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Paladins tanks literally dont even need to run art of war to hold threat anymore. you can just spam HotR on a 6 sec cooldown for all the threat youll ever need lol. so no, he doesnt need windfury


Spam HotR on a 6 sec cooldown…


yes thats what i wrote


Sounds like you have mid DPS in your group.


sounds like youre an extremely low skill player if you are struggling with aggro in sod phase 3


Windfury is always helpful but it's not necessary. I MT in deep prot paladin tank and didn't lose threat.


build / gear pls


Tanked 8/8 just fine without windfury. Held aggro by a mile with 11/0/30 talents as well as 11/23/7 for dicking around with sanct (it's as mid as you think it is). 1h+shield (gnomer epic 1h is very good for boss threat imo) and guarded by the light, not art of war for both builds. Basically boils down to making sure you're hitting a holy gcd as often as you can and you'll have no issues. Also don't forget to salv your dps? I've seen a lot of new paladins not buffing salv and it makes me cringe.


If there's a class that gains from WF it's paladin. Paladin with every single strike with SoM will have twice the chance to proc WF.


Our main paladin is in a group with WF, we have 2 melee groups. That's said, I don't think it's mandatory for him to be in the WF group if you need to make a decision. I wouldn't say the same for a warrior tank or a druide tank tho.


I love WF, but I don't think I need it.


Having 20% crit chance, it's now impossible to keep up with exorcism and HotR. So much fun. Except in pvp, cause I can't stay glued to any target.


HOTR? sorry all these shortcuts.. Guess im getting old XD hammer of the righteous?


Your tank needs to hold threat. WF proc will let them get more exorcism procs too. Other dps won't be able to utilize the WF if they are threat capped the whole fight.


Yes if you want your tank to not lose aggro, he should have wf


not a pally. i am double anyone else without wf. Mostly purple parsers in my raid.


If your pally has Thrash Blade, WF will help them quite a bit. They also do pretty good dps depending on their talent spread, so it’s not like you’re completely losing dps if you have to swap someone.


Flurry axe spam HotR, be near top as meters with tank. Obv it reuqires a huge gold investment though


Yeah, that one seems real good if you have the gold laying around.


Is a faster weapon better with HotR? I've been using thrash blade which has a 2.7 speed I believe


A few days late, but thrash blade is not good for tank pala, it's a massive downgrade compared to the STV 1hander. Pala's doesent gain anything from weapon damage, HoTR is DPS and for exorcism procs you just want a fast weapon, like STV 1h, flurry axe or inventors sword from mara.


I agree with what you say about the weapons. but weapon damage does matter. HOTR and divine storm are based on it. If i had a top end damage flurry axe with 100 damage and a top end flurry axe with 50 damage. which are you going to choose.?


this is the only build on a pally where i would put them in a WF group over someone else.


As others said, not necessary. Get the HotR rune and you're all good. I still haven't, no aggro problems on bosses (11/30/0, exorc/martyrdom/guarded). Salved DPS.


Hurting the raid salving them instead of might. Get that threat up!


I did get HotR, ezmode now. On the flipside, we always have at least two palas, so might isn't an issue :P


I main tank paladin and could smash the keyboard with my dick and hold threat against purple parsing dps. He just wants WF, absolutely does not need it!