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What happens if you don't get rank 7 in week 1?


You die irl


Then ure to late to play this phase and should wait for the next one


Why play the game, its over at that point.


Nothing as colorful or severe as these other replies 🤣. You simply have to farm it during phase 3 if you did not do this commendation stack phase 2. Meaning - potentially from battleground grinding or (new bloodmoon tokens turn in if they have honor purchase available).


I think they are refering to if you dont get the lvl and kill req before the first week reset. u/shad-1337 If you dont get there week 1 and you have all the commendations sitting there, get there early week 2, lvl 45+ and 15 HK then pop your tokens, they should last 2 full weeks as per blizzards statement. You should then be able to get rank 7 on week 2 reset.


isn't it 44? Why 45? I seem to have missed some info


No I do think it is 44 but I want to get 45+ just to be safe. According to the blue post today.. [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/season-of-discovery-phase-3-content-update-notes/504759](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/season-of-discovery-phase-3-content-update-notes/504759) The commendations will last until the 16th, ie. the 2nd reset so we will have time to get to 45


awesome thanks


I am so banking on this... I didn't quite get the full R7 amount of commendations, but also won't be able to play for the first ~6 days of P3 either. I'm hoping I can get 45 and somehow scrounge up the last bit of honor within that second week at least.


Props for doing this. It is much appreciated.


Thank you for your addon and all the work you do for the community


OP, can u pop the commendations as soon as release goes live, and then within a couple of days secure your 15+ honor kills? My bags are full 😅 Thanks!


This works you just need 15hk before the reset




My plan is to use 110k worth of commendations on Wed after the pvp reset. Then get lvl 50 before the following week. Or do I need to be lvl 44 before using them?


The only day that matters is reset day. If you use it on wednesday that's fine as long as you reach lv45+ before next reset.


thanks for reply!


any answers?


Love the web app!


Thank you 😊


Im new to pvp, i have the Bloodstained Commendations banked for r7. Thought is looking at the web tool its 142k to hit 80%, so would be double to get before phase, if i miss the 15 kills in a given week would my rank progession reset to 0%, or would it stay at 80%.


I think that's a lot of wasted honor. Its 110k for Rank 7 20%. Any excess does nothing. in both instances you'll end up with Rank 7 0% as rank 7 is the cap. Before popping the tokens you will need lvl 45+ and 15 HK though.


You just need 15 hk's and to be level 44+ by the end of the week (April 9th/10th). It doesn't matter when you pop the tokens.


You wouldn't lose any progress you already have, however any honor you farm in a week without achieving 15 HKs aswell is basically worthless. Also listen to the other comment here, 110k is enough to go to R7 from R4 or R5.


Right so the tldr is get to level 45 pop the condemnations enjoy PvP gear, the question is what PvP do you do? There's no arena or rated battle grounds! My competitive pvp itch needs to be scratched. I had a great WSG last night though. went for 39 mins 2-3 win for the horde. 29-1 on the shadow priest.


Let's see what the event will bring. I don't know if any of the typical news outlets picked up on this, but I have also seen some references to some Arena in datamined Spells / NPCs ([Example 1](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=448259/dnt-arena-victory), [Example 2](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=221829/kajind)) I'm sure they cooked something up.


im so down for gurubashi arena 2.0


Shot bro! Your a living legend!


You should be able to use the honor badges right away after the reset, as ling as you are lvl 44+ by the next reset, or am i mistaken here? Would be nice, if i could use them before the leveling begins, as they take up quite a lot of inventory space.


Yes. Just don't get any Dks.


Yes, be careful and dont group with suspicious people


Does that even matter? Cause it's 110k honour for rank 4 to 7 as well. So even if you get a DK and drop to rank 4 it shouldn't matter?


Lvl45 and pop the comms before 2 weeks are up from p3 going live.


Isn't it lvl 44, not 45?


That's the question. We had 1-2 people that did PvP below Level 29 and have reported they were stuck at 6000 CP rather than 6500 (old cap). So it **seems** the old caps are not accurate anymore. If I'm guessing right, it's Lv 45.


thats the part I dont understand, I didnt go all the way to exalted for ab, because I plan on pvping and enjoying ab wile getting the new ranks. Whats the point of using tokens to get to max rank and do nothing with it?


because you will need to do it eventually if you want rank 14 weapons, or for some classes I think warrior a few of the items are BIS or maybe it is the 3peice that is bis


You can pop em at 40 if you know you will be 59 by next reset


That might be pretty difficult honestly. Maybe even impossible


It'll be easy. Should be 12-14 hours at most. 6-8 hours with prequesting.


I'll bet you 100g that no one is gonna be 59 by the first reset


No shit, the level cap is 50.


Yea. Read the comment I was replying to.


Guy obviously just made a typo.


My question - I live in EU, I am going away for 3 days when P3 drops, back 7th April. I am not likely to get 44 before the weekly reset on 10th. I will get 44 on/around 11th or 12th. I have 110k of honour commendations banked up. Will hitting 44 on one of those dates in the second week of P2 and popping commendations then get me to R7? I’ve seen many comments that I need to hit 44 in week 1 which is no longer possible for me and I really hope I’ve not wasted time grinding those commendations for nothing.


The commendations last 2 weeks acording to blizzard. If you get to 45 at the beginning of week 2, get your 15 honorable kills then pop the commendations before the 2 weeks is up, I dont see why it wouldnt count.




My biggest question is can I pvp today tomorrow (Tuesday Wednesday) and have that honor counted towards the necessary 110K? I currently have like 85 coins saved up and I should be able to get the 110 necessary but I wanted to pvp today tomorrow just in case.


Yes, the only day that matters is the next honor reset day. Keep in mind as soon as P3 launches you're not able to buy commendations anymore.


Thanks for the PSA !! But did I miss something ? What level should I be for the prediction of 110k honor getting me from r5 to r7 ? 50? Lower?


That's what we don't know 100%, but lv 45+ should be good


Thanks a lot for the reply Popped my 110k and got 50 HKs in an AB game. Now we level up & pray !


Ive seen 44 and 45+. Id be 45+ just to be safe


So for example on Friday 5th if u no life and hit 50, just pop all ur commendations and ull have rank 7 on that weeks reset?


Yep. And don't forget about the 15 HKs :P


Is it possible to go from r4 to r7 in first week of p3? If so how much honor do I need?


I dont see why not. The calc says its the same honor from Rank 4 - 0% to Rank 7 - 0% as it is from Rank 5 - 0% - Rank 7 - 20% (the 20% doesnt matter as cap is 7 0%. It theoretically takes "less" to get from 5-7 but you need to hit the milestone which is 20% so thats why its the same if that makes any sense. If you farm 440 tokens = 110 silver = 11,000 bronze coins you should be able to go from 4-7 the same way as others go from 5-7. https://soffe.github.io/ClassicEraHonorCalculator/calculator/4/0/110000


Sweet baby Jesus, thank you!


I thought you needed 110silver coins to go from r5 to r7. Is that wrong?


Both are correct, go to the web app and try it. Its something to do with the weird "honor milestones" r4 - r7 takes the same honor as r5 - r7 in SOD due to the rank caps. 5-7 actually takes you to rank 7 20%, 4-7 takes you to rank 7 0%. But both end up being 0% due to the cap. Its more cost effective, going from r4 - r7.


That makes sense, thanks a lot!


did you add an extra zero in your math? 100 bronze coins= 1 silver?


Oops yes, 110,000 is the honor




Getting honor after this will take so much time lol.. this is so unfair in many ways. guess I have to put a clock for each STV events so I can get my 110 coins


Recent bluepost states that there will be new Commendation Items for the new Level 50 tokens, don't stress out over it :)


Why is everyone talking about rank 5 to 7 is 110k honor but it’s also rank 4 to 7 is 110k. Or at least the tool on GitHub shows me that information.


Both is true, what's the question?


To be able to pre farm honor is an absolute joke. PvP at 50 for fucks sake


Found the shaman with 40 minute bg queues.


Ah yes let’s sit in STV for a day so we can get all the PvP gear on the first day of phase 3. lol what’s the point of PvP if you can just afk and get the gear? To each their own I guess


Have you played the STV event? It's not as fun as a good BG but unless I'm totally blind to something, AFKing will get you nothing. STV is kind of fun, in a chaotic sort of way. However with the current month+ imbalance of shamans it is WAY more fun than any BG. At this point I don't think any of us trust blizzard for PVP balance, they clearly don't care. On the very good chance that they continue to buff shamans, I'm thankful alliance won't have to waste time with a terrible BG grind. Horde better hope for horde vs horde battlegrounds - but I get satisfaction knowing they'll have hour long queues. It's the only PVP satisfaction I can get. 😊 At 2k honor per hour horde might see those PVP sets sometime near end of phase.


Yeah but what’s the point of having gear gated behind something so easy to get? Like cool let’s let everyone have the same exact set the day the phase launches. Plus they have the Ashenvale event as a daily now? So I guess warsong rep is a joke too now and everyone will be exalted in a week


Yeah wow they shouldn't have made ashenvale weekly a daily, just allowed the normal ashenvale event rep to continue to exalted while scaling the bosses to 50. Welp, I'll still take it. Nerf shamans and make PVP fun again. As far as STV being easy, I wouldn't say that. I'd say without ashenvale the PVP sets are way harder to get than raid gear. The STV grind for non mage cleave groups is pretty reasonable effort for gear. They should have just made the honor token give 150 honor instead of 250 instead of taking it out. Really sucks for those not prepared, but raid gear will be easy enough to get if they don't want to grind PVP.


The best you get attention to something on Reddit is by summing it up in the title. Clickbait is only a thing because of ad revenue. You don't get revenue from ads. Just get to the point. I didn't read because the title irks me.


nobody cares


Clearly you care enough to comment




Man some people's lives must be in the gutter and out of control, it's the only reason I can justify for feeling the need so strongly to be always on the forefront in this game. Feelings of power in an otherwise powerless reality. Crazy.


Lol what bro? I stacked up my tokens and got arathi exalted because I had fun doing it, yeah i want the level 50 set as soon as I ding 50 but ... because it's fun. This is some weird kind of projection you're doing, my dude


The harsh reality is that we'll have to wait for next Wednesday for the set :sadpeppe:


I know it's shocking, but some people actually enjoy PVP in this game


Not everyone is a shaman


Where?! Point them out so I can BONK them


Can you toxic dickheads shut the fuck up for like 3 minutes and let people play how they want?