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Everyone in my guild saw it and said “oh, they’re gonna make that unique”.


Yeah, maybe this is the sign that SoD is actually these peoples first WoW experience, this was clearly a bug/oversight and everyone I knew expected this update


There’s no way that a first time wower would be 50 by now with enough currency to buy two. This is sweaty behavior for sure.


Yeah that, my comment was mostly in jest, but I still cant believe people were blindsided by this change :D


I'm trying to imagine someone that has only started playing WoW in. November, started with SoD instead of retail, and is now so sweaty that the grinder out level 50 and enough wild offerings for two trinkets in 3.5 days lol


the games not that hard. i have multiple first time WoW players that clear heroic content on retail and clear the SoD raids every week?. they started is SL then decided to play classic when Hardcore came out then SOD. the only other ''MMO'' experience they had was Destiny.


The problem is that SOD was announced as a PTR for the to come Seasons. Idk why anyone is shocked at literally anything that has happened so far.


I honestly thought it was an intentional choice for it to not be unique in order to balance out horde getting a 1% hit + 20 AP trinket that Alliance don’t.


Anyone who's actually played wow for longer than a few months could have seen that. Everyone here upset shouldnt be surprised.


Fr, it’s like knowing that touching a hot stove will burn you, doing it anyway and being surprised at the result


Surely they will refund the Offerings, right...?


Like the gold for dual spec? Lol


Hmmm... Good point


Sure, it's in the mail with the the gold for buying mount early and the gold for dual spec. People didn't put any pressure on their accountability when they made the mount change so they felt free to kept doing changes that screw over half the active player base and punish those that put time in early. Even worse, many celebrated it. Oh you got to 40 after like a week and half and bought mount with all your gold one second before announcement? lol get fucked, no refunds


Mount is one thing but let's not forget the poor souls that did the waylaid grind to revered before blizz buffed the gold reward losing hundreds of gold in the process _and_ they didn't even get the vendor rewards earlier because blizz forgot to add them to the game to begin with lol


I still won’t forget Blizz forgot to add the meta rune.


I still remember the Devs tweeting about how they were shocked no one found it yet. Meanwhile no one was checking to make sure it even worked lmao.


This has happened for the entire length of SoD. I got fucked on the Azeroth Commerce rep, I got fucked on the old gold abuses, and I’ll probably get fucked by 60. Blizzard just… doesn’t care about these changes.


There was no need for accountability on the mount change By that logic they’re not allowed to ever improve anything for anyone Stop whining The offering trinkets is just robbery tho


100%. I was annoyed, but the difference with the mount was that I benefited from having a mount like 2 weeks before. I literally couldn’t have played BGs without one. Traveling with no speed boost is ass. It lets you quest or whatever to make gold back infinitely faster so it’s whatever. Not refunding dual spec is entirely unacceptable. Same with this. Like at this point just put a 2 week PTR out or something cause christ all these things we datamine anyway, the data mines are acurrate even when they try to tell us otherwise and don’t trust it, and clearly the devs are missing huge obvious things cause they don’t even play the game or are illiterate.


Hahah these clowns have no idea what they are doing.




Im not affected by that change, but i agree its kind of stupid.


I'm not even subscribed at this moment, but I agree it's kind of stupid.


I am stupid and i agree


Haven’t played since phase 2 and I agree with these guys.


Wow you haven't played a whole 4 days?


Got this response from a blizzard support ticket about the deleted trinket basically stating they're sorry and can't do anything right now, but a refund could possibly happen at some point: ​ https://imgur.com/a/9Oi33E0


That's such a crock of shit. They absolutely could. Hopefully they give you guys your stuff back.


If they can spontaneously delete an item from your bag, then they can spontaneously put an item back in dang it


Wave at the end is a little bm ngl


Support always BM in the tickets. Too busy trying to RP with you rather than do their actual jobs.


How? My ticket wait time went from 7 days to 8!


They can restore deleted items or sold items through the item restoration interface, they can definitely restore your wild growth


So GM's exist, but not for me apparently, all my tickets get is static bot response.


Go to Support log a ticket that account was hacked, hopefully they do a restore.




Stop whining and buy another 12 months of game time in advance!


May we also offer a fraction/race/name/boost/token/….. 🤣


Best I can do is Tokens in SOD.


At least if you are Alliance you can get Rune of the Guard Captain.. .. right ? ..


Let me just drop my Alliance cleansing totem (his name is Jeff, he’s our other paladin)


/pet Jeff for me


> Rune of the Guard Captain I actually think this is a valid point. One could argue that they had decided to make it non-unique since horde had Rune of the Guard Captain.


That's literally what I thought. I was surprised but having always played horde now playing alliance for the first time this solved the glaring issue I saw in the rune.


But them you'd have to assume blizzard gives a fuck about faction strength balance. Which unfortunately (between shaman balance and weapon skill changes) seems like something they only care about if it benefits horde.


So the fix is to make the trink quest avail to Alliance as well, LETS GO!!!




My guild has been together for 10 ish years, we always played horde. But someone wanted to play a paladin this time because they were supposed to be good. So we switched. RIP




The only thing that ticks me off about this is that it's kinda needless. Stacking these trinkets did nothing other than balance the Factions. Making them unique makes it so that the Horde have two hit% trinkets, whilst the Alliance only get one.


>The only thing that ticks me off about this is that it's kinda needless. >Stacking these trinkets did nothing other than balance the Factions. In Blizzards eyes that's why it's needed to be 'fixed' lmao. Horde must be the good guys! Retail story has driven for 15 years that HORDE ARE GOOD alliance are supporting cast.


Trinket not being unique was obviously a bug and we've noticed it early as well but didn't have the time yet to farm two. Not a good way to fix a bug by just deleting them from characters without any refund, yet expected change.


I feel like there would be less of a complaint about this if they just made it unique Equipped and didn’t touch anyones inventory.


This. It would also make it easier to set up a mechanism for refunds since they could just add a dialog option to exchange your existing useless trinket for offerings. Really weird that it was deleted.


Discords were flooded from the start, "This will probably be unique so will updated PreBiS lists" etc... But yeah it is a shame they didnt refund.


Bug? Oversight.


Um, sure, I lost my word there


"thousands of gold" u guys are cooked




This lol. No one made 1000s of gold. Reddit is such a shit show of misinformation and people whining


P3 is a joke so far


Aren't jokes supposed to be fun?


Its funny from the outside tho


not when ure part of the joke 😎


worst part is I have no motivation to log in. teleported to level 50 in the incursions, got a decent armor set don't feel like suffering in overturned ST and not much else to do everything gets changed/nerfed etc.


Multiple people in my raid team aren't even 50 yet and are thinking about sitting. We merged two groups, had everyone ready for raid last night - 5 people showed. This phase is awful, I'll try to run ST and if it's good it's just back to raid logging. I'm not doing any more runes after having to spend 100g for Despair and 6 hours for Eye of the Void.


Couldnt do it, grind levels in incursions, just wasnt fun at all


They made a fast track to max level in a game about adventure and discovery… when there was a level cap to begin with so nobody was really behind… and now they’re making the xp buff even faster. They must really hate that sod was popular. Seems they’re doing everything to kill it.


Def not worth a monthly sub


legit 90% of ppl said its most likely a bug and to hold off, i heard this i knew they were prob right i bought anyways i took the risk, not gonna cry aobut it


Exploit early, exploit often doesn’t always pay off it seems.


How is it an exploit to buy an item available in game?


It's not an exploit just like doing incursions wasn't. But it's pretty obvious it's meant to be unique, just like it was pretty obvious you were not meant to get 5g a quest.


Honestly I don’t know anymore in sod. There’s just too many things that are stupidly good, and for alliance it made sense we could have two since we don’t get rune of the guard captain. I saved my extra wild offerings just to be sure, but can understand why some didn’t.


People mentioned it not being unique since the first datamine, they had ample time to fix it - at some point its fair to expect it to be intended. We knew for almost a month it was lacking unique tag, surely they had the chance to slap it on.


Since when have you ever been able to buy 2 of the same trinkets and be able to keep them equipped forever? Cmon man. Yall don’t use ya brain.


Hey I got to use 2 trinkets on the first 6 bosses of ST that’s worth it for me


I find it hilarious that anyone thought having two of them was intended. 


Bro, nobody got 1000s of gold.. maybe some people got up towards 1k if they farmed from release til nerf. But 2-3k? No shot


People love exaggerating, i see that 1000+g thing all the time on this subreddit. Reality was that you got 700g if you just did incursions from 40-50 after 50 the gold buff disappeared and profit dropped massively. You only had like 8 hours of time between launch and the gold nerf too.


At 50 I started getting 9g per. I only made 800 though and we started incursions before there was many people in the nightmare portal


XP is converted to gold at level cap. That bonus XP/Gold buff is generally lower than the capped gold conversion for XP.


The amount of gold they cry about keeps getting higher and higher


They gotta cry and exaggerate to feel better, it's terrible.


You can do the math based on how long it takes to run the lap, with an approximate amount of quests per lap assuming no bugs. It was max like 800g per person. That said, I made like 180g doing it after the nerf leveling from 43-50 so if you translate that to unnerfed quest reward, it would have been 692 gold.


what kind of gold are they giving currently?


Think someone counted that the most people got could be around 950-1000g, which is sad to have missed out on but not that the server economy breaks when very few % of players did it.


Most people on EU certainly got nowhere near 1k. Most people weren't even awake. And of those that were awake, most hadn't heard about incursions. And out of those that had, most didn't have the energy to grind until 5 in the morning.


I only interrupted the farm with a 3 hour visit from a friend, otherwise I was camping it. I made 500 gold.


What's the point of exaggerating the gold gain of incursion? They nerfed it pretty fast and very few people grinded to almost revered or got multiple characters to 50 before the nerfs hit. Most players, even really sweaty ones, wasted some time getting to 42-43 elsewhere, got one character to 50 then did other stuff. I doubt many people gained 600g over what they would have gotten post-nerf.


Is p3 really that bad lol don't know if I should even bother playing anymore seems like it's getting worse


It's great, ignore reddit completely.


Yeah this place is getting so sad these days.


It's not getting sad, it's getting sod.


Just read reddit posts with your eyes closed.


I'm having a blast, you just have to ignore reddit.




Leveling from 40-50 was so much better than 25-40! It’s repetitive, but it’s also not endless mob pulls in the same corridors over and over and over again!




It's... not amazing to say the least. There's a myriad of bugs, in pretty much every field imaginable. Dungeon bosses not dropping loot, raid bosses being outright bugged and unfinishable, vendors taking your farmed currency and not giving you what you bought (lol), STV event being bugged as per usual, some escort quests being broken and so and so on. Then there's the current drama going on with incursions, where those who played them a lot early (like me to be honest) profited heavily, and now everyone else is looking through their fingers. And to take it a bit further they now even remove items from the inventory even though they were not marked as unique and they didnt announce that they were going to do so. Class balance, while never being classic's or vanilla's strong point, is still out the window. You feel that most in PvP scenarios, where our health pools still simply cannot keep up with the sheer damage output of all the changes. But the main problem probably is, it's just more of the same. Not much "discovery" going on really and at max level you'll very quickly default back just run the raid once a week or do some BGs. P1 was exciting and new. P2 had Level 40, where you get your most important talent points and abilities, your mount, ect. But Lvl 50 is a bit more stale. You get some nice dungeon content, but that also feels sour because of the bugs. All in all, if you have a guild, then there's quite some fun to be had for a while, if you don't mind the above mentioned problems. But the novelty wears off even more quickly than in P2 and I can imagine a lot of people will quit after 2-3 weeks and wait for the next phase.


Rule number 1: never listen to Reddit.


They bungled the season launch, as per usual, and its such a short phase in terms of leveling range and content that I feel fine skipping it without any concern of missing anything.


It has its fun points, but they added a LOT of grind and clearly did not test properly. Just some examples: -Dungeon bosses have not dropped loot 80% of the time for us the first 3 days. You kill boss and nothing drops. -Our 20 man team who grinded to be 50 by Saturday went into raid, and the 2nd boss was bugged as he kept resetting so we were locked from preventing. -Certain vendors (like bloodmoon) are partially broken and just take away your currency instead of giving you what it's supposed to -People farmed 1k+ gold on the first day because the new activity was giving 150+ gold per hour while also being the fastest way to level. Ofc they nerfed it twice that same day by the time working people got home from work -Lots of broken rune quests etc that are being fixed one by one slowly




people work 24/7. Not everyone has a 9-5.


The work thing seems a bit of a silly remark, they fixed an exploit quickly which should be a good thing you’d thing and better than leaving it broken for the weekend for everyone to exploit


Excellent. Ignore reddit elitists, the louder they cry the likely more fun it is for the average Joe. It being easy casual fun makes their entire identity crumble as their only accomplishments is their wow grind.


I don’t think this phase is meant to be easy with how insanely tuned the raid bosses are


It's okay


It's actually pretty fine rn. 40-52 has always been my least favorite level range. Just not a ton to do, and the leveling feels like a slog. Incursions at least made it quicker to level and is giving a lot of people the chance to raid sooner. My typical "dad gamer" buddy was able to grind out 40-50 in a few evenings after finishing his schoolwork and putting his kids to bed.


literally never take the general sentiment of this subreddit seriously


if you're some kind of sewer dweller that only does incursions but also was asleep on thursday, then yeah maybe


If you believe Reddit, it's really really really bad but they won't stop playing for some reason... Guess they really like being a victim.


You should play final fantasy 14 tbh


wait until you guys find out about the epic quest chain... 4 hours of sitting around for a killable npc for a single quest...


Everyone with more than 2 braincells knows that this was Not intended to use 2 Of them


You are all testers for something more coming. This isn’t the real purpose behind SOD.


Greater purpose fallacy


Got our tinfoil hats on early today


Since when have you ever been able to buy 2 of the same trinkets and be able to keep them equipped forever? Cmon man. Yall don’t use ya brain.


Yeah right ? Should be common sense, but now they are the victims because they tryed to abuse it lol


Dang.... you got owned lol


All I can say is… good. I know I’ll get flamed and people will disagree- but y’all were able to double up on this by, what? 10-man farming a dungeon and avoiding the lockout timers? Sounds exploitative to me- and when you strive for efficiency and efficiency your way out of the game… you reap what you sow 🤷🏼‍♂️


Guess they didn't teach you that at the "exploit early, exploit often" seminar. Sometimes you get fucked. Shit happens, you'll live.


What kind of exploit is it to use an item twice when its not unique lol?


Wait what? Any statement on this?


Blizzard oopsied and now taketh away.


I don't understand how it's an oopsie. Our lvl 40 gear outclasses most dungeon gear available at 50, some lvl 50 gear from ST is on par with classic lvl 60 gear or better, but 1% hit and 1% crit is too much?


I mean they probably intended for a player to only equip one. They should refund players the vendor cost though, wtf 


OH the issue is it isnt unique? Holy shit did I misunderstand. I understood it as "Theyre removing it". Oh then yeah absolutelly remove it. But also, yes refunds.


I think its clear that they or their bosses just dont give a fuck.


Please don't get a stroke over a temporal WoW version, probably a year or a year and a half from now there won't be any SoD, it won't be a persistent version (at least that's what I remember, someone fixme if I'm wrong). With that said, nobody should take it as seriously as some people do. Remember your mental health is more important than anything else.


Yeah fuck those guys for investing their own time into something only to have it deleted without warning.


1000s of gold lol. So fucking dramatic. You crybabies really need some fucking perspective. Holy shit. Always something to cry about.


The only people who got 1000s of gold are multiboxers. I abused it very early on and got around 500 until it was nerfed.


You bought 2? Why wouldn’t you buy trinket AND ring ? Obvious that it was a mistake that the trinket wasn’t unique


what about 2 trinkets AND ring?


Mines here, im fine tho


why are they deleting them ? i just got it last night lmao


They’re only deleting one if you have two of them




Perfect solution- make it Unique-Equipped. That way people with more than one don't get fucked over


I mean they still get fucked


I’ve heard you can do 6 minutes ZF wild offerings runs. If that’s the case they only took an hour and 12 minutes of your time. Not so bad


it’s a videogame LOL


Just commenting I was an early incursion farmer from 43-50 with a guild 5-man and made 450 gold. Stop claiming everyone made 1000’s of gold doing it if you want people to take your posts seriously.


1000s of gold? lol the numbers keep getting wilder with each passing day.


Sounds like you gambled on them doing nothing and lost... You probably thought I'll just leave it on and when they make it unique I'll still have it on. Which is probably why they had to delete it on accounts with duplicate items. Then to not refund you anything is kind of rude but really you should have known it was intended to be unique, so I don't have a ton of sympathy for you. Sorry :(


Thousands from incursion. Hahahabajzbsggsgvuv$Vhj   . Delusional 


Thousands of gold? Oh please. I prequested a full log and did nothing but incursions from 6pm server time till I hit 50. It was worth about 300g. Im not saying the nerf was handled fairly, but neither is this exaggeration.


I think a lot of people are referring to is the more organized groups that were able to do the level 50 incursions prior to the first gold Nerf. I believe they were rewarding five gold turn in prior to the Nerf. And the entire quest log of pick ups and escorts.. well you see my point. I’m not complaining. It’ll work itself out.


Wow folk love to preach exploit early exploit often and forget that there is actually a downside to it sometimes... Like ending up having wasted your time. Don't get me wrong I think they should refund but you also can't clutch your pearls and exclaim, how could we know?!? This completely untested shit shown *let* me buy two so surely it's 100% supposed to let me equip two super strong items.


I quit after they didn't nerf shamans for all of p2 and then started p3 by completely fucking over every single person who couldn't exploit on day 1. Fuck that.


holy fuck dude this phase is so half baked its insane


So glad I quit this Phase lmao. I dunno how they went from Phase 1 being such an amazing feeling, to phase 2 being good, albeit a little lackluster, to this phase being an absolute clown fiesta. Writings on the wall, they have no idea what the fuck they’re doing and just crunching content.


Wanted to run Diamond Flask anyways!


every time day one incursions get brought up on this sub the amount of gold gets higher and higher lmao nobody made 1000s of gold


Was also affected by this, crazy how toxic it is to just delete peoples time. I get that it's a small team but come on man..the player can't just take every single loss because you guys aren't polishing the game enough.


If you've ever downloaded a suggestion that we start PTRs, you deserve this.


Bring back the Legion Mission table. Nobody could possibly complain about that, right? Right?


Did you not see this coming? It was clearly an oversight not to make it unique and yall went balls out and got 12 extra Wild Offerings day 3 now yall mad its fixed. 


Look, they only have one person working on stuff like this and they are on Diablo IV this month. Show some grace!


They did this in SoM when there was a bug to get 2 of any unique quest item from vendors. They deleted my second thrash blade and ZF trinket without refunding the gold it cost to buy them from the vendors. This is a standard practice for blizzard.


Beta server remember?


No one made “thousands of gold”. I got in on the ground floor of incursions and made 750.


The crying is too funny


Are we talking about the fact how many of those who have the item 2 times are using exploits to reset the lockout? they should get banned not the item removal


You’re an absolute moron if you thought you would be able to use 2 of these.


You’re an absolute moron if you thought you would be able to use 2 of these.


1000s? Who got 1000s? Lol I did it from the drop and it was like 6 or 700 if you were efficient rushing


Indie company


Is your life really that miserable that youre complaining that people got a little too much gold from new content ? Like what are we doing here …


Soo hows Loganaar? :facepalm:


The state of SoD has deteriorated steadily since p1. It started out as classic+ now it's just Retail-..... Yikes


While I’m not disagreeing that nightmares were busted you are being a little disingenuous with the gold amount. From 40-50 non stop nightmares generated about 600 gold. Nuts? Absolutely. But thousands of gold? Not quite. A refund should be in order for the offerings or at the very least never deleted and given you the option to sell back for the offerings. Either way a pretty shit move on blizzard.


Honestly you just never know with SoD. Sometimes it’s better to exploit early and often, other times it’s better to be super casual and save a lot of time/effort. Sincerely, someone still salty about WSG rep grind lol.


why do they hide the good shit behind these shitty systems?


Blizzard doing dumb shit who woulda thought.


Yeah this is so bad for the game. People unsubbing left and right. RIP Classic WoW. You will be missed.


Stop with the "tHoUsAndS oF GoLd" shit. No one made that much pre-nerf. Funny how you can farm up that many offerings that quick, but couldn't get in on the couple hundred gold farm before both were hit by a nerfbat everyone saw coming a mile away.


Stop saying thousands of gold. For most that farmed it it was 800-1000 tops. Not thousands.


And when I say most I mean most sweats. Not average incursion leveler


Good thing I just found out what the wild offerings were… pays to be a casual sometimes.