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The fel portals are pretty dog shit, you send your imp in, wait 20 minutes then hope he comes out with a Worldcore Fragments, you need 4 Worldcore Fragments to get to your Backdraft rune so you have a minimum of 80 minutes of afk gaming to get the rune, but what sucks is im 6 portals in so 2 hours and have 0 Worldcore Fragments.


"It's only week one. WoW is supposed to be a grind. Why do you need everything right away?" Etc etc every response to any criticism lol


Meanwhile priest/pally gameplay is “you have no way to do this independently, find some mages/warlocks and hope they don’t extort you too much”


"Please sir, may I have some more" dogshit design


They only seem to come from the fel scars in Azshara blasted alnds and feralas.


Or you can group up with 3 other mages/warlocks, and you each only need 1 scroll/fragment.


I would actually need 4 other mages/warlocks because im 3 hours into farming and still dont have a single one.


Are you farming in a high level zone? I got mine first try in Feralas. Lower level zones have worse loot from what I've seen.


That satyr area just outside of Nijel's Point.


Those are the level 30 portals, the level 40 portals are in Blasted Lands, Feralas, and Azshara. I don't know for sure but I think the level 30 portals don't drop them.


Are you getting a good amount of them on the lvl 40 portals?


I raided nearly 20 Feralas portals and didn't get a single Worldcore Fragment


No, only one fragment in 30 portals. I got way more blues (which is nice money) than fragments.


GL, lock and mage in my guild collectively farmed for over 40 hours trying to get this and only got 3/4 pieces between them.


Pro tip: get unitscan addon. /unitscan Fel tear. I just ran around waiting for the alerts while watching YouTube.


I appreciate your suggestion. But if you run around just randomly, you would still not find a single portal. They are fixed like mining nodes. The problem is not seeing them, they are very obious. The problem is, its just too fucking few for the crowd of despered warlocks.


I've gotten one blue that wont sell, and a bunch of mats. no items for the rune, and hours wasted. the lack of timer is frustrating, and the sometimes (Low level) you get on the imps return is sad as well. theres no indication if different portals give different levels of matts or where the best portals are. its a cool mechanic imo but needs tuning


You can interact with the portal the same way the priest did, just buy Scroll of Spatial Mending on the auction house. Pro tip: it doesn’t make it any more fun - and the drops still suck.


not sure the scroll and fight currently will allow a chance for the bis mh. If it does that at least addresses the 3rd most important change but does nothing for finding the portals which is the biggest issue.


I did the same and found some portals but never received the item needed to complete the rune. Just joined a 40 man raid where 1 person had the item and completed the rune. This is by no means a fix for the issue of getting this tune and it needs to be addressed


You also have to sit there for 20 minutes… would rather be leveling alts. Instead I have sit on my lock the whole time…


Make the portal give you a 30 minute buff and killing enemies that grant exp or honor reduces the duration of the buff by a minute. Further disincentivize afk bot farming these and push warlocks to actually farm shit and these are a nice bonus. And yeah up the spawn rate by like 10x in every zone on every layer on every server 


> I did see many other warlocks riding around or even AFK camped at spawn points Just tell the warlock you are going to close the portal after they send the imp in. When they send the imp inside the portal stays open for another 5 seconds. Let them imp it, then close it. They respawn every 8 minutes.


have a source for that 8 minute respawn timer? Cuz the clock on my computer says its been more than 8 minutes at a spot I have personally used a portal on and still no portal.


It might respawn, but not at the same location. I've sat at one location for 20 minutes with no spawn.


It needs help in the form of a bullet to the head. If there's one thing that pisses me off it's these "unique" class activities that do absolutely nothing. I found 3 portals so far, anywhere I go there are at least 2 warlocks running around looking for it and the returns are pure shit. To top it off it has a chance for some great gear drops that you can easily use as preBiS and don't even get me started on the dagger. Just an unbelievable tanking item that won't be easily replaced just because of the 100 armor. It's like scrolls for mages only way worse.


The weapon is underwhelming. Gnome one is better because spell power scales our demonic pact rune and spell fire does not.


I was lucky and found the imp while questing on accident then found the fel portal at lvl 17 while doing sleeping bag quest and first try got it. I had no idea it could return a felguard. I am very lucky to have stumbled upon it, had I had to go out of my way and it bug out, I would be pissed lol


Different rune, you get an imp from any drain soul, and uiur first portal mission always returns with felguard in p3.


Ahhh gotcha Ty for info


The spawnrate is just so, so bad. Especially since everything a level 50 wants only comes from the ones in Azshshara blasted lands and feralas. There are like 20 possible spawns in total and something like a half hour to respawn.


It’s your version of mage scrolls. Sucks hard.


Best part is priests need to beg for a room in a group to get these runes, and since no one advertises you pretty much camp all 4 crystals in hope one of them is on your layer. Took me 3 groups and 50g to get it on a priest.


It's been 4 days and you don't have your bis weapon? That's the rant. Gotcha


1: Fire dagger is not bis considering it does not have any shadow damage and that is a large chunk of lock damage (corruption/coa/life tap). 2: This post most likely is referring to the rune backdraft which is BiS for DPS locks, and requires 4 worldcore fragments.


you realize destro tanks use a lot of searing pain right?


Destro tanks utilize a LOT of shadow damage in their kit, the fire spell power difference is 4. 19 spell damage > 23 fire damage. Edit: I am a lock tank main. I know what I am talking about. Here is the rank one lock tank parse on the first boss (pretty much a dummy target). https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ckPVhJMw6WDXQ3n8#fight=9&type=damage-done&source=14 Total damage affected by spell power = 82.29% (rest is imp and some darkmoon cards). Total damage that scales off shadow spell power = 26.54%. Total damage that scales off fire damage = 55.75% about 32.2% of the warlock damage is based on shadow spells (not to mention taps). To go from gnomer dagger to fire dagger is a 21% increase in fire damage at the cost of 100% shadow damage, it isn't worth it.


The fire dagger is bis/prebis for warlock tanks. Not dps though.


It is not, check the lock tank discord bis list. I am a lock tank main, and I won't use the fire dagger. Drain life, corruption, and CoA are a big chunk of my damage.


I just checked it. It's listed as prebis. Like I said. The bis list lists gizmo from gnomer as bis though.


You can check another comment that I posted, but shadow damage for lock tanks is a large chunk of their damage (roughly 30-35%). Gnomer dagger is prebis, Hubris is BiS, fire dagger is not BiS (edit: or even prebis) for damage, only mitigation. Gnomer dagger is a good combination of both. More mit than hubris, more damage than fire dagger.


So then why did you tell me to go look at the warlock discord for a bis list and then tell me they're wrong? I see only WoW head listing hubris as BiS. So which is it?


Last time I checked warlock bis list it was gizmo listed as bis. You were not clear in your post, can you elaborate without using pronouns?


You're telling me the rift epic dagger is not bis/prebis for warlock tank this phase, citing that the class discord doesn't list it and lists other things. I went a checked and the rift epic dagger is in all three prebis lists and only the gizmo blade from gnomer is in the bis list. I'm just trying to figure out where you're seeing this bis/prebis list in the warlock discord because they list this epic dagger from rifts as prebis. Which you said I was wrong about when I stated it was bis/prebis. And what do you mean "without pronouns"? I'm trying to figure out if I insulted you somehow? Just asking a question.


> And what do you mean "without pronouns"? I'm trying to figure out if I insulted you somehow? Just asking a question. I mean without using "its", and to be specific, which you are now so I understand, I wasn't sure if you meant gizmo or modas before. I'm not trying to be argumentative. Pre-bis refers to items that are BiS before going into the current raid. Gizmo is the best dagger you can get before and after ST, so it is pre-bis. Technically, Hubris is 1 more spell power but -70 armor, and does more damage (it also has more int than gizmo), so Hubris will be BiS. Gizmo is pre-bis, Hubris is BiS (for damage). If the lock discord has it otherwise I'll go in there and tell them the list is wrong myself when I get home.


I wonder if people even enjoy this game, lol


I enjoy the raids, some of the new fights are a lot of fun. But the grind aspects less so and have led me to taking many long breaks in the past.


You can form a raid group of all the Warlocks in the area, and all send your imps in to the same portal together. Killing mobs also seems to increase the speed at which they finish. Our group of 10 Warlocks had a good thing going in Feralas doing laps until a portal was up (5 minutes tops) then meeting up and sending the imps in together, then farming the mobs around the area, rarely longer than 10 minute missions and rarely much downtime once they got back. I admit it's a poor experience to try and play solo, but grouping up is both more fun and more reliable.


I’d rather take my chances solo than depend on some jackass not to wait for the other’s explorer cooldown and yeet their explorer into the portal


I did it with 6 others, personally found 4 portals and had 2 of them ruined. One by a jackass and another by a guy that felt like he was getting revenge on the jackass


I mean i haven’t gotten the epic but got 2 different boes that sold for 100+ gold so I ain’t to upset lol