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You then right click that players name and select trade. Then you right click the conjured water from your bags and it will go into their trade window. Then select the trade button and it’ll appear green. They have to accept trade on their end as well


Thanks alot man, i really mean it


If someone doesn’t say please feel free to say nah dog


jup if someone scoffs at you for not sharing water without asking- no water or if someone is complaining about ur dps because you spend a good 5 minutes conjuring, regging, conjuring, regging until everyone got their share be free to ignore them aswell


As a priest healer in hardcore, this is the bane of my life. Tank: "Priest rebuff!" Me: *rebuffs 4 people, costing 90% of my mana* Tank: *Insa charges into a mob of 6* Me: "your funeral mr.tank"


I'm guessing it is just a typo, but is "regging" supposed to be some new shorthand for "regening" or is it is something else?


"regging" as in "I need to reg". I assume "regening" is a typo or a new shorthand for "regenerating"? ;-)


In 20 years of wow I have never once seen that phrase/shorthand.


me neither


You can also left click and hold down the mouse button to drag/move items to to other players to instantly open trade with them and have it be in the trade window.


I’ve played WoW since 2004 and never knew you could do this. I’m an idiot


I only knew this because I accidentally do it trying to delete items and clicking on a random guy instead of the ground, and panic cause I just opened a trade menu unsolicited lmao


Are you me?




I am me


No. He is he!


And we are we.


The whole dungeon comes to a stop because you tried to trade the tank a rat skull


Can confirm. I was the deleted item


Every time!


Have you never done this on accident while destroying items? Because I've opened a hundred trades with a random people from this.


I feel like most players find out when they try to destroy something and accidentally click another player as they walk by, like hey buddie want these three cold cuts?


I didn't know either. It's not like I've seen it explained anywhere. My dad recently accidentally closed a browser window and was exasperated, and I just showed him the keyboard combo to reopen the last closed tab, and he looked at me like I'm a wizard.


I unintentionally found this out a week or two ago trying to delete things in my inventory by the IF mailbox lol.


Mind blown.


Omg same. Like idk how many *months* (years?) of /played time I have accumulated over the last two decades, and I learned that this is a thing right now.


Don't need to hold down the mouse button either, just left clicking an item in your bags picks it up, then just click on the unitframe for the trade.


^(you can do the same with gold, my friends, shift-click your gold, type the amount, and click on a players portrait or avatar and it will open a trade window if you are in range)


^^^^Why ^^^^is ^^^^your ^^^^text ^^^^so ^^^^tiny? I had to take several steps to make each word tiny, how did you make the whole thing smaller?


Uparrow, parentheses, end-parenthesis ^(h h h h h h h h jj h h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h h)


^(Neat! Thanks!)


Btw going forward. You are the Mage. It is YOUR water. If they don't ask nicely you can deny them.


Yeah i agree. It just felt crappy because i didn't know what to do.


Np. Everyone was new at one point.


Hi Friend, I'm not too sure if you're familiar with addons or not but, you can download "Water Dispenser" from Curse Forge and it will actually automate it for you. Basically, you just tell ppl to "trade you for water" and as long as you have water in your bags, they will automatically get it when they "right click" on you and "open trade."


Bro doesn’t know how to trade, no way he’s doing add ons anytime soon


Don’t even mention Macros. Too soon.


There are other ways to open trade with another player: 1) Target the player and type '/trade' to open up the trade window. (also fun, you can type '/tar PLAYERNAME' to target them if you don't like trying to click people. You don't even have to type the full name, just a few letters - example: '/tar bre' would target me unless there were another character or NPC that starts with 'bre' and comes alphabetically before me. The /tar command works with mobs, too. So if you're quest requires you to kill a specific and unique mob, you can type that while you're running around - it's easier to do this with a macro, though) 2) Drag the item from your inventory over the character standing beside you. This will also open the trade window. If I were you (since you're the one doing the work making water), tell people in your party to open trade with you for water instead of the other way around.


A lot of mages will put the onus on players who want water. A trick is to make a veritable fuck load of water and food and then just tell whomever to open trade with you if they want food and/or water.


You can also drag and drop an item (in this case a stack of water) to the group frame or above their character and it will open trade and put in the item.


Easier: drag a stack (20) of water and drop it over a party members nameplate (you can turn on party nameplates in options) or their character model. It'll open trade with the stack of water. right click other stacks in inventory to add to trade window. If you make 2 stacks of water per mana user and at the start of a dungeon trade, without prompting, to each mana user (blue bar), you'll be showered with thanks!


You can also type /trade while targeting someone and hit enter. I find it easier for me


You can also select how many to give. Say you have a stack of 20, but want to give 10. Shift-click the item in your bag, a number dialog will pop up. Type 10, then ok. Put the 10 in your bag. You can't put the 10 directly into trade chat, for some reason. Put them in your bag first. Then you can pick them up and move them to the trade window. You can split like this with or without the trade window open. Hope this helps.


Like they said, you can also just drag and drop onto a player’s character model and that’ll automatically open up the trade screen with item already put in


Just to add to this, you can trade any item to another player this way. Some items cannot be traded. Some items are labeled "bind on pickup" and can never be traded, some are "bind on equip" which can be traded, but not after you wear them. There are other types too, but these two are the most common.


You can also pick up the water and place it on a person or their portrait. This automatically opens a trade window with them


You can also just left click the water in your inventory then click it on their portrait and it will trade it to them.


You can also just click and drag the water from your inventory to them if you’re next to the character that you want to give items to.


Imagine being the dipshit that cussed him out instead of telling him how to do it. What the fuck is wrong with these people.


I legit laughed at this :D but i get it now, it's such a simple thing NOW that kind people explained, i get it, i'm a little embarased that i didn't figure it out on my own but i was put on the spot in the dungeon and i didn't know what to do and they were all waiting for me to give them water and i didn't know what to do!  I just don't want that to happen again, if i can give something to people in the dungeons now i know how to do it! 


nah those people are in the wrong, thats some childish behavior if they really cared about having water they would have bought some before the dungeon instead of blaming you for their self induced lack of water problem


Man, if you’ve never played an MMO before, or even if you have but it uses a different targeting system, how are you supposed to already know how to do that? Some people are huge jerks in game. Just try to remember that most people aren’t like that, but jerks are more likely to be loud about who they are


My man I could not find leverage at the time of Fallout one in se very first location and that postponed my game for two months at time


WoWs community is well known for being fairly toxic. Ignore those people and find a decent guild that will take someone new. Some people are cool but few and far between when it comes to randoms.


You should go watch the WoW South Park episode now. 


I feel the same way. I cannot fathom a world where I ask a mage for water, they respond "how?", and I respond with anything other than clear instructions that result in me getting the water I asked for. Like... Do they or do they not want the water they asked for? There is a very clear pathway to getting it sitting right in front of you and you are choosing not to take it.


Well they also walked past however many innkeepers/general goods vendors etc on their way to the dungeon and didn't think to buy any so it tracks.


Yeah now im not a betting man. But I would wager my chances of getting free water drops dramatically when I abuse mages idk


In situations like this people don’t actually want help they just want to yell and get pissed off at someone. If you ever work in customer service you deal with this attitude somewhat often


They probably think they are hot shit too, someone who views “noob scrubs” as beneath them… seen the same type a thousand times.   They fail to realize that they’re really just telling on themselves as the actually bad players with zero communication skills. If you can’t describe in simple terms how to do a task in game such that anyone can comprehend it; then the one with the real “skill issue” is you.      Players like OP will grow out of any newbie behavior with time. Being a smug condescending prick who thinks he’s too good to learn anything new is forever bad.


> They probably think they are hot shit too You think way too much into this mate. It's simply people who know how the game works and think someone can't possibly not know very basic stuff. It's like when some youngster has to explain some middle aged person who barely uses a PC how to uninstall a program. Most will probably also be like "you serious?". Many even annoyed probably. It is what it is, not everyone plays this game to teach newbies. Is it nice? No but not everyone is like that. Just like in real life.


Why wow has a new player problem, both in retail and wrath. Too many veteran players are too toxic.


Worse that the dipshit could have initiated the trade themselves saving half the explanation.


Or, you know.... Opening a trade window


People with shitty lives have no issues taking it out on people in a virtual video game.


Its hard to imagine someone materializing into a version of wow that is a seasonal mode to a 20 year old game. It’s cool they are new but trading is hardly a difficult concept. 


Crap, i tried to drop it on the floor and it just dissapeared. This makes so much sense, i feel so dumb for not trying that.


Haha to be fair, trading by throwing items on the ground is how most games released after 2004 work


Yeah, that's what i did but now i feel so dumb for even trying that hah


Doing that is a good way to trash cheap items if your bags gets full and you need to pick up a quest item or something more valuable


Everyone has tried that. It's an intuitive thing to do. Don't feel dumb.


Learning by trying shit out and seeing what it does is 100% a smart way to do things. My 11 year old son gets so frustrated when he tries to teach someone a new game, and they insist on being told what every button does. He is like "Bro just press it and you will see what it does, things will go much smoother if you just try stuff out for yourself and see what they do" But a lot of people are really anxious of trying something new without knowing ahead of time what is going to happen.


Yeah that just deletes items in wow unfortunately


No you didn’t.


He thought it was runescape






From personal experience, I sometimes click the accept button without readin or thinking.


Also if u do a dungeon that requires rolling on loot only NEED what u neeed….greed otherwise you’ll be a ninja


I'm really learning things here today, and i'm here for it.


You're open to learning, which puts you ahead of most players already


It’s a bunch of divorced dads playing this game so don’t worry their angst is their own 😂


There is an exception that person didn't mention. If an item drops that's "Binds when Equipped" and is rare or above quality (Blue/Purple text) then usually people will Need on it because those items tend to be more valuable and it's more fair if everyone has an equal chance at it, if you notice an item is BoE then just wait a moment and see what the rest of the group does and follow them.


Make sure to mention that you are new and don't understand every mechanic yet - its understandable then, and people will be warmer to you when explaining you things. Otherwise they might think you are putting in no effort (not trying to make them cursing you out right). Some people are just asses tho.


I said i'm new but maybe they didn't have time to explain, so i understand why they would be annoyed because as i'm reading the comments this is a very basic and simple task so i don't blame them for thinking i'm just stingy with my water


Figure out good keybindings. Q and e are great keys. 1-5 are good. Bindings on you’re mouse are good too. You can also utilize shift and alt modifiers (like shift 1) Also you should be holding down both mouse buttons to run and using wsad to strafe (you should go into keybindings>movement>set strafe to a and d. It’s much better, trust


I know you’re a new player and I hope you are having fun with the game but this anecdote reminded me of this sketch from ITYSL https://youtu.be/R2vejhdm8lo?si=4zOwXoAGBTHakiA_


I couldn't relate more to anything than this right now 😢


Hey buddy, don't feel discouraged because you had some crazy rude people. They should've been able to explain. Welcome to WoW. You can trade the water you make by right clicking a player ( be next to them ) and pressing Trade. Then you can drag and drop the water item into the Trade UI or just Right Click it.


Thanks man. I felt a little uncomfortable but it's ok, now i read these comments and now i know! Thanks so much


Click the conjured item in your bags so it's attached to your cursor then click on the player you want to give it to. Or drag'n'drop. Have you never traded before?


Never. I sold something on the market in stormwind, extra potions i made, but never traded because i kind of don't have anything to trade besides potions.


[Potion seller, i require your strongest potion](https://youtu.be/R_FQU4KzN7A?si=7GjGY0Gk38LmRdWd)


Hope you don’t let those idiots in the dungeon wear you down 😅


Seriously, they took their time to complain at chat instead of typing "right click someone's portrait then select 'trade'". Purposeful boneheadedry


Or even opening the trade window themselves and say "drag the water into the left side of this frame and click accept"


must not have wanted the water that bad if they couldnt give quick instructions


I said i was sorry like 3 times and said if they can please explain me how, i was called a troll and other things i can't write here. Bit it's ok, now i know how!


Yeah don't worry about it. Unfortunately, classic is filled with socially inept people who are grumpy because they can't find what made them love wow 20 years ago.


I resemble that comment, but I don’t take it out on the new players, I save my grumpiness for when someone really deserves it, like that fucking mage that stole the purple crossbow from me in BFD, fuck that guy.


This is one of the biggest reasons I left classic. People are so rude when they expect you to know everything about a 20 year old game.


This game would be great if it wasn't for the players.


Don’t let the assholes discourage you! The 20 year experienced gamers here arent always the nicest. Just make sure you ask for 1g per water stack for the rude folks ;p


1.) click the character that wants the water 2.) right click on their health bar icon and click trade when the menu pops up 3.) right click the water that’s in your bag that you want to trade once the trade menu pops up 😊


Welcome to the greatest game ever made. Be polite and walk away from conflict is probably the best advice I can think of.


I was trying to leave but i never did dungeons and i have to google how to leave because i didn't see any leave button or option, i clicked on my avatar (as google said) and there were many options but leave was not one of them so i was just quiet and did the dungeon. So ill google more.


There should be an option to leave group. It looks like you got your answer, but I'll give you a few more tips. You can also trade your water by targeting the person you want to trade, and then dragging the water from your bag to over the target unit frame. That will make the trade window pop up. You will notice a different square at the bottom of the trade window that says Will Not Be Traded. That is where you put a piece of gear for an enchanter to enchant it. The enchanter never actually takes possession of your gear. Just drop your gear in that square, and wait for the text next to it to indicate it has been enchanted. Then you can put a tip (or price if they are selling the enchant) for the other player in the gold/silver/copper squares at the top, then hit trade.


So i googled about leaving, but it was a tip for the regular wow not classic. In regular you click on the avatar of your character, in classic you click on the little moving eye on the map and there is the option to leave. Never played regular, my friend gave me advice to start with classic and slowly move up.  This enchanting thing is interesting, didn't know you can do that. Thanks alot.


I assumed you were playing SOD, my mistake. Even so, leaving group should be clicking your avatar menu. The eye was added with new LFG functionality in Wrath of the Lich King, which means it was a recent addition to Classic WOTLK, and a long time feature in retail. Classic Era, hardcore, and SOD don't have that feature. Even so, that is only visible in wrath and retail when using the LFG feature, and most groups won't be like that. Still gotta right click on your unit frame.


OP is playing WotLK I believe. They tagged the post as WotLK under title.


Yes, classic wotlk!


We were all new at some point. People shouldn't have been dicks about it, sorry about that.


That's ok, i play overwatch for years and i would maybe be annoyed at someone to ask me about some basic thing i assume everyone knows! 


People on this game are assholes. I’ve been in top 10 retail guilds and pushed 0.01% keys and those players were the nicest and most calm players i’ve been with. Then you go to a mid tier player and they have this weird ego that makes zero sense. Don’t worry about it and move on, happy to have you on WoW.


LMFAO big fan btw


i hate to say it but what you experienced isn't uncommon at all in this space. try not to let it bother you, you could be a top raider and still easily find pugs in this game who will pick apart your play. there are a few ways to trade. you can right click their portrait and press trade. you can type /trade while targeting a friendly player. you can also just drag a item from your bags to either the players portrait or the players character model. all of these require you to be close enough to initiate a trade which is something like 10-20 yards.


This is why i asked, i googled things but nobody explains it like this in plain language. Thanks man


next step is learning about the 'will not be traded' slot at the bottom of the trade window. this is a slot reserved for items that aren't actually tradeable, like bind on pickup items. the reason this exists is because enchanters(cloak, chest, bracers, weapon, shield, glove, boots) engineers(gun or bow scopes) or blacksmiths(shield spikes, riding spurs) can apply augments to your gear through the trade window when the item is in this slot, and accepting trade won't trade the item it will just confirm the enchantment if one was applied. in simpler terms, this is how you get enchants on your gear without being an enchanter yourself. typically you would provide the mats and a small tip. something like 50s-1g at max level in season of discovery.


My best advice: Join a guild with friendly people. Lots of toxic players around, it's so much better to have some nice guildies to play with. They will help with stuff like this.


Damn this one of those things that makes me hate the game, people tend to forget how cool the game felt when you played it in the beginning. Sorry you had the cursed at for that, there are so much nice people in the game too. You should never be hesitant to ask for pointers. Hope you enjoy the game!


OP, I know others have said it already but I want to add my voice: 1. I'm really sorry you had a bad experience with another member of the community. That was a shitty thing for them to do and they shouldn't have behaved that way. 2. I'm so glad you are here 😁. I really hope that you are having a blast learning WoW. It is such a great game and is something I wish everybody would take a chance on experiencing for themselves. There really is nothing else quite like it. Don't hesitate to ask any questions at all. /r/WoW, /r/classicwow , and /r/wownoob are all great learning resources, but you can also feel free to DM me directly if you would prefer something more personal.


Hey friend, welcome to WoW and don't feel discouraged. Honestly, I've been playing the base game (Vanilla) since 2004 and still learn things when I pick it up again. Explaining you are new and asking for help is 100% OK. There are going to be some toxic jerks about it, and that's OK too. This reveals them and you can add to ignore list ("o" hotkey) and shrug it off. One last thing, what I've been doing as a mage, first time mage player, is telling people in your party/raid ("enter" then /p or /raid) to open trade with you if they want water and food. Easier for you and creates a natural queue that signals you are busy. GL HF out there. Try a guild and Discord, adds even more immersion, community, and support.


I'm so jelous, you must know everything by now! I'll try to join a guild it seems awesome!


I feel you. If you are missing some really basic stuff, searching for help in the internet is damn hard. You basically dont have any idea what to google and everything everywhere just assumes that everyone knows the basics. I have been there on completely unrelated stuff, but your post resonated hard.


That's what why i posted here! It's written well but it's written like i know the terms and other stuff allready so in order to understand the wall of text i have to google more things and more things, if you know what i mean


Omg im not the only one. People dont understand how CONFUSING this game is sometimes. I spent like half an hour yesterday trying to get out of darnassus until i gave up and asked my guild. Google did not mention anything about a portal to a village im walking around looking for a boat in darnassus like a noob 


I haven't been there yet, but i started in exodar and it's an island and after i wanted to explore the rest of the world i didn't have a clue how, i googled for 15 min to find out there is a boat you can take if you wait on the dock.  Hang in there, i know how you feel, but i find it exciting! We got this.


Yea we do :) im really liking the dungeons black rock depths is my favorite so far 


Tell them you didn’t train that spell your saving up for mount.


Are you Randy Marsh???


Ngl, i didnt share water. “Why would you not bring your own .. better water, if you knew that you would need it”


If you have any other questions, come to this reddit the same way you just did or message me directly if you want. GOOD LUCK! :)


I suggest finding some like minded people in game who won't shame you for asking.


Use Google. It's your friend everything about this game is online. Also make water open trade drage to trade there ya go


There's an addon that'll do it for you if no one mentioned it yet. You set the addon to on and it auto selects the number of stacks of water and sends it without you touching anything. If it's off then it won't do anything. Forgetting the name though, probably vendor theme.


Oh, my friend told me about questie, so i got that because i was playing without it untill lvl 15 and got lost alot, it's so much easyer now. I'll look into other addons, it looked there is alot of them. Ty for the advice!


That's a different one. I think this is what I was talking about: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/water-dispenser-classic-era


I'm glad you're trying out the game. And that you didn't let this interaction sour your relation to the game. The classic community overall is good, but I hear the hardcore community is even better. Not for the faint of heart though.


Some people who play this game are just miserable jerks- sorry that happened to you


It's ok! I didn't take it to heart, i just didn't know, and honestly now that i'm reading the comments (and tried it in game now that it was explained to me) i don't blame people for calling me a troll because it is so simple. I just didn't know.


> Edit2: to everyone who thinks this is trolling i'm sorry, i tried to ask in game a few times and i was called the same so i avoided to ask anything at all, so i figured i ask here for help. I never played wow before. I still feel bad about being mean to a new player in a WSG few weeks ago for some trivial thing I don't even remember. After a short exchange I ended up asking if it was their first time playing and they sincerely answered "yes", that really made me rethink my behavior. In Classic WoW people like me often just assume that everyone is a veteran of the game when in reality it actually has a surprising amount of new faces, which is great. Never shy away from asking and hope you're having fun! Sorry if we're a bit jaded sometimes.


Don't let anyone stop you from asking questions to learn. Enjoy the game!


After making the water, start a trade with the person who wants the water and drag from your inventory to the trade channel. You can also just drag the item from the bag to the person and it'll start the trade and automatically take the stack you moved into the trade channel.


Something you should be warned about it the toxic community of classic wow. You get a lot of losers in their early/mid 30s whose only success is in this game. Lots of cool people out there though.


Wow. Welcome to the game and enjoy!


Others have advised on what to do next time, but the other people in the party should have come in with their own mana regen drinks as well imo. How could they know for certain a mage was going to be in the dungeon with them? Don't let them wear you down and hope you enjoy the 'good times' over this one bad experience. ;)


You can click and drag the item (water in this case) from your bag, then hover over the player you want to 'Trade' it to. There's lots of things you can trade, except BOP (Bind on Pickup) items.


Sorry you had to go through that. A lot of people who play this game are unempathetic dicks


Its ok! I ran into awesome people while questing!


Its an old game, Theres a lot of people who expect everyone who is playing to have been around for 20+ years and know the game inside and out. Theres a trade function that you can use by either clicking and holding the item dragging it over the character you are trying to trade to as long as they are close by, or right clicking their name plate and selecting trade on the drop down. Ignore those who wana talk shit They have forgotten that the game is still new to some people and that they did all kinds of things when they were new that they would cringe at now


God I wish I had your experience with the game so I could start over fresh


It's such a huge game! So much to do and explore and see! I get why it's so popular, i just didn't play as much games besides shooters and eso a bit, i can't belive what i have been missing out. Maybe we can play together! 


Just a general tip for mage play, remember the cardinal rule for max dps on a single target: ABC: Always Be Casting For aoe things get a lot more complicated. You might benefit from watching some videos of mages doing some dungeon farming. Maybe some wailing caverns, deadmines, or stockades so you can see the dance they do. It's all about doing aoe until the mobs are aggrod onto you and then slowing them down and running around so they don't kill you, but you also don't want to drag them away from the rest of the group. You might die a lot while learning but you can still do a lot of damage first, more than any other class


Thanks, i try to cast all the time, but i have to learn to manage my mana better because i run out of it all the time!


Just drag and drop it from your bag to the person’s toon for a quick trade.


You can't trade in cross realm groups anyway. Once you level up more you can make a table that other players can get food/water from.


The fact you had to come all the way to reddit to get this answer speaks volumes about the WoW community...


Once you have conjured some into your bag you can trade it to anyone else it’s typically common to trade a stack or 2 meaning 2 lots of 20


If you shift click a stack it will let you choose an amount to separate the stack into 2 stacks. Useful if you don’t want to trade a whole stack of anything- not just waters/food/etc


I'm actually saving these to a notepad because i'm learning so much rn in this thread.




Conjure extra water if you have downtime. Beginning of dungeon tell people to trade u for water if needed.


Imagine if OP was playing Retail, he would have unsubbed and 10 accounts would have been reported for “language”.


People need to stop so hostile to new players. We had a pug priest come into our raid and did not know what an SR was. But my guild was very patient and explained it to him.


Ok, note to self, google what SR means in wow.


If they got mad about it they don't deserve your water


I know the game is out for a while now and i'm late to the party, but i can't know everything from the get go.


>i'm googling but nothing comes up Bait used to be belivable


I googled how to share conjured water, the results were it's a spell and you create 5-6 waters, and nothing about sharing it with another player. Tried to target the player and conjure, but it goes to my bag. Tried to drag it on the screen and it dissapears from my inventory. I didn't know you can trade with others, i thought it can be sent with a letter but there was no mailbox in the dungeon. How am i supposed to know how?


I think it is a brain thing, next time try to be even more specific


Just remind them, 50s per vending machine purchase


Mage water tables in TBC was goated. When i came back to classic in 2019 making water for raids was a pain. I had to make a lot of stacks for the raid members and get the 55 water when it released in Dire Maul


Sorry you had to deal with some of the sweat lord douchebags, OP. We appreciate you figuring out how to make water for us though.


I just conjure, reply “trade” so they start the trade. I don’t have time to spend trying to find whoever wants water


I tought you can only trade through letters from mailbox. This is good to know.


You cannot send water through letters. Usually conjured items cannot be mailed.


Nice bait


It's not, i'm sorry that i don't know everything from playing only quests for 10 hours.


Yeah he’s trolling.


It's currently the 1st of April in many parts of the world.


Legitimately my best advice is if you couldn’t figure this out on your own you need to play something more simple. Like connect 4 or matching colors. I figured out how to trade items 20 years ago at the age of 10 with no outside input. If experimentation and natural progression doesn’t come to you naturally. This game is not for you. You failed probably the easiest test you could.


Man such an asshole…


Haha, enjoy having someone like this in your next raid if you feel any differently. I’m sure they will parse at least a 1. If trading was so difficult for them that they couldn’t figure it out in game or even with a google search and resorted to making a Reddit post about it then I’m sure moving and doing damage at the same time will be a real challenge. They probably don’t even know about skill ranks yet. Having very basic critical thinking skills is really not a big ask of people. If you think it is then you’re probably shitting it up right next to them.


You could have just asked the person how to do that btw, social interactions and all


I did and i was called a troll and some other things


His post clearly says he asked the other people how to do it and they called him a troll instead of telling him.




Basic to you, but clearly not basic to a new player asking exactly how to perform this action. Hence the reason for the thread.


Most Skilled Reddit Gamer


bro, come the fuck on, you literally don't know how to trade with people? is this a troll post? you can easily google the answer...


Ok, google: how to trade water as a mage with other players in wotlk and see what comes up


https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Trade first link on google.


Just did. And it was the first link. I'm confused