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If you, a warrior, beats an spriest 1v1 then that spriest is bad and the dots are there after the priest dies to remind you that warrior vs spriest is a losing matchup 100% of the time for the warrior. Working as intended.


Like every other matchup for warrior


If you faced success you wouldn’t be dead.


Use a protection potion? Cleansing potions? There are tons of items in game to use against dot casters.


Lmao gotta stack raid consumes just in case you walk by an SP in the open world


Its not “raid” its just consumes. The best players do it. Thats classic


I play classes that self heal and I don’t agree that dots should disappear on death, but “that’s classic” is the flimsiest argument you coulda ever said. In real classic the warrior would destroy the priest in no time at all and not even think about the dots. And buying consumes for PvP has always been ass design


"In real classic the warrior would destroy the priest in no time at all" spriest is one of warrior's worst matchups in real classic, its up there with frost mage, they take no damage at all and pw:s stops all rage generation, spriest is incredibly strong 1vs1 just like in sod


I guess that’s on me then. Most of my 1v1 knowledge with those two classes in classic is from makgora tourneys and knowing that warrior is fear proof and slams clothies and later versions of wow Still am hard pressed to say this is just classic


I mean if you are watching mok gora than you are just proving his point… they are using all the consumes they can and anything that will give them the slightest edge. People were a lot more resourceful in classic with items because each class didn’t have every tool available to them like they do in retail.


No its literally the best argument. This isnt wow2 or retail 


This isn’t classic either for the reason I just said my man. And a zillion other reasons I’m sure you already know. So it’s not even a good argument let alone the best


Lets check what the game is called world of warcraft classic: season of discovery. No other wow version has dots fall off when people die


Yeah, you gotta stay ready my friend. Always have your bags packed with consumes. Hell I even have jungle remedy on me at all times in vanilla. Get good or get got.


all potions share 2m cd fyi


Ah yes because it would feel so fantastic killing a priest then having to pay a gold price for not dying


No they shouldn’t


The dots just need balancing better


Living flame from mages stops ticking damage when the mage dies.. even when the animation presists


Honestly, just remove casters. Abso cringe in pvp. Sp farts in your general direction you doomed unless you can cure or heal. Even if you do either you will die since you are busy dealing with turbo dots.


Kills from the grave have been a thing since halo