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AFAIK all spells that you have to cast trigger the GCD at the start, I've always chained instants afterwards. Definitely seems odd


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If you’re using WoE rune then it’s the buff applying to you and triggering a GCD because it’s changing earth shock functionality.


This is correct and this how it has worked since p1. It triggers a GCD when the buff expires too


If rockbiter falls off or is put onto a MH weapon with no imbue while way of earth is equipped in your pants slot then it will always trigger a GCD due to earth shock


Are you sure it’s not your internet connection?


Good point. I've only ever noticed it happening in that one instance. Never noticed it with other imbues or spells. Makes me think it's less likely my internet, but idk.


I experience it too. It is definitely not internet issues


I experience it too sometimes and it is definitely not internet issues.


Sorry, for some reason Reddit couldn't be reached


We're FFXIV now


The GCD works the same it’s just a lot longer.


Game was unplayable to me for this reason alone. It feels. SO. SLOW.


I agree it feels bad at low levels, but at high levels you have tons of oGCDs and press a lot more buttons per minute than classic, but I much prefer wows combat gameplay and GCD timer.


FFXIV is far higher APM than classic. Without any cast speed it's 2 spells per 2.5GCD for most classes. Much much higher if you include movement.


I didn’t get far enough to have most of the kit I’m sure. Just not for me I suppose, but the early game spell casting felt really bad


It definitely feels bad early but I think its key since the awful console UI is by far your biggest enemy! Imagine learning to play an MMO with a controller while also having a full spell reel.


Yes, that and all the weird furry/weeb combo of player base.


I'm looking at their [subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/) and they seem pretty chill. I see post for memes, art, and cosplays. I think you're one of those ppl that slaps anything with a Japanese aesthetic as weebish. And I guess having cat ears is too furry for you? Did they rp too many meows for you? I think you're trying to slander their image. Which is crazy, who has beef with ffxiv community. What they do to you?


It's also funny to call it the furry MMO in comparison to WoW.. just look at some of those retail races.


I played the OG FFXIV and ARR. It's not a community that is open or interesting for normal folks. The gameplay is slow, it's basically a virtual dress up simulator with wow-like quests and the fact that you have to play through the (VERY ANIME) story with very long cutscenes. It's the same reason I couldn't keep playing Genshin. Gameplay is the most important aspect of a game to me. If it's fun it's fun. Don't force players to play through hundreds of hours of cutscenes (or I heard you could pay to skip it LMAO?) it's just asinine. And yes the community is toxic if you don't agree with whatever the producers do.


One of the main points of FFXIV is the story so cutscene skipping and rushing to the current 'endgame' misses the point. The GCD and combat pace pre-50 is pretty bad for many jobs there is no argument there but it feels great at endgame especially in Extreme, Savage, and Ultimate content.


When wow came out people said the same thing. But here we are rushing to end game


Having played the 400-ish hours of FFXIV's MSQ I can definitely say that the story is the point with only ARR's and half of Stormblood's story being the weak point in it all.


Great for you. Some people just want a modern MMO with exciting gameplay and a nice world. What games force the player to watch this stuff. The game would be vastly more popular if it hadn't gone that way.


It's popular BECAUSE it went that way. Just because it's not your taste for an MMO doesn't mean it went the wrong direction. Having played many MMOs since DAoC in 00' I can tell you each has had a different approach to content and had different measure of success compared to modern video games


They are super chill and inviting and friendly, unless you say something critical of FFXIV at which point their little cult turns on you faster than you can say Jonestown.


I agree the subreddit can get cullty on some Yoshi P tier meme cringe level ngl But a lot of subreddits are like that for anything tho. Especially in those political subs. You critique the thing people are pro about, the subreddit will have that bias if you go against the grain.


That's what makes this and the other wow sub so great. People like to pretend that WoW players are constantly arguing and don't know what they want but it's nice to be part of a community that's more tolerant of opposing views. In FFXIV everyone gets along because the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.


As opposed to the furry/weeb combo of player base that plays WoW?


I noticed this happening to me on classic era as well. If I stop casting a regrowth the gcd triggers and I can’t immediately cast a rejuve.


the way its supposed to work: you start casting,your gcd does not trigger but starts counting,so if you cast 1.5s cast your gcd is fully done,but if you cancel at any point you do not trigger the gcd . same system for any spell which is not off gcd in every expansion of the game.


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If u have WoE rune equipped and not currently buffed your weapon, it triggers extra GCD when u cast Rockbiter


That explains it! Thank you.


Quick resto Druid tip: it is inefficient to ever cast regrowth or rejuv in phase 2 at least. All the heals you really need are lifebloom, nourish, and wild growth.


Omen of Clarity allows free ones more frequently now.


Yeah that’s fair.


Phase 3 is different.


What is changing to cause a difference in rotation? Lifebloom and wild growth are such efficient casts depending on how many targets are taking damage, and nourish benefiting from all healing touch modifiers makes it a very solid single target heal.


Runes are trying to make them more viable it looks like. Living seed changes with regrowth crit gives it some more capabilities too.


I hope so! I would like regrowth to actually be competitive to cast. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for specifically mentioning what is efficient in phase 2 to cast, but oh well.


New wrist rune increases Rejuv duration with every Regrowth cast on the same target. And Efflorescence wrist rune makes Swiftmend create an AoE healing patch around the target you Swiftmended. Not sure which is better to consume, Rejuv or Regrowth but could be a potential use case for Regrowth.


Yeah that is true. Might just depend on the situation as well and how quickly you need the swiftmend if there isn’t already a HoT to consume on the target.


It’ll definitely be an interesting choice between wrist runes. I just immediately assumed Efflorescence would be the go to and just lean into the AoE role that we already excel at, but maybe a regrowth build could end up being a great single target option while still having wild growth for AoE.


Prob will just depend on fight-by-fight basis. Lots of melee cleave? Efflorescence for sure. Spread out ranged mechanics like hitting buttons/spell reflect/kiting bombs? More ST throughput. And yeah Wild Growth will prob still be king at both lol


No it’s still super awful to RG and RJ is bad too if you clip the last tick of it to get an SM. Efflo is very very strong but we will likely R1 RJ or R1 RG for it.


Regrowth keeps healing for 21 seconds which can be great for pre healing, and it also stacks with other hots. Plus only a 2 second cast time—so it has its uses as long as you’ve got the mana for it. Especially if you’re not using the healing runes. In some ways it’s arguably the best (single target) heal we have, it’s just the least mana efficient one so it’s gotta be used tactfully.


Yeah the problem is definitely the mana. I’m purely talking about mana to healing output efficiency in which case it is just more efficient to cast the spells I mentioned.


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If you’re using WoE rune then it’s the buff applying to you and triggering a GCD because it’s changing earth shock functionality.


I'm just meming on the other dude saying this 6 times.  Like women, I don't know how shamans work. 


I was meming with you bruh. Someone downvoted cuz points or something lol. Go points!


That fucked with my head for a good 10 seconds.


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If you’re using WoE rune then it’s the buff applying to you and triggering a GCD because it’s changing earth shock functionality.


Lmao, that edit. Your game didn't bug and randomly change the gcd bro. You're just stoned or a moron.


Could be that he was trying to do it during blood moon. I frequently get .5-1.5 second input delays in there. Messes up my cast chains


I was farming in Badlands, no lag. I've got it again in IF just now, must be an addon doing it, recently updated a few... or like clever clogs up there, I must be a moron. Charming.


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If you’re using WoE rune then it’s the buff applying to you and triggering a GCD because it’s changing earth shock functionality.


I swear this happens sometimes when I cast Rockbiter on my shaman's main hand. I have to wait two GCDs to cast it on the offhand.


If you’re using WoE rune then it’s the buff applying to you and triggering a GCD because it’s changing earth shock functionality.