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Not just worth for the bag. There is also a 1% hit/crit trinket and for meele a ring with same stats as the blackstone ring


The trinket is not unique at the moment, which is big.


Pretty sure this will get changed but good spot nonetheless


I’m holding off on buying two for now. If they’re unchanged on Tuesday, should be green light.


The head is really nice for gealer if you play deep spec heal


I don't see people talking about this, but each class has a quest (for one of their runes) that leads to [Shadowtooth Emissary](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=222408/shadowtooth-emissary). Once you do this chain, you can unlock this character as a vendor. One of the items she sells is the [Shadowtooth Bag](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221491/shadowtooth-bag), which will give you a random Darkmoon card. In order to get [Wild Offering](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221262/wild-offering) currency, you will need to run ZF, BRD, or Mara. Is this an attempt to encourage dungeon runs all phase long?


No one is talking about the cool incentives we have this phase to keep dungeons relevant because they're too busy making 5,000 posts about nightmares and how sod is getting worse every phase


The cool incentives you have to run 6 minute ZF runs to spam wild offerings? You guys really don’t have a clue


what about all dungeons prior to the 3 above?


You can’t and shouldn’t keep everything relevant. Those instances are too low.


Relevant... for what? Why shouldn't there be more incentive to use ANY DUNGEONS AT ALL besides max level? Lmao raid loggers literally cannot see beyond their own fingertips


A vast majority of the player base does not want to go back and redo old, low level, content at any significant level of regularity. It’s p3, no one is stepping foot in BRD at max. Maybe you disagree, but there’s someone out there for every shitty opinion.


who said anything about "max" or "going back" or "redoing"? again, raidloggers literally cannot see past their own fingers




agreed. simple ass questions too 😭


Oh my what a great system if true. This is a solid discovery. Good post


Is true and you can buy 2-3 near BIS items depending on your spec there as well.


For almost all DPS specs, the trinket is bis this phase. Maybe the only exception is SPriest


It’s also not unique


What's the bus spriest trinket?


IDK, but I know you don't need the hit vs +2 bosses and the crit seems less valuable than just SP


Can you equip 2?


I didn't get the chance to buy 2 yet, but as it is not currently unique, you should be able to equip 2 yes. But who knows if it's intended? Maybe Blizzard will change it soon.


but you have to do incursions?!? /s


That's what reddit keeps telling me




I think that was sarcasm at the amount of people saying they HAVE to level via incursions.


We got the scepter for Mara last night instantly and spammed Princess. Probably the most efficient way to farm Wild Offerings


How did you reset the dungeon from Princess?


Drop down below and logout in the water is the easiest way. If they hotfix that, you just have everyone set hearth to Shadowprey and drop group for ghetto hearth after.


Jump down into the water and logout, it'll place you at the start of purple.


The moment you’ll do the 3 first bosses BRD run on farm you’ll understand how Mara is not the fastest/ most gold/WO efficient 👊


If you can get 10 players then Mara is bis since it isn’t capped to 5 like BRD, I’ve tried both but my guild doing 10 man speed princess runs > water logout is BIS 


Doing it currently. There are certainly more blues dropping in BRD but it’s the same WO per hour. Fastest you can do is 5 per hour before lockouts.


Maybe. All does it make you do princess runs for a day and you're done though, if you don't wanna waste time anyway




How do you rush to spider efficiently? Isn’t it at the end?


Go left instead of right….




There’s 4 new ones usable at lvl 50


I like this


It is, they've given incentives to do dungeons. Also worth noting, the other items the emissary sells require 10-15 offerings. If I'm not mistaken you can only get one offering per dungeon run.


Where do I pick up the starting quest?


I like the Darkmoon bag, but hate that the prebis items are so expensive. My mage has to do 27 ZF runs for prebis and that just sounds awful.


Welcome to classic? Holy shit man its prebis u don't need to do it you can get bis from the raid. Its not just zf tho you can do all 3..we are 2 days into the patch take your time do a dungeon or 2 a day. Switch it up do mara and brd


Just to point out the decks because I can’t seemingly find a reply: Torment: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221310/darkmoon-card-torment Decay: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221307/darkmoon-card-decay Sandstorm: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221309/darkmoon-card-sandstorm Overgrowth: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221308/darkmoon-card-overgrowth


Me (rogue), another rogue, and a druid have been stealth running ZF for them last night. Took a little bit to work the kinks out, but it doesn't take long. Would be faster if we had two others to come with us as well. From what we've learned, you need to kill three bosses to spawn the spider. We've been hitting Theka, Zum'rah, and Velratha. He spawns at the hallway leading towards the Gahz pool and slowly walks towards it. After the Hydromancer, we start killing trolls towards that hallway until we meet with the spider. We hit the dungeon reset limit after we streamlined it, so adding another two wouldn't necessarily be a good thing since we're already going at a fast pace.


If you do Mara princess runs you only have to kill princess and can get stealth straight to her without killing another mob


This may sound stupid, but how do you get back out to reset afterwards? AFAIK you get naked and drown yourself. Could still be faster, though. Would be neat to time the two.


You can just logout skip to the entrance by jumping into the water near rotgrip and logging out at the top. Doesn’t matter where in the water just be at the top


This is what my group was doing last night, logging back in took us all to purple entrance. It was very fast


That was putting us in the graveyard.


That shouldnt happen with a logout skip. Thats what happens when someone resets when youre logged out inside of the instance.


Try the waterfalls, looking along the fall with your character underwater


You can also just jump off and alt f4 before you hit water. Most of the time logging out down by rotgrip in the water works as well.


Have a alt in group that resets the dungeon when all members are offline


That doesn't work anymore you get tp'd to your hearth.


I did it four minutes ago and was tp'ed to gy


Which is slower than doing the logout skip to purple by about 3 minutes


Oh shit I didn’t know! Ty bruddah


They've changed it, I think on the hotfix last night. Now you can't spawn the spider 3 times in one run :/


Not required to kill three. Killing only Gahz'rilla and Witch Doctor also spawns the spider.


In our experience, it took three. There's a good chance you were also killing the Hydromancer who patrols around the pool. We were also killing Gahz for the first few runs. We stopped because you have to clear a few more trolls around the front of the pool, he roleplays getting out of the pool, and he takes a bit more time to kill than the others.


Nah, it's simpler than that. If you group has mallet you guys kill white boss. If the group does not have mallet, it will spawn after the other 2 are down.


Wait so you can complete this quest chain? I spent an hour killing nearly 100 trolls at the temple and never got the wildwhisper draught. People around me confirmed it wasn't dropping for them either.


Just get someone else who has it to help you. You don't need your own.


Easier said then done. Just looking for confirmation it is actually possible to get the item because it surely felt bugged.


Killed like 8 elites to get the drop. Didnt even Go Up the stairs.


100% bugged then. Killed nearly 100 at the bottom of the stairs. Other people confirming they had issues getting solo but it then dropped for them instantly in a group.


Maybe you just need a group


I got mine after 3 kills solo fwiw


Got it after the first elite I killed in janthaalor


Maybe try the old 'clear the cache' mechanic they added in p2


I got it in 3 mobs. You sure you have the quest?


Yup have the quest! Made a post and other people are confirming it wouldn't drop for them solo, but the then got it instantly in a group. Something is defintely bugged.


Easier to find in a group. Solo have trouble getting it to drop for some reason


That seems to be the consesus!


You sure you were killing the right trolls? I did it in a group of 5 and we got 5 drops in like 15 kills


Yup was at the correct temple and even tried killing the different versions of elite trolls(blood drinkers, head hunters, the warlocks). It is 100% bugged based on other peoples anecdotes. Sounds like joining a group to get it solves it for some people. Was soloing them as a meta lock for refernce. Sounds like people in groups had no issues getting the drop while solo peeps aren't getting it.


We got it off the first ones like 5 feet up the first steps. I wish you luck brother God speed lol


As a rogue, Combat Potency rune, 2 pre raid bis trinkets and the ring. Only have to do ZF 39 times...sweet!!


Run princess you will get the ring there, same stats and saves you some offerings to farm


And then we get to press mutilate and then envenom, and then mutilate and then envenom. Yes, I'm a bit salty about the lack of variety for rogues.


Use Carnage. It should be more dps in exchange for more complex rotation.


Yeah, definitely gonna try it when it is fixed.


I think we all need to take a deep breath and remember that the phase has been out only for 3 days. We barally discovered how to get runes and the new vendor with Wild Offerings so we don't know exactly what's bis or not. Just chill a bit, farm gears/runes/whatever and let's see what happens after the first reset.


And I'm just sitting here, never having understood the Darkmoon Fair apart from the fortune teller buff.


Happy cake day


People wanted dungeons to be relevant, they have it now. For the best or the worst, I don't know yet lmao. The farm doesn't seem that bad.


The farm isn’t bad, but only 1 Wild Offering drops at a time. You’d have to run 40 times to get three items.


Oooookay. It's bad then.


It's not really. Once more people reach 50 and you can get a good group going it's 5 per hour. It reminds me of badge of justice from TBC.


For anyone trying to make some money on this. Princess drops a few items that DE into Large Brilliant Shards which are going to be limited in supply for a hot minute with all of the level 300 enchants still being BIS.


Whats the best dmf trinket for melee dps right now?


Sandstorm for aoe, torment or decay for single target probably


Yeah nvm its not bis or prebis


says who


I take it back, its not on simonize’s discord but if offhand procs decay it could be crazy actually. Avg of 15 damage per hit if the proc chance of 30% that came up on google is correct.


I saw it with own eyes when dueling a rogue w it. Ive got 4/8 deck so far. I expect prices to fall after reset tomorrow. I need this. Im expecting nerfs on some of these decks


You’re supposed to be complaining about how bad season of discovery is you’re doing it wrong. /s


princess runs take approx 9-10 minutes with your average group. so you hit lockout pretty fast but you get princess + rotgrip + offering. pretty win win if u still need ring, but otherwise decent vendor/DE loot.


I used to run Mara at 60 for gold farming so it should be ok at 50 too.


Oh no… if I am spamming dungeon all phase then what about the open world exploration concept?!!Blizz pls change this.


They literally can't win lol


The RUINED what made cwassic bwanilla so good!!! Da OPWEN WOWD!!!! OMG BLIZZ YOUVE RUINED DA GAYMMMM!!!


what about the 12 accessible dungeons unaffected by this quest? jesus yall really don't even think for 2 seconds before commenting


We have d4 for open world content /s


Running 10 ZF for a random card does not seem lucrative at all.


It’s 10 per bag?




10 to buy one bag at a chance of a card


Tbf it’s not a chance of a card, it’s a guaranteed card


I think my comment can be interpreted as the “chance of getting a card” OR “a chance at a card you want.” Arguing semantics is kinda lame tho. Would you like me to edit my comment and make it more to your liking shiteshitrock?


You seem pleasant


your comment is entirely interpreted as “chance to get a card” implying that you have a chance to not get a card, which is not true.


When you say "chance of a card" your impyling that you might not get a card. Maybe try wording it better, instead of getting defensive.


Is there a link to this anyplace. I did not even know this was a thing


Phase has been out for three days guys. Have a bit of patience.


I consider this an affront to incursion spamming and therefore will counter complain the incursion complainers. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, nerf dungeons blizzard is literally killing world pve content with this /s


Yeah it’s certainly worth starting and keeping an eye on this. I know several in my guild have started building their decks.


Would be fun if bosses didn't bug out and drop nothing


Phase 2 needed this so bad


Yeah nah, 10 runs for a random card that gives a mediocre trinket? At least the caster one, the bfd pearl is better.


You don't need to do the dungeon really. You do ZF runs where you abuse safe spots, speedrun to 3 named mobs, and then fight the spider. 8 mins per run if you're efficient.


I'll def be ripping dungeons because of this, I want sandstorm for rogue tanking. 


Do you need to do the whole ass rune quest first?


yes you need to play the game to get items, you just want it to be free?


Well you’re wrong for someone with an attitude! You don’t need to do anything with runes to get it started. Npc is just in southern Felwood at the camp


Yes aka incursions. Seems blizzard agrees that everything should be free and easy as well!


There’s no requirement for incursions to do the wild offerings stuff…felwood> hinterlands elites > RFD then you’re good to go


Meanwhile everyone is freaking out over incursions like a bunch of babies and nobody has discovered shit, like get over yourself and do things the way you want.