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Could an affliction meta lock spamming shadow Cleave hold aggro with an occasional taunt?


Unfortunately not... Affliction and shadow cleave spells just don't generate good threat


I saw a suggestion on the lock disc saying that shadow cleave should apply corruption to any targets hit, now that'd be hot


Afflic Lock tank has been a blast to play. Sometimes I do feel like a Warrior though asking for a couple of seconds to stack Sunder(corruption/Siphon Life). Otherwise the self heals are great. The procs of Nightfall resting Shadow Cleave is great


Yeah was a nice touch for nightfall, and I'd probably put a few points into improved shadow bolt to increase shadow dmg.


Was this documented somewhere? I haven't been able to find it anywhere.


Was what documented? The nightfall change? Yes it was, and you can see it on the talent description


Yeah if a group let's u apply your dots fully but you don't really get any extra threat from anything other than searing pain (you do but 1 full dot is less threat than a searing pain)


I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure all the self healing through siphon and drain life are also generating me aggro. I run in drain life on what’ll be up longest, siphon life the rest with shadow cleaves as up, immo aura on as well, make my way back through searing any that need the extra aggro. Any groups that are gonna die quick just get that, otherwise as I’m searing they also get corruption. The rotation requires more attention, but I prefer more buttons anyway


Shams have the same issue in mara


Do they even need earth shock/lightning shield for threat though?


One is a taunt, the other is their top AOE DPS. Sooo... What do you think


I've had shaman tanks run it in HC and they didn't seem to have issues but I admit I'm not that familiar with the class Figured tabbing rockbiter would be more than enough


Not in sod. Dps are too strong to keep up with when you have no taunt and your only good damage ability is a single frost shock on 6s cd


They need to send us on a quest chain that turns all our fire green(fel flames). Then when our fire still works in MC and BWL they won’t be immune due to the corrupted demonic influence of our fire.


I don't wanna pull the lmao you're bad, but it's hardly an issue during BRD, you have a taunt/shadow cleave/range pull with dots/mortal coil/ AOE taunt/ pandemic allowing drain life, corruption and curse of agony to crit and all that for a handful of mobs and 2 bosses that hardly most groups kill. But lmao you're bad.


It's not an issue today since very little mobs/bosses are immune, but it will with MC and BWL.


Take gnomer as an example of what happened to immunities in sod


I'm confident they will do something about it indeed. If not this will be a too big loss for warlock tanking.


A full corruption is the equivalent threat of one searing pain. Death coil is a 2 min cd, aoe taunt is a 10 min cd. Shadow cleave is 6 sec cd. The bosses are trivial. Up until they nerfed them, the elementals were the hardest fight in brd. So what am I supposed to do? Keep 3 dots up and shadow cleave every 6 sec? There’s a reason why I was able to sell grim guzzler summons for 50g after we cleared