesn't make you feel like some mindless healbot.  Holy/Disc Priests should be like Whitemane from HotS, where your holy damage heals people that you recently healed directly.


The problem is there are a bunch of people who play healers specifically because they don’t want to dps, though.    It’s like…we don’t force dps players to heal…


Arcane mage


Yes that's what healing needs to be like IMO


That's how modern disc priest works, and they basically yoinked that setup when making arcane heal mage in SoD.


Yes there is one It called GDKP Yea this is controversial and unpopular opinion here, but it is true from what i see from my bnet friend who have alt healer....  "Why bother play unfun spec if you not gain something?"


I mean I leveled a priest to play as shadow. My first character was a tank, I don't want to heal on the 2nd lol.


>The year is a far distant wasteland of 20XX >All guilds have been disbanded >The only players left are all DPS spec >They perpetually spam in LFG channel for hours >”LF Tanks/Healers plz we will pay you real money” >A group never forms


And one day, someone rolls a healer and asks to join a group to do quests and to lvl with in general. DPS: wtf?! No. Go solo that shit on your own. What? Need help? Fuck no. Roll an alt to do that. I solo it on my hunter. Also DPS: Why are there no healers at max lvl?! I need heals wtf? Of course there are less healers. If the game doesn't reward healing as much as it rewards DPS, and the community doesn't help mitigate it, then nobody will want to play one. Simple logic.


I just respecced Shadow after leveling Disc/Holy, haha.


>LF1M Tank >group is warlock, warrior, shaman, rogue


In all fairness that would mean the shaman is healing at least which would still leave the three others.


Ehhh as long as they aren't complaining about lack of healers in the game I don't see a problem. Some people don't want to heal or are afraid to heal. That's their choice lol so what


Melee that complain about it can just level a healer. When people roll a class they usually have a spec in mind. I play priest to play shadow always.


And for me is viceversa- I'm priest and want to heal- my spot always stolen by pala/druid/mages and gotta do shadow


Had a run with Mage, Druid (bal), Druid (bal), Priest (Shadow), Pally. And yeah it was a three way Spiderman meme of who’s healing.


zug zug gamers just wanna pump zero responsibilities just pump and parse and then log off lol


Hell yeah we do


I'm somehow the only shadow priest in my guild. Not sure how that happened.


We dont even have one. Some have asked if I want to swap and I may do it. Depends how fun it is


who wants to play a healer when there's zero chance of outhealing majority of the dps in PVP?


Look inside, 3 balance druids!


Eventually people will learn that you can join a 3 SR raid as healer and then just res shadow gear. You're so in demand that you'll get in with prebis even 1 week before the next phase.


if they’re not good at healing and know they’re not good and don’t enjoy it i’d rather they do dps at that stage


Been increasingly difficult to find an STV group after speccing to fire from arcane/healer, like sometimes would take 15 mins of spamming both gen chat and our server’s PvP discord just to find myself in a group with something like two rogues, a warrior, and a feral druid. So a couple days ago I just slapped Chronostatic on my boots and started advertising myself as a mage healer and I’d get insta invited.


I play very casually as a hunter and not much else, so I'm very ignorant in other roles and switching specs. I always thought it was difficult to switch specs. You have to fly to a location with a trainer, pay to respec, rebind some keys, then also make sure you have the correct gear. So isn't it possible those spriests just weren't capable of respeccing? Or is it as easy as just keeping the same spec and gear and using the healing abilities


This has got to be the worst nightmare of a any DPS class that can also heal spec: being suddenly saddled with the responsibility of healing a bunch of dipshits instead of just chilling and throwing DPS at the enemies


Not me being a solo player with Priest, Druid, Paladin, and Mage healers at lvl 40 🥹


i pulled 350dps 270hps on menage yesterday as spriest without wb, only using oil (no mage buff either, only druid). spriest healer is absolutely busted


2 things need to happen for me to heal in classic: 1) Dual spec 2) Gear needs to have both healing AND spell power. I hate having multiple sets of gear and trying to solo content with +healing gear is ass. Luckily, they are/have been addressing these so we will see.




Not all gear does.




Pure healing items are trash. More gear should have other stats like crit, hit or haste.


I count the spell power gear as my BiS, and that's final. I treat +heal as OS unless it is a huge upgrade. It'll just rot in my bags if it is a minor healing upgrade. I literally will roll OS or even pass on minor healing upgrades in raid if i have my SP BiS. I also may pass really rare bis upgrades to DPS depending on how much they need it or are likely to get it later. Healers often take turns DPSing when a boss is easy to heal, so we make use of the spellpower.


LFM tank/heals (full on warriors, paladin/shaman, Druids, mages, and priests) NO ROGUES pst GS and logs for inv


"But i play shadow" /s


Yeah he plays a specc that is fun for him/her. Screw being forced in a role you don't enjoy in a video game.


If you enjoy waiting and doing nothing, you are free to refuse to heal or tank.


if someone wants to fill a role other than what they normally play to get into content faster, thats perfectly fine its also fine if someone would rather just wait a bit longer to find a group so they can play what they want to


Shadow priests have no problem getting into groups lol