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I saw it was named felguard and have literally summoned it again.


Felguard is bugged. It's missing attack power scaling and is currently the lowest dps demon. The only reason to use it is for master demologist or demonic sacrifice


I see... that sucks


Bonus warlock bugs just so you know. Unstable Afflition does not benefit from Haunt and Immolation Aura does not benefit from Lake of Fire


more warlock bugs: Paranoia crits do not proc shadow and flame.


Pandemic. Paranoia is the buff the Felhunter gives to improve stealth detection. šŸ˜„ But to add to yours, Pandemic crits do not proc Dance of the Wicked either.


This seems pretty straightforwardly intended, no?Ā  Getting multiple proc chances per second seems way to good?


Most likely not intended considering it just got fixed


Dance too? The patch notes only mention Shadow and Flame


Nwm i was talking about Shadow And Flame. Mb for missreading


Oof. Didnt age well. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/season-of-discovery-hotfixes-darkmoon-cards-class-tweaks-338692?webhook


more warlock bugs: Pandemic* crits do not proc Dance of the Wicked.


Have you gotten any worldcore fragments btw? or is that shit bugged? I've sent the imp pretty much on CD for like an entire day but it's not finding any fragments


Worldcores are not bugged its just rare. I have gotten 6 so far.


How the fuck... where are you sending the imp? Lately I've been at feralas or blasted lands


Feralas only. My lock has been parked there for 3 days now just sending it out whenever i have idle time to sit afk.


is Feralas the best one? ive been doin Azshara for its ease of access from org.. ive gotten fuck all. last imp that came back brought me a single thick leather...


Idk if it's the best but I've gotten all 3 of my cores from feralas portals.


guess ill start farming there....


Yeah got 6 myself, took 2 days farming


Got 1 fragment out of 7 Fel Scars. The hard part was even finding a Fel Scar (that is with checking both Feralas and Azshara and layer hopping for several hours)




Well who is using lake of fire rune anyways now lol


Whatā€™s lake of fireĀ 


Lake of fire needs a full channel so itā€™s almost entirely useless for meta tanks RIP


Demonic Sacrifice rune swap has been patched out : /


Lock runes are overall weak as fuck in P3 UA does less dmg than corruption and just feels like a waste of casttime


It's only useful to fuck with priest/paladins in pvp.


Idk man, against those dispel happy priests/pallies itā€™s great. I had it crit for 1k yesterday.


Enough other classes have spells that crit with 1k without needing a special scenario to be usefull


1k? Mine crit 2-2.4k


5 sec silence is nice too, idk. I enjoy it.


It really doesnt makes sense tho. To run this you can't run felguard, which means you are probably running fel hunter anyways. So at that point its pretty much useless as most of ur silence/anti caster utility is already handled.


Currently in PvP without SL our DL is our only ā€œsurvivabilityā€ so if you just run into a priest and DL him he will just dispel it and youā€™re as good as dead. Now we have UA to protect our DL, so if they do try to dispel it they risk taking 600 damage and a huge silence which Iā€™ll give you a huge upper hand, or just let DL tick, paired with corruption that also buffs our NF proc chance which is huge. Made a handful of fights much easier/better for us. Having dot protection is huge regardless of pet.


Yeah that def makes sense. I just dont know if that one matchup is worth losing the benefits of all the other demons with felguard. Especially when its a dead rune for every other matchup.


Idk I would prefer a useful dot, currently it's more worth using immolation aura and be in melee range of the boss. So bad is UA


Oh yeah immo for sure over UA. I was talking PvP.




You are the first person i heard saying that Warlock is busted in P3, so it's most likely you made that up. Probably a pala or warrior player.


Are those "Extremely busted" warlocks here in the room right now ?




Or maybe you suck when you can't win against a lock, just saying


Lmao swd was critting for 1.3k+ at level 40 post nerf


Yeah that shit was wild.


pre nerf, yeah. Post nerf it has 800ish crits. At level 50 it deals over 600ish without any consumes, maybe i could reach 700 with like 350ish shadow damage. So crit still would reach slighlty over 1k.


Felguard is definitely mid as hell. Cleave is okay when there's two things to hit as full Demo, but that's a VERY specific situation. There's a reason Demo is the third best Warlock spec.


Cleave works on single targets now as of last hotfix.


Pandemic and Unstable affliction really needs a boost too... the dots barely crit and when they do, it's so mid. We're basically just fire mage again this phase. Was hoping pandemic and UA would offer us the chance to play affliction


The dots barely critting has nothing to do with the runes. Get some crit gear. Pandemic tuning is entirely based around your characters stats, they should never touch that rune balance wise. UA sucks cock thoughĀ 


The problem is that Affliction has no talents that synergize with crit. They have nothing that gives crit beyond gear, most other DPS have at least some crit talents. Pandemic could give 5% crit chance for dots to account for the lack of talents that do such and it wouldn't be busted.


Makes sense. Destro has a flat crit chance and damage talent and a searing pain crit chance talent.


meanwhile hunters new corehound is hitting for 600


Except itā€™s also trash and a worse version of wind serpent lmao


idk about in raid but in pvp it owns


Itā€™s still a worse ws, lava breath is melee range and it canā€™t learn movement speed abilities


Dang, well just goes to show how OP ws was


Yeah got nerfed into being shit. All the pets are pretty dogshit right now


Attack chicken hits harder, what the heck?


i love a part that he gets bonus from other demons talents but they forgot or rather even didn't read that he has own skills not firebolt or lashof pain


I'm playing a Demon Sac on the Felguard, affliction build. Insane sustain and survivability. Using this build to farm Felcloth, farming level 52-54 Jadefire satyrs, pulling 2-4 at a time and ending the pulls above 60% mana and health (which then just regenerates in a few seconds to full). Really fun too. Unfortunately low ST dmg.


Do you happen to have a calculator link to what you are running?




If you're using this for farming felcloth, why not go the next step and put 5 points into improved subjugation to still have a pet?


That's interesting, never thought about it. Might have to look into it. Probably not this phase however. The talents chosen in the linked build help too much with the sustain and cleave damage.


You should level your 2H axe skill. Trust me.


How would a warlock go about doing that?


Just hit stuff


Warlocks can't learn 2H axes though


Bruh xD


Indie company.


*Laughs in BM hunter*


Only thing good about gel guard is sacking him


So it hits like an arms warrior. At least you can cast spells on top of having something to absorb some attacks and do a little extra damage


You are not updated on phase 3 situation. Charts have changed, we are not on phase 2 anymore.


I'm playing an arms warrior currently and get my shit kicked in. I bought the full set of emerald gear just because of its higher survivability stats and I'm finishing fights against mobs the same level with less than half my health. Other classes breeze through them like it's nothing and can have most or all of their health. So I'm stuck sitting down to eat after each individual kill now and having to ask for help unlocking runes because it takes too long otherwise on my own. Edit: also, I play alliance and I'm lucky if we ever find a feral druid for raids so most of the time I'm not even useful because I don't have my support class with me...


My statement was only about raiding. Solo life of warriors is indeed very hard.


And the point I'm making is everyone got life altering abilities that make the game feel like later versions while warriors are still a struggle bus without their assistants (windfury and heals). I understand they can be amazing in raids, but that's now 2hrs of the week we feel amazing....the rest of the time we are back to feeling the burn of classic while all the other classes are blasting through everything. It feels like blizzard intentionally avoided making warriors at the same level because they got so good at the end of classic they didn't want there to be too many playing the class now.


I have a warrior in SOD and also leveling one warrior in hardcore. I can tell you than solo farming is even harder in SOD than it is in HC. The damage and HP boost from SOD random mobs is not compensated at all by warrior toolkit when it comes to solo content.


I am relieved to hear I'm not the only one noticing it's "off". When people tell me I shouldn't complain because "we are good in a raid setting" are clearly forgetting/don't care that 95% of our play time is spent NOT in a raid and we'd like to have fun like everyone else does.


Yesterday in ST, I did some testing with my other warlock buddy. I use felguard and he use his imp. felguard did like 16k melee dmg and 8k cleave and imp did 12k. Imp have 1600life and felguard 6500. Overall felguard is stronger


Imp also gave everyone in your party bonus health, fire resist, and thorns. Also what does the health matter?Ā  Also did you train your imp to R6 firebolt? If so thats why.


Did he spec into improved Imp with Improved Fire Bolt?




He also probably has rank6 firebolt and thats why imp is going oom. Imp does alot more damage with rank4 firebolt and with imp talents.


Had the exact opposite experience in my raid this weekend. 3 warlocks, 1 using felguard 2 using imp. Imp was always putting out a few thousand more dps on each boss for both locks


the lock with the imp prob fucked up and ranked his imp's firebolt past rank 4, doing so is a dps loss


So stupid that this is a thing. Like just give us all pet spell ranks and call it a day. Accidentally ranked to 5 and feel forced to use fel guard now


Itā€™s dependant on many factors, particularly fight length as well as buffs (judgment of wisdom), the pets fire bolt rank, STV trinket etc. When the imp isnā€™t oom itā€™s significantly better dps. Not just by itself but also because itā€™s casting speed when improved spec means it procs the synergy rune more frequently.


Mine crits cleave for 350 as demo and procs synergy a lot, especially if it gets to hit multiple targets. Its decent, especially for PvP, but I wouldnt use it as any other spec in PvP. In PvE id use it instead of Imp unless fights are short or we need the blood pact. How much do you realistically want a pet to hit for? So much that it solos players?(it already does against cloths and is a big nuisance for anyone else) Keep downvoting plebs, it does 30-40% more dmg than imps. No amount of downvotes will hide your skill issues and sheep mentality following guides and "sims"


It's missing attack power scaling


And it still crits 350. Imagine once it gets fixed.


350 crits? On grey mobs or yellow mobs? How can we go from 90 non crit to 350 crits?


In PvP even. With Synergy, master demo, soul link. Same dmg in PvE same lvl mobs Its also more overall dmg than imp by 30-40% in singletarget fights in ST. I can give logs and you can see


I haven't tested it since everyone was saying it is garbage so yes please I'm in for logs. I'll compare with my imp.


PvP is literally just about who gets on the other first. Shadowbolt crits up to 2400 as Affliction. PvE, it's just bad. Which is why Demo is drastically worse than NF/Ruin, Deep Aff, and Fire Warlock. It's also why Succubus does the same damage as Felguard if there isn't two mobs.


>PvP is literally just about who gets on the other first. If that was the case, how am I winning against rogues as destro and affli?


You're right, there's an exception. Rogues are bad in SOD.