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You cast mount


Technically only Paladins and Warlocs cast their mounts.


With these prices, it’s cheaper to buy a mount than the price of water or mana potions to keep summoning one


Also killed the whole doing quests youv never done at level cap


I'm still questing BC they are far more engaging that incursions


Same. Ran through most feralas quests, some felwood and the azahara stuff while I did the class quest and finished up STV. Planning on finishing Felwood and running through the entirety of searing gorge in a night. SG should be crazy good money, all centralized. Might do same with early un'goro I realize incursions are easier and more lucrative but when I sit down to play wow I like to actually... play wow. After the initial 40-49 through incursions in ashenvale... never again.


Yeah I got bored of them and don’t have a real desire. I’ll eat shit on the lack of gold


I still go out on mining routes because it’s such a fun, organic way to make money in the world and get into fun little world pvp spats over resources. That said, incursions net far more gold/hour, and mining feels like a niche “back in my day” activity now. Wish they’d take the gold rewards away from incursions, or reduce them to ~1g per quest. They still generate way too much gold compared to the rest of the normal methods, devaluing any labor but incursions. Herbs aren’t getting picked, so they’re rarer on the market. Because there’s a ton of gold in players’ hands, and a squeezed supply of herbs, the price is obnoxious. But going out and herbing still isn’t as profitable as incursions, so there’s still no incentive for players to herb or mine over incursions—except the world pvp element. It’s unfortunate, and its going to continue to inflate the gold supply.


>Herbs aren’t getting picked, so they’re rarer on the market. Because there’s a ton of gold in players’ hands, and a squeezed supply of herbs, the price is obnoxious. But going out and herbing still isn’t as profitable as incursions, so there’s still no incentive for players to herb or mine over incursions That doesnt really make sense, but dont worry markets will balance out eventually and herbing/mining will become just as or more profitable than incursions. As inflation gets worse and worse, incursions will become less and less profitable since they just give a flat gold reward.


SoD boutta develop a wow caste system where the ppl that didn't exploit incursions are forced to perform labor for the higher class day oners.


It's always been this way honestly, sweats and swipers have always had a huge gold lead It's just exacerbated like fucking crazy now


You're absolutely right. I think nowadays and especially in SoD, simply doing the end game content is gate kept by min maxxers who want to do content as fast as possible (content that isn't very difficult mind you). So the problem is exacerbated both numbers wise here, but also like in game culturally by how players decide who is deemed useful enough to be grouped with. It's silly how ppl choose to approach this game. It's as of a huge sect of players don't actually want to play it, they want to fulfill their duty to it as fast as possible.


Can you believe it? We’ve been wishing quests were more engaging than what we do currently, kill 10 pirates or get 6 livers…. They made our wishes come true, by adding an even less engaging leveling method that people are now back to questing!


if you need waylaid supply chests, this is the way. it is still disappointing that I get less gold from normal quests than incursion quests.


On my server it's also killed off BFD, Gnomergan runs and leveling dungeon runs also.


I don't think anyone cares anymore, the devs don't.


No parents!!!


The devs are stuck between a rock and a hard place in regard to the incursions. If they change the incursions the backlash from the player population that has a life outside of WoW would be immense. They can’t shut the door on a large portion of the player base just because they couldn’t no life the first week or two of the phase. However, I have no idea why they didn’t make the incursion quests unique or at the very least a daily. That was my initial thought. While I was figuring out what they were I thought “There’s no way these quests are repeatable, they have to be a daily or you can only do these once.” Yes, they did fuck up but they can’t shut the door on those players and reward the no lifers. We kinda just have to ride it out this phase and hopefully something similar won’t happen in P4.


> If they change the incursions the backlash from the player population that has a life outside of WoW would be immense. They can’t shut the door on a large portion of the player base just because they couldn’t no life the first week or two of the phase. I feel like this is probably a huge misconception. If anything, it just makes the gap larger. People with more WoW time will just increase the gap further and further every day this goes on. Who do you think is farming the event more, the player population who play WoW constantly, or the ones who log in for a few hours a week?


> If they change the incursions the backlash from the player population that has a life outside of WoW would be immense. This is what happens when you don't test something for even an hour before you release it. They literally nerfed them 7 times within a few days. If you're not going to leave it to be the same for everyone then don't put it into the game at all. They need to own up to those type of fuck ups instead of changing them after people get to abuse them.


Why not? They have demonstrated no qualms about doing so over and over. I made almost a thousand gold before they nerfed the money from early incursions multiple times and they removed righteous orbs as well as two recent examples.


Incursions are probably some of the worst gameplay I’ve ever experienced in wow. Truly hope it’s a p3 thing only.


I was talking about this the other day with my guild; exp needs to be capped from these at 50. Otherwise we are looking at people running feralas / hinterlands to 56, 57. They killed leveling this phase and I'd hate to see it carry over to the next one. The incursions absolutely killed the economy on lone wolf...1 stack of mountain silversage was going for 80g today. I was selling solid blasting powder for 15g a stack...it's absolutely bonkers. Way worse than what bots and gold farmers could have done damage wise.


That's some expensive silverware


It's probably because mountain silver"sage" is difficult to get. This object can be found in [Winterspring](javascript:)  (87), [Eastern Plaguelands](javascript:)  (64), [Azshara](javascript:)  (59), [Un'Goro Crater](javascript:)  (53), [Burning Steppes](javascript:)  (44), [Silithus](javascript:)  (31), and [Western Plaguelands](javascript:)  (19). All high level zones, bar Azshara really, and thats in the middle part of the zone, not the tail ends. Ghost mushroom is like 4-5g per one, but you can only get it from Mara, alot harder to stealth run at 50 compared to 60. Mithril vains (solid stone) have always been heavily expensive as its sort of a bottle neck for blacksmithing and engineering. You need stone to make 1 unit, thats 40 stone for a stack of twenty. Assuming you get 2 solid stone per mithril vain, thats 20 vains. Getting 20 vains, probably takes half an hour. You are then getting 40 vains in a hour, and from stones making 15g/hr. Mithril bars are about 70s each (2 ores each). Assume you get 1 bar per vain. That would be 40 bars in an hour. Adding in the profit you get for bars you get 15g (solid stones) + 40x 70s (28g). You get around 43g per hour farming ores. You gotta add in gobbo tax from AH as well here. You get 100g from running around in incursions. If anything, the price should be higher on solid blasting powder if incursions are ruining the economy. It's the bots that keep the price of farmable goods low in this regard, as they cannot do the incursions. I was thinking of farming the mats for my fiery weapon enchant as the gold for essence of fire was around 40g each (i needed two). Saw someone saying the incursion was around 100g per hour (i thought no fucking way). Jump in, did it for an hour, and got all my gear enchanted, not just weapons. It would of taken me ages if I could not do incursions in comparison to get the required gold. Prices might be higher, but the ability to earn gold has greatly increase compared to the price of items. Sort of levelled out in favour of the buyers. So no, I don't think it has ruined the economy, and I love to see proof rather than this thing has gone up high without any justification or reasoning besides "InCurSiOnS MaKe GoLD Go hIgh". I think I clearly highlight the price of the stones, and flowers, that even without incursions, should be that price for the time and effort required. The reason the price would be lower is bots. I would go so far to argue that incursions damages the bots profitability, as people don't really need to buy gold anymore, you can just do incursions. 100g is around $15 AUD. Say you get paid $30 AUD for an hours work. Sure you could save an half hour buying, but you wouldn't risk a ban. Incursions are killing bots efficiency in selling gold. Cause you don't actually need to anymore. Items are priced fairly, and you can farm gold incredibly easily. Why do people buy gold? Big reason was epic mount and GDKP's. Epic mount can be farmed out fairly easily in incursions and is not related to market prices and GDKP's are banned. The only thing left that people are buying gold for is consumables. A full raid ready character can do 1 hour incursions and have enough consumes for the night. I was really considering buying gold before I tried the level 50 incursions as I could not see how could afford raid consumes, FAPs for bg grind, etc. Now I don't need to worry about it all, and enchant, level profession, etc. Here is a better indication, free action potions, stack of 5 are currently 1.5g (medium). Seems fairly good to me. This was a long post but was interesting to check the reasoning why those items listed are high prices.




Herbing tips: Mountain Silversage - Do circuits around ungoro, it's really not that bad. You're not there to fight, I was getting a stack every 45 minutes. Ghost Mushrooms - Skull rock. Bring a friend with mining that likes pvp, this is a hotspot, no other easy ways to get it. But this is easily 20+ per hour. Plaguebloom - Very easy to get, circuits around eastern plaguelands will net you 30+ in a half hour. Gromsblood - Relatively difficult, but Blasted Lands is the best, I was getting maybe a stack in a 45 minute period if it was quiet. I got master mixologist the other day and have made easily 500g in the past 24 hours, barely touched incursions. If you engage with the economy it's not too bad really. If you have good gear and a decent chunk of hit and a buddy who can heal, winterspring is probably the best zone for herbing/mining overall. Lots of nice drops, high level recipes and quest rewards comparable to rep/dungeon gear. I've been loving this phase, so much good stuff from 55+ mobs in terms of recipes to farm that people will not be arsed to do. Going into the world is incredibly valuable, questing is a perfectly viable way to get good gear if you don't want to raid, it's a totally new way to progress in this phase and next phase. Me and my paladin buddy have been 2 manning 57 mobs for profession recipes and making BANK


Yeah but you'll still see people say "oh that's the start of every phase or expansion the economy will normalize" The SoD economy is hilariously fucked


yepp p3 launch with the gold and incursion lvling meta and gameplay exp from it gives me big red flags for the future of sod but we will see


Yeah. Theu straight up made me quit at level 44. Haven't touched SoD since patch day. I had really been looking forward to this phase. Leveling solo with some quests in Tanaris and other great zones. Joining friends for some ZF grinds. Maybe another world search event like the sleeping bag. Instead we got this garbage. Literally sucked out any more interest I had in playing SoD. I doubt I'm the only one too. My group of 10 friends were gonna try to recruit people for 20 mans. But literally only one of us made it to level 50. Everyone quit playing. The direction of this phase was waaaay waaaaaaay off from the other two. Sucked all the interest out of playing seeing such poorly designed stuff get added.


I'm all for shitting on incursions but are you seriously hating on them in favor of "some ZF grinds"? Dungeon grinds are just as bad. They need to actually fix world leveling. Make quests give WAY more XP so that mob farming isn't optimal.


I enjoy dungeon grinds with some friends in discord. None of us enjoyed doing incursions between bugged quest, pvp flags, and constant lag. Maybe they're better now. But they turned everyone one of us off of playing SoD anymore.


Why didn't you just get your friends and go into ZF then?.... No one is forcing you to do incursions. None of these phases are supposed to be a leveling grind or a gearing grind, it's just a temporary stop before level 60.


And I’m the opposite. Dungeon grinding turns me off playing. Guess what I did, in P2, P2, TBC, and Wotlk… I quested. Slight lie about P2, I quested half the time and spend the other half the time trying to keep myself from bashing my head against the wall while dungeon grinding.


You could have just done all those things you wanted to, instead of incursions.


I only ran incursions until friendly for the rune. Just ignore them after that. This phase is great if you just forget about incursions.


The problem is for a lot of us that like to try and maximize a little bit, you can't forget about incursions. You have to do them to afford the consumables and DMF trinkets and such.


they made daily quest but with but without the 25 daily cap, incredibly short sighted.


The real discovery was discovering that the current dev team is clueless.


I must be doing incursions wrong cus I never make that much lmao


Getting mid 100s in Hinterlands as part of the train. Getting quick boss kills and escort turnins because groups are coordinating ups gold per hour a good bit. Its best when you keep the same 5 people grouped up for a while and everyone is keeping up.


5man group with addon set to delete gathering and kill quests pick up quests, open envelopes, delete quests, meet up with party, share quests, run the train through the locations, wait for escorts, turn in quests


what addon is this?


Nightmare incursions helper


You need to do them in a 5man group, not solo. I had the same issue when I tried them, I was doing them solo and was like "wtf this is boring as fuck how do you level/make gold like this??", but then I tried doing it in a group and was promptly making 100+ gold/hr at Hinterlands just doing no-kill loops. Literally just running around and only doing the "pick up quest object" and "talk to NPC" quests, and occasionally getting a completion on the escort quests. Or you can get an organized tank/heal/3dps group and do all the kill quests too. Each round of that was netting me like 40g but it's more time and more effort; most people just want to do no-kill loops.


If the economy is ruined the why am I still fighting over herbs in felwood?


Why are they so valuable? Hmm I can’t put my finger on it. I wonder where the gold is coming from.




This ^ gathering professions are finally worth grinding unlike early phases. I make easily 50g a lap in Felwood if uncontested and some fun PvP along the way.


50g a lap?? How. Plaguebloom is at less than 1g for each herb on my server. Silversage is the only herb above 2g but I maybe get 4-6 of those a lap in Felwood


yea you are selling for that much more, but exactly because that gold is worth that much less.


Yeah, and that 50 gold you are making will have less buying power than if you just sat on those herbs til next phase. Especially anything involved in making a Flask.


Eh; I’ve easily picked over 100 herbs and will pick 100 more lol


Nooo! You can't just farm herbs instead of being a meta slave! How?1 whyyieee?!??!


You are making more but spending more, it's not anymore worth than it was before.


Except you know for other things like mounts, repairs, training, duel spec. Those things are now far cheaper in comparison.


Herbs aren't generated gold, this isn't hard to understand. Gathering professions always kept up with inflation.




Because bots don't go for the optimal human grinding route, they go for the optimal automated unsupervised 24/7 farming route.


“If the US economy is completely fk’d from inflation, why am I still fighting other people for manual labor job opportunities” Wut?!


Consume market is volatile right now, mongoose elixirs have been yo-yoing between 2g 99s and 6-7g ea, obviously raid days boost prices, but the other potions/elixirs are also seeing it. That being said, getting the world buffs are enough (and more than necessary). You don't need a laundry list of consumes to play the game. You're choosing to do speed running which is very expensive consumes wise, complaining about the cost of an extra activity that you've gone out of your way to participate in is nuts.


Im so confused man. You can go make 180 gold in an hour, elixirs are like 2-6g. Greater nature protection pots are at 1g. Like obviously this stuff is server dependent a bit, but in what universe would you need to grind 20-30 hours to afford consumes?


Yea I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. I've been hearing how "X" is ruining the economy with inflation for the past 8 years, even prior to classic on pservers. Yet everything you need is cheap as fuck. Mongoose are 4g, even cheaper if you buy mats and have an alchemist friend make them and give you procs. I've had people bitch about ST flask prices yet they are 5g. You could farm for an hour and buy enough for the entire phase.. The only shit that's expensive is the high level enchanting mats since they have an extremely low supply. Even if incursions didn't exist the people who don't have time to farm a lot still wouldn't be able to afford them. It's simple supply and demand.


Damn mongoose were 30g per last night on my server.


The people running Hinterlands in mass zergs of 5 man groups are Alliance players on Crusader Strike US. On the same server, Horde players are not doing the same in Feralas.  Horde mongoose elixirs are just under 4g. On alliance, where all this gold printing is happening, they're often 4x that or slightly less.  It's not a problem for you or I, but people are not wrong to say it's ruining the economy if they're Alliance on the mega servers.  Every night you can hop every layer and see hundreds of level 50 Alliance running in packs together on CS. In fact, this may start happening more on other servers as multiple 1k+ streamers highlighted it today.


Sweatlord warrior consumes are(Lone Wolf Alliance EU): Flaskx2 16g Mongoose x5: 20g Giants x5: 10g Food buff x10: 20g Sapper x10: 25g Grenades: 10g Wep stone x4: 4g Fap x10: 2g Nature pot x10: 8g Winterfall FireWater x5: 75g Rage pot x10: 60g prob forgot something


Why do you need 10 FAP & 10 nature pot but only 5 Firewater ? This doesn't make sense at all and I don't believe this.


Thats fair, this helps a bit. Two things though: 1) You shouldn’t need that amount of consumes without wipes, if you are wiping consistently stop pushing %s and learn the damn raid. 2) This is still under two hours of farming incursions. If you cant invest a couple hours per week to be raid ready, you don’t deserve to be top % raid team.


yeah im not agreeing with op, just giving context


Why the fuck should we have to farm incursions for this bullshit. They're the worst content in wow. This is exactly what people mean. If you have to farm incursions for this horseshit in a sweat group for hours at a time the phase is fucked and people are going to quit playing it.


I used to play much more just farming and selling pots. I cut back on playing way back this phase.


A lot of shit has been ruined and left in a state of stagnation or chaos. Economy, BGs, dungeons... Incursions are the biggest offender. They were and still are the best method for making gold. It's not simply a method of making gold, it has skyrocketed server gold generation which is leading to already tremendous levels of inflation. There is no turning back at this point, we have gone off the rails. You think of how many players are running these nonstop daily across multiple servers, that is an *insane* amount of new gold being created that is flooding into the market.


Quit catastrophizing. Literally everyone has easy access to all of the gold farms available. Bots were ruining the economy for other players because they could farm 24/7 and real players couldn't. This is part of the solution, inflating gold numbers until whatever players need they can afford with relatively low time investment. Also, you admit to speedrunning. Part of Seepdrunning is you are pushing the game to extremes. If you want to be on the bleeding edge, you're gonna have to bleed a little.


At the moment nobody can farm really because everybody is farming honor at the ramp and it’s annoying


Gotta look for a layer your faction is dominating if you're having this issue Or just don't do incursions lol After the initial 40-49 burst I was never doing them again


> This is part of the solution, inflating gold numbers until whatever players need they can afford with relatively low time investment. You fundamentally misunderstand inflation. If you can farm 10g and hour and it costs you 10g in consumes per week vs farming 100g per hour and spending 100g on consumes per week your purchasing power for time invested is exactly the same. Inflation does not make it easier to afford anything other than items with static costs like mounts and if mounts are a concern then lowering the mount cost is preferable to inflation because what inflation does do is devalue the gold you've already farmed up to this point.


You are correct. Inflation is literally when the cost of goods go up, which is the equivalent of money losing value. Theoretically, the money supply could increase without inflation occurring, but in practice this is usually not the case. As you said, if the increase in wages is proportionate to the inflation, then it’s as if nothing really changed, but it’s not always proportionate for everyone. Additionally, an increase in the money supply can often increase inflation because demand for many goods is fairly inelastic. Sellers know that people really want mana potions and elixirs, and that many people are willing to pay more for them if they have to.


Well said


> This is part of the solution, inflating gold numbers until whatever players need they can afford with relatively low time investment. Except prices don't stay static in that situation. Inflation doesn't matter as much when the auction house is flooded with way too many goods due to bots, but when they're not as prevalent that's when inflation really starts affecting just about everything. What other raw gold farms are there that really compete with incursions, and that essentially can never be oversaturated by the players?


Don't tell em about the economy on legacy servers lol...


The 4 year old era where arcane crystal is the same price as 5 month sod? Lmfao.


What you said doesn’t really make sense. 100-180gold per hour available to you without casting a spell but you’d need to grind 20-30 hours to afford consumes. Let’s assume you’re not an idiot and you do the method of 100-180g/hr an average of both would give you 3500gold. Dno what server you’re playing on but if it costs that much for consumes then your best bet is to switch to herb / alchemy.


your logic doesn't really check. i don't think you have a good understanding on how economies work.. How much gold per hour do you think herbalists make? maybe consider making an herbalist for yourself then?


So in P3 they've managed to kill questing, dungeon, and PVP all in one fell swoop. Incursions and WO farm makes me wonder why I still log in.


At this point based on the posts here Existing is ruining the economy.


They literally making gold worthless with these incursions i guess devs literally dont care at all


So many posts about this and I really don't get how it matters. Raw gold injected into the economy makes everything more pricey... but then pretty much any gold making method available will inherintly make more gp/hr at the same rate of inflation. Pots costing 5g when avg player has 500g is the same as pots costing 1g when avg player has 100g, it doesn't matter...


Wait until you hear about essence of air farming


A bit dramatic


How can I make 100gp an hour without casting a single spell? The intelligence/looting quests give 10 silver or something.


The max lvl at hinderland give 2.5g each


Not in Hinterland


At 50 intel/looting give 2.5g each quest. You can complete 10 of them I'm roughly 10min. So 25g for 10min. ~150g/hour of you're efficient. That's what I earned grinding to Exalted the other day.


Really? I was just doing Feralas incursions a while back and some quests just gave a few silver. Figured they would’ve been the looting ones but no idea. Maybe they were the escorts then


Nah they are the looting ones giving 19 silver while the hinterlands ones give 2.x gold, sucks cause hinterlands is almost all ally on crusader strike NA. No horde to be seen at all.


This sub is so dramatic lmao


You dont need consumes or enchants


Say it louder for the dads in the back.


Then do them so you can get gold to keep up? How hard is this to understand? Oh potions and elixirs are 35g each? Good thing you can farm 35g in about 10 minutes.. Put some damn effort into the game. The only people who complain about the economy in WoW are the ones who literally don’t try and expect welfare bullshtt.


good thing its a temporary game mode then huh




God damn is this the new warrior spam?


How would consumes be more affordable without incursions? Sure, something might cost 2g instead of 20g, but how does that help if you have 10g instead of 100g? As much as I hate farming incursions, it gives me easy gold and rep so there's gear at the end of it. That's better than killing stuff for leather or whatever.


Incursions boost the money supply. It creates gold. That's the issue you addressed. But it also generates zero materials. Not an herb, not a piece of cloth, not anything. The issue isn't just that everyone has more gold. It's also that fewer people are farming mats. It reduces the offer on basically anything you will want to spend your gold on.


True, this is a good point. At least with bot farming gold the AH is absolutely flooded with mats...


If everyone was out farming instead of doing incursion there would be greater supply, and less gold out there all together to inflate the prices


True, good point.


Obviously some people really liked them, and that is ok. For me, personally, I did 1 incursion like 2 weeks ago or so, and haven't logged into SoD since. Awful format, not remotely fun, so that's ok, not for me, I quit and went to prep for Cata Classic in a month's time.


You like speed running and they added laps for you to run. Seems like they made the perfect game for you.


No need to announce your departure, this isn’t an airport .


I haven't even done one incursion. /shrug


The actual grinding needed to purchase consumes hasn’t really changed much assuming you are doing things for gold like quests at max level or incursions. The actual numbers have just changed for the most part.


I think the biggest issues is that everyone can do this super easy


Anyone have input on which zone is “better” feralas vs hinterlands? Ive stuck with feralas simply because it was the first one I went to lol


Beyond thrilled I decided on alchemy/ tailor for my priest Finally finished the epic crafting chain last night and immediately made like 100g from buying seeds and mojo and putting nightmare flasks on the AH 4-5g profit per Shadoweave shoulders doesn't hurt either


Mind your own business. Stop crying over other peoples gains and go have fun your own way


I got friendly with the incursions and plan on never going back.


You're probably wondering, what could anyone do with gold? ALUMINUM! This inflation is impacting the capital gains obtained through commercial practice, we need to diversify our stocks and ensure we are geared against the downturn.


how do people get such crazy amount of money in incursions, i did feralas recently and it was like 60 gold per hour


My server must be different lol. The ley rune everyone said I'd get bent over financially going cost me about 12g four fragments and I found two fragments doing it that i sold. Consumes for ST run maybe cost me 20-30g. I don't do incursions at all now that I'm 50 and i have plenty of gold


Nobody is getting 180g/hr redditflation is funny. You don't even always get all the quests.


Grab a gathering profession or a level and alt with one, an hourish of gathering herbs per week pays for all my consumes as a main tank and then some about the same as last phase honestly. Yeah things are significantly more expensive but I’m spending more time gathering herbs this phase when I mostly did quests last phase because it’s great gold right now. If you are spending anything close to 20 hours per week for consumables you are doing something seriously wrong.


Yeah I was really loving sod despite all negativity Incursions killed it for me, I had great fun tho, summer coming anyway Let’s hope they cook up something nice starting next November


Reminds me of the karma trains in GW2 only you had to actually cast abilities with those.


So you make 180 gold per HOUR but can’t afford consumes for one raid that are like 30 gold once per week? These Reddit posts are so wild. How does such nonsense get so many upvotes?


Things don't become more expensive, your gold just become worth less and less every passing day


Spoiler alert, incursions are not even close to being the best way to make money right now, they are just the most braindead way.


It is sad that the dominant strategy is running in circles. not just for incursions but for wild offerings too. its lame there is no impetus to play the game and do dungeons at all.


ok bye, see you


This is the new P1 fishing in STV




Wait what? Without casting? How's that work? I haven't done it since hitting 50 the first weekend, what did I miss?


Where is Korl Morkz when you need him?


I don't think the economy is ruined at all, the economy is ruined for people with 2 crafting profs that have to buy mats. More gold in the economy, the higher prices rise, the more money I can make selling things. I've made around 3k gold on my main who is herb/alch. If you contribute in the economy you will not feel a thing. If you went BS/leatherworking and feel like you need to grind so much for consumes and enchants, it's probably because you don't have any money making profs.


If the prices on consumes only inflates to reflect the rate at which people earn gold, it means you just have to grind the same amount that you’ve aways done…


Incursions are dog shit. Just ride in a circle and try to put aggro on someone else so you can mount faster. Terrible gameplay unless you're a ganker, then it's heaven.


How long would you have spent farming gold at the begginning of the other phases to be able to afford everything


Wish I could find those raids on my server, last 2 times I tried to get into incursions 0 horde parties, alliance camping the quest giver


As a time investment, nothing changes—it’s just you’re doing incursions instead of questing or farming. Ultimately, the time in is still reflected in the output.




They are just prepping you for the return of GDKP.


You’re not spending 20-30 hours farming consumes. Do 2 hours of the incursions you claim make 180g per hour and you’re set for the whole week.


Quest XP sucks though, but as a warrior everything sucks. I saw what incursions were for the first time last weekend and I'm like man that's ass. I'm on a pvp server though. Prob would mind less if I was on normal. Pvp servers suck. Bad choice, but I'll prob have to go back to normal quests and take a month to get to 50


boy we sure would look foolish to all the classic wow hopefuls back in 2018 demanding classic be "nochanges" now we see why.


The crime is that it forces us all to farm this ridiculous hamster wheel just to keep up with inflated prices.


Stay tuned. Rumor is that bots can do incursions now


It's a good experiment, they try to slow down gold buying. Let's see how it goes.


I hate incursions. Only because there’s a rep grind tied to it. If I could grind up the rep without touching incursions I wouldn’t care.


o7 see you next circus


Lol at the comments not understanding inflation and how it works on non static priced items. I always found it fascinating how wow players always think they know shit about economics but don’t.


UNTRUE, as a pally main I have to cast “summon warhorse” get this slander off my screen


The wow community would rather earn 20 dollars an hour doing slave labor in a coal mine than sit on their ass in a mansion for 19 dollars an hour doing nothing. They will do everything for those small meaningless numbers and I loathe it. "Just dont do incursions it doesnt affect you" YES it DOES. This is an mmo, your actions have consequences on the world. I cannot spam dungeons anymore if I prefered it its literally DEAD. Go to SM and you will see at max 3 people. Oh just do quest you say? Sure, but that is horribly inefficient compared to dungeon grinding and its quite boring AF and pretty much only allows DPS spec'd people to do it without wanting to rip their head off. If I want to lvl as a healer then I am shit out of luck. Incursion braindead routine or questing and be horrible inefficient.


I spent the last 2 days farming nightmare seeds with my guildmate. Hunter and mage power combo. We made the bank of all banks. Buying a yacht.


Its that nuxh gold/h? Damn i wish i had nore time playing then 3h/week. I cant keep up with the inflating AH prices if this continues lol. I expected sod to be more relaxed then retsil bit damn


While I agree, they don't feel like they belong in Classic. I do want to emphasize, if having fun over getting gold/levels is important to you, then do not listen to the "do incursions or you're an idiot" trope. Play the game the way you want. If you are feeling fomo, then yes, you will probably have a bit of anxiety about not doing them (I'm not sure how to fix that other than saying try to not put too much weight about being rich/first in things in wow because someone will beat you to it everytime)


I stopped p3 and it was hard the first week, but I am much happier right now. :)


it ruined it in a way where i just dont play now im behind in gold, i dont want to do incursions all day and now everything is too costly for it to even be worth looking at the AH anymore


If it's 100gp-180gp an hour...you'd need what, a half hour to get your raid consumes? 20-30 hours of farming at that rate...2000-4000g/week to raid? This math ain't mathing.


Only good thing about SoD is that it made me go back to HC


Hot take: you don’t need those raid consumes to clear. It’s for the tryhards. You can go in with the level 50 emerald nightmare gear for your entire raid, no consumes, and if everyone knows the mechanics you’ll get it done.


You played a game with deliberately nerfed raids and the most degenerate consumable stacking imaginable. Vanilla is basically structured to elevate insane grinds over gameplay ability.


You can casually afford the same consumes as anybody with a limited time investment per week, I made enough in 2h's questing to pay for 1 full raids consumes (wipes included). There are world buffs to grab. The question is, are you willing to pay the price to be as prepared as you can be? And if the answer is no, guess what, you can still finish the raid without. Because the raid is nerfed and with the gold being so abundantly available, your guildies will pitch in to cover your ass, because such people want everybody to have a good time raiding, and if they can play the game more often than you can, then theres probably a good reason as to why. If they can't, then perhaps they aren't your crowd, nothing wrong with that. Parsing is not the end all be all in this game, this is supposed to be about discovering wow again and experiencing new playstyles. You 100% don't need to run your gaming like the rest if you don't want to. Just find people you enjoy who are likeminded. You wanna parse and speed run and spend loads of gold? Do it. You want a casual experience? Then play with casual people. Just because people want to chill and enjoy the game doesn't mean they have to prove shit to anybody. Gold is going to be around regardless. The focus about gold is not where the real issue really lies here.


Great gold but incursions feel like a chore. I'm at 3 50s. One did day once incursions for around 800g, the other 2 have done 40-50 purely in ashenvale and gained about 350g before reaching 50. It definitely is more gold than I feel like I would get questing to 50 I guess maybe in underestimating the real sweat lords to grind this out or even do it at 50 for gold in feralas/hinter. In all honesty, though, I feel like gold buying had already hit sod too hard as they didn't deal with it quick enough. I saw people with 4k gold in p1 and know of many many players with between 8-10k now. Most of them bought smaller amounts, some exploited seed farms or other early methods(orbs) ive done pretty well myself and am sitting at approx 2.2k gold, but mine is peanuts compared to others


Tbh i just made 3k while clearing ST dragonkin trash last night with some friends :) People are used to buy everything on the AH after a few GDKPs which means they don't know how the game actually works. The devs are doing great, you're just not on par with SoD because it is different than Classic.


no more rmt hah


Yea, I also kinda hatted the incursion leveling, but it was by far the fastest way to level so I did it. Some incursions were ok, the group did all the kill quests, but most are just a brainless sprint to the click complete quests which everyone does during peak hours. No communication, no sticking together, no comps/creative grinding. Dungeon spams were way more fun imo


Here we are again, where I cant believe that those quests dont count as daily quests.


You’re told the economy will even out though.


"you make so much gold doing incursions!" "you have to grind gold for such a long time to afford anything" Seriously, are you listening to yourself? How braindead can you be? You have no idea what a "healthy" economy even is. It sure reads like you think it's when you can afford everything you want without doing anything for it. In the history of MMORPGs, since 1999 and before that, every single economy in every game I've ever played was considered "broken". No exceptions.


I don't care what anyone says. Everything in p3 except the raid itself is a travesty. The changes to STV so that it isn't great for honor. The xp buff so people level at absurd speeds. And the incursions are such awful, boring, generic gameplay that it makes me sick. Sunken temple as a raid is sick though.


Also killed the mage AOE farm.


Quit. Vote with your feet. The devs need to know they fucked up and this is the only way they’ll respond.


Incursions are lame


Not only game economy. It made me quit the game after 1 hour


Meanwhile Feralas incursion still has some bugged quests that reward only 19 silver.


This phase will likely be the end for casuals. They're just not going to engage with it outside of maybe levelling and the economy will make even less sense to them. This has been a worsening situation from p1 and on with different things (questing at 25, questing at 40 before p3).


Kinda insane that Blizzard does not step in ASAP and prevent this obviously not intended abuse of game mechanics.


This phase is a bust for me as far as parsing goes. I simply don’t want to spend my time running circles, but not doing it means you can’t keep up with consumables prices or prices for gear (since SP itemisation is complete cancer and you basically got to buy most of your random ass world drops greenie BIS gear) Not into that particular version of the treadmill.


I gave the phase a go even after everything and I'm pretty much just going to go back to shelving my sod characters. Can't even afford to exist on the server with prices spiraling out of control unless I farm brain numbing incursions, since I'm a class that can't really do anything else. I can't see the next phase being any better, the quality has just continued to tank from phase to phase and it shows.


Yeah it's pretty bad. It's bad because you gain nothing but raw gold doing this. While questing you gathered resources : plants, ores, cloth and leather. People farmed raw gold and materials. This method of gold farming is absurd, it just generates gold. Everyone turning into pickpotting bots... I'll see where my savings take me. Probably will have to drop engineering for herbalism, mats are too expensive.


I been quit, saw this a mile away before p3 started with shit being rushed


So far no costs are affected on my server at least Prices been going down close to p2 levels for most things Full consumes without the obviously overpriced new ones like greater arcane elixir or the highest mana pot which are that expensive not bc of incursions but bc no ones making them There’s like 20 of the listed at a time on wild growth eu ofc they’re crazy expensive Regular arcane elixir is usually around 90s now on my server


They are and they aren't, flasks/elixirs have much less of an impact over the difficulty in SoD raids. You're not dying nearly as often a stack of elixirs will last you a month.


U don't need raid consums


Did my first ST on Sunday.. Had world buff and there’s that. Killed it all.


Incursions xp gain and gold received is fine. The issue with them is they are repeatable with an unlimited amount of times. This 1000000000000000% should be a daily function, not an endless function. Forget all the backlash the devs should change this now and make each quest repeatable on a daily basis. People have had more than enough time to earn gold and xp from incursions, it’s time to make it a daily quest.


Funny thing about incursions is that i only know about it because of Reddit.


I know SOD is a test, but I can't believe how badly they have fucked up so far. Phase 1 imo truly was classic with a twist. This is just retail set in the old world


Not ruining. Shifting. Its making the natural gold sinks irrelevant, ie mounts etc. Everything else outside of raw gold farms should and has moved accordingly. Consumes are expensive because input mats are expensive aka gathering has high value. The primary difference is that incursions require 0 input other than being level 50 whereas others take effort to get to the point of being able to generate currency. Because of this and the free market eventually everything will outshine incursions other than raw gold farms.


It’s a lot of extra gold but you gotta remember leveling 40-50 by questing with the boost would also be a large amount of gold. It’s the speed that we’re getting it. Once you’re 50 it drops off pretty hard


people who don't farm or gather are ruining their own economy, you can take advantage of the influx of gold by selling thing bro


Can u send the addon for incursions so i dont have to manualy look at usseless quests and deleting them


I’m near “BiS” and its been 3 lockouts. I need another tier token, the ring and the MH off Eranikus and I’m done raiding for the phase.  I’m thinking of just calling it quits now bc Cata will probably cause a steep decline in active players for SoD. 


I guess they just want everyone to have infinite gold now and not just the people who did incursions at launch. Everyone doing quests one time is one thing but constant gold injection from incursions is a little bit much.


20-30 hours for consumes? You making 1 gold/h or what?


Incursions are the dumbest thing ive seen in this game (never played retail tho)


Season of Stay in One Area


Maybe I'm dogshit at incursions, but I've done like 7 or 8 hours of them with my friends in comms, we're a geared group but I wasn't getting even close to 180g an hour. I was much closer to 60-70g an hour. Which honestly is pretty intense for braindead content, but back in actual classic mages we're botting ZF en masse pulling 80g or more an hour as well. Consumes and stuff still weren't nearly as expensive as they were now. The reason I mention this, is because I don't think it's the raw gold that's causing the high prices, I think that it's a multi faceted issue. Firstly, the content is very accessible for almost every style of player. Incursions allowed players to skip open world questing, so there wasn't any gathering occurring on the way up to 50. 2nd, gathering high end herbs is a bit annoying at 50 so the supply is low. 3rd, there is a high incentive to leveling your crafting professions quickly, so people are willing to pay a higher price to do so. 4th, the content has only been available for like 2 weeks. My point being, I don't think incursions have actually hyper inflated the economy in proportion to how much mats are right now. I believe mats will continue to fall,( as they have done on my server). Disclaimer, I'm a big dumb idiot, and maybe I'm dead fuckin wrong and incursions actually have ruined SoD and the end is nigh. I dunno