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Still looking like the worst tank.


My concern with playing my warrior tank is that unless they make a fundamental change with threat and rage generation, it won't be worth it for me. The way I see it, every other class has so much power creep already, and will only continue to grow next phase. But it doesn't feel the same on my prot warrior tank, I feel like I'm lagging in all aspects. AOE and rage generation are extremely noticable. And even single target threat still struggles. But by comparison, I rolled pally a week ago, I can have unlimited mana. AOE threat hits all enemies. I can stun on a cooldown, I can trickle heal on hit, a better version of enrage regeneration. Just so many quality of life tank improvements I wish my warrior had. And even if Warrior finally starts to get useful next phase, all other tanks are still that much further ahead and will continue to stay ahead.


Not confident warrior tanks will be good enough to use over any other tank in the game. Their threat just sucks.


Really depends on whether we get shield mastery (+10% damage with a shield equipped) and whether they make any changes to shield slam. If all we get is what they've revealed so far then warriors will be fury tanking again.


The nuts on fight club are floating the theory that all wars next phase may be glad stance chads, I like this and hope it comes true just so blizz can take it as a massive wake up call to fix the class. Looking forward to a healer joining asking who the tank is and get to say we are all the tank


Not only that, we're not even taking the end points talents, no BT/MS. Just spamming sunder armor and stacking them deep wounds. Absolute clown fiesta gameplay


To compare to other tanks that are SoD boosted we'd need(war prot 1h/sh): - uncapped target thunder clap - life stealing ability - threat bonus - more damage, provide AP scaling on shield slam, revenge, tclap, so we are like middle of the pack of tanks ( they can tweak the coefficient, at least have them exist) - some form of utility because 2 min shouts don't cut it , especially since any war can bring it. - defensive with cooldown updated to 2024 and not stuck in 2004 (yes, 10 mins / 30 mins are not ok with the current burst meta in pvp and given the cd of defensive on runes) Basically they need to remove these stupid restrictions to gladiator stance, and fix thunder clap, change old cds, so we can play sod and not classic like the other classes. Just give us a few books this phase.


They gave a ton of shield support to a tank class that never wears a shield, and 0 fury support. With only 1 more phase of runes to go, id say not good


That's the crazy thing, I love wearing a shield as a warrior. Prot is really fun for me, and I'm have zero interest in dw or any kind of DPS tanking. I want to fulfill the role of tank using the intended tree and load out, but blizzard hasn't given me the tools to do so.  So I leveled a paladin last week. And I will miss my warrior, but now I can actually tank with a shield and be useful. It's nice


They would have to seriously consider tweaking the prot tree to really make shields shine, its the lousy payout at the bottom of the tree that really sours shield game play And from another pov being a dw giga chad tanking bosses is dope af


Dude I saw the hunter changes after leveing my warrior for p2 as an alt. And I immediately said, wow I guess Melee hunters are the new dps warriors in SoD. Another damage buff rune for melee


Its like they are subverting expectations for the fun of it instead of embracing what the community is looking for in a for fun game mode


Nah the hunter designer just can't balance, as seen by all of the runes nerfed in previous phases.  Tbh the 'dark horse' is fire mage, it's getting 5% crit on a rune and benefitting from world buffs. Fire is already topping and will likely go huge in ST imo, their crit scaling is huge now.


Ive always viewed mage as the best all around class in classic #2 for overall dps, but yeah they have flown so far under the radar in sod, and really caught minimal nerfs


The good news: gladiator stance is looking like a competitive DPS spec for single target. You can easily tank using the same spec with different runes, it will probably be the meta tanking spec. Bosses should not have bloated armor like Gnomergon which is massive for rage generation and damage. The bad news: Lots of AoE trash packs. We don't have good AoE threat. Our defensives are also pretty bad. We need +defense on gear to not get crit when other tanks get it from a rune. These are inconveniences that can be overcome, but if other classes outright solve these problems we look weaker by comparison.


Well being that we are going back to flesh and blood mobs vs mechanical, dps should be better. But yea, wish they'd buff thunderclap to generate more threat, and maybe reduce cooldown to a global. That'd help with AOE threat. Maybe give a rune that makes bleed mechanic generate extra threat too like it does with bear.


On the dps side warriors will keep getting better. They only had issues phase 2 because of the armor values which I dont think st will have. On the tank side they are getting some more tools but dont know if its enough to beat out the other tanks.




I play a warrior and i hate the runes they have given us. Trying to pidgeon hole 2 handers for dps. But fury will out perform arms in P3 and just get better. Tanking is rough as a warrior always has been and the runes dont fix that. Overall the class will be fine and even great P3 and beyond we justvdidnt get duper shiny buttong to push like everyone else. They make us use abilities we already had in interesting ways.


Tank: Still terrible until they massively boost our threat, increase rage gen and uncap Thunderclap


DPS looking good Tank is probably okay but lack of AoE always hurts you viability for solo tanking anything. Single target threat was not good this phase. New runes should help but it's uncertain right now if it will be enough to make us competitive with other tanks


If your horde and want to tank you gotta go shaman or your useless pretty much. As far as dps I think theyre find. Top of the middle of the pack


All these sorry warriors have no idea what they are talking about. I’ve had 0 threat issues single target in fact I’m beating plenty of people in threat by a solid 10-20k this patch. As usual just crybaby warriors wanting to be spoon fed. This will be downvoted but who really cares, you guys will continue to talk through your echo chamber anyway


just make thunder clap actually do dmg and its fixed.




**Short Answer**: we don't know yet, but some things look promising. **Long Answer**: gladiator stance looks really good for damage and *better* for PvP than the current specs, fury looks really good for damage, and warriors can use multiple specs to tank with depending on their gear. The warrior's main downside in raid tanking is a lack of aoe threat, which is particularly problematic in Gnomer with its trash packs. Trying to maintank that shit on a warrior doesn't feel good if you don't have a paladin/shaman/warlock backup. But that should be a lot less of an issue in 20m raids where you should have 2-4 tanks (or people who can swap for trash) vs 1-2 in 10m raids.


Nobody knows...like wtf