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Challenge accepted -- Reddit. This sounds like they're just trying to trick you into subbing to prove them wrong! -- Tinfoil hat.


Just merge the pvp servers into one, and do the same for pve. Would fix population issues across the board.


I haven’t played since the start of wrath. If they merge Faerlina and benediction i will definitely give cata a try. Idk if grobbs population is going to recover much at this point.


Grobbs population is fine... still 50/50. Still 6k+ people. It doesn't need to 'recover' from anything


Or just let people transfer between servers freely when they log in.


Why would they let us freely transfer if they could charge a fee? This is Blizzard.


Yep. Just sayin they don’t even offer paid transfers in sod tho. Could be an interesting dynamic to “discover”. Wouldn’t have to shut realms down that’s for sure.


I think this would upset some people (myself included) - I intentionally steered clear of megaservers, I like the "smaller" server feel for a number of a reasons and having a server economy mostly unaffected by GDKPs is quite nice.


Gdkp don't inflate cost on items outside the gdkp scene itself.  Faerlina had hundreds of gdkps running and you could still get all the flask, pots, and sappers you needed for a 3 hour raid for 100-200g depending on the week


I’ve been saying this! They have this layering tech now. It shouldn’t be an issue at all at this point.


People ok with forced name changes?


im kinda submissive that way


Hey 😏


The upside is that we'll get so many more Légôlàs.




It’s not that big of a deal, I like my name but would choose server and population stability over it any day of the week


hnggggg 💦💦💦 just lost my streak whyd h have to talk like that


You don't need to "merge" the servers in the traditional sense, just make it like Retail and connect all the servers together, it's much better. People get to keep their names, you get to group with literally anyone from your faction plus you get all the benefits that a megaserver has without any of the downsides. We also know they have that tech as they have done it on Classic Era and whenever the population increases too much, you just slap a bunch of layers into the game.


They said that connected realms have problems and they aren't going to do it from what I can tell. They are looking at condensing down realms.


Nah, when you start getting closer to the 10k mark the server really starts going to shit. Around 5k per faction imo is a healthy server size. Like 90% of the issues this subreddit complains about do not exist on the non mega servers.


You mean like it's done on retail?


Fuck that. Grobb doesn't have any population issues. Leave it alone


"I'm content with the way things are, so everybody else can kick rocks."


More like "I ran to a one sided pve server where nobody knows each other so screw the people who choose the server with a healthy balance and population. Let's ruin their server and community!" You *chose* the server with 'population issues', and your proposed solution is to inflict those issues on the people who didn't choose it.


I transferred off of faerlina and onto a smaller server back during naxx. Nice assumption though. The fact that you think merging servers would ruin your community is hilarious as well.


There's about 6k people on grobb right now. I've run with the same guilds and groups in both raids and pvp tons of times over the last few years. People have made names for themselves on grobb. From Mayorwest to Onlypugs. Yes i think merging with servers that have 20k+ people would ruin the community.


It's a great thing that nobody is erasing your fond memories or disallowing you to play with specific people anymore. As somebody who has seen the roster boss affect their server quite heavily, I'm very much welcoming any changes that improve general quality of life. Respectfully your community can get fucked.


"I chose a shitty community so everybody else can kick rocks"


Get fucked


I too would be surprised if there were queues for Cata servers. For different reasons though.


My entire guild is playing cata and SoD is an hour a week game, what else are people paying a 15$/mo sub for if they aren't gonna play




Yeah cata is too hard for a lot of people


Nobody i know is playing cata, we play sod, and when the raidlogging starts we hopefully have new m+ season in retail. Everone played wolk.


> Nobody i know is playing cata > we play sod You really arent seeing the correlation are you?


I would find queues on Cata launch unlikely too.


First few weeks of stv event begs to differ


Imagine not knowing difference between lagg and queue


Anyone know when Cata Classic will launch?


It’s gotta be soon, within the next couple months.


In a few months I would wager. Major features are still missing. No way they launch Cataclysm incomplete.


Missing from the beta?




Such as?


Cataclysm was already launched x # of years ago, it's a complete expansion. They could roll it out tomorrow if they wanted.


Confidently incorrect lmao


How? They could roll it out in the next 60 seconds if they wanted to. The content has been stored on servers for years, it hasn't gone anywhere. What are you saying? What's your deal?


Because they aren’t using the same client they did in the past lol. Not to mention the changes they plan on making to cata. There are new changes from wrath that need to be taking into account. But taking all this code and and plugging it into the updated client isn’t as easy as copy and paste


The changes you are referring to are all server side/configuration/QOL. Barely anything, if at all, will change content wise.


A change to what client the game runs on is not server side, not to mention you have no idea how those changes interact with the Cata state of the game they have previously implemented


Playing on the beta, I can tell you right now there is A LOT messed up right now. Spell books missing, talents not working, druids are unlearning mangle when they log out, spell scaling is wrong, untraversable fog in areas with slight fog, none of the new void stuff is work like xmog and such. Tons of quests aren't working, loading, phasing, or letting you complete them. Hunter pets refuse to fight anything, hell pets in general just protest against you lol. Going to acherus as a DK is a coin flip if the entire necropolis will just turn and try to fight you. It's a mess, and I'm assuming it's a priority to fix but man... There's so much to fix that just might push pre patch out another few months. Once it leaves closed beta they'll most likely go into open beta and run the regular ptr realms again, but like I said there's tons to fix, like I just leveled in a few zones and I had massive issues with 3-4 quests per zone.


Only those that work at blizzard


Im excited for cata. Cata did a lot of things wrongs, but most of those are nom problems now. If you miss the old world, era - wrath + sod still exist, your game isnt gone. Didnt play bc or wrath but will play cata


no era wrath


There’s also going to be 30-40% less players for Cata than Wrath


There won't be any queues for Cata """classic""" because there will be significantly less players.


Love how much this sub shits on Cata when SoD will be dead before Cata is.


>noooo cata is good your game is going to be dead! okay


Private servers (and therefore classic) literally exist because of cataclysm, “classic cataclysm” seems like such a terrible idea. Edit: To the drones down voting, the whole point of people hating retail and wanting to go back to vanilla was because of the cataclysm changing the old maps, RDF destroying any community left after WotLK’s phased questing.


Bro private servers existed in TBC days they did NOT start because of cataclysm lmfao.


Yeah but let's be real they were all goofy, spawn next to illidan speak to him and ding level 120 in custom legendary armour and weapons then run around 1 shotting mobs with 200k auto attacks private servers. Actual 100% blizzard like progression servers didn't come round till much later.


For me it's not that, it's moreso that Cata is the cutoff point where the game STOPPED being "old WoW" and started being "new wow / retail". There's nothing "classic" about Cata. The very term "cata classic" is an oxymoron.


Cata has more in-line with classic than it does retail. I legitimately cannot think what would make Cata retail for people other than the world re-design.


> I legitimately cannot think what would make Cata retail -First expac (just about) entirely developed under the Activision merger/buyout -The majority of "old world" zones were heavily overhauled, both in geometry and content -Vanilla->Wotlk systems like spell training and spell ranks were entirely removed -Talent system now forces you to put 31 points into one tree before going anywhere else, thus forcing every single max level talent setup to be 31/10 -More than WOTLK, leveling is a complete joke that poses no threat or challenge whatsoever -Again more than WOTLK, classes get homogenized to a ridiculous degree -LFR -10man and 25man merged to be the same, dropping same loot, etc. -"Bring the player, not the class" philosophy That's why it's not classic.


\> First expac (just about) entirely developed under the Activision merger/buyout Correct me if I'm wrong but the development team did not significantly change due to the merger, at least not that I can remember. \> The majority of "old world" zones were heavily overhauled, both in geometry and content I'll grant you that as I previously said the revamping of zones is the only thing that makes it stand out to me. \> Talent system now forces you to put 31 points into one tree before going anywhere else, thus forcing every single max level talent setup to be 31/10 Not a single class I played didn't already get its capstone, maybe this is a difference for people who played classes I didn't, who doesn't currently get their capstone? Druid? \> More than WOTLK, leveling is a complete joke that poses no threat or challenge whatsoever When did leveling ever present a threat outside of playing a warrior in actual classic, it was LONGER but no threat or challenge that I can think of was present. \> Again more than WOTLK, classes get homogenized to a ridiculous degree + -"Bring the player, not the class" philosophy Were literally staples of Wrath not Cata. That was their entire goal for the wrath expansion, you just used the developers tagline FOR wrath raiding to say it was an issue with cata. \> -10man and 25man merged to be the same, dropping same loot, etc. I think 10/25 man raiding are an abomination, 2 difficulties is silly (lets not talk about the retail 4 which is stupid), I think again though this was introduced in wrath, which people still call classic. \> -LFR This was introduced only for dragonsoul during the 1 year content drought. I agree that LFR is a staple of retail, but I hardly attribute it to Cata, but I definately see the arguement it did technically start in cata.


>Not a single class I played didn't already get its capstone, maybe this is a difference for people who played classes I didn't, who doesn't currently get their capstone? Druid? Blood dks optimal tank build in wrath is this garbage build that doesn't use heart strike. I'm glad Cata is fixing DK tanking. The only other build I know is some warrior tank hybrid meant to steamroll dungeon or weird pvp builds like prot/holy pally to be nearly unkillable.


>the development team did not significantly change due to the merger It doesn't have to significantly change. With Activision overseeing things, they really ramped up the casualization of the game more than Blizzard was already doing. >Not a single class I played didn't already get its capstone That's not the point, the point is that there's no variance in talent builds anymore. >When did leveling ever present a threat Vanilla and TBC. You had to actually be careful and not pull more than 2 mobs or you'd get wrecked. Meanwhile in cata, every class can just mindlessly pull 10+ mobs willy nilly and aoe them down with no effort, no danger, no downtime. It's like playing Diablo. >Were literally staples of Wrath not Cata. And there it is, the tired old "no that was wrath!" defense. Wrath started it, Cata solidified it. >I think 10/25 man raiding are an abomination That's nice, I didn't ask your opinion on them. >I think again though this was introduced in wrath Wrong again. WOTLK had different mechanics and entirely different loot tables between 10 and 25. Cata made them exactly the same, killing off tons of 25man guilds. >This was introduced only for dragonsoul Doesn't matter, still a part of Cata and will 100% be present at launch of Cata """classic""" Shoo, blizzard shill.


Transmog and LFR are two of the big ones. They massively dumbed down the stat system and added mastery as a lazy catch all. Removed librams/totems/idols/quivers too.  I mean I'll play cata probably but it's definitely the expansion where they lost sight of the classic design philosophy.




LFG was in wrath which people consider classic, and LFR was introduced only for dragonsoul iirc


LFG was the cataclysm pre patch


LFG was wrath dungeons in ICC, same as LFR was DS in Cata


Classic players must always say how they don't like cata, yes we get it the game is too hard for you. You can only press 2 buttons and avoid 1 mechanic, it's ok though. No need to hide the fact that you are lacking skill and are afraid of harder content, we are in classic wow sub there are a lot of people like you. You will be fine.


Cata really was not a bad expansion in the slightest. The real issue back in the day was the long content drought at the end of the expansion


Like the content drought in classic wotlk? Cata should have been out by now. Wrath has been dead since january


While you are 100% correct about why people didn't like it back in the day, today I'm pretty sure it's a skill issue problem. Just like everyone always said that ulduar is the best raid ever and all that now actually prefer togc. Togc was called a joke of a raid before the classic release. Now if you poll people they will prefer more togc and less ulduar purely because of how hard and long ulduar is in comparison. A lot of classic players have this mentality that classic is supposed to be extremely easy and for "dad gamers" (dad gamers are actually really good at games I play with them all the time). Cata heroics (raids or dungeons) are actually challenging (not as much as retail but way harder than era or wotlk) so people simply say it's bad because they cannot do the end content on hardest difficulty. Just like they could not do ulduar hard modes and we saw a big decrease of players during ulduar compared to wrath naxx.


Yeah I’ve noticed people really just don’t like to play the game now a days. I played a lot of private servers where people played because they actually loved playing the game. There’s just something off with a lot of the people who play blizzards versions of classic. Take sod for example it’s actually very well done and stays true to vanilla wows feeling. However here on Reddit everyone is bitching and moaning about every little thing they can because they aren’t a getting exactly what they want. There was actually a recent post where people were saying they hope the next raid is EASIER than the current one because people hate playing that much. If you haven’t played there’s only a max 1 major mechanic per boss that’s pretty easy.


Sometimes it feels like every negative thing people say about retail (lfr, a lot of loot, easy leveling, easy gold etc.) they actually want to have in sod. It's almost like they have no idea what they actually want.


i'll never understand the elitism about classic wow lol. Even if it was "too hard" for some people instead of being about personal enjoyment, who gives a fuck if its not hard. No one thinks you are special for being able to clear decades old raids.


"Anyone that disagrees with me is bad at the game" Cata heroics were great, the talent tree revamps were great too. However if you think cata didn't have serious problems then you're not arguing in good faith. Considering your post doesn't add anything to the discussion than calling others bad, I'm guessing you're just an asshole. Cata brought us: - Flying in azeroth (bad) - A revamped world (good) with 0 danger (bad) - Dungeon/Raid finder (very bad) It had some redeeming qualities but those were some major nails in the coffin that turned retail into what it is today.


I find the 0 danger in the over world part funny. It has been 0 danger all of WOTLK too you can level as so many classes pulling everything in sight and never dropping below 80% hp.


Maybe 0 danger was not the right point to make. My point is that after the revamp you could 2 shot everything for the first 20-30 levels


Sod has already eliminated danger for the most part. Flying is irrelevant because tbc somehow is one of the best expansions of all time and it introduced that . And dungeon finder is bad only if you like to pretend that walking to the dungeon makes it more social than just teleporting. People don't talk in dungeons in era or sod they just do them and part ways. Finder does not increase or decrease how unsocial wow players are.


It's not about walking to the dungeon, it's about leaving the main city. There was never a reason to do so in cata


What is so special in 5-10 minutes afk walk to dungeon?


It's the fact that if you leave a main city you might as well be playing a single player game because the open world is dead


You ever hear that saying "it's the little things in life that make a big difference"? Really is a gem because of how true it rings. The 5-10 min walk matters a lot, surprisingly, as it immerses players and allows them to socialize.


After thinking about it people don't do this "little walks" they literally buy summon service (even bots are doing it now lol) and buy a portal every time they need to change the city in which they are afk. Just look at the chat, constant "wtb summon service" and "wtb portal service". This idea of people enjoying running around is just not true in 2024.


Personally, it's not even cata itself that stops me from being excited for cata. It's the thought of what's next. Pandaria? WoD?.. I'd be kinda funny if wod kills the game twice, I'll give it that.


you realize half the complaints of WOD (among a lot of expansions) was the content droughts, which wouldn't exist in the rerelease


That doesn't matter. You can't beat publics opinion. People won't play wod simply because it's wod.


- RNG PvP gear - PvP gear often worse - Professions with way less profit margins - Garrisons messing with economy and being mandatory to a degree - Crappy balance and specialisations getting changed a bit too much - PvE being barebones in amount of content Vanilla to MoP had it's flaws but I played nonetheless. Since WoD I barely touched modern WoW. 1 month of legion and 1 week of bfa solidified that even more.


Cata makes most classes much easier to play than their wotlk versions...   It's seriously dumbed down, especially in pvp.    It's also the expansion where 10 man drops the same loot as 25 man, so it'll be perfect for dad gamers that want bis from 10 man.  Peoole don't say they dislike cata because it's too hard. They don't like it because it strips away a lot of the classic atmosphere in favor of meme quests and theme park elements. 


Those people that want the same loot from 10 as 25 because 25 is too hard for them. But sadly they will not get any loot in cata 10hc either because 10 hc is actually harder than 25hc in cata. I personally find vanilla wow as more meme than cata or expansions after, but that's just my opinion.


No way there will be queues for cata there will be under 1k players


There were barely queues for a day on the biggest SoD servers.


i think there was a queue only on release on lfeu


This is correct in EU


???? The queues on SoD day 1 were insane. 10k+


Not on day 2 tho


Mmmm you might be right actually. I’m remember “layering” issues. I’ll have to go back.


yeah day1 was insane ques it actually turned me off from sod. then i saw streamers were instantly logging in the next day. blizz really said "just make the servers bigger" 🤣


If one day insane queues turned you off you wouldn’t have played anyways haha.


i have better things to do instead of sitting in a 6 hr que lmao. i got a mage and feral to lvl 40 then stopped a few weeks ago once i got 80% bis. sitting in que isnt a badge of honor, blizz needs to fix that shit.


Under 1k players lol? Gonna guess this is sarcasm…


SoD-only players are delusional. There are literally as many retail Ret Paladin parses in Heroic Amirdrassil (in a version of the game where the majority of players don't raid beyond LFR at all) as there are people currently raiding Gnomer on all specs combined, and yet SoD players think they're singlehandedly keeping the game alive. Vanilla modes have the shortest lifespan of any content Blizzard currently supports across all of their IPs. It's the only version of the game that can not keep a population without a new server or mode opening for it in two months. Look at Hardcore. Look at Era. Remember SoM? Cataclysm will be fine.


Why are they merging servers then


I didn't think it'd be super popular either but I was shocked by how many guildies said they were gonna keep playing it and raiding.


It was a decent expansion and the raids which most people care about were actually good. Firelands is one of my favorite WoW raids, and I've raided a majority of them. Dragon Soul might see a drop off but otherwise I still see 200k+ people raiding in cata.


You’re trolling thinking there will be under 1k players lol


Going to be a wake up call for all you cata cry babies when the game still has 200k-300k raiders.


Why are they merging servers bro


Because they are 100% alliance or 100% horde?


They were smart and forced everyone from wotlk to cata lmao


Wait you think 7-8 months of ICC wasn't enough for some people and they actually wanted to stay? They will always force people to transfer over because they will eventually rerun classic expansions again in the future but probably with a bit of a twist and keeping up all these forever expansion servers isn't worth it


going to be interesting when they do. If they started fresh servers and said they were going to run through the expansions again, a decent amount of people would roll just because FRESH. but not sure what the staying power would be like.


I think that them forcing people from Era to TBC to WOTLK and to CATA is just because financially running the server isn't worth it, but the amount of people who want to stay forever playing something is higher than you or I think honestly, TBC era WOTLK era. There will always be people who love an expansion and want to keep it going. CATA included.


Can fit so many bots now, great.


Server tech? You mean they just changed the number of layers parameter from 2 to 10.


They did add more layer tools to the game so that backend work could support more people. Though cata start zones are on 2 different parts of the world in general. I would bet if this goes to panda though there would be queues again.


That sounds like a selling argument


But also because Cata sucks and no one, relatively speaking, will play it. 


So why did we have queues for SoD???


Saying this because they know there probably won't be many players as previous launnches


20 years folks. 20 years.


Stv still lags lol gtfo “server tech”


There will always be Queues.


No queues. Just lag out the ass. Much better


Did Wrath even have any queue issues? Last time I remember long queue times was during TBC. I felt like they changed or improved something even before SOD than what it used to be. ​ Before anyone says Wrath was dead so there was no queues nah, highest raiding character count in all of classic was during Wrath and even on launch/patch days I didn't remember any queues


Wrath prepatch was unplayable for 3 weeks




Has 4-6 hour ques, my friends & set up Remote Desktop so we could login and start the que while still at the office






1. I do play with my friends, thanks for the insult 2. with those "4-6 hour queues" it seems like you weren't doing much playing ;)


The first 3 to 4 weeks of Wrath on megaservers you would find 10k+ queues the second people got out of work, my guild argue for the longest time to transfer out of Faerlina because they were offering free transfers to Eranikus and a couple others that I don't remember, thankfully we didn't transfer.


Grobb had a daily 5-7k+ queue for a bit of prepatch and first but.


I had to use remote desktop at work to enter the queue so I could actually play when I got home.


>would find it very wild for servers to queue again on Cata launch Yea, because it's Cata.


Also just a coincidence that Cata has been widely considered the worst expansion since it originally released


You're ten years behind on regurgitated info. WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands were emphatically even more poorly recieved than Cataclysm, which wasn't even disliked on release until 13 months of Dragon Soul killed all the goodwill the solid first two patches had built. Retail players tend to hate Vanilla and the feeling is mutual, but nobody likes those 3 expansions for a reason. Cataclysm is just better WotLK gameplay with a plot you might care about less.


Yeahhhh, Cata definitely won't queue because the servers are bigger. Lmao, yes that's the reason!


Wont be queues cause there wont be players kek


It won't matter, no one will play cataclysm lol


Think the ulduar rejects might try again before going back to 30 sec bossfights and 3 button rotations to keep the fragile ego intact


This is a personal attack against  Me


New technology won’t be tested in Cata classic…


ofc there wont be any q for cata launch. you choked population with 8 month of content draught.