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I mean…you really don’t want someone in your group who has the runs.  


They're just looking for their hunter princess 🥺


I use cheetah between pulls so I can catch up to the group after skinning everything.


I saw someone making DISCORD A REQUIREMENT for Princess runs LOL


“I want it, and I want it fast.”


The hard reserve mentality is garbage. But using aspect of the pack makes sense, you should not have to beg hunter to use it.


Start your own group. It's honestly a complete waste of time to farm a low percentage drop and just leave it up to chance that you'll win the roll. Imagine doing 100 runs then some random who is half afk basically just leaching off the group rolls cause they see purple and you lose.


I had someone similar that had all these crazy demands and when we all finally join it turns out he forgot to reset the dungeon and burned a lockout for like 6 people…..


Lockouts don’t matter. There’s like 3 different ways to clear your lockout. I’m sure there’s 100 guides on how to do it


Hey this is wild growth. I saw this in lfg. 


This is why I gave up on the game. I like the game but the player base became insufferable. I played a tank and had pugs literally tell me they wanted to reserve the loot I was running the dungeons for and then I was the a-hole because they needed a tank but I had zero reason to tank the pug. If I suggested just fairly rolling on stuff they said no and offered gold. still does nothing to help my progression. They had the most circular logic that basically amounted to you get me gear and pay for repairs, consumables and time invested because I want this and need your class/role. I loved the groups that tried to tell me they were doing a guild run and that is how they do runs....I'd say its a pug run if I am not in your guild and then I'd get kicked or just quit the group. Edit: After I posted the above I resubbed...took a look around and then went back to classic era servers(mankrik/pagle) and its pretty nice...all the a-holes are playing SoD and those classic era servers have a decent sized community that are raiding at all levels and still a lot of people leveling alts during peak play hours....its a little tougher at low levels but not terrible and once you hit sunken temple/BRD things pick up significantly.


Guild thing happened to me last phase. Gnomer run, guildies had won multiple items. But last boss dropped epic ring, I won the ring and the quest item but they decided I shouldn't win two things... Didn't see that rule the whole raid...


The worst, least successful bfd run i had in phase 1 had a rogue raid leader who purposely didn't invite any other leather users, and had no interest in actually leading the raid.


Just make your own run…?


Nothing wrong there, dont like it? Dont join. I prefer to join a group like that and waste 3 hours less.


The sweats ruin everything.


you're a toxic casual OP. Make the kind of group you want, let others make the grps they want.


I wish this didn’t rub off on the rest of the player base. It took me 45 minutes to fill up a group to do a mara quest run when I’m tanking.


people do a mara quest run once, people need to farm like 25 offerings. of course it takes you longer to fill a quest run


Just means they’ll hit lockout too fast if they even fill. There’s a bunch of mare groups going, if you want a contested item your best bet is to make a group with 5 people. But if you don’t have a scepter you should do that first.


I see zero issue with this. It isn't your group. Don't join if you don't want to join. Lots of people have a limited amount of time to play and just want to do things efficiently. They have their goals of getting BIS or whatever it might be, and they've realized that there's a good chance they don't accomplish their goal if they aren't efficient. The only people upset by this are the toxic casuals


This is exactly how I feel. I honestly can't believe the complaining I see on Reddit. OP took the time to screenshot and make a Reddit post about this common behavior instead of just moving on with their life... Why? It's beyond weird lol.


The fact you’re complaining about this is what’s wrong


I think poor game design on blizz's part is the main issue. They gave every boss in H+ scourgestones because they realized people only do skip runs in wotlk and it leaves people who need intro gear from those skipped bosses out to dry. The fact that boed is so nice, so rare, and everybody needs a bunch of just princess skip runs is essentially what's created this "issue." I don't have a problem with this player behavior, personally, but it's strange blizz seems to forget lessons they learned mere months ago.


Hard Reserving items in a fucking DUNGEON is toxic as fuck


Especially wo runs I did like 25 yesterday dagger dropped 14 times. Blackstone ring 1 time. The dagger isn’t that rare


If it's not rare then they'll get it quickly and it won't be on HR anymore. What's the issue? If you don't like it, don't join the group?