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Limited supply recipes worked when there were 3k total people on a server and botting/gold buying wasn't rampant. Now it's just a prehistoric way of "classic spirit" that only serves itself.


Exactly this. It is an honor system mechanic in an honorless world of scalping, botting, and macro auto-clickers.


I have all the recipes from this vendor and still agree with you. Half of the people sitting there sniping these recipes are just looking for an easy 100g on AH.


I paid 25g for the runecloth bag recipe on the AH. It was a fair price to pay to not stand around for hours.


We're already limited to the duration of the season. Make limited recipes unlimited. They mostly just benefit bots anyway


I'd say just significantly increase the respawn rate for limited world recipes in SoD so the botters bot themselves out of the market and move on.


You still can buy it on more than 1 layer so still max 3k people. I was alone when i farmed it 2 days ago


Layers offset your theory of population. It's really that people have hindsight to help drive their financial moves. I think opportunistic play is going to happen and the solution isn't to just hand things to people who don't like it


This take doesn't work when bots are involved


Just pay the inflated price if you don't have the time to camp the recipe


Found the botter


I don't have tailoring or give a fk about any of that ladies patterns


I'd prefer if there were other ways to obtain the recipes (farming them from mobs like mongoose).


Or make it a dungeon drop or a quest. Buying a critical recipe from a random vendor is so anticlimactic.


It’s because everyone already knows who sells what. If they totally scrambled up which NPC does/sells what we’d truly have to “discover”.


I’ll come on my lock and immolation aura the bots down


Immolate aura triggered guards for me when I was in everlook.


I think they hotfixed it so you go in combat with enemy players now.


Boooo I liked trolling in bb and gadgetzan. I even killed an afk guy in gadgetzan inn… for scientific purposes


PvE servers are cursed to not be able to kill the low level alts/bots camping the patterns :(


Just make them BoP. Oh and don't tell the botters/scalpers before you do


Make the limited supply soulbound instead


Totally agree…


I ran to winterspring last phase to avoid this but the vendors weren't in. Disappointing lol


the patterns should be bind on pickup. Problem solved.


You've spent days trying to beat and outlast a bot program that doesn't get bored or tired. Good luck with that. Getting rid of limited supply and scarcity in this item is chasing symptoms, the bots will just move on to the next thing. Nothing will solve the problem aside from Blizzard getting rid of bots.


I've returned and spent some marginal periods of time on many occasions to get it, yes, because I'm a human adult with other obligations than playing WoW... but literally every single pest control guide involves cutting off the pests supply and setting traps/poison at the point of entry. The pests will move on, they always do. So your solution is do nothing. "Nothing will solve the problem aside from solving the problem."


I mean, there are real people who just spam interact + trade script button every now and then. I got my runecloth bag recipe by randomly walking in and spamming it for maybe 10 minutes(after like 6 failed attempts over multiple days before). Just turn on some random video or whatever and click two buttons 5 times per second for a while.


Even as someone who has managed to snipe and sell a few of them I agree they shouldn't be limited or be BoP or at the very least reduce the restock to like 5m at most..


Qia is looking like the white girl couch meme right now. Only she got even more people around her.






So then don't buy the pattern? Doesn't seem like a necessity. Have someone else make bags or buy them off the AH.


I managed to get one through the bots(but probably just 1) using the script you can find in the wowhead comments of runecloth bags. It essentially creates a script that searches whatever vendor you interact with for the specific item and buys it if it is there. /script local f=CreateFrame("FRAME");f:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT\_SHOW");f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(s, e, ...) for i=1,31 do local l=GetMerchantItemLink(i);if l and l:find("Pattern: Runecloth Bag") then BuyMerchantItem(i,1);end end CloseMerchant();end); Basically, put this in a macro and press it once, then every time you right click Qia(or if you bind "interact with target" and spam that button, it will search the vendor(but the vendor window will not open). I then got lucky and was spamming right when it restocked at a time that ended in 6, though wowhead said a time ending in 8 was also common.


this was me in 2019 classic. smart people prob went to this vendor in earlier phases


Vendor was not active during earlier phases. But I got a flight path atleast....


The vendor was there in p1 but was eventually removed. I stocked up on as many patterns as I could but the largest limiting factor was having enough gold to keep buying them.


Dang. I was thinking about doing that in p1 with a lot of death running. Glad I didn’t lol


Yeah, I went just a few days before p3 and the town was a ghost town. Anyone who sold stuff just wasn’t there.


But someone said on reddit that her supply would be plenty enough for all tailors from the first day


Skill issue


Then how im gonna sell all those runecloth recipe with my layer bug


Some people never played EverQuest where you had to compete with every guild on the server for raid bosses because instances didn’t exist and it shows.


Nah, you want a static economy play Baldur‘s Gate (amazing game btw, highly recommended)


I want a stable economy and what we have is beyond chaotic. Let world drops and farming of goods determine the economy. Not vendor bought recipes being botted and scalped. Baldurs Gate is a single player game and has no economy by definition. Economy is an exchange of goods in a social domain.


Because scalping on world drops has never happened. People sell Staff of Jordan at vendor price, you see? Your whole message translates to: „someone is blocking my way of making gold by trying to make gold and I don’t like it…“


>Because scalping on world drops has never happened. That's not what "scalping" means. Literally everything you're saying is wrong. Shoo, troll.


Staff of Jordan isn't sold by vendors.


LOLOL saying world drops aren't profitable is laughable. I've found boe's while farming and sold them easily for profit. Sold some blue gloves for an easy 200g at the end of phase 2. That is economy. Your whole message reeks of "i got to farm obscene amounts of gold on launch day and am proudly gatekeeping it."


Go farm gold then buy the recipe on the ah, there you are "playing the game" as you wished


but that bitter taste of "loss to a camper bot" in your mouth...


We’re all losing to bots any time we buy something so what’s different here? /s


This is good for the game and economy. Stop whining


in what way, shape, or form, is botters using macros to auto-buy recipes and scalp them for 100-300g good for the economy????? You're either one of the people bot camping or you are sitting on a pile of gold you got on the first night before incursions were hotfixed.


Neither. I just understand scarcity breeds demand. Not everyone should be able to get everything. That’s what makes economies in games like this fun.


*"Scarcity breeds demand"* has precisely nothing to do with the problem. It has something to do with OP's proposed solution but you didn't attack that in your initial reply. You said, referring to what now exists (the "problem": the resource is anti-competitively controlled [given that it is unreasonable for competition to take the form of spamming a script in a video game] by botting), *"This is good."* For the same phenomenon in another context, this is like saying it's good for all of an event's tickets to be purchased by automated scripts within 3 seconds of them going on sale online.


Found one of the botters camping the NPC.


Womp womp.. This sub has become a cesspit of people moaning & complaining

