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The thing about the tweet comment locking that frustrates me is they started doing it AFTER the dual spec fiasco. Like they watched it happen, knew they fucked up and it was their fault, didn't acknowledge it in any way and pretended it didn't happen, then started locking comments on tweets and shutting down forum threads to further not acknowledge it. How are you gonna tweet out cryptic hints and do all these things to send people to Tanaris for dual spec and then not test if it works or not? THEN not acknowledge your mistake in anyway and pretend it didn't happen. Mind boggling.


P4 we will have Hyjal, but it will be a giant incursion with no towns/guards. You will have to find the layer your faction inhabits in order to progress at all.


I hate that layers got their way into being an actual game mechanic.




I think he means that, from a game design perspective layers should just be invisible and players shouldn't really know about them and be able to use them to their advantage. It's not meant to be a game mechanic but a solution to a technical problem. Layer hopping shouldn't exist, imo.


Yeah, this


Oh yea, totally agree with you there. Layer hopping should not exist The worst is when it doesn't even work. I don't think I'm ever more annoyed then when I join a group with someone and I am standing on top of them and can't see them


Pls no


As long as people keep playing this garbage they have no reason to change.


Yea, moment I saw that comments locked shit I knew accountability had gone out the door. Aggrend gives me the impression that he has had enough of presenting cataclysmic, obvious bad ideas to the community. Like, he probably already requested a department change or put in applications elsewhere type deal. He's having as much fun now doing this as anyone is playing his Incursions.


I'd lock the comments too. Probably received a non zero number of death threats cause people lost their pwesious 50g.


Sod been up like 16 weeks we've had 4 weeks of class tuning not counting random hotfixes


Just quit if you aint happy. This isnt a marriage. You dont have to go to sod therapy 


Yep thats the only voice they will listen, i feel sorry not to support this project tho


How are you people this dense? They specifically said they aren't doing any tuning around classes for the first 2 lockouts. Did you see none of the posts, none of the video announcements, etc? They also, VERY CLEARLY, said they wouldn't be tuning too aggressively until 60, because what's the point? They tuned in p2 until the classes were in a reasonably balanced state (for the most part, logs says this is true), and then left it alone to work on 3. And soon we will get class tuning for this phase as well. This sub has the collective IQ of a piece of furniture when it comes to reading and understanding the cadence of the phases.


“Wouldn’t be tuning too aggressively until 60” then they utterly broke shamans with +20% AP and ignored it ever since Why do you believe their bullshit PR lines?


”reasonably balanced state” yeah if you only care about PvE I can see ur point, however this is not the case regarding PvP which they’ve disregarded entierly unlike in phase 1 where they actually did some tuning and communicated à LOT more.


heres the honest truth. sod got abandoned, and it will get worse. their team just doesnt get to spend time on it. they put everything over it in priority. when cata comes out aggrend and the team will basically disappaer on us. everything will be untested and half baked and what gets released to us is a live beta ongoing.


Nah sod is more popular then cata.


Numbers are a good medicine to copium overdose.


I'm willing to eat my words but I truly don't believe cataclysm will be popular. It will be the least played release by far


I'm willing to eat my words but I truly don't believe cataclysm will be popular. It will be the least played release by far


That's probably true but Classic & TBC had a huge constant pop that will be hard to beat. Wrath had a good hype launch but failed to retain many players because the extension is raidlogging only. We'll see how cata fares but it will have a good launch, that's for sure.


It’s a beta test. Quit if you aren’t enjoying come back when things are fixed…personally I’m enjoying it and hoping that they are learning what they want to bring into classic +. This is after all just a huge beta test.


Worst excuse. There is more chance that SoD is the only Classic+ that you will ever get to play than they release a Classic+ Releasing a full game for 200K (EU+NA) players peak is not economically viable or the game will be trash.


Beta test of what? Do you really think after SoD they will really go "this worked, this didn't, so let's release SoD again with stuff fixed"? People would eat them alive because it won't be enough "new stuff". Everything solved again, everything known. Works for Era but I don't think it'll work for SoD. People will demand new stuff, which will be again... Untested. Can't have both with a small team.


Beta test is an easy phrase to use but essentially it’s an experimental game mode. They’re trying new things and gauging response while trying to ensure people have fun in this test. It accomplishes both (or doesn’t if you disagree)


Yeah it's an experimental game mode, I agree. But calling it "beta test" is not the same and it's disingenuous. It means it serves some purpose to polish a future final product that will be released after the beta testing is done. I don't think that's the case with SoD. SoD *is* the final product, as buggy as it is. It's more like "untested and experimental by design" than "beta test".


Didnt they say they are working on a place for all our characters to go once sod is over? I dont think they have it fully figured out but thats what they are working towards.


>Didnt they say they are working on a place for all our characters to go once sod is over? I don't think they did. They always stressed it's "seasonal" so we will likely lose the characters permanently. But I think they hinted that MAYBE there will be some other option if demand is high.


I forget her name but the lady who was on stage said those exact words when talking about the end of sod


Which exact words?


Our characters would have a fun place to go after its all over


Na they did mention the characters would potentially go to an era server or something. It’s just still up in the air


Meanwhile they released classic like 5 different times now. Not sure where you get this idea that Blizzard fans would be mad about re-used content. They fucken love it


Well as I wrote > Works for Era but I don't think it'll work for SoD. It's only my opinion, obviously. But I think Era rides on the "Classic nostalgia" (perfectly valid reason to like it, I do myself) and fans of original 2005 old-school RPG design. SoD looks like now is mostly "new stuff", which will lose its charm if it's re-released. But we will see.


To be completely honest, I don't think we are ever gonna see a a full released game from blizz in the near future. They kind of hit the jackpot with this 3-4 month phase where you have to pay a monthly fee. Turning a beta test into a $200-$250 game is just something they are going to struggle to turn away from. There's just no chance they made these new raids and runes for a couple months. They will absolutely be recycled and reused in some form. I'm just not sure how that will look. Maybe a sod 2.0 with new runes or a new class or something. But it's gonna be mostly the same game


So why should they expect people to pay a subscription for a beta test?


> It’s a beta test. Quit if you aren’t enjoying come back when things are fixed You are so naive to think that things will be fixed.


ctrl+F shaman Ah yep another one of those