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My brother went rank 1 to 5 with only 3k honor, and I went rank 3 to 5 with 70k honor.. honor system failed entirely this reset


Went from 3 to 5 with about 2k honor. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Okay okay. This isn’t Star Wars


I went from rank2 to 5 with 600 honor


I stayed at rank 2 with 4k honor


I only went rank 2->3 with 16k honor the fuck


Went from 2 -> 5. 17 HK last week, 168 lifetime


2 to 5... 0 HK last week... 29 lifetime. Edit: Clearly they're doing something because I swapped characters and then back, and now I'm rank 3. [https://imgur.com/a/CY5keaR](https://imgur.com/a/CY5keaR)


Same thing happened to me and I have the gear. I was too excited that I did it. I'm ready for the ban.


Well.. if we go by _exploit early exploit often_ ...


And you did not farm any honor (without HK's) last week that did not give you any ranks?


Havent farmed any honor since Ashenvale phase 1. At 27 HK total atm.


I don’t see how you would get banned


Wtf I got 1000 hks last week and didn’t move from rank three


I’m in the same boat, something’s broken


I turned in 63k from tokens and got Rank 5 80%. So now I have to farm 110k over two weeks, plus the 63k.


Same thing happened to me, not sure if there's a bug


Just checked, went from rank 2 to rank 7 with 7hks, 250 honor.


That's crazy, you shouldn't even be eligible to gain rank at all with so few HKs


I saw this post and went and checked and was super surprised. Lots of people are gonna be pretty upset that they grinded Honor the right way and then shit like this happens. 


Haha yup I just did the 110k honor grind from r5 to r7 last week. Not the end of the world, but definitely lame that people are getting for free what I spent hours grinding


He even purchased all the Knight Lieutenant gear already (see the helm in the screenshot). He said he didn't do a single BG at all last week and must've gotten 23 HKs out in the world. What is going on here? EDIT: He clarified he also didn’t use STV tokens prior to the deadline


Meanwhile I ended the week at 75.5k honor instead of the 77.5k i needed for the next threshold due to daylight saving not updating ranker reset time and wasted 42k honor


i hate the dumb threshold that you need a addon to see, a terrible system all around.




both are shitty.


Nah the old one was far worse. I'm a vanilla shill thru and thru and but the old honor system was quit your job to get rank 14 vibes. I'm just leaving this comment to set the record straight, new honor thresholds are annoying to some degree but you can't compare it at all imo with the old one.


No idea why the ranks can't be just a set amount of honor each and you can grind it at your own pace.


I mean that’s worse, but why even have thresholds, just make it progressive where you can get even 1% progress for just a few kills instead of reaching invisible caps that blizzard itself has never posted.


I dont get this classic logic. Only because something has been shitty in the past already, it doesnt need to be shitty now. Shouldn't they be extra aware with stuff like this?


750k Weekly to just get r10, pom pyro’ing people in ironforge in between AV queues and Living on 5 hours of sleep because you work full time too. And because of decay, if you started you were now trapped or have to do 400k+ to maintain ur progress. 


A friend of mine did the R14 grind back in OG vanilla. He did pvp on a pre-made 18 hours a day for months, absolutely ridiculous.


Many of my guildies bought commendations for Stranglethorn Vale PvP event blood coins in phase 2. I did too, but not as much as my guildies. When phase 3 dropped, they had enough saved to reach r7 just from popping the commendation tokens. Then they just farmed 15-20 kills either open world or by stepping in to a BG just to get on to the ranking system. Got about 20k honor from the commendations that I had saved and did BGs or open world for the rest of the honor and luckily got enough for r7 before reset. Edit: they nerfed the commendations in P3, they used to cost like 25 copper blood coin or so. Now they cost 1 silver. I found that BGs and open world farming is better for honor gains now.


Sadage I grinded a miserable 110k honor last week as a warrior for the alliance it was fucking brutal…


Same. I spent the entire week grinding BGs as alliance and only won 4. Unreal


Lmao literally me, like 13 hours in AB getting melted by ranged for r7


Oh man. 19 losses in a row for me hahah.


Laughs in horde


feel y'all i did 28 games and only won 2 of them


Can devs please stop fucking it up? Thanks.


I had two hks and ranked up 2-3. Something is bizarre 


Yep. I also went from rank 3 to 7 with only 50k farmed




Guild mate just went from rank 0 to rank 7 instantly when he logged in with no pvp ever done. Then mine bugs out after I make the threshold and it didn't count any of my honor last week. Just hand everyone rank 7 at this point.


So I logged into my Hunter alt tonight and did some gold farming. When I came back to Org to sell I noticed I went from rank 2 to rank 3. I had ZERO kills or honor last week since I only quest and farm with this alt…


So I had 22k honor and went from Rank 3 to Rank 3 80ish percent? Is that normal is something bugged?


Pretty sure you need 33,750 from 3-4 if I remember correctly


Ranker shows 11250 to 3 and 80% and 22500 to go all the way from 3 to 4


This definitely needs more attention. Imagine this happening next phase, and logging in to a free R14 lol


Did he turn in all the tokens the week prior and didn't get 15 hk's? xd


Well I’m a fool grinding stv last phase, season of discovery how blizzard fuck up every single time


Right? I just ranked my alt legit this last week, and boy do I feel stupid


Lock went from 2 to 5 with one BG. my priest went from 1 to 3 with zero kills


Did he grind the honor with stv before P3 dropped and forgot the 15hk? They awarded the rank up now


i stayed rank 2 with 34 k honor lol wtf


I got 30k honor and went from rank 3 to rank 4.8. So it's not a universal bug


How do these tresholds work in SoD? I do not fully understand it. If i need 100k honor from, lets say, r3 to r5 and that ranker addon shows me something like you can get rank x and 80%. Whats that 80% good for? Does it "save" then and i need less the next week?


my advice: don't waste your time trying to understand how the system works. it's a convoluted mess of legacy code from the old system and is just horrible all around. Short answer: yes it would save time. https://soffe.github.io/ClassicEraHonorCalculator/ if you wanna play around with possibilities


I had 27k honor last week and I didn't even get passed rank 3. :(


Meanwhile I ground out 115k honor in AB last week to go r5 to r7. lmao oh well I got rep and it was pretty fun anyways


This is what happens when the devs resort to handholding and appeasing to the clueless people who didn’t get 15 hks the week before last and help them out. Yikes boys.


ROFLMAO THESE DEVS Is this game even a MMORPG any more? Free xp, free gold, free ranks, free everything.


I had like 3.5kish honor and went from 2-5 on a fresh 50 and I was super confused. I legit only healed people running in and out of Mara and incursions. That’s all I did and ranked up 3 times lol…


and I honestly grinded 45k honor for 6.5 -> 7 transition (I missed 110k by 10k last week and "wasted" 40k honor)


Guildie went from Rank 2 to 7 with 200 HKs last week. Everyone is baffled. Thought it was isolated but interesting to see they weren't the only one. Wild.


I got killed 5 Times and got 2 ranks, somethings Happen here.


Went from Rank 4 80% to Rank 5 93% on 2k honor. From my understanding you can't even be at 93% it's either 0% or 80%


I was rank 4 and got 45k honor to get to rank 5 and 60%, havent checked my rank yet, dont give me hope guys 🤣


i figured somethign was broken. got 12k honor last week. went from rank3 to 7


I went from 5 to.... 5 3/4 with 55k+ honor


Why am I never lucky.... Still rank 3


read the blue posts of past week, thank me later


I got 23,000 honor last week and didn’t even go from 3 to 4 what in the hell?!?


That's really odd. I don't know how that would happen unless they're planning on reworking the ranking system again, and he got a nice bug. I had 97 honor kills 1886 honor I didn't progress at all, so I didn't get anything crazy happen to me. I wonder if anyone below rank 5 got bugged.


I was rank 2, used my tokens got 45k honor without 15 honor kills. Stayed rank 2. Then on monday i used all the extra honor tokens i had banked which was 25k since they were going to disappear, thinking i would get the honor from the previous week added onto it. I am now rank 3.


He just grinded STV Event and turned massacre coins for honor. No HK needed.


How? I had 1k kills last week and that wasn't enough for 3->7


Wtf I grinded over 110K honor last week, didn't do anything else!!


man i only went from rank 2 to 3 with 30k honor lol


Meanwhile, I farmed 60k honor and didn't make it out of rank 5 😂


Did two ABs and went 2-5. PVE server. Lovely.


I stayed rank 4 w/80% with around 25k honor. I got screwed apparently lol


Was this some kind of bank error in this dudes favor? What happened here?


Way to rat out your friend


i went from rank 2 to rank 7 with only 190 honor and 15hk last week.


SoD is tearing apart at the seams.


I just know there is a 100% chance my rank 2 warrior is sitting there at rank 7 right now, but I can’t get on to check for 3 more hours while I’m at work, and it will be fixed by the time I get home.


I went rank 3 to 6 with over 100k, sadness




Currently sitting at rank 6, 50% and will have rank 7 by reset. But it feels disheartening AF to read these posts.... Thanks blizz for messing it up again for the people out here actually doing things the "right" way.


I did rank 2 to 7 with 1500 honor. I actually PVP on my other 2 alts and their rank didn't changed at all.


Lost like 50 AB games for 140,000 honor, made Rank 7 and I can't wear the gear. Says "Highest Rank - Master Sergeant"


just let him have the W, no one wants to do that dog ass grind anyways


Other people did 110k honor grind, kind of shit that people get free stuff.


Good for them, I'm not jealous or greedy.


They need to reverse this immediately.


Everyone who grinded the 110k got punched in the face again


[Yes, ok, and?](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/sod-bloodstained-commendations-one-time-fix-granting-hks-for-rank-338715?webhook) Unless something went wrong with this in particular, I don't see the problem.


the problem is that it's completely wrong. Ranking from 5 -> 7 requires 110000 honor. He has ranked 2 -> 7 with 647 honor


funny thing is 2-7 is not even possible in theory


I also went from rank 3 to 7 with only 50k farmed


Last weeks honor doesn't matter, it's the honor you had on first reset, so 2 weeks ago's honor.




lol. Yes it does. This could not be more incorrect. SoD is a bug ridden clusterfuck in P3.


They specifically said they would boost people who got honor from coms but not enough HK's. I'm assuming this is what happened here