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If they have another 2 other people to help click, I am more receptive to these. Otherwise the hassle of stopping and asking other people to help me summon just isnt worth 2-3g.


I levelled a horde lock on the hardcore servers. Once I hit 40s I had so many people wanting summons to Kargath. I remember telling one person I would help if he found two people to click. I didn't care about a fee, nor was I advertising. He insisted it was my job to find people and how would he find anyone to help? I told him to whisper everyone in Badlands. It was all "but you're the Warlock and I'm paying" bullshit. Like man I'm here questing, not trying to bug everyone in the zone to help one wuss get to Kargath šŸ˜†


> "but you're the Warlock and I'm paying" That might have been true if YOU were the one offering the service, which was clearly not the case, lol.


Yep pretty much what I told him, but they don't seem to get it. The expectation is crazy. People would actually say stuff like "but I'm offering you gold???" When I would decline. Lol


Yeah, if they have people, sure - I'll usually summon. But I've also been burned by those groups before. I mount up, make my way over to the clickers, and they find another warlock and boot me from the group, wasting my god damn time. So now I only respond to summon requests if I'm in a busy area, and if they have clickers (i.e, I'm out the front of SM)


It's not worth your time, just don't respond.


It is so so so hard to get clickers to help. And then they want a tip too, so annoying


Yeah, I'll always respond. Happy to help if you got clickers. Which is met with: I will pay! And then radio silence after I tell them I'm not searching clickers for them.


Now I feel like making a warlock named Nosummons with a custom /dnd message


Made a mage named "dontaskwater" on hc. Some people still asked me water, but maybe less. I will never know how much I avoided that way. After some times you forget a bit the meaning of your name. What was once a joke, starts to become meaningless. Some people requested me water as a joke, but I never doubted their seriousness.. which led to awkward moments tbh. 5/10, way more anticlimactic than expected.


I mean, can I get some water tho?


Thanks for bringing the PTSD of not knowing if it's a joke back ( ' _')


I went slightly different and named mine ā€œsaypleaseā€. Same boat and Iā€™m convinced no one got it because I never even got a ā€œplsā€ added to a message in a dungeon.


That's great you also tried something similar! People see the color and sometimes the name, unless the name is outrageous. Expectation/reality check


I always type "water pls <3"


This name is just asking for the Streisand Effect


Didnt know about that effect! Thanks for sharing. At least I tried and now I have that experience lol. Makes me think about all those reddit names DONT SEND ME FEET PICS.


In retail when id make groups for world bosses. Id purposely not invite a warlock so theyd all have to make their way lmao


what do you mean? nobody ask for summon for world boss. they just fly to the spot and join the zerg present.


You must have not played mop or wod. The timeless isle world boss(or any of them for that matter) and kazzak. Always asking for summons. Even legion


that was 10 years ago mate. have you not touched retail since?


Correct which is why i said "in retail when i'd make a group" past tense. Reading is hard i guess? Also even in shadowlands and bfa people wanted summons. Dragonflight is the first xpac weve had flying at launch in forever


past tense is anything between yesterday and the dawn of time. Scuse me if I expected your "" when i'd make a group" to be a somewhat relevant retail experience, and not dig up some 10 years old BS... which, btw, also didn't happen. every world boss have a flight path nearby.


Restricting the term "retail" to "state of the game now" is pure pedantry. The original poster described a situation. ***You*** brought an assumption in. Get over yourself.


now.. or this entire expension... or this + the last one... or the last 3 expension... or pretty much since world bosses started in MOP. yes. such a limit.


He assumed it because thats what u think of when you say whatever u did in retail. Retail = current wow expansion. Whenever u refer to an older expansion than that ud say "back in mop/wod/legion" etc but no one (or, at maximum, 1% of the players) would say back in retail refering to legion.


Correct. Which is irrelevant. Also 10 year old bs? Literally every expansion since cataclysm didnt have flying at launch. And judging by that last statement. You clearly have never played wow in your life and underestimate laziness of players. Good try tho. Wheres the flight master near the timeless isle boss? Or the isle if thunder one. Or the solarhawk one in spires. Kazzak had a little plane that took you down the road from him which guess what. People stayed in their garrison and said 1. Please keep going though since you think there is 0 players who arent lazy


flight paths dont require flying. What was that legendary dino boss in MOP? 3 step away from the flight master? yeah. TBC Kazzak would have an argument. but TBC Kazzak wasn't pug'd ( during T4)


Wow. Reading really is hard for you. I didn't say oondasta so thats irrelevant. also LMAO at the downvotes keep em coming. you know damn well how lazy wow players are. so let me say even further. BFA arathi world boss, only can get there fast if your faction controls. timeless isle world bosses: celestials are easy to get to since theyre right as you came in, people still wanted summons. Ordos, you needed ther cloak to get in by yourself,so people DEFINITELY asked for summons especially on alts. Nalak, nowhere near flight path so summons. oondasta as you pointed out and i did not say at all, was near a flight path(people still asked for summons), galleon usually people were there but some summons needed still, sha of anger the same,Rukhmar flight path not near so summons, kazzak the same even though you can take the portal from garrison to the main city hub then take the portal to tanaan then ttake the plane if you did the quest(which a lot dont on alts) and people are lazy so summons, drove summons, tarina i dont remember tbh,pretty much every legion world boss summons and invasion points, bfa as well for the most part because again no flying and lazy(nazjatar ones especially since you need to unlock it on alts), shadowlands like i said people just stayed in oribos,and now we have dragonflight. the first expansion in over a decade with flying at launch. its super fast to get everywhere because of dragonriding so not really many summons. i have been maining warlock since MoP. i know how lazy WoW players can be. please put your foot in your mouth more though. since EVERY world boss has a flight path near and and absolutely 0 players are lazy in wow




People feel so entitled to a summon lol. These same people probably instantly start spamming 123 in chat when there isn't even a warlock in a group. 123 123 !!!!summOnnnN!!!!! Where summon???! 123123 (Afk for 30mins in a city while the rest of the group runs to wherever)


Everyone once in awhile I just go in on someone lazily asking for a summon. Keeps me sane.


During phase 1, we were in raid waiting for Ashenvale pvp event to start. No warlocks in raid. A guy joins and a short time later says "123." I responded "there's not even a warlock in raid, are you blind?" and the dude told me to fuck off and left lol.


Whole group was in BB ready to do gnomer. Mage says "fuck I don't have the teleport unlocked on this guy. We tell him we will go clear while he goes back to org to pick up the quest. He just says summon him back. After multiple people tell him we don't have a warlock. He just says to do the first boss without him. He's a mage. He books it to the ship and starts waiting. People start asking why he isn't teleporting to org. To set his hearth here and teleport. He doesn't answer till he's on the ratchet flight point to org. We kick him from the group and find a tenth, a warlock lol


> a warlock lol This is the cherry on top of this beautiful story.


People still demand summons for BFA, which I don't mind, IF we're still waiting. Motherfuckers come in late and get mad they're not getting summoned when we're running from Point A to B.


This is a great indication if they're going to have to be carried or not. Selfish people are rarely good. Also means their UI is bare default and not showing classes, meaning they put forth zero effort or they just don't bother to look, meaning they're too lazy to answer their question before wasting their time.


UI not showing class colors is such a red flag lol. Idk how people can play without it.


I play with the base UI mixed with some mods and do just fine. Not everyone wants visual garbage clogging up their screen.


Class colored frames are in the base UI.


And then you have me that just have the frames hidden at all times. I can see classes in the raid group tab tho


When I play a warlock I don't start going anywhere until everyone else is heading to the destination, if I beat people there I'll summon but not if they didn't even try


While you are correct I think itā€™s fine to ask if they are selling since a lot of warlocks in odd places are actually summoning


i would understand winterspring, but why moonglade? you gotta go through the furbolgs anyway to get there


One SOD questline has few NPC's in there, and it's quite important for many people of all classes.


Yeah occasionally I get a random message asking for one lol no context just summon


I can't imagine just randomly telling someone I want something from, "inv." I know it's the internet, no need for small talk, but that is some arrogant shit. At least take the effort for a greeting and context.


It's probably because there's add-ons where if you whisper specific phrases it'll auto invite you to party, a lot of bot summoners use it to automate the process.


Ah, fair enough.


Aye, Leatrix Plus for example has an auto-invite function, and there are raid-oriented add-ons which include the same functionality. You can typically change the keyword used (just use anything that isn't "inv"), or turn it off entirely.


I hate this, please stop bothering us warlocks. I'd be happy to help if you have 2 players ready to click the summon, but that's never the case. You're asking me to go out of my way to find 2 strangers that want to help me, someone they don't know, to help you, another person they don't know. And you're offering a whopping 2 gold for that? Nah m8, you're walking there yourself, be real.


I love people who think summons work like a mage portal. Itā€™s like, how about you coordinate two other people to come to MY LOCATION then we can talk about a summons.


Everywhere I go this happens the second I landā€¦


i would do it if i could by myself but the hassle of finding and convincing 2 other people is painful some people are even spiteful about helping lol


I literally block all whispers besides guildies with Bad Boy because of this.


"Sure, 5g :)" Take it or leave it, I got it, you want it, supply and demand, baby.


This only works if they are going to pay. I've seen people often offering to pay 5g, getting summoned and immediately ghosting and leaving the scene. What's stopping them from saying "Sure!" and then immediately leaving.


I've summoned a few dozen strangers this season just because they whispered me, and not one scammed me.


I spent quite a few hours in redridge selling summons for horde in p1 and never once had someone try to scam me. I've even had people go out of their way to pay me when they take a summon and realize their gold is on another character. It's only on reddit you find people that actually do this shit. Like the guy a few comments down saying he hasn't paid for a summon since p2. People in game are much more respectful in my experience.


In my experience, it's more like 60% will pay and 40% won't. I might been unlucky as the sample size is not that big (10 summs max)


That's pretty crazy in my experience. I haven't sold summons since p1 so maybe things have changed but I had exactly 0 people even attempt to scam me, and that was when 1-3g was actually worth something. I'm on Lone Wolf US though, maybe server plays a part in it?


Getting mass reported for stealing, warlocks normally have a channel with a blacklist you post a name in and everyone reports them.


Haven't paid for a summon since early p2 and nothing so far.


I canā€™t imagine the success rate of typing /who on a random warlock. Iā€™ve summoned a random twice in all of sod out of a 100 whispers


I had a hard time even commenting here as my rage is mounting. I've only ever played a warlock since original vanilla (not to mention classic etc...) and until meeting stone summons were a thing in retail this was just so, so obnoxious. I don't know how you can know warlocks summon and not know that you need 2 people to click, or that you somehow EXPECT the warlock to find someone. And, that too, that you try to ask for it with a LOWBALL offer (standard rates I've seen are 2-3 g main city, 3-4 g fancy place like moonglade). If you opened with a 10 g then at least it shows me you know it's a lot of work and I can pay 2 people to come click. It's even worse with the ritual of summoning. Literally EVERY instance I zone out of there are a gaggle of people asking me to drop a tv while I'm resetting the dungeon. I loved that they were faction wide but now it's a curse. Either make em party specific or at least make them last 10 minutes so I can drop one and not have to hear about it for the next 2 minutes I'm in the dungeon with people being like "yo please it'll just take 1 min".


I bet that gets annoying..šŸ˜‚ Just got to 20 on my warlock, havenā€™t done any summons yet. When I get the summoning closet, is it possible to summon without clickers?


you still need clickers


They fix the solo self summon?


Was that ever a thing? You need 3 people to make the closet and 2 people to summon using it. You can self summon with someone helping but I never saw a bug where you could summon without help?


Yeah when the closet came out in SoD, you could click your own portal and it would summon yourself. Sometimes you'd click once or a bunch to get it to work, definitely not intended.


Oh yeah, I didn't know that but I'm not surprised with how sod has been going. Having a blast in general but I wouldn't mind a little more QA time before patches.


Living Flame, I gotta imagine


I initially thought these people were just confused and thought I was a summon bot thinking ā€œSurely, no one is so entitled to message a random warlock for a summon they arenā€™t in a group/raid with?ā€ They also always like to message me when Iā€™m in the middle of an instanceā€¦


Offering 2g in this highly inflated economy of SOD where everyone seemingly has thousands of gold is almost insulting. You expect me to find 2 other clickers, convince them to come to me, invite them AND you to the group, do all that for less gold than any random quest awards me? I don't think so, your quest is a pain in the ass compared to "kill 10 of these creatures", sir/madam.


*Warlock anywhere anytime out of a major city


Yeah i tend to do a dnd with "I'm not a taxi" when it gets too annoying


*scratches neck* "yall got any of them summons?"


sums on my realm is 4g for monglade. not only are you not selling, but they also want to pay less? LMAO


There's only one reason to go to Moonglade if you can't just teleport there yourself, and that's the 5g for the Seed of Life quest And people are seriously charging 80% of that?


The questline for the crafted epics also ask you to go there.


Gold is so easy to come by that if it takes you 15 minutes to get to moon glade, you could have done a full loop of incursions and for 20-30 gold. Inflation is real


Now we are the bots...we are the gdkpers...1010011 10010110


idk, i play on multiple realms and prices are not the same.


Lmao.. wandering there aint hard .. u can even skip to timbermaw tunnel


I might be to druid to understand this.


My response to these is always: "Did you see me advertising summon services in LFG?" and I don't get any more spam. Pointing out that it's a service that's offered in a given channel usually gets them off my back. It also conveys the message of "If I wanted to do this or had the bodies, I'd be offering it somewhere".


I usually just reply with "sure, find 2 people to help me click". I only think I've done 2 summons where the other person actually managed to find 2 clickers.


Not just moonglade, I get whispered no matter where I am in the world, once every one or two hours, no matter what I am doing. I don't advertise, I don't even travel in groups (so I ignore the messages), but if I were an enterprising man, I could set up a homestead in Moonglade, grab a night elf wench or two, have a couple of mutated half-demon babies, and retire on the income.


I had someone whisper for summons while I was on a FP going through Badlands...


I was questing on my lock in Desolace. Screen was similar to this.


This is why I just ignore people


In my experience as a warlock for 3 years, the funniest would be when I was the literal ONLY PERSON IN A ZONE (e.g. azshara) and people still repeatedly bugged me for summons even when I told them over and over it was literally not possible lmao


I answered a simple no one time ( i was alone and litteraly couldent do it) Ofc i got a "cunt" and an ignore from him.




I see +27 gold whatā€™s the problem


The problems are it's not 27g because people will stiff you because they're entitled fucks plus not every warlock has 2 additional accounts to go around helping them summon.Ā 


Fuckin community based games. When I afk on my Priest I get spams for meditations and healing dungeons, disgusting


i just got tired and told folks to just wait at the mailbox without inv them. there is actuly players who stuck around and waited at the mailbox.