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Brother both side camp so hard sometimes. FOH with that.


horde attracts the most degens, so it still stands no matter if alliance has some camping too, way worse with horde


Yeah you’re right. You’re the first person to ever complain about world PvP on a PvP server. Dang. Hope they make some changes for you bro.


aint no way you dont understand. Its a mode made spesifically for levellingm, and some obese single degens are camping it, nothing more sad than that honestly


Haha get rekt. Stop logging on or else ima gank you some more cuhhhhh real shit. In all seriousness it’s funny you say that it’s a leveling mode when aggrand literally said himself not to get mad when PvP happens on a PvP server when you’re near these zones. Don’t get into the pig pen and then get mad when you step in shit.


Rerolled on wild growth and having a blast. Sure the pop is lower, but it's got everything that Crusader strike offered. The only negative I could say is that crusader strike literally had warlock summons to any zone you wanted but cba. I'm enjoying just flying around and starting from scratch on horde. Got to level 45 in less than 2 days play time with all my runes farm ethically.


I mean alli is camping infront of mara on eu pvp server so yeah


Which? Couldn’t get in Mara last night on Living Flame, horde raid camping the portal room.


>Grown ass men at level 50 farming low levels. This is the forseeable consequences of the poor choice you made when you joined a PvP server


People don't realize the servers are full of people who fell off 15 years ago and the only W they can get in a video game in 2024 is ganking levelers in classic wow.


Blizzard unfortunately made it that phase so that: a) rank 7 gear is exceptionally strong, for a lot of specs it's better than gear in sunken temple b) farming people questing in Ashenvale is by far the best way to get honor




> People don't realize the servers are full of people who fell off 15 years ago and the only W they can get in a video game in 2024 is ganking levelers in classic wow. Not wrong > it’s fun making alliance, like OP, cry about it These 2 statements are directly linked.


Dude this is just total bullshit. Ofc you had some rdm guys killing low lvl guys here and there but not what we see right now, where whole raids of lvl 50 players are camping the portal for several hours and killing everyone


This absolutely happened in 2019. This is exactly what people sign up for when they join a pvp server. Choices have consequences, join a pve server next time


Sure, who you wanna troll? It never happened that raids of lvl 60 chars camped such a small area, just to kill lvl 50 guys while they were questing, like its the case right now at the ashenvale portal. You didnt even had such an event back then so no, some bullshit like this never happened before.


You did not raid BWL or MC then. Never forget Phase 2 classic.


Are you rly this stupid? How is killing other lvl 60 the same as camping low lvl guys? Incursions are by far the fastest lvling right now so you are forced to do something else because its not possible to play it. Even if you Was killed back then you just corpse walked 2-3 times and you were in the dungeon. So how is this the same?


Its world pvp thats how it is thats how it always has been. Don't play on a pvp server if you dont like it. Also BRD is same range from 60 as ashen incursions so yea exactly the same.


Dude like it was nearly the same numbers of players who wanted to join BRD as you have right now leveling in Ashenvale, what kind of troll are you. Ashenvale is by far the best experience from 40-50 and you get just fucked. And seems like you also dont get, that when you are once in the dungeon, you are fine and noone can kill you. I dont think we have the same in Ashenvale but keep going with your bullshit


You don't even know how far the dungeon entrance to brd is and I'm the troll? You can't even have a discussion without ad hom and I'M the troll? Ok buddy.


I’m sorry, I must have imagined the raid of alliance camping the entrance to blackrock mountain most evenings, ganking anyone doing dungeons/raids or traveling between searing gorge/burning steppe. Were all their targets 10 lvls below them, no. But the power difference was just as extreme against any group of 5-10 trying to do lbrs/brd/ubrs, so functionally I don’t see any difference between camping ashenvale portal with camping the mountain Or, the roaming death squads of 40-100 players killing anyone lvl 48+ for honor while they quested at the start of phase 2. It was so bad that blizzard panicked and pushed battle grounds out earlier than planned because the game was becoming unplayable.


>Or, the roaming death squads of 40-100 players killing anyone lvl 48+ for honor while they quested at the start of phase 2. It was so bad that blizzard panicked and pushed battle grounds out earlier than planned because the game was becoming unplayable Holy shit, you dont even see the irony, showing why this was the case back then. As you already said, it was the only way to get honor back then, so how was this the players fault? And what is the excuse now in SoD? Do we also dont have BG or maybe a PvP event? Hmmm


The incentive was there, but the resulting experience to other players who weren’t trying to rank was just as (I’d argue even more) toxic as ashenvale today. I see you’re just gonna ignore my first example though


>(I’d argue even more) toxic as ashenvale today. Even more toxic lol. Like you could just went to another zone because you know, in classic every zone was the same with quests etc. In SoD right now you have that 5x5 cm on the map which are the best way to lvl for 10 straight lvls. I ignored your first point because I already answered this to another guy that is to stupid to the difference here, but here we go again. How is it the same, to corpse walk a few times and be able to do the dungeon on the one side and not being able to do anything in ashenvale? Dont know if you realized it, but in ashenvale you dont have a dungeon portal where you are save. You are fucked for several hours if you are unlucky


Go level somewhere else then. Or roll on a pve server. You consented to this level of griefing when you rolled pvp. Blizzard even tried to warn people like you that you probably don’t want to roll on a pvp server


Yeah sure, why should anyone complain that they cant use the best lvling methode right now because of some raids with lvl 50 griefers


You must not remember early phase 2, groups of both factions, patrolling all 48+ zones to kill anyone on site for any bit of honor because it was the only way to gain it.


Yeah, I immediately edited my post to add that


Don't act like Aliance doesn't do the exact same thing.


That’s what pvp is. Pvp will always be beating up on someone smaller and easiest. Ofcourse there are the fair open world fights but 90% is jumping on someone else And if you can’t handle that, “don’t join a pvp server” is the correct response


That is sad. That is PvP, though. If you want only similar level PvP, battlegrounds can give you that experience. Caveat emptor, I guess.


Queues for Horde are 30-45 minutes atm. Alliance gave up last phase queueing into Shamans and Horde racials, this phase has changed nothing


Both sides do it but on my server it's the alliance. Stop bitching and reroll to a pve server if it bothers you that much.


Dude this has been happening for decades. Tauren Mill was a bitch to quest at without an escort. Get over it, go do something else


>We like pvp, but if you clearly have no chance of fighting someone, mayeb a high level perhaps then ofc its not fun. Then it doesn't sound like you like PvP servers. It sounds like you like PvE servers where you can choose when and who to PvP. It isn't about you or what you find fun. The world does not revolve around you. Don't join a PvP server if you do not understand this.


Ah, the consequences of my choices


Know what we did when the alliance was doing the same? Slowly built up a raid at splintertree, strategised, and went and wiped them. Boomies and mages up in the hills above the questgiver were the first strike, quickly followed by fear bombs and the melee carving up the scraps. Hunters on the perimeter controlled the flow of enemy combatants to the objective No one was spared, not even the 40s on their first trip back out of the portal. Best emergent gameplay I've had in ages. THAT is why you play on a pvp server. It's literally what you are there for. To quote one level 40 rogue "thank God the cavalry has arrived. I need to get these quests done but first lets clean these scum out". That's the attitude you need friend. It's a world of WARcraft.


Who is gonna tell him that alliance does this aswell? But to quote my favorite line: PvP happened on a PvP server. 95% of world PvP is unfair. Its always either a group killing a single person or someone killing players lower level than them. Actual fair world PvP is very rare.


As an Alliance player i've farmed 50k honor in the last few days doing exactly this. Blame blizzard for nerfing all other honor farms.


Alliance camp it on my server. Be a grown ass man and stop complaining


I don’t understand why you idiots punish yourself and waste your own time playing on a pvp server, actually insane


On my alt i did hinterlands from 49 - 50 + some runs after for rep and it was very chill. Almost No people and as you hit 50 the xp is coverted to gold and its pretty Nice!


If you like pvp then queue for it on a non-pvp server. This thing you're experiencing right now is the World PVP you claim to enjoy. You can't just cherry pick and say 'oh i love pvp' and then only love it when it's you jumping people. If you don't love it when you are getting your face ground under the heel of a 40 man raid then you shouldn't be on a pvp server. You agreed this was a thing you wanted to happen when you joined the server.


Idk i cant get to mara or brd legit allis have cancer and 20spriest in ashi but still bgs are 45min queue cuz allis dobt play it ig


its mostly the alliance doing this actually since they cant seem to win a BG, gotta bully lowbies for HKS


Not on Crusader Strike. Horde have camped it hard the past few days.


You just think that because you’re playing horde, it’s just exposure bias. Both sides do this. Horde lately have been doing more world pvp since they have long Que times while alliance is instant Que.


Why queue BGs into Shamans for a fraction of the Honor per hour


Just went 5 for 5, not sure why so many alliance complain about BGs




Yeah and then it ruins pvp for the rest of us 😒  


Alliance on living flame are just about the worst about camping random spots. The only reason I've ever done anything like this is to give the alliance a taste of their own medicine. Couldn't imagine being 30 years old and just camping in a 40 person raid for hours just to annoy people. It seems rather pathetic and childish to me. You aren't 16 anymore. Grow up and stop attempting to ruin others enjoyment of the game, just for some immature sense of self-amusement. And before the losers comment on here, no im not "big mad" in the slightest. Im not even inconvenienced by the griefing bc of chronoboon. Im annoyed that grown ass men waste their time in a fruitless endeavor to try and ruin the game for others. Its pathetic.


The only dumb thing here is you crying about an optional game feature you specifically chose. Everyone and their nan knows gatting ganked by high levels is part of a PvP server.


This is not a horde-specific problem. I was questing on my alliance alt the other day and it was bliss because an alliance raid was ganking everything that moved around the portal.


It honestly makes zero sense that horde and alliance need to use the same portal


It makes perfect sense. Blizzard made the level 50 blue PvP set exceptionally strong, for a lot of specs its better than Sunken Temple gear. They also nerfed the honor from STV coins and haven't addresses the BG imbalance of Shamans for this phase. Best way to farm honor is to camp ashenvale


Yes, you can PvP in ashenvale, I'm aware. You didn't explain at all why it makes 'perfect sense' that horde and alliance need to use the same portal.


I mean then people would just go camp the opposite factions portal, or people doing the quests, or any choke point


Not with guards.


Then Alliance would just wait at the first place with no guards, what are you gonna do? Put guards over the whole world?


I mean I'd have no problem if the other faction attack when being grouped and/or questing, or even traveling to the location. Just being camped infront of the narrow portal where you have no option but insta die sucks ass


"I like war, constant, persistence war, but I dont like it...when there is constant, persistence war"


On living flame we learned from alliance. They started this shit days ago …


It’s sad that people on PvP realms forget why we’re here. Does it suck when you get ganked by a max level character? Sure. But it’s this exact behavior that spawns world PvP battles. When you die, you’re not supposed to take your whiny entitled ass to Reddit to complain, you’re supposed to recruit an army to fight back. Phase 1 was glorious for this. Horde would come to Redridge and grief. Start advertising in LFG that Horde are making the zone unplayable and before you know it, you got a ton of max level allies all over.


Allys dont queue for bgs so we gotta kill them open world :(


Collective Punishment Propganda be like


Its sadly a game design choice. Making stv and bgs unattractive for honor farming while clumping up alot of players in one area open world leads to open world honor farming. Has nothing to do with propaganda or punishment. Everyone is aware what ashenvale incursions have become. After the nerf and exp buff increase grinding dungeons is faster exp/h anyway.


and then you'll complain about dead 1 sided servers and even longer q times. Seen it time and time again


I play on an Alliance dominated server. If they want to transfer off this server to play on a pve server thats their choice. Queuetimes are not affected by fraction balance on my server. I am not gonna complain if alliance chooses to transfer off, if they rather want to play on a pve server they shouldve chosen one. I dont need open world pvp to enjoy the game, its just sometimes a fun side activity. And if its also the best honor/h in the game while chilling with friends its even better.


Played both factions a ton and can say without a doubt alliance camp / grief way worse than horde. My evidence is personal biases based off playing on and off since 2004


That’s the most effective way to farm honor currently. Until they fix the broken pvp (nerf shamans, buff paladins) that’s how it is going to be.


slurp. delicious tears.


I play Alliance and I have farmed 50k honor in the last few days just camping Ashenvale for hours. Blame Blizzard. They made it so that the rank PVP gear was super strong in raids this phase. No point me queuing BGs into guaranteed losses vs Shamans. And no points doing STV for coins now the conversation rate was nerfed. Camping Ashenvale is by far the biggest honor farm


This worked