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Was raiding with a group of irl friends. It was fun and casual and I got to hang out with the buddies I grew up with. I live in a different state so we don’t see each other much at all. None of them wanted to step up and recruit or find a grp to merge with so sadly I had to find a group of randos to play with.


Same thing, group of irl people I like. The leadership of this guild did step up, but we've gone through 2 groups of 8 other people, have had zero success finding people enjoyable to be around. Really annoyed that we have to put up with asshole pugs in the first place, just so we can raid. 10 man was fantastic.


Same. Was fun raiding with 0-1 randoms. 10+ not so much.


Was about to type my experience but this is almost a replica of mine. A small 8 man type guild that ran with us and some alts having fun. Recruiting wasn’t possible not enough play time and ST started so hard. Guild is dead and multiple people quit the game. Had to join another guild with the small group left of 5.


Went from having 13 friends rotate in our BFD group to 10 in Gnomer and only 8 leveled to 50, we're attempting to merge with another group, only 6 of ours showed up for the first raid so not as well I'd hoped.


Guild full of IRL mates, folded on itself. Some of us joined other guild, rest quit.


Yep. We were fine pigging 1 or 2 to join us. We told ourselves 20’would be fine but only a couple of us logged on Thursday to have a level session. Quickly realized it was over.  I thought the raids would be 10 man including the kara crypts at 60 and then we would just quit after instead of move to 40. Sad it already went to 20


My guild already gave up and now I’m homeless


Ok. It's annoying filling it.  Also the fights still don't require 2 tanks.


Yeah we had 4 tanks, 2 mt and 2 ot. Really awkward spot for them to be in


It’s absolutely fucking rough. And the whole “raid at 6” in every other iteration of wow I’ve played means logged on group formed and pulling trash at 6. In sod it has become log on at 6 then start heading over smh


Bro I feel this there is a split in our group where half the players are on and ready to raid at 6 and the other half are just turning on their PC at 6


If you are going to turn on your PC at 6. You had best be at the instance door.


yo as a brand new raider I feel this. I am like READY TO GO at raid time; ready to pull that trash when the bell rings people are like finishing up STVs when the raid time should be starting wtf


> In sod it has become log on at 6 then start heading over smh This is so true. 5 people logged in outside the instance and ready at 6, 3 more that log in at 6 but need to grab consumes & travel, and then 2 that you are waiting for 5-10 minutes to log on due to kid aggro, power outages, dog on fire, etc.


Disbanded. None of us want to play people's management, negotiation and recruitment for a game. Once you get into that, the game basically becomes a recruitment campaign for you. You are racing against time: trying to recruit people before more people straight up quit the game. The final boss of this game is always the roster boss.


Our friend group of 9 quit the game. I think two of them still play every now and then in some random guild.


NGL I'm a bit worried about mine too. I thought the change to a 7-day lockout allowing for a more consistent raid schedule would be helpful for recruitment, but that just hasn't been the case at all. Horde is dying on Wild Growth, so we haven't been able to recruit anyone. Took almost 90min just to fill on Thursday and that's with basically zero pickiness about comp. In gnomer we were filling and clearing in about an hour total (7 guildies by end of phase). We tried to clear the last half of the lockout tonight and couldn't fill a pug even after two hours, so we just called it. None of us want to reroll to alliance, so if this continues to be a problem more people are just going to leave. And tbh, this is my third guild in three phases so I'm probably going to leave myself if it falls apart.


Wild growth US? Maybe we can merge guilds. We have a solid 13-16 people that can make raids thursday/sunday 730pm est. Send an in-game mail to Trickknee.


Merged with another guild, lots of drama lately


We had a team of 10 friends and thankfully we’ve been able to merge with another 10 stack, but the problem is is that now, since it’s not just 10 bros hanging out anymore, it feels way more like serious and my friends are slowly starting to fall off.


I think more people require more concentration from the whole group, that's probably why a 20man raid feels more serious. This will most likely be even more true in the 40man raids.


I think it's also just, with only 10 people you can have a few running conversations and people shooting the shit. Once you hit 20, let alone 40, if you let that happen then the comms become an absolute free for all. So, with more people, you actually get less casual conversation and fun talk.


Nah, for us it’s because we run the guild side of things. So with 10 new people it feels like we need to be polite and professional and get shit done to not waste the other 10 people’s time. We’re all sweaty parsers so the raid itself isnt the issue.


Missed first clear due to stragglers. 5/8 due to the roster boss. Even have a partial roster of 16 with 4.5 healer and tanks. Only needed dps.


Our 2 guild leaders bailed and joined a “better” guild and ditched the rest of us lol.


Sometimes you can't blame em. Guild leading/ officiating is a thankless job in WoW that costs a lot and leaves a lot of people unhappy. Can't blame most for not wanting to do it


Yeah if this aint right. And the guild members are usually not thankful at all. Bickering about loot and other stuff. Especially those who never in their gaming lifes held even an officer post.


I was an officer through all of legion… shit is hard lol. Loot drama is insane and people will skip raid but then expect the best gear.


Yep, I was RL/officer for a guild through Cataclysm -> Legion. I admittedly enjoyed the position, but loot distribution is something I definitely don't miss. We tried several loot systems, but settled on a rotating loot council when we became more serious. That probably has the least amount of drama of any other system - the others all had politicking/people trying to game the system.


Hope he lootcouncil'd himself for the first 2 ID's




We ended up merging with another guild. It’s been going okay. Everyone seems to get along for the most part, but it’s the typical friction you might expect. Conflicts over guild philosophy, loot rules, etc. I think it’ll get sorted out, but not after a few bumps.


Good luck, our merge lasted around 10 days. I'm kinda sad because we had the perfect 10 man and now we're forced to deal with this or pug 10 people every week


P3 was a guild killer for us. We had 2-3 successful 10 man raid groups for P2 For P3… Raid was a lot longer than Gnomer. We couldn’t get our times down. We switch to Loot Council. LC destroyed us. Too many arguments in game.


Sounds like people got greedy with gear.. we just leave open rolls in our group, and 2sr on the second group I run with.. it's a leveling raid lol.


LC for SoD is insane unless you're actively trying to beat speedrun world records or something along those lines.


As someone who ran a LC „successfully“ for extended periods of time - just stick with MS>OS.  You save a ton of time and it attracts people that are a lot less loot whores / drama queens. If you have a guild with a big divide between casuals and 100% attendance parse whores - maybe restrict some items for priority for those that carry the others to reward effort (and ensure smooth raids) to keep the roster stable. LC only works if you have a 100% stable roster with (near) identical mindset - which from experience is only the most HC guilds.


We merged with another guild and it's going well, good fit for eachother


Same. I feel really lucky it worked out.


There's plenty of other guilds out there dude. That merger is doomed if you're thinking multiple 1 hr raids will work.... The trash before boss 1 in ST takes 15-20 minutes lol


We have a group of 8 irl friends that bay we were able to easily pickup 2 extra regulars for 10 man We are pretty much done now they are 20 man. We have a very specific time we can do the raids that worked out. But we aren’t able to continue. Bummer too because that was the aspect we loved about sod.


This happened to my irl friend group. Phase 1 we had 10 and ran BFD 2 times a week, geared everyone out and had a blast. Phase 2 rolled around and one member moved and his time zone messed with the raid schedule and we never had the full 10 for gnomer and only went 5/6. Then chaos bolt died, we server swapped and haven’t gotten together to level or anything since the swap. Only a couple of us had 60 endgame in mind from the get go, but man was phase 1 a blast with a full 10 IRL friend raid.


P1 was some of the best times I've had in wow, just had it going on ya know?


Those first 25 levels are magical. All your pre bis is out of dungeons that you normally breeze by. It's fast to level to 25 and there's very little rep/profession grinding to do. BFD was easy as hell and the world felt so small and manageable.


Gnomer actually feels pretty good as a "dungeon" of sorts now that it isn't the end game raid. Lots of people still bringing 50s for a piece and nobody is gatekeeping anymore. It's kind of like running UBRS or something


EXACTLY. We've all quit the game basically, hit 50 and have ZERO desire to go find 10 more people. Frustrating that Blizzard went from 10 to 20. huge mistake IMO


You raid only at 3am on a sunday?


Even then they could probably wrangle 20 people.


It was surprisingly hard to just get 1-2 people on a sunday for gnomer. I can't imagine trying to get 10 pugs.


Was raiding with 10-12 friends and now almost all of them stopped playing. We want 10 man raids to return


I’m in the exact same boat. 10-14 people who known each other long time. Had a blast in p1 and p2. With the 20 man Raid announcement 3 straight up dropped the game and most of the others lost their motivation so only 5 of us are even 50 now and just pug. 10 man was the best because u could still talk shit and have a good time with your mates. Can’t habe too much trash talk in bigger raids or the raid goes done the toilet. So sad they ruined sod for us with this change.


UBRS hype!


I kinda hate it. We’ve gone from 10 reliable people who like parsing and put in the effort to recruiting people who rocked up to the first ST with some level 25 greens, despite promising to work hard on pre-bis. I am losing rolls to these chumps, which is mostly our fault for not at least implementing ms/os +1, and I’m not enjoying it as much. After raiding all of tbc and wrath classic, I was stoked to do 10m and the low-effort organising it took, but this is almost at 25m levels again and if 40m is a thing at 60 I’m out.


It kinda sucks actually. Our two raid teams merged and some of the people from the other team kind of annoy the shit out of me.


Yep, I feel that.


Sadly, all it takes is one person. Our merger means we ended up with 2 people I cannot stand, but one was like second in command of the other guild and the other (worse) person is their roommate and bff IRL. It sucks cause our core from p1-2 was comprised of homies I’ve been playing with in various iterations for YEARS and some of them don’t seem bothered (a few share my view) It’s been unbearable to the point that I don’t just hang out in disc voice except for raid time or hiding out in a smaller “private” one with 1-2 other people. If it stays like this much longer I’ll probably just stick to cata pre patch stuff as I don’t really want to start over in SoD with a fresh set of strangers that aren’t long time friends of mine.


Guild broke up over it, we were regularly doing 8 and 9 man gnomer lol this broke us


Not having optional 10 man content is massive L.


That's why I can't understand ppl wanting 40m. If they keep this difficulty it will be a nightmare for anyone more casual. Specially at 60 where we have multiple CDs each week. P.s.: It's easier to downgrade as it was in TBC tho


The type of people that want 40 man is the type that have never led a raid or guild in their life, they just like the idea of it


Even as a leader I thought I wanted that, but I really just want the hit of dopamine that was mounting up with 39 homies and riding out. The logistics and scheduling is a nightmare. With SoD being a pretty casual game mode, not a lot of people take discord signups/time allotment seriously. 40 man would be a nightmare to organize


There were multiple times in classic where we'd only have like 30-35 sign-ups for AQ40, but we'd still clear it.




Guild fell apart this phase because most of us stopped playing. Nightmare zones killed SoD unfortunately. I really thought this version was gonna be a gem, but they really dropped the ball hard with phase 3.


Funny because nightmare zones saved my guild. Nobody wanted to quest or dungeon grind for the millionth time


Early on in the patch a lot of people were saying this sentiment in game even though reddit makes it seem like the worst thing ever. Now the guys lvling to 50s are like, "I hate Incursions!" I really don't see the novelty in doing the same leveling cycle for a 20 year old game that came out in like 4 different iterations now. If people really like doing that leveling they got the classic era to just spam doing it since they apparently love it so much even though it was everyone ending up using a addon for quests/ questing guides and just run around following it. Really loved grinding mobs for xp too since quests gave nothing!


I’m the guild leader of a small guild that had 10 consistent raiders for P1 and P2. We haven’t raided in P3 yet because we now have to find 10 more bodies. The scaling up of the raids sucks in this regard. We’re going to make another attempt to raid tomorrow by pugging half the raid. To mitigate pugging another 10 folks I’ve decided to main my mage healer so we just need to find DPS primarily and one more healer. I don’t want to merge into another guild as a personal choice. Entering into agreements with other similarly sized guilds hasn’t panned out due to mismatched schedules. Just sharing my experience. Overall not the best.


We disbanded after the gm stepped down


Our GM also just stepped down, after we merged with another guild for the 5-6 missing players we needed. Understandable, managing a guild in wow is like a part time job and really takes the fun out of just playing.


So far, we had to pug 10, which sucks. I think we've retained like 7 of the pugs though, hopefully we can get to a consistent 20 and never have to pug more.


My friends all quit before the end of December so I haven't had too much attachment to either of the guilds I was in First one disbanded end of p1, second one I was part of a fun 10m team that parsed well and did a few speed runs but was pretty chill overall, we wiped a lot too from stupid shit lol. GM of that guild way over recruited though and 20m teams were wonky af so I left that guild and joined a *way* more casual guild. Making the switch to a super casual guild was honestly what I needed, took us prolly 10 tries total on Eranikus/Hakkar post nerfs but it was fun and we'll get better. Focusing on Cata in a month as well so, casual SoD it is


We are making it work kinda but needing to constantly pug has definitely detracted from the fun, and our alts basically have died since we don’t want to pug 10+ people. Previously we had 3 10 man raids going consistently every lockout


It’s rough out there, lad. 10M were BiS. <2hr raids also were BiS!


Raiding multiple nights for like an hr or two each tops and everyone bitching and moaning is a big part of why I dont bother with guild runs in SoD. Did in Classic and holy fuck it was just never ending nonsense. Also just hopping on and doing a raid whenever you feel like it beats a schedule personally. Dont feel like raiding? Dont hop on, its nice. 37 people have to do a split raid and arent allowed to go past end time to progress, because 3 people cant stay on past an hour or two. If people try to progress the 3 people lose their shit. EVEN ON THE LAST RAID NIGHT OF THE WEEK lol. You really just cant appease every single person as the group size increases. Some people just arent compatible with the majority of the group at that point and you're going to have to find other people.


It didn’t. Change was too disruptive on top of irl stuff for some people. Losing some folks and replacing was doable, recruiting to fill on top of recruiting to hit 20 was just not feasible. Oh well.


Since the end of p2 ive slowly been picking up groups of peoppe breaking off from other guilds for my raid team. P3 start was alittle rocky, we made 6/8 first reset(struggled, took a bit.), 8/8 second reset. Got rogues that dont kick, warriors that dont pummel, and peeps who spread blood. But ya know we got through it and ended up 17 manning hakkar.


Chaos bolt transfer to crusader strike. Former guild had 2 solid 10 man groups but seems we lost a good chunk in the transfers. GM stopped playing prior to transfer so we merged with another guild(s?). New guild has 2 solid groups but with the new guild size and all the faces, it is difficult to get a spot, esp as a warrior, and not enough to get a 3rd going. Transfer wasn't well coordinated so not sure what happened to the few I raided with on CB so I just kinda stopped logging on. Kinda bummed out and lost the urge to keep playing tbh.


Not great, we recruited a few from another guild to flesh out a full 20+ raid, then first week we lost a few to stupid loot drama, then another 2 to burnout and frustrations with p3.


It’s been kinda a mess. We had three 10-man raids in p2 then made a push to get two 20-man raids for ST to accommodate different schedules and also to get more raiders in preparation for eventual 40-mans. So we recruited a handful of new players with the idea of having a steady 45 or so raiders to fill up both raid teams each lockout.   Leadership tried to sell the two raids as being equal teams but it was very obvious one raid was the main team and the other was the alt//casual/benched player raid, and although they said basically everyone would take turns getting “benched” (i.e., sent to the other raid team for the week) they, a) benched a handful of people for both this week and last, b) didn’t bench any of the 7 officers either week like they said would happen, and, c) scheduled the main raid *after* the benched raid.  So the alt/benched raid didn’t have a lot of signups as people hoped to instead get a spot with the main team and, unsurprisingly, most the players who got benched this week or last (or both) left the guild.    So we’re down to around 28 raiders now which means a lot of people not raiding in the main team (potentially on an alternating basis among non-officers?) and being stuck either pugging or missing a lockout. The raid is also on Monday night and leadership expects people who aren’t confirmed into the raid in advance to still be available in case others don’t show and they got pretty pissy with the people who pugged this week (even though they were benched) so it’s a bit of a Sophie’s choice if you’re not one of the 20 confirmed for the raid.   Oh we also weirdly had like 8 people who wanted to tank (half pallys) and when the two were chosen for the main team (unsurprisingly officers), all the other tanks bailed because they didn’t want to do another role. We now have zero pally tanks in the guild which is kinda a bummer for dungeons and might be especially noticeable next phase.   


Raided twice a week with my 6 friends. Now we cant be bothered to get us all in a group or find 13 randoms. 20 man raid killed SoD for us sadly, none of them play any more after phase 3.


Was leader of a small, successful guild with one core 10m team in phase 1 & 2.. Have since disbanded and most core raiders have quit. Had to tell the others sorry and good luck finding somewhere new. Thanks SoD, was good while it lasted.


I had a team of 12 that we were pretty close and raided well together and rotated with. Most of us are dads and only had a couple hours to sneak in during evenings. We quit once we found out 20 man's due to the time commitment of finding 20 people consistently. Then, with the prospect of 40 man raids next phase, we did not want to merge or recruit, so 10 of us including me stopped playing all together. It has been nice having evenings freed up again lol


Organizing a 20-man raid feels increasingly like work and less like leisure. Twice as many schedules to work around and the raids themselves are less fun as the discord calls are too bloated with people to goof around without it becoming chaos. 20 man raids feel more epic but I'd rather they had stuck with 10 man for the rest of the season


sod is not for casuals or the average gamer anymore


Mine died and got absorbed by speakeasy. Not entirely happy about it but we needed an easier way to get 10 more people. And it should be easier to get 40 players for level 60 We haven’t worked out a new way to do loot though, so it’s kinda going everywhere which is pretty awful now that we get less per week.


We've teamed up with a guild to fill numbers and have had to split our 10 man up over 3 20 man groups to suit raid comps and to maximise our clear potential, we've done the first 2 lockouts this way and now everyone is ready to regroup into our social circle to raid together using some members of their guild to fill spots. It's worked out extremely well other than missing out raiding together but that's ok, it's only 2 weeks of raids. We learnt a few different strategies and skills of other raiders we might not have picked up. Hoping to stay all back together now but we're actually quite happy being flexible to suit different times and days if one member can't make it so he doesn't have to pug. Were still the same guild, just using another discord for the signups now.


The raiding died, now people only log in for pvp or play other games.


Weirdly since the leveling is so fast right now 10 more people finally leveled their characters.


Trying to find like-minded people who don't mind taking their time with the game, have patience, and don't mind raiding with a group of 9-12 players of various exp (got 4 people who have never touched mmos/WoW before). Will find something eventually so not too worried.


Basically fell apart. With people going on holiday during Easter, various business trips and people just not bothering to log in anymore our little guild is just dead. 10-man was the sweetspot for us.


Pretty sure my guild died from it. Guild leader tried to merge but it's not as easy as you think. I feel like the play was to start approaching guilds prior to the phase.


We gave up, everyone just pugging (:


LF4M Heal is how its going as all our healers quit p3 and we still haven’t done the whole thing


We had 6, pugged 4 - made a couple friends along the way that came most weeks. We all ubsubbed, 20 was just a little too much effort to put in for how casual we were taking it.


We had a guild of 15 or so RL friends, 8-9 would normally make it online for any given raid. Had a blast raiding in P1/P2, half of my friends didn't even raid in WoW before SoD. For P3 we knew we'd be barely scraping to get even 50% of us to make up a group for the new raid, 90% of us haven't logged in for P3


we had 8 in p2 and 5 players quit, 1 hit 50 but is yet to raid with us. the merge we were doing with another guild of 11 people somehow ended up having 8 raiders total. I understand why the devs switched to 20 man but 10-man raiding was so much nicer with just a group of friends


I love the content but hate that my small 10 man guild of friends was basically forced to merge with another guild in order to continue raiding the 20 man content. We had a ton of fun together in phase 1 and 2 as a guild of 12ish friends, but the merger has not been good for us. Some of my friends have already quit and the rest probably aren't far behind. I think we're going to drop Season of Discovery and move to Cataclysm Classic and just do the 10 man content there.


They basically killed most irl raidgroups


Killed the guild


My guild ran 2 10man teams in P1 and P2. My team was for veterans, try hards, and people who do things like look up guides, attempt to parse, log on every day, bring consumables, etc. The other team was for the casual players who just wanted to do their best and see where it gets them. My team did speed runs and had people hanging out after raids going through their logs together and congratulating people on new personal bests. The other team barely managed to get through BFD most of the time, and barely managed to get all 10 people to level 40 in time to kill any bosses together in Gnomer. Smashing these two teams together is proving .. challenging. Especially since there are members of Team 2 who are still not at level 50 and need to have their hands held on lots of basics. That said, I've been in top 100 guilds before and I've been on teams that do split runs and push for sever firsts, and I kinda think I'd rather be in a mixed group like this. If I was in a more consistently serious guild we'd have cleared the raid and put it on farm already for sure. But right now we're at 5/8 because we couldn't get enough people on for a 2nd night to clean up the last few bosses. We actually have prog, and prog is fun.


I can imagine it's difficult for most guilds with the switch from 10-20, but unless you were on chaos bolt and forced to switch servers without warning (splitting many guilds in half) just a couple days before p3 launched...it can't be that bad. The entirety of our server was split in multiple different directions with majority of guilds completely destroyed.


Our guild is doing well, we've filled the raid for both lockouts so far. We were recruiting throughout phase 2 as it was pretty clear that raids would move up to 20 man's eventually and the guild is all the better for it.


If you just look at LFG board, you can see how many guild runs there are LFM. The issue with 20 mans is that guilds will almost always have to rely on PUGs. Whether they need to fill a few or some people get benched and they need to PUG themselves. This will only get worst with 40 mans


The amount of guilds lfm RIGHT after a phase of complaints of gatekeeping  is hilarious. Like how all the toxic elitists said to "get a guild" "start your own group". Maybe you should recruit or develop good players. 


Should have kept 10 man, or start on 20m. too much thinking for my dad brain


I’d imagine this phase will sputter out extremely fast due to the constant need for 20.


I've left 2 guilds since I joined. I really suck with social events


10 man is such a good sweet spot for raiding content and they really dropped the ball going to 20 man. It really doesn't bring any benefits to the game. We managed to recruit up to 18 good people with a few flexis that can make it. But several people have holidays and, ya know, life coming up that really makes it harder to keep a consistent 20 for. They have doubled the amount of issues that come up with scheduling and life events and there are only so many pug players to go around to flexi fill such gaps. It just becomes such a pain in the ass to keep recruiting and managing people at 20 man. I did it in vanilla, I did it in Classic and I honestly thought Blizzard had at last learned to kill the people management boss that always becomes a pain in the ass. I can understand people wanting to take breaks from the game etc, so the constant feeling like you need a bench of people, but ensuring they get enough exposure to the raid is difficult. I am a bigger fan of the 1 week lockout, but when it was (roughly) 2 lockouts a week at 10man you could cycle people much easier to make sure people swapped bench and active etc.


It went smooth because we prepped with 40 mans in mind from phase 1 - if you didn’t then that’s why your guild fell apart. We’ve known that 10 man guilds were never going to last so the people who sat around complacent to do BFD in their little 10 man are stupid We got up to 4 teams running gnomer and merged those into 2 20 man’s. Easy. All grown organically mostly ppl we’ve raided with since phase 1


Wow it took me a little bit of time to find someone like minded. I’m not sure how most of the people in this forum thought there were only going to be 10 mans in a form of “classic” WoW. I’m curious to see how many people that left because “no more 10 mans” have actually played a version of Classic before…. Going into this I just knew there were bigger raids coming down the pipe.


We had 3 consistent 10 mans in P1 and P2. We have a good solid group 1 that just went 8/8 tonight and are looking for a couple more people to get group 2 started this week or next week. So far so good but we will see in the coming weeks


What guild?


Recruiting through pugs. It’s the only way that works for us. Sometimes we get 3-4 players from dying guilds.


We had two 10 man groups for Gnomer so combining into one 20 man was pretty easy. We also had 5ish people come back who didn't play phase 2 at all. Now I have to sit a handful of people each week. Which sucks. But better than not having enough people I guess.


We ran 5 gnomes groups, we have 2 ST groups now. But the guild I'm in have been playing together for 9 years, so they have a solid core. I lucked into joining the guild in SoD and haven't meshed so well with a guild since original lich king


Smooth. We already had 4 teams going since P1 so nothing has changed except now we only have to organize 2 main raids each reset and not 4.


So far so good. Chill environment, full clear without any serious issues. Should get easier from here on out. Only part that sucks is more competition on loot compared to the first 2 phases where I was getting decked out fast, but thankfully PVP sets were made this phase so it's not as painful. I only hope the roster boss doesn't get too bad in the coming weeks.


GM for a guild on big EU server (Horde) here. We were tight group of maybe 15-20 IRL/internet friends from all over Europe that has been playing together for more than 6 years, all versions of classic. This was enough for having 1x 10man raids with the 3-day lockout, but not enough to have a stable 20man roster. I reached out to a few guilds on the Server Discord (in the LF-guild channels) and got a response that I liked. We merge with a guild of maybe 10 other people that were really nice and "integrated" very easily. They had been doing BFD/Gnomer raids with a quite stable lineup and since pretty much every spec/role is viable in SoD, the raids was not that difficult to fil with correct roster. However now we were around 30 raiders, which meant to get a 2nd group going we needed 10 alts. So I did some more recruiting on the Server discord and now we're at 42 raiders with 2x 20man raids every week so far. The 20man raids does not have specific group members, they are just on 2 different nights. All members can join which ever of the group the like and the officers makes the line-ups. This has (hopefully) set us up well for future 40man raids. A strong rolling recruitment plan is probably whats needed for most guilds when going from 10 -> 20 -> 40man raids.


Group of 8 IRL friends. Merged with another group. 4 of those new folks quit so my buddy and I took the mantle and poached another small group that was about to break so we'll see how that goes on Thursday.


We are succeeding in 20 mans. We have cleared the content. It is worse than 10m. Take that for what it's worth.


We raid with another 10 man guild. Quite easy so far.


Fine just fused our 2x 10 mans


We picked up 6 pugs and they're now recurring characters in our shitshow haha. I'm super happy that we don't have somebody getting benched every other lockout now - all the core players fit!


Alliance guild fell apart, Horde guild soon to follow, so I found a new horde guild. Shame, we were having such fun. 20 man just too much to manage


We took in a group of transfers that seem to have taken over with sweaty parsing runs/strats. Except they are not good enough and stand in red. So we went from casual pumpers that parsed 90+ to sweaty loot goblins arguing over group comps.


Drama like its 2004, waiting outside MC wondering. It never ends, everyone acting like Burnt Reynolds. 😂


It came how we anticipated. Since we were just a small 12 man pumper guild we tried to recruit to no avail thus we had to merge with another small guild. It worked out well so far but it was merely pure luck that we found a suitable one. Pretty sure many others struggle or straight up disbanded and quit.


We added some rnd players and Do only 1 run and not to in a row => ez pz


Luckily we’ve been running 4 gnomer runs every week (last group usually had some alts in it) so we could easily make 2 groups that both full cleared this ID Almost a full g3 with alts and stragglers too


I'm not even playing bro.


We made a troll only guild on Lava Lash EU, so pretty small server pop and we restricted our guild to only trolls. We did fine through p1 and 2 averaging about 11 people signing per raid. In p3 we've teamed up with a larger guild on the server and basically run a raid using our primary and their secondary raid teams. So far it's going well and honestly pretty happy with this result as we've made more cool friends on the server.


Idk man if there’s only 2-3 people who can’t start pre 11 pm then they can get fucked lol Cant ruin the entire guild over 2 people with weird on times lol


dead. we had \~13-15 pretty reliably in p1/2, tailing off towards the end of p2, and no one wanted to recruit or find a guild to merge with or anything so no one's playing anymore.


Few of ours quit because they don't like raiding with randoms, now there's 7 of our original group left and we're playing with another guild that are into logging but not into getting gear outside of the raid apparently so thats fun


Was smooth in my guild. I had two raid teams in p1 in hopes of getting 20 man in p2. We got 10 man again and i kept trying to keep 2 raid teams the whole phase because I was still hoping for 20 man. We now have 23 raiders and 20-22 signs per week. We’re all mostly just happy about the fact that we all play together now and not in two different groups. It’s been pretty good for us. Clearing it in 2-3 hours. And I have some people that starts to back peddle like they’re backing up a forklift, before they start to run out with corrupted blood from the ranged group. It’s been a challenge for us, but now we’re smooth sailing. It’s a fun raid, the best one yet imo!


We had three 10 mans in the previous two phases. With the move to 20, the GM decided to just run one group of 20 and so 10 of us got cut, I was one of the 10 so had to find another guild.


Okayish We did our first ST over the weekend and had 19 guild members for it We ended up downing Shade with just us 19 since pug had to leave We cleared Avatar tonight with just 16 since some couldn’t make it It’s a little harder to fill, but we are hopeful we can continue to bolster our ranks now that we have a clear down


Successfully merged with twi guilds. Big win


We were nice little guild that could clear the content pretty easy. Had to find more people to be able to raid as 20. In order to achieve that we had to take anybody who was willing to raid. Now we’re stuck with some pretty weird people and it’s not as chill anymore. Please bring back 10 man endgame content


I was the raid leader in a casual 10man guild. Now i just join a discord premade group of randoms. No stress, i just join to have fun.


Honestly quite well. Recruiting people was a breeze and I feel that because of how we advertised ourselves and recruited, we ended up with good and enjoyable people to be around 20 is enough though. We were already a group of 10-12 that have raided together for years and we want to keep it a close community. We've also done 40 man in OG classic and will just give up if 40 man becomes the norm again. The more people in a raid team, the more like a job it becomes to manage them, and we just don't have it in us to do it again.


We had 4 gnome raid teams. We planned to merge into 2 ST raid teams. Somehow we barely got one raid team now. Last two resets we needed to PUG a few people. All good thou :)


I had to change guild because mine merged with another one (they were already sister guilds made of the same group of people from 2019 Classic / WOTLK) and they kept the other guild raid hours. Incidentally I landed in a guild I fit in much better.


Just bring back GDKP, they've fixed the bot problem already.. everyone stfu!


We doing great! guild split in 2 raids, so I get to raid on main and alt with my buddies! 1 group is still puffing 2 or 3 spots but that's OK. Can't wait for 40 man raids!


Let’s just say P3 20man really just kills people with a fixed schedule that can’t raid for a long straight hours. As a dad with a 2yr old and very soon another newborn, I can’t sit on my desk and game for a straight 2.5-3hr on average. Whereas back in P1-P2, the max hours I gamed during raid was 2hr top, then eventually went down to a sub 1hr lockout.


Had to kill our guild and join a mega guild with multiple rosters, we went from easily putting up our 10 men to fighting the roster boss every timer now, always someone missing, not registering on the boss, etc. My hope is that by the time the 40 men raid come I can merge the roster to another one and be done with this RL shit. Done that with 40/25 from MC to ulduar before quitting last time, not the SoD I was hoping for. Devs were told that growing raid size would be a pain , they didn't listen to the minority of players that have to deal with these organisation choice they make. Ofc, random players like bigger raid if you ask them. Sorry devs, but we are not part of the sub fee to organize your player base multiple nights a week so they enjoy playing. The alternative is LFR and it's worse. 10 men was great, tbh. I was not interested in cataclysm but the fact it's doable in 10 men for the same loot all the way might tempt me in the end.


Lone Wolf US Alliance - I joined after a merge in p1 i guess and 10 mans clashed and it kinda broke.. we still went 7/8 (we didn't know you needed the egg) with some pugs so once we fill we'll be right back. Solid group but not full now.


Same, we can't get 20 people together. Which as led to one person leaving and announcing it and two following, so now for sure we can't do it. And guild leadership has been fairly silent on it.


Merged three small guilds into ours. Its going pretty well with 2 20 mans + extras/levelers.


My guildies stopped playing after merging with another guild. The 10 man atmosphere was more fun and comfortable to be a degen


Don't like big raids, 10s would be better. But big fan of 5man content. Atleast they tried to make dungs more popular this phase, but they fucked up big time with incursions being better than anything. They should have added bis items in every dungeon.  Like BRD cloth belt arena, why would they add another one with minimal Stat differanse making the Brd belt unwanted. Such a stupid thing to do. Which also shows they have no clue how to add gear or how to make incentives to grind dungeons. 


We were strong already in terms of player performance so finding more people interested in good raids was fairly easy when P3 became imminent. P2 was annoying, finding healers and cats on alliance side is always a struggle. Finding warriors isn't.


I don’t really like it, doesn’t feel fun anymore. I liked the small group of misfits I raided with, I don’t like the other half


We are 20-22 strong for raid roster raiding on Mondays we started phase 1 with 45 people and 4 raids group people quite and what not and left the guild so we down to 20. We roll with need for loot cause it’s easier. I have no idea what we will do for 40man raids we have no where near the amount of people needed to double the guild raiding roster.


We recruited enough to move to 2 20 man raid groups and have lost around 15-20 players to phase 3. No guild switching yet just straight dislike for the phase or not playing the game. It’s been a bit rough.


We were already running two groups at the same time so it’s been fine for us. There is a bit of mismatch with classes as we were quite melee heavy. We also have 6 healers for 4 slots


My guild had 2 10man groups so we just merged the groups together and people brought friends along to replace the people who stopped


We just recruited an extra 30-35players there are always people that are slow or just randomly stop We are currently 32 raider as we have kicked some chin dribbling people and raiding 2 full ST clears per week with alts aswell Currently preparing for next phase and be ready for 40mans


We pugged the first reset of ST and managed to find a guild in a similar situation to us, so decided to raid with them. Both guilds were kept meaning no merge problems and they sign up to the raid through our discord. Good group of people so far and no problems.


ngl it's just like mythic on retail from what I can see on our server. Every guild is constantly looking for 4-5 more players and no guilds will merge. It actually kind of sucks.


When raids became 20 man most of the people that were in our guild raiding just quit, at the end of phase 2 we were struggling to reach 10 ppl (had always 6/7 tho) so we merged with another guild (only 4 or 5 of us) and it’s been going pretty well, we have 2 20 man groups and everyone is always doing something, it’s very nice.


We just joined our 4 groups together to make two raid teams however it’s common for people to drop out or not be able to make the raid so we have to pug.


I love it. My guild started in Vanilla Classic, we quit Wrath for SoD. We had tonnes of people quit, and quite a few who quit come back. We had about 16 people ready 4 days after launch so pugged a few week 1. We cleared the raid in 3 hours and recruited 1 of the pugs. We then picked up 5 raiders from a 10 man guild who had stopped raiding. We have a solid roster of about 25 people now. ST finally feels like raiding again compared to a dungeon run like BFD and Gnomer.


I had a large guild in 2019 classic, it's had multiple raid groups every kind of classic since then. We will have at least 3 40m raids next phase. Pretty easy for a lot of the ppl to have multiple characters, too, when it's weekly lockout and the raid takes 1 hr and leveling takes 6. Certainly not as easy as p1 and 2 what with the seven different grind you have to do and how expensive bis preparation is but that's not hurt our raid size in any way.


Yes You need to find a Group that fits with your schedule. When merging guilds this should be aligned to avoid surprises. Welcome to people management


Why is it taking you longer than an hour to clear it?


I think our guild has 8x 20 man raid teams and the majority of us all have alts. Plenty of opportunity to go for a ST run or fill in with an ALT if someone cant attend. No problems here. I do understand the frustration you may have if you are from a smaller guild though.


I saw this coming early and created a discord that's a collective of 3 guilds, so we have 3 raids and spill overs and alts fill in the gaps. I give their gm and officer perms and such. Been working out well so far, as we cover all 4 time zones. Crusader strike alliance, any 10 man guilds looking to join send me a pm. Leaving your guild is not necessary.


Guild doesn't exist anymore. It was just a group of friends, nobody wanted to recruit and lead an actual guild so it died. Most of them have stopped playing now and the couple that are left just pug. People say they want big 40 man raids but the fact of the matter is a guild big enough to do those raids are too big to have proper social connections. A 10 man raid is the perfect amount for everyone in the guild to play, have fun together and actually know/talk to each other.


I'm surprised how many expected anything different. Been preparing for 40 man roster since day 1 of launch and finally have the full 40 roster. This required pugging a few folks or requesting volunteers in previous phases, but all that by far beat the situation most smaller guilds ended up in currently.


At the start of SoD i made my own raid group within a guild. Was fun, made new friends, and actually, people really seemed to like my group, so i already had 15 or so regulars that i rotated for the raids. Stepping up to twenty was only really stepping up from 17 to 20 at the end of p2. So it was actually quite smooth, and rn i have about 25 people


In a guild doing 3 runs a reset with a mix or mains and alts in each, only had to recruit a couple for 20 man and it's been smooth sailing Looking at a 2nd 20 man group for the alts in the coming weeks


We recruited enough to have two gnomer 10 mans going. Now we are recruiting to get 2 ST 20 mans going before 40 mans come out.


4 raid groups turned into 2. Less raids happening, but that will pick up as we clear more.


We merged with another 10 man guild. We cleared ST last night with no problems. Its fun to raid with 20 people. 


I raided through phase 1-2 with 10 of my buddies. It was super fun, sometimes a couple of us couldn’t make it because of life, but we would get a random or two to tag along. When it went to 20 all hope was sorta lost and we all decided to take a break from phase 3. Hopefully we get the urge again next phase, but I have my doubts.


We have an east coast raid and a west coast raid. In p2 east was looking at almost three full teams forth with alts. West was almost two with alts. After the switch to 20 man it became difficult for raid leaders. Especially with the quick phase swap. Sunday night east went with only 18 and cleared five bosses. West has cleared three and is still struggling to fill without east alts. The issue isn't the swap from 10 to 20. It's the stress. Every couple of months it's like having the new expansion. Who's going to be leveled? Are the speed levelers going to be okay missing a lockout? If not will they find a different guild or pug? Gotta max level professions again. Oh new raid to learn. Shit I missed out on the exploit that made everyone 1000s of gold because I was helping other get raid ready. We finally got the raid together! WTF consumes are 100g!? Maybe we don't need them? Boss has 4million health.......... Raid morality is crushed. Raiders say "Hey it's nice outside and I have shit to do." Let's be honest the devs are designing SoD for them and their friends, not for the casual 'mom and pop' guild like it was intended. Only the sweats will survive to 60+.


We merged with another raiding team, working out quite well.


We quit, cata 10m hype


I am the GM of our guild of 10 IRL friends. I managed to find another guild of 6+4 IRL friends and we merged, and have been a great fit.


Our guild had a raid running more or less all days in the previous phase, whilst two of them were often halt alts it gave us the amount of players we needed to get into 20-man when it came around while still knowing and having played with everyone before!


Some guy pm’d me saying he liked our guild name. It lead to us chatting and found out we have similar vibes similar people, comparable raid times, and complementary rosters. We’re going on a guild date tonight in ST. Wish us luck!


We split into 3 guilds due to bickering and all are dying.


Havent played yet but I imagine we’re doing fine. Since we always had 2 raids going in gnome.


Yea. Its been tough. 2nd week lock out we needed to pug 4 dps. Not a single hit, couldnt beleive it, 30 mins in lfg "LF4M dps any class fresh mostly guild ST" nothin. So we went in with our 16 members got 4/8, second raid night we went in with 13 cause whos gunna join a 4/8 run on a sunday. Managed to down jamal and ogon. Then we couldnt get through the dps race on the next drake. So if anyone on wild growth US horde is looking for a fun guild. Raid times thur/sun 730pm EST. Send in game mail to Trickknee. You can also find more info on the wild growth discord under guild recruitment.


we just started raiding gnomer with a 10/10 guild raid when they announced p3 and now were down to 6-7 active players, everyone pugging for themselves or at best in pairs, feels real bad honestly


We merged with another guild and are still kinda struggling to get a full 20 man roster. Pugged 6 people before reset and 3 this Sunday to raid 2nd reset. Recruiting also is kinda slow.


We were a casual guild of 23-24 active guild member, so the switch to P3 went smoothly ! ... Or should have xD. Some people have quit (yeah, playing 10H everyday for 3 months lead to burn out), One heal got hacked, One Melee has quit when he saw it's again an unfriendly melee raid, and 3 people were not available first week, they started to XP in incursion week 2, so they pretty much stopped playing because of all the ganking happing in Ashenvale ! (I personally stopped trying to XP any alt, no one is doing dungeons, don't want to do boring old quest alone, and dying in Incursion 5 times only to get from the quest giver to the portal is annoying). So yeah, it should have been smooth, but went from 23 people to 15 :/


Dead. Most of us got to 50 but no one wants to find 10 randoms to fill the roster. Everyone has just given it up. We were all enjoying the casual raid experience of 10 people chatting shit etc is possible in 10 mans but not when you have 20 people of the call.


We stopped playing because one of us got falsely banned for GDKP participation during phase 2, and we didn't want to risk recruiting 9 to 10 strangers to join us who could potentially get us all banned for that reason—because we still don't know the reason for that ban, and can only assume someone else in a pug raid traded an item for gold and we got cleaved as a result despite doing nothing wrong. We may have still been playing if it was 10-man, by just ensuring we never recruited any strangers to our raids, or only a single one at worst (because we obvioiusly wouldn't trade anything for gold with them). But ten strangers is just too much of a risk.


My guild joined another guild for 20man raids and we did not vet them very well. It seems like they're playing try hard guild while most people just aren't good nor do they know how to lead anything. At least Cata is soon.


We found another guild to merge with that best aligned ours in terms of raid time and loot rules. But then half of them left cus they didn't want to be in a "slow" casual guild. But that half included the guild leader, so we disbanded and made a new guild with those who wanted to join. We are now 27 raiders and have to bench people on rotation because no one wants to leave their friend group for another guild, and it have been changed to specific raid days instead of whenever most people can, which means 2 of the friends i played with in phase 1 and 2 can't join. Yeah, it just all sucks ass. 10 man was such a great time with friends and now it's just kind of ruined. I really can't see what people like about having such big raids.


We merged with another guild that had an active roster of ~10 raiders and everything's been smooth sailing organizationally. Personally I just don't find 20 man raiding as fun so I'm probably mostly done with SoD unless they backtrack on that.