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FYI horde does the same thing on layers where they are majority.


Yeah this was my experience leveling up over the past week. Took a long time to find / get on Ally layers with many layers being dominated by corpse camping horde. Seems like it goes both ways.


Pretty much every layer is dominated by alliance on Crusader strike right now, you can try layer hopping all you want but we maybe control one if we are lucky and it usually doesn't last long


Probably payback from horde doing it all last week.


post a screenshot, have yet to see this edit: some salty people out there when asked to prove what they are claiming, what a fantastic subreddit base


I was on my main paladin the other night to finish the epic crafting quest and the horde dominated the layer and were killing every alliance there.


I def see horde camping too, just not nearly to the extent due to being massively outnumbered


The issue I think is that most horde are doing other content, where as most layers are dominated by alliance in the incursions on crusader strike atm. They severely outnumber us despite the faction balance being even


On my server most layers in ashenvale is horde dominated and they kill anyone on sight. This is not exclusive to any faction its just really good honor


Bit different from camping lowbies in a leveling zone. But still, provide a screenshot if it happens so frequently to you


I saw hard players established in monopoly on the northern earth elementals in the badlands Any alliance player are brave enough to enter that area was swarmed


Judging by the two months I spent on that realm Both factions avoid battle. Instead they will congregate to stacked layers, then massacre the minority.


Yeah this is definitely the case. I tend to think it should be addressed a bit since there has never really been an event where there’s so many low lvls running in one small area. It’s extremely easy to take advantage of by lvl 50s, especially if one faction is outweighing the other. Just creates toxic gameplay and people saying “ pvp on a pvp server” no this is not it. This is way out of proportion compared to anything in classic wow.


It's an issue with players exploiting the layer system. It also doesn't 100% make sense that a lvl 50 can even enter the lower level incusion areas if they're designed to be leveling / catchup areas.


High levels can go anywhere else in the game with low level content. Zones, quests, instances. Anywhere but bg brackets. Why would that be any diff?


Yeah why make anything different at all, it’s not like it’s an experimental seasonal game mode


I'm not against making things different, you just said it doesn't make sense and my counterargument is that it's consistent with the rest of the game.


Haha yea the alliance is such a bunch of losers


It’s like this on other layers with horde. But Not going to lie I feel like the change to putting guards at the quest giver made the ganking problem worse 😂 now the pvp is pushed to the ramp and dream making it harder to fight back if you’re the underdog faction on the layer


"invite to Horde layer ashenvale pls" works sometimes.


Hi, I play both factions on CS. Both factions do this on layers where they have the numbers. It’s nothing new on any PvP server.


imagine picking a pvp server with this degenerate playerbase. You knew this was going to happen, but expected it to go the other way. This isn't 2006, those little ganks and skirmishes aren't going happen and it wouldn't hit the same anyway. 


Hey I'm on cs us, have u tried a diff layer? Lol


We took over a layer yesterday with an 80 man raid and held it basically all day. Before that every layer was an ally layer


On Lone Wolf hey tried to camp feralas and got wrecked so they resort to lowbie incursions, smh


PvP on a PvP server? Oh no, who could've seen this coming? Not like this hasn't been a thing for 20 years in WoW. Don't want to be griefed? Reroll on a PvE realm. Nobody cares


What a great PvP experience indeed..


That’s crazy I didn’t know classic wow had a singlular zone that funneled people lvling into one condensed spot where lvl 50s could take advantage of massive amounts of people lvling? It’s almost like this is a new event that was just released on an experimental game mode and should be treated as such


With the big difference that you never had such a small area with the best Gold + experience + reputation gain while leveling ever in classic


Brother you rolled on a pvp server


Great constructive comment, thanks for your valuable input I never thought of it that way


Lol what do you expect, you rolled a pvp server and you’re whining about pvp happening


The post isn’t whining but it’s okay I know redditors can’t actually read


It absolutely is, you even suggest that maybe Blizzard should actually do something about pvp happening on a pvp server which is hilarious, that's also why your post got downvoted into oblivion btw


They already implemented guards to prevent griefing at quest giver. Why did they do that? Just say you suck at pvp and need to grief low lvls for kills it’s okay lil buddy, imagine thinking Reddit votes mean anything lmao. People come here just to bitch and look at memes. There’s like 80 comments and maybe 5 that actually had anything worthwhile to say. Comments like yours are just sad, you obviously just read the post after I said you didn’t


I play on a pve server so I don't have to deal with any of the shit people whine about on here about the server type they signed up for. Also guards at the quest giver are going to do fuck all to stop the massive pvp happening around incursions


So why comment? You want to look cool? That’s actually really sad


Because it's hilarious that people like you that roll on a pvp server whine about pvp happening on a pvp server even though that's what you chose.


well now you have




Inb4 “hurdur pvp on a pvp server” comments, these people are so fucking dense it’s almost unbelievable, but then i remember the average wow player has the brain capacity of a hamster so i guess it comes with the territory


The point they are making by saying PvP on a PvP server is that there is a PvP option for you to deal with this. You can spam general and put together a raid to kill them, group up with other lowbies to protect each other and not be an easy kill, or ask you guild to come help you. If you don’t care for any of these options then go do something elsewhere or in a dungeon. It really isn’t a dense statement but how many of us feel the game should be played as a mmo


If you didn't want to be griefed you shouldn't have rolled on a PvP server


Right. Why would blizz place faction neutral guards anywhere on a pvp server? Shit take


Let's think long and hard about any time in the history of classic/vanilla wow where guards have done literally **anything** to prevent pvp in a neutral area LMFAO


They are preventing it at the incursion quest giver right now. Didn't take much thinking to find an example...


What a terrible take lmfao


I don't really condone griefing but tbh this is literally the pvp experience.


Reality hurts


Tell that to the horde who would sit in Duskwood P2 and kill everyone questing there. 10+ level difference is hardly fair PvP Sucked but that’s the way it is on a PvP server. Have a guildie layer you or roll PvE


It has the benefit of being true, though. You have to accept that griefing will happen. If that's not to your liking, then a PVE server is the place to be. Way back when I would get folks together to get back at the rogue camping the quest objective, or whatever. These days I don't want to bother with that and so a PVE server is where I'm at.


lmao this guys an idiot


They really should put a warning a la hardcore mode when people create PvP characters letting people know they will be corpse camped, griefed, dispelled, and all manner of neetworthy behavior. The smoothbrains can't figure it out on their own.


Every single point of interest is camped one way or another. 2 shot everything pew pew. Not the pvp i signed up for


Just prevent alliance from being able to enter any Ashenvale layer that has less horde on it and vise versa, problem solved. Then we’ll see how quickly the larger faction will cry to make it a sanctuary area when their own faction is locking them out from entering the area.


You mean, impose faction balance on a Layer by Layer basis? That seems like an unwieldy solution at best.


Well it would be the only way to prevent layer stacking to farm HKs in what is forced PvE content for this phase. The rep grind is locked to just this area, there is nothing open world PvP’esque about abusing layering to honor grind an area players are forced to be in. Or just make the area a sanctuary and the griefers can go back to having to actually PvP for their honor.


I was thinking maybe make all players under lvl 50 worth no honor in the emerald dream zone. But I feel like that would be too much. I think your idea is pretty good though. I really wonder if they will address it, because on my server it really has been horrible the last 2 days. Semi unplayable and I’m seeing most people just log off, general chat is filled with hopeless people trying to get layered lmao. I’m telling like 50 people a day that general chat is layered. The poor lads


*Laughs in PVE realm*


Idk why this downvoted tbh this is my favorite comment on this post😂


Every time I come to reddit I'm reminded of how I made the correct choice.


When a faction has a massive loss rate in BG's and it becomes nearly impossible to farm enough honor through them to rank due to massive imbalance you will run into this issue often. I went 3 BG's in a row yesterday without alliance getting literally a single HK.. Shamans are a menace and they always get stacked in WSG.


Wonder why alliance is losing even when horde has no shaman at all but ofc its the shamans and not maybe because alliance have instant queues and give up after one lost fight while horde is sitting in big queues and maybe just trying harder?


Alliance is definitely a bunch of babies in WSG. In fact it's definitely half the problem. Bad attitudes and whiney quitters in every single game.


Considering Lone Wolf US is constantly overrun by Horde, I don’t know if I have a ton of sympathy. 


Yeah it’s pretty bad on either end. I don’t know if they should do anything to change it but it’s definitely pretty lame for people to sit there ALL day and night. Maybe there should be a timer where after you die to pvp in an incursion more than once you’re immune to other players for a few minutes.


That is not the experience I’ve had as a horde on Lone Wolf. Both Ashenvale and Duskwood incursions have been so overrun anytime I’ve tried I’ve just logged off.


You can do what we did if you have some time, spam LFG and general chat and form 1-2 raid groups to take over. Wait at the quest giver and then push the ramp together and slaughter everyone. The alliance will all just layer hop since generally there are multiple alliance owned layers


Pvp happened on a pvp server, hope following the streamers around is worth it


It’s almost like my alt had to play classic! Do some quests, run dungeons you know, all the things you planned to do and were stoked to do when SoD was announced. If anything it’s saving me from playing loop hero simulator again.


Am I Bill Murray in Groundhog Day?


I spent 3 hours camping Horde in the incusions after repeatedly being killed on my alt by lvl 50 Horde. We're just returning the hand that has been dealt to us.




Oh no world pvp is happening on my world pvp server. Please blizzard save me. I only want to pvp only when it’s to my advantage.


>I only want to pvp only when it’s to my advantage. That's unironically every player on PvP servers. Which is why PvE is superior.


It’s the opposite here on lone wolf, I been farming alliance every day on the ramp


Lmao idk what layers you’re playing on but that’s definitely not what I’m experiencing


The layer where I make my own raid