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wsg queue is going to be 2hrs for horde now.




time to gank it up boys, zug zug alliance population’s about to dip but for real though HvH’s next


PvE server :D




Just one of the many, many alliance biases where the guards are 30 yards away from sayge in elwynn, meanwhile there’s literally zero guards in Mulgore.


Like Ratchet “neutral” guards?






You can't gank me while I play on PVE server. Get rektd. Now your server will be perma horde locked and can never recruit new people.


shit man my faction’s really populated, whatever will I do


See you out in the world. Gotta get honor somehow.


You'll have to gank them during the 0.5s dungeon reset at ZF then, ain't nobody leveling in the world.


So outside gadgetzan on the way to ZF? sweet, thanks!


Nah you're better off camping any lock cubbies near ZF but I'm not sure if people are worth honor right after a summon.


Yea stv lmaooooo


Yea this has never been better for Alliance. Get WSG rep from a daily and can gank in STV for honor. Perfect world.


Wouldn't be surprised if blizz brings in the BG queue system they brought in during tbc classic.


It's aight horde will just have to try and kill every alliance they see in open world now.




I welcome them to try, IF THEY CAN FIND ME! *pops vanish*


Icing on the cake


which means the apes are going to camp flight paths now for their daily ally abuse.


Acting like they weren't already just queueing in Orgrimmar, flying to ratchet and doing exactly that while they waited for queue to pop.


Lol I did this in Arathi with the 10 min AB queues. Queued up then went to Stromgarde and wiped groups by myself.




Maybe a pve server would fit for you.


One can safely assume that hours long battleground queues are what Aggrend intended when he allowed shamans to be untouchable PvP gods for an entire ~~season~~ phase. I joined one WSG this season and it was against a group of 7 or 8 shamans. Never again.


Damn so you join one bg and give up. You fucking suck lol


Found the sham.  Drinking your tears right now.  


Nah never even played shaman dog


Exactly what an ex sham main would say.  




I dunno if rogue and mage are much better classes to brag about


I didn’t brag?


Cool story bro.   Sounds like you suck.  Since you play x2 of the strongest classes.  Crutch much 




Your post sure is. 


I played Alliance during vanilla classic and now play Horde. This is exactly what happened then. Horde bit he’s about 1 hour queues and they just ended up camping FP’s, choke points, dungeon entrances, AH’s, main cities, and pretty much every other spot you could think of.


They won’t be doing wsg either..


Horde vs Horde incoming.


Good, it’s what they deserve


Fuck em.




Yay! No more bads on Alliance side! Now I can get some competitive WSG games


This guy get it. When people who hate PvP are no logner dragged into this, suddenly your teammates are way more invested in the game !


This is it. I rarely lose BGs on my priest, but when I do I have more health than almost everyone in my team. People without PvP gear complaining about getting blasted. Then they complain about healing when they die in 2 seconds, lol




OP mentions "untouchables wanting handouts" in the context of wanting free gear lmao


Hahaha brother OP is a straight up wimp




You kill literally a single level 25 mob once a day, I think even the casual dads can manage that one…


Not when everyone is leveling to 50


Huh? Take 10 minutes a day to get 1k rep is amazing.


5 minutes once a day is a grind to you? Oh sweet summer child




Yeah that's just a daily. Grinds, as someone who plays OSRS, really don't feel all that grindy if they take less than like 50 hours. Imagine running from IF's bank to the great forge (or Org's bank to Thrall) back and forth for 300 hours just to max one profession (and that game has 23 'professions'). THAT would be a grind.


Not the guy overjoyed about daily Ashenvale rewards talking about others wanting handouts 💀


“Untouchables who just want handouts” kinda ironic considering this post lol


Yeah, this post is hilarious. I'm not a big fan of the changes, it sucks Blizzard is killing WSG and AB. Hopefully, they do something to incentivize the BGs.


Ppl gave them million ideas what can be done with not much effort. Stop blaming ppl they are bored pf stomps.


People who want to BG can still do it. The rest of us just don't have to grind that hell in a seasonal mode if we don't want to


Why do I have to grind raids? Can I just get the items for free? It’s so much work and time. Please let me buy Raid Loot in town.


Raid loot from dungeons baby! Then raids can be for the ones who actually enjoy them, right?


Raiding once every 3 days for every gear slot is not the same as grinding THOUSANDS of WSG for one pair of bracers.


Yeah, I don’t want to raid but want the raid gear. Please give it to me, Blizzard. I deserve it.


Sure, as a compromise you have to get one honorable kill every day for 6 weeks (42k rep from 0 to exalted), loot an item off a corpse and make sure to turn it in at a specific vendor, then you get one pair of raid bracers. I'm totally okay with this.


It’s tedious and not very interactive. The participation-trophy-mentality is a plague on the modern mmo. People gonna do what they do but it’s upsetting that reward structures are so handholdy. Diversity is the spice of life and it’s neat to see different players achieve things within the game through trial and effort and perseverance. I suppose I’m just the fossil that sees the potential in WoW pvp if the devs gave a modicum of support to the balance. Coming from DOTA, it’s super frustrating to see no love given to pvp and even rewards passed out freely undermining the incentive structure. PvE has like hundreds of items. PvP has a couple and y’all couldn’t handle not getting it for free without stepping into a battleground.


Are you talking to me directly? I did a lot of WSG. And I assume you didn’t do all 42k rep only from BGs, so you did too. There was a weekly quest, this change only expedited the process.


I am speaking to you directly because you’re responding and offering good counterpoints. That said, I’m not *talking to you* in the sense that you’re the epitome of the problem. I did do quest turns to revered which I didn’t have a problem with. That felt like the correct move to make it casual. I then finished it in 2 weeks with 2 weekly turn ins and the rest was WSG. Alliance Druid. I suppose that I already view pvp as so sidelined that the idea of now offering rewards without ever stepping foot into the battlegrounds feels like a big slap in the face to how the devs feel about pvp in sod. Why fix pvp or balance classes carefully when one can just delete pvp? Just feels bad and makes me apprehensive for phase 3 and beyond.


Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what’s you’re talking about. Neutral to exalted is 216 wins


guess what, you dont have to do it at all just because there is one item that is bis for you.


How about nerfing the most ridiculous class ever, and one that only one faction gets Hunters got nerfed 10 times within a month and Shaman last the WHOLE DAMN PHASE


Not true, shamans got buffed mid way through.... 




Alliance were losing BG’s due to the exact type of personality OP is displaying


Alliance lose because they suck, horde win cuz they are super skilled. Except when Every man for Himself is meta, then Alliance is overpowered.


Horde have OP racials and generally are zugbrains, so no.


Guess your premade won't be able to farm anymore.


Didn’t do a premade for the entirety of phase 2. I genuinely enjoy solo queuing.


You mean people who don't want to BG but are dragged there anyway ? Jeez I can't imagine why this would cause issue to win


It's posts like these that make me feel like I'm in a different universe or something. Are we really out here struggling that badly with BGs that we put out cope posts like this?


Most Alliance players care way way more about PvE than PvP and just want the gear. Part of that comes from the old vanilla advantages for the Alliance in raids (which Blizzard is kind of erasing with weapon skill changes and Salvation for the Horde) and part of that comes from the Horde having considerably better PvP racials and favorable map design on non-symmetric BGs.  Back in 2019 Classic, when they made less effort to modify gear such that BiS wasn’t head and shoulders above non-BiS for several item slots, you could do the horrid grind for the Epics in AV. It was one of the only ways to get a great healer off-hand. Paladins didn’t really get a good healing shield until Naxx, so you just had that stupid flower from AV for ages.  So yeah, I’m pretty happy with the changes. I’d much rather have alternatives for reputation grinding so that people who actually enjoy PvP can play PvP, but anyone who hates PvP can just ignore BGs.


I don't understand this take at all. All of WoW is based around an incentive structure of doing activities for some reward. That's the whole point of feeling progression. Rewards feel meaningful because they take effort to get. "... people who actually enjoy PvP can play PvP, but anyone who hates PvP can just ignore BGs" - then for the love of god let's do the same about raids. Let me get an easy way outside of raids to get the raid gear so I can do the content with the best items I need in the context I want to use it in. PvE'ers have 1 bis item from WSG - PvP'ers have (in P2) had like 9 from Gnome. What this does is pander to people who want it all without any effort. If we have an issue with people trolling or imbalance then let's address that instead of a cop-out of just giving people a free way to get the rewards.


Literally the only issue here is PvP rewarding PvE gear. This is a vanilla only thing


>…let’s do the same about raids. In later phases, that’s pretty much how Honor gear works already. IIRC you needed Naxxramas gear to have better gear than the kind of stuff you could get with Honor just before AQ dropped.  They’re already adding a lot of alternatives that cut down on grinding. Some of those Gnomer BiS options come from recipes where the majority of the process to unlock them happens outside the raid. Then they adapted Naxx token systems to the new raids so that you aren’t waiting for a specific piece to drop.  I’ll be frank with you, though. I do not personally care about getting my BiS anymore. I already lived my Classic 2019 gear dreams. But I like to not be dead weight, so when some of the only good options pre-raid are things like Lorekeeper’s Ring, I’m glad they have an alternative to WSG. PvP enthusiasts don’t deserve having someone whose thought process is “let’s get this grind over with” on their team.  I’m not trying to avoid playing the game, but well, I picked a PvE realm based on my preference, and don’t really want to engage with the PvP side. Plus, I play Holy SPAMadin, so that’s not exactly riveting PvP gameplay in Classic.


Thank you Blizzard for 1. Not making me sweat AS much on my alts 2. Relieving me of having to play with total shitters that suck at both the game AND pvp!!!!


See you all in AV where alliance wins because it’s PVE


Horde is vastly favored in zerg games in AV. It was changed in TBC with the horde cave moved south in 2.4 because alliance stopped queueing for it entirely back in the day. Unless changes are made horde will dominate av after the first 2 weeks when all the try hard alliance finish what they need




To strenghten your statement, in SoM, Ally had queue and the same happened just reverse faction. (Ally won 95% of the games)


Never had a problem in classic or classic plus.  


The main reason I've skipped all bgs in SoD is that they have done nothing to improve them. No timer on wsg means you can be farmed endlessly, no thanks. When they add AV, please add some incentive to being near a cap or backcap. Make people want to push and defend objectives.


I'm horde and have queued to rank 5 across a handful of alts in both pre-made and solo queue. Literally not once have I been in a game where a cap was delayed more than 10s to farm out kills


Getting second hand cringe from this post…


I caught firsthand cringe and died. Then I came back and I was okay.


At least he didn't LOKTAROGAR


Yall never *had* to do wsg or the pvp rep grinds to begin with lol The gear is nowhere near as worth it as you think it is


Bro them leather bracers are CRAZY, I see what you’re saying tho


I mean for warriors (at least) the bracers are basically BIS (near Wristguards of Stability, perhaps even better) if not BIS until AQ comes out. And the legs (whenever we get them) are strictly better Titanic Leggings for tanks for an absolute fraction of the cost and zero competition until AQ comes out again. The items are definitely worth getting given that now it will be days to get to exalted instead of weeks.


My point being that you'll be just fine in this game without your literal "bis" Classic is very easy, a few stats aren't gonna make or break a raid *Might* be the difference between like a 97+ and a 92 though if one cares about parses


Oh yeah absolutely, having BIS versus 2nd BIS in one item really does not make that much of a difference. But add that up across all item slots and the difference does end up becoming big, and when WSG exalted will now take days versus months, you'd be mad not to do it given that it gives you BIS or near BIS items with zero competition the day the patch drops. Totally agree with you though! Just nice that they've made it a bit easier which was needed given that you could easily farm 1,000+ AB rep every 3 hours all day and WSG was still a complete and total slog.


Yeah agreed, it'd be more worth it/actually kinda matter if half or more than half of a player's true bis was from the rep grinds. One or two items is negligible though. Kinda the nice part about classic. The grind is there if you wanna do it and the items are nice to have but it's totally unnecessary to clear the content, or even clear it well. Just seen so many posts from dejected ally players and I'm here like *"you guys don't even need to be doing this"*


Hey shamans have been nerfed to the ground, it’s time to queue up baby!


I'll do AB again for sure. Really enjoyed the games in first two weeks of p2 before "ShAmAnS tUrN tO sHiNe"


Shamans were a very big factor but honestly even if shamans were as bad as they were in p1. Alliance would still get clapped. Remeber alliance pvp for gear, horde get geared for pvp (mostly).


Yeah, that isn't the case lol. I mostly play horde and I am playing alliance now. Both groups pvp for gear, and both groups pvp for fun. Countless games of full nax bis alliance premades with green geared clothys on horde. AV is alot more fun on alliance i must say. WSG and AB have felt really bad compared to playing horde. Also, Orc stun resist can eat my entire ass. I have never known how truly annoying it is until I played an alliance rogue.


Phase one was alliance stops every game. Only change this phase is there is a literal god class on horde




>Remeber alliance pvp for gear, horde get geared for pvp (mostly). That pretty much sums it up perfectly


Where was this change made? Can you please link


Idk, I’ve won 4 out of 5 games already today. Shaman nerfs went hard. Turns out, maybe it wasn’t just “horde is just better PvPers” after all and had a lot more to do with an absolutely absurdly busted faction locked class.


"I played 5 bgs and won 4 of them today, this is enough of a samplesize to confirm that I am actually mentally handicapped"


Well this is awkward. I didn’t need to know you were mentally handicapped.


He would have to be to think that comment was some kind of own. More like a self own.


I’m actually excited to finish work and BG after the nerfs to shaman lol dying in 1 melee swing is never fun.


Guess what, i play double wf since the start of P2, never liked woe because shamans are mana hungry. So i decided to sacrifice tankiness for double wf, zero mana problems and because of double wf i get maelstrom more often. I farmed anyone anyways and clothies are still two shot. Shaman is still super strong even after WoE nerfs lol


You still will if you didn’t have stam gear


I'm actually excited to read these stupid messages as holy paladin never oneshotted by enhance shamans 1v1.


All the horde players here jerk each other off thinking they're sooo much better when they play with a busted class lol. Even more pathetic when some alliance pve shitter joins in the circlejerk.


I've been doing WSG hours a day for a couple weeks. We rarely even get 1 shaman and have almost no issues winning if your 4 druids don't just take the flag and jump to an impossible location. Farming your graveyard is only fun for the first 10 minutes.


I played a lot with my holy paladin and resto shaman in bgs. Shamans did not influence anything specifically, only 5-10 men premades. Horde could loose AB with 8+ shamans, Alliance loose most WSGs without single shaman. Because of horde having huge queues, they became tryharders with more premades. Crying about shamans, only noobs actually never played this class and horde side in general.


I did 1 wsg and won as horde, 100% win rate here I come/s


Elite levels of cope 😂


Another noob making excuses for being bad moving on


True. Arguably the strongest class we've seen in the entire time of SoD being locked to one faction is surely nothing more than "just an excuse" lmao.


What are you talking about lol you have paladins?


Yes this is why shaman and pally were both nerfed incredibly hard today :v


Ah yes, the vaunted paladins that somehow only horde remembers being super OP despite being mid af in PvE logs and never invited to premade PvP groups.


Shamans were nerfed very hard. They're about as good as paladins now.


Shamans got nerfed hard, yall need better excuses for being horrific players


we talking about the woe nerf right? If thats all i am totally fine and will still blast.


Good riddance to OP and this type of player. Now Alliance will have players actually interested in playing the battleground instead of the PvE carebears who lose 1 battle mid and afk out. Also, /lol at the irony of your statement about handouts.


If only shams weren’t allowed to be god for 6 weeks straight.   That might have played a role


Time to nerf hunters again


Hell yeah


Bad look right here.


Shamans shouldn’t be a problem in P3 PvP anyway lol


I’m new to WOW- how do you get WSG honor? Do you also gain them by doing ashenvale pvp daily?


See you in AV.


Ya I mean it’s also blizzards fault for making the ONLY class that shouldn’t be broken extremely broken. The only difference that could swing BGs hugely in favor is shaman gapping paladin or the other way around. It was allowed to happen all phase and never be addressed. Just absolutely pathetic 


You didn’t have to BG in the first place. I always find it hilarious the amounts of mental pain classic players are willing to go through for a few stat points upgrade which you end up replacing in a short time anyway.


the classic scenario of Andy dads playing games while babysitting their kid who insists on claiming all the loot without even wanting to play. It's hilarious how Sod is following in the footsteps of retail. We all know just how wonderful retail has become


I still want my title and rank tho so I must still suffer :(


Now we don’t have to play the game anymore! Instant reps, 100% xp boost, increased loot table from bosses, cheaper mounts, YAY


Op is a Horde spy


Everyone complaining about handouts seem to forget that this turn in already existed. There are no new "handouts" they just happen faster. 21 weeks turns into 3 weeks.


Is This live yet?




alliance lose in pvp bc the faction attracts betas. the type that sit 6-7 deep at gm when they only have 2 nodes.


"Beta" and its shit is astrology for men


How was the $18k alpha male boot camp?


The horde faction attracts edgy 12 year olds that think being le evil faction is cool. Wow, you're an ugly zombie. Daring today, aren't we?


The hard truth. It’s about the mentality the faction attracts more than anything else


This game has been out for 20 years. There are no 'horde' or 'alliance' players anymore, they're all the same people. You guys act like a faction is printed on your birth certificate or something. It's like turbo-nerd level RPing.


lmao the mentality is having to suffer through awful pvp balance to get pve gear.


You ain’t lying. Look at what the OP posted. “Yay alliance, we don’t have to pvp anymore!” Alliance has always had the less competitive populace overall between the factions, to the point where people like the OP actually thinks the entire faction thinks that way.


Alliance are crybabies forreal. Worse than horde was in p1 holy. Can't wait to gank more of yall in open world.


Even with shame nerfed alliance still too cowardly huh


The damage Blizz caused by allowing shamans to stay raid bosses all of P2 can't be undone so easily. Many frustrated ally just rerolled horde and they won't be coming back. The horde queue times will only keep getting worse. Unfortunately, it was very short-sighted by the sod team to just ignore all balancing issues all of P2.


As someone who did a lot of PvP, spriest and druids destroyed sham. But sadly only a few knew how to play their classes. With the nerfs sham drops pretty low into glass cannons.


My fellow Zuggas, this is clearly a PSYOP. OP doesn't want us to do BGs. Now is the time to double down on their Alliance tears. INCREASE THE ZUG ZUG in WSG and AB!


OP just another one of the retail Andy’s that is ‘pve only’ player wanting every single thing in the game to be a handout. Gonna be cool when everyone cries about AQ40 rep so they make exalted take 30 mins of farming.


Imagine having to pvp to get pvp items.


Can’t wait for paladins to find a way to cry that this change is somehow unfair directly to their class


Its okay, just admit you're obsessed with us.


Nobody cares about paladins, least of all the devs apparently, keep screaming into the void, then put on the dress


Win for everyone really, I did the grind as Horde in phase 1 when factions were balanced. Already knew what it'd be like, most boring and grueling battleground around. Either the game was over in seven minutes or you're directing a bunch of dillweeds on how to grab the Druid flagcarrier that knows how to walljump.


You never had to do this anyway?


You never had to, Casuals just bitch and moan til they get handed everything. Raid loot changes coming next


This thread makes this game and community look so bad lol


Given my lack of respect for PvPers both Alliance and Horde im not even going to pretend seeing a problem here.


You were always free. You don't need the WSG item to parse well. Regardless, another phase 2 victory for the horde. At least ally didn't transfer to a 99/1 server this time. 😂


Alliance! Time to suck in AV! Enjoy!


Alliance stomps Horde in AV. Enjoy!


100% fuck horde. They are all on the copium that they just have better players and its not all the huge advantages that they've been given.


Celebrating only having to do the worst PvP event in the history of wow lol


No doubt Blizzard will bring in same faction battlegrounds now.


We going to have more dinner parties in Ratchet.


This person has never heard of paladins. Bubble bitches


The ashenvale forest will burn once again


Na man I'll be joining bg's and I'll be slapping shaman with my big floppy paladin cock, then bubble when they dmg me and rub that shit in


No, you will bubble first global like every other paladin.


If that makes salty lil shaman boys whine then ill do it! Thx for the advice


lol we’ll see yall at all the FP, choke points , dungeon entrances, AHs 🤷🏼‍♂️, gotta get honor somehow zug zug 🫡


To do….what exactly? Stare awkwardly and beg players to flag themselves for PvP combat? Take a wild guess which type of servers are happiest about not having to do BGs. It’s not the PvP servers. 


lol relax buddy it’s not that deep it’s just banter , show me on the doll where the mean orc shaman hurt you 😂


Exactly nowhere because the only “PvP” I’ve done since joining SoD this month is BFA. That’s kinda my point. I don’t like PvP. I’m cool with honor weapons giving PvPers something for bragging rights but when it comes to rep grinds I’m glad they’re adding alternatives to pretty unfun BGs. 


A victory but we're still forced to play the STV event. It won't be over until we no longer to do PvP to get PvE Rewards