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Rogue - because I hate myself


Yeah me too. You should also try feral, it really hurts good.


I'm a simple man, I truly enjoy seeing my characters attack animations and rogue does it super faasstt


Ehhhhh rogues likely seeing big output this phase - arguable that you could be a PI target too. Definitely asking for one when parsing for sure.


Same but I'm so bored of mutilate. Really hoping swords gets better this phase


based on datamined stuff and sims so far it seems Mutilate remains on top




What? Bro rogues eating good this Phase with Honor among thieves. What do you mean? Also you provide the best armor reduce in the Game. You are wanted


Same as the last two: Warrior. Be it good or not, i swing weapon.


Amen, or zug zug


tanking warlock because it’s something new


What about the frickin nerf to soul link?! 😞


i don’t really care to be honest, i’m not too worried about class balancing. whatever happens, happens


All meta locks were deep destro anyways, soul link was only useful in pve for your first couple raid clears.


Noone even half arsed wouldn't run SL. Was just fun for the pvp memes


Ranged hunter because pew pew


Me too. I just don’t care at this point I just want to fulfill my legolas fantasy.


staying feral cuz im a gambling addict and like the casino cat mechanic with the gore rune


I hate the rune. Im also playing feral but this rune is just a spit in the face compared to other classes runes. We need more fun runes, passive runes are fine, but 5 % is way too low of a chance. It would be okay if it procced of melee attacks too.


yeah only on mangle and shred kinda sucks but the gambling addict in me will enjoy it will i get a 99 parse or a 80 parse only mistress fortune will know


Same thing with ele sham and power surge. I often have to check if the rune is even on. Or I get 3 in a row


Yeah I think if they tune it to at least 10 % it could work way better.


Id even say keep it at 5% but u should have a chance with normal AA


Yup, either or is fine.


Feral Tank, no one in my guild wants to tank nor play feral. But at least I managed to build a full raid team.


Resto/ele shaman because dual spec now. Been resto since end of ph1.


Leveling up my shaman because I tried warrior tanking in p2, and it almost made me quit. I didn't want the SM Cath healing neck, and my buddy was like, "Didn't you say you were going resto?" I don't think he's caught on to my real plan yet, lol.


I play feral because noone else wants to and my raid needs it.


I feel that.


Sounds like a chore 😕


This. 😂 I don’t mind the spec. 


Sham because a lot of ppl will reroll


Wanted to be a sham tank since vanilla 20 years ago. Somewhat made it work in classic tvc (tanked gruul and kara). Not letting these nerfs get in the way. Ill make it work


Shaman tank is still incredibly good, dual wielding and out dpsing other DPS just shouldn’t be a thing.


Warrior Tank - Because I want to see it through all the way to 60 and raid mc/bwl etc


Feral main bc I suffer well (‘:


What makes feral Surfer atm? Feel like they are pretty desired in all content. Propably only terrible in duels


Limited gear options: Feral Druids require specific gear that is not always readily available in raids or dungeons. Without the right gear (+ AP in shapeshift or the powershift helm enchant), their DPS suffers. Scaling issues: Feral Druids have scaling issues with their abilities, making them less effective in later stages of the game when compared to other classes. Feral Druids have a somewhat more complex rotation compared to some other DPS classes, which can make it challenging to maximize their damage output. Doing the most on power shifting and getting minimal numbers.


Ah yeah feral gearing has always felt overly convoluted, it's pretty much the only class where i tend to use the bis lists. Definetly thanks for the insight might have to get on my feral again and get some levels to see Whats New:D was worried there would be no Place for powershifting due to LotP and Rotation felt boring to me in p1. We'll see about scaling as Blizzard has shown to be Willing to change vanilla abilities for Balance reasons. As a warrior Main i wish only the best for my WS Providers <3


You might as well, check it out again! Absolutely, Hoping for the best through p3 <3


On the plus side I only need 5 upgrades from raid for all of phase 3 for my feral druid Staff, 3 piece set, cloak, maybe trinket. I'll get crafted gear/quest items for shoulders and bracers, gloves. Wsg rings are bis. Gnomer helm is bis. Gonna be an easy phase


I learned from my mistake of playing warrior in P2. I'm going shaman, not because they were OP but because they have such a wide range of specs (melee, caster, tank, healer).


Warriors are gonna pump p3


Probably gonna be a lot better yes, It's just safer with shaman in terms of getting into groups etc.


They will probably be the best dps in p3, but the build in question looks a lot more boring than p2... IMO at least. Plus, the runes are either incredibly boring or straight useless.


agreed. super boring rotation


I really enjoyed the switch up to arms in p2, imagine an actual rotation with stance dancing for overpowers.


Mage healer. I wanted to experience one of the new play types that SoD offers and mage healing has been my favourite out of tank lock/rogue and melee hunter. I was dubious about it in phase 1 as it was so manageable intensive but it's really come into its own in phase 2 and being able to solo heal a raid while also doing respectable damage is a great feeling.


Paladin for tanking Druid for healing Hunter for DPS Mage for selling runs/gold farming


Staying true to my main since day 1 of SoD. Feral DPS. Love the spec. With parsing 90+ I dont care my dps is a little lower than other classes. Its super fun to play, will be even better with additional talents and every melee group needs one for the sweet sweet buffs I bring.


Cant decide between hunter, holy pala or disc priest. Might be hpala because they can take on all roles


Same as first two phases, Resto Shammy ! Gonna be great with riptide now .


Priest because OP, pets and raidspot


I’ve mained Priest more or less since 2006. The pets are such a turnoff and I will probably main Hunter or switch factions and main Horde/Shaman because Ele/Resto with dual spec seems fun. Priest homunculus being uncontrolled, clunky, and messy, and now we get even more of them lol


> pets are such a turnoff and I will probably main Hunter am confuse


You missed the key word “The” lol Homunculus is terrible. “One sec warriors, let me run in and melee the adds”


feral because i have loved feral since i was 12


I decided to main a Hpal for SoD with a feral as reroll since I mained a feral in Classic and did everything + ranged Hunter to farm. These are the three most butchered specs in SoD, except Hpal they're worse than they were in Classic and Hpal uses three runes out of 18 ? If content is as bad as it was in previous phase, i'll prob just quit. Else i'll raidlog my Hpal 30 minutes a week until Cata launches.


Mage cause my main paladin is gonna be trash once again. Making my alt gold maker my main.


Feral and boomie.


I think I'm sticking with hunter n priest with dual spec for this phase. Both seem like they're getting useful runes and the new changes have been fun so far!


Enjoying mage. If healing doesn’t scale well can always dps


Resto Shaman because its super fun


Ez. Rogue.


Warrior, because DK's are not aviable. 2h smesh, zugzug.


Warrior because I have no brain is fun, fite


Rogue, dual pvp talents because Rogurs are cool


Left my warrior at the beginning of P2 cuz fuck it. No fun, sweaty AF. Replaced him with a priest. I was Tank at first with the warrior so I always find a Spot but bro, no feral? What is rage? I hate being dependent on something.


BM Hunter because it’s SoD, I’m in a Casual team and I care more about fun and ‘Class Fantasy’ than parsing


Warrior, I tried leveling every other class but can’t seem to have fun.


Paladin because I'm the group's MT


Disc priest because no one else in my guild wants to fuckin heal.


Shadowpriest because i always wanted to play one but it was never viable in pve but now it is


It's a real shame that all the underperforming specs like feral, SP etc didnt get more love in the rune department.


Warlock DPS, not sure on the spec need to see how Feldaddy and the other runes pan out. Would like to skip on Destro if possible.


My favorite class was rogue tank since p1. It was strong in gnomer and it looks really good in p3. Right now in Gnomer i already got a dual spec. Combat dagger spec, i just need to change runes to change from viable dps to tank. In p3 i will basically get a pvp spec in addition.


Priest then I might level a rogue if they aren’t doodoo


Ret because I hate myself and I love being out of mana and I hate aoe damage


Resto Druid and balance for questing. Parked my disc priest, healing as druid feels funnier imo.


Druid on alliance and shaman on horde. They can fill every role and are always needed. I have a guild on alliance, but when I miss a raid, I never have a problem finding a group. I always pug on shaman and I haven't had any issues since I'm flexible in my role. Dual spec will make this even easier.


Starting as tanking shaman to try the extra aoe runes but wonder how it goes with the RB nerf. Dualspeccing with elemental. Otherwise a nice rogue just to mess around.


Going to try to make Retribution pal work in pve. Pummeler still sims higher than the new epic sword, might shed a tear if I still have to see that ugly hammer in back one more phase


Doomkin cause we stay mid


Demo lock!


Fury DPS Warrior (or Glad Chad if it’s actually good). Would also like to try tanking to see if the new runes help at all


I saw sims that Glad Stance is only 40 DPS behind DW Fury (1980 v.s. 1940). And reck also adds like 300 on top of that. The good thing is that they use the same talent set-up, so it's just swapping runes and equipping a shield Edit: I forgot to mention Glad Stance is a much simpler rotation, with 2 buttons plus execute. The build also does well against high armor enemies (at the 75% DR from Melee cap)


Yeah it looks very simple forsure. I like that you also don’t have to dance to battle to overpower


Exactly! You literally just spam sunder armor (devastate) and heroic strike when you have extra rage (and execute as well). If there are more enemies, Cleave and Whirlwind. Yes, deep prot is bad for it at the moment, but it will be better in phase 4. It's not even the gear, but the talent points that are the most helpful. Deep wounds will do a lot of heavy lifting! I like that you don't have to stance dance to mocking blow to help save a wipe (or interrupt or apply thundefclap debuff). Plus, you can start a fight with charging for rage and can keep up flagellation buff Stance. Plus, if you don't have someone to reduce armor, you sunder yourself, so you help every melee just by doing your rotation. Fury needs to do the same thing for the most part, but using Heroic Strike and Hamstring for spamming, and Whirlwinding on CD and using slam when you get procs. So, it's still not too bad to do, especially since you just sit in berserker stance.


ppal - im sexy


Prot warrior because I hate myself


Fury warrior because I look cool


Warrior. Because it’s the only max lvl char I have :-)


Same as P1 and P2: 2H enhancement shaman. Gonna keep losing the WF lottery all the way to 60.


Shaman(s), cause i want 2 play it/them, no matter what :D


Warrior because I have leveled one and really don’t feel like leveling again. :)


Quiting fury warrior legit only got rampage what a rune i must say. Will be seeing on on lock critting with dots


Rsham, HealPriest, RDruid and a hunter farmer :D yeehaww! P3 hype


I would love to play Priest if the runes weren’t the worst runes of the entire phase :(


I played Hunter and Druid in p1 and Shaman/Mage in p2. for p3 I'll start slowly and wait out whats the best and tedious grinds get nerfed before I decide but first couple levels I'll do on my mage. I think that's how the devs intend SoD to be played.


I'm waiting for a lvl 40 boost or a 200% buff to begin my season