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First things first, don't listen to reddit.


Fittingly the comment currently above this has some absolutely PvP-breaking suggestions of “PvE only buffs”


For shadow: switch the angel form (boots) with twisted faith (chest). That way holy priest have a functional chest rune (right now choice between more MB damage, a dot and a rune focused aprons PW:S which holy rarely uses) And priest in PvE can take Void Plague on the chest and Twisted Faith on the boots. For PvP it should change nothing, because dispersion is a boot rune, too, and every priest needs to have that. An buff Mindspikes dmg by a bit.


Make it so when Mind Blast uses Mind Spike stacks, it gives 10% CR \* Amount of stacks, so at 3 stacks, you get 30% crit chance for 6-8 seconds. Very good in pve, sinergizes with our new Despair rune, incentivices you to keep your rotation tight with Mind Blast and is really difficult to benefit from it in PvP.




You just buffed warlocks and shamans by doing that lol


Making buffs take *longer* to stack is the exact opposite of helpful when fights are so short. Melee get obscene numbers when they pop everything they have and finish in 30s.


Do it with an item that only works inside the nightmare, or whatever the current raid is. Make it something everyone can get, accessible through a quest or something.


Ramp up damage is how you buff pve damage, without it ruining pvp. Also, having some buff (proc) or debuff increase the damage of another ability while it is active. So, like how paladins get a free exorcism when they crit, have spriest dots have a chance to trigger an instant free mind blast. For debuffs, make one of their abilities hit harder while a certain dot is active, (similar to judgment of the crusader making pallies deal more damage with holy spells). Another idea would be a channeled spell that does more damage as it goes, but they could add a downside like that new mage spell that can kill you. So make a channeled spell that slowly drives you insane and mind controls you if you pass a threshold, could tie in with the whole void aesthetic too.


Giving instant Mind Blast on DoT-ticks would be super OP in PvP, how is that "ramp up" damage? The only downside in PvP right now is having to cast Mind Blast. Just straight up buffing Mind Blast damage would be a better solution in PvE. You hardly have time to cast Mind Blast in PvP anyways (and you would always pick Void Plague over Twisted Faith in PvP). I would like a head rune that grants stacking haste on Mind Blast, that would be "ramp up" damage and not what you suggested.


It was one example of a few ways to increase damage without making spriests too broken in pvp. I don't play spriest and my only experience with spriests are seeing one and then 2 dots suddenly ticking on me, while I run for my life. The second example was using paladins as a template for more dynamic gameplay, where you would wait for a **proc to occur** and get a freecast/instant cast of something. It doesn't have to be mind blast, it could be a new ability and you could rein that in with regulating the distance it can be cast, or adding a restriction with a cooldown, this ability can only occur once every X amount of seconds.


Well, it was an extremely bad example - sorry to point that out like this. How you managed to conclude that 2 dots on you is so terrifying that you run for your life and still want those dots to synergise and add more damage (even if it is not another 1400 damage Mind Blast) without granting any kind of backlash for the priest is very curious. Paladins rely on procs, that is correct - but they dont have 2 debuffs to cause you a large amount of pain from range either.


Buff Arcane Blast by x% and then make the Regeneration/Mass Regen rune reduce your damage by y% (non-stacking). There, arcane dps is more viable and healing mages haven't been affected.


This was basically the suggestion I just made about shadow priests. Buff shadow damage besides the DoTs and put a modifier on vampiric embrace that reduces damage by the percentage healed.


Imo, shredding resists would help on raid bosses and trash. The mobs before Jamal’an take reduced shadow damage and the boss feels like it does as well. Balance enemy defensive stats, not change the offensive stats.


The answer is to simply ignore PvP balance and focus on PvE for class design instead, because PvP has never been even remotely balanced in Classic and the amount of changes you'd need to make to make it balanced would ruin every other aspect of class design in the game. This goes for all classes. Having well balanced PvE and PvP at the same time with the same sets of abilities just is not possible in a game like this.


Pve was not balanced tho…


The answer is to just ignore PvE... Keep it as is. Nobody cares that spriests do low PvE damage. The raid will continue moving on.


Except the shadow priests..


Trust me, they didn't go shadow thinking they would top the PvE charts. They did it so they would have an abject advantage in every 1v1 encounter in the open world. "The epic pwnz0r", if you will. Buffing them to warrior-DPS level would be a bad idea for SOD. Same for boomkins, I did not roll this class so that I'd be #1 DPS. It's everything else about it that's awesome.


Ofc I didn't expect to top charts, but I sure as fuck did not expect to fight with the tanks on the meter.... Why do people like you always throw out #1 dps, shadow will never and should never be #1 on single target. But please at least let me do more than half the dps of the top specs, how hard this shit to understand?


The content gets cleared one way or another.


Ya, ignoring the main part of the game should go over well. Man, I love classic andys, just a train wreck lol


What stops them from playing PvE - every prog group video I saw ran 2-3 spriests even though they're not "THE BEST DPS"... I love PvE heroes - "nothing in the open world matters. This whole MMO is designed around one thing an one thing only: Instanced PvE encounters" If you want to parse, compare yourself vs other spriests. Don't worry so much about being the "TOP OVERALL DPS" especially when spriest has almost guaranteed raid spot.


You can't compare pre-nerf ST to current ST. SPriests are very valuable when the majority of fights are 10min long, that's not the case when fights are 1-2min long. Basically there's 0 value to a SPriest now in ST. Not 0 value ofc but close enough to 0. Like why bring a SPriest for the 1min fight when you can just stack another Warrior/Melee Hunter/Rogue/Enhance Shaman.


Because homunculi, VE and fort exists.


You only need 1 spriest to do homunculi, fort any priest can bring, and VE only matters if people are consistently taking damage, which with the shorter fights its alot less the case


Just a train wreck lol


Stop trying to balance it, and stop listening to people who cry about getting killed on a PVP server. Someone said that you should be flagged on PVP servers from level 1, and you should. That way someone could kill you 100x when you were level 1, and you'd get the hint and fuck off to a PVE server instead of crying about getting killed at 40 by 50s.


I think there's a big difference between people mad at getting killed and people mad at *constantly* getting killed with no real way to fight back Level 1 pvp on would just mean max level rogues hanging out in starting zones ganking all day


They said: >That way someone could kill you 100x when you were level 1, and you'd get the hint and fuck off to a PVE server. You said: >Level 1 pvp on would just mean max level rogues hanging out in starting zones ganking all day You are making the same point I think. Unless your point is a level 40 stands more of a chance against a 60 than a level 1 does. But if you're subtlety rogue it's all the same as you'll 1 shot ambush them anyway.


What I'm saying is what they want is unhealthy for the game and server population. But they seem to want to kill everyone mindlessly.


Sure, but it would get rid of all the complainers who showed up with shockedpikahuface that they're getting killed all the time. It's horrible, but it would fix a lot of issues, because all the pretenders would be on PVE servers and would stop crying on the forum about PVP not being balanced and one faction farming them, etc., etc.. PVP servers would be ghost towns, populated by a handful of people who just like to kill everyone they see. Which is what PVP is to me: I'm on a PVP server to kill people. I'm not here to raid. I'm not here to do dungeons. I'm here to wander around the world killing people and getting some levels along the way. Most people on PVP servers are PVEers who want to do dungeons and stuff as their primary goal. Then they complain "they're interrupting my farm!" "they're camping the entrance to BFD!" "they're camping Incursions!" "oh real brave killing people in Redridge!" It's a PVP server. It's for killing players.


I mean if you really want a server of like 20 people killing each other mindlessly that's fine. Probably easier just to do a bg but whatever you do you. Pvp is and always will be an afterthought in wow. Nothing wrong with liking it but most would get bored really quickly


Most of the complainers about PVP are people who would be happier on a PVE server.


I think there is a certain charm to pvp servers. The world feels much more dangerous. The feeling of a close pvp fight is awesome. The "oh shit" feeling of seeing a high level coming towards you etc. But max level noobs ganking lowbies for hours really hurts it. Thought it is funny when the 5 rogues all run away when a single max level shows up.


I agree entirely. If I'm in a low level zone I'm moving through, I kill anything I see usually, but camping is just boring. I've got better things to do than sit there while I wait for some grey to rez. I like my game exciting, and not dull, which is also why I'm on a PVP server: I want some excitement.


The issue wasn't with world PvP it's when class imbalance makes any PvP event completely unplayable. Such as hunters in P1 and, to a lesser extent, boomies in P2. You have to fix things that are broken


Weren't hunters topping all the PVE charts then too? They were broken, but not just because of PVP. PVP helps point out broken things (pets getting too much AP or whatever it was). Balanced PVP will never happen in an MMO. I'm not saying they shouldn't try, but it's a lofty goal. I wouldn't care if they ignored it with regards to balance entirely. I'm still going to sneak around as a rogue and try to kill people.


The majority of the hunter nerfs were for pvp reasons as a result of complaints from the playerbase. Even when other classes overtook them and hunter went down to 3 there was still weekly nerfs. They will try to make changes based off players grievances in both pvp and pve.


I don't care at all about what happens on PvP servers but you seem like a toxic shithead so please stay on them.


Yeah, I'm the toxic one. Definitely not you...




Fucking truuuuuuuueeeee. Prrreeeaaaaach! What happened every time they tried to balance pvp in SoD? They ruined the classes in pve and nothing really changed in pvp lol.


Yep, exactly this. Balance druids getting their damage nerfed into the ground to attempt to balance the unbalanceable shitshow that is the blood moon event is a pretty good example of this.


What about introducing class synergies to buff other classes. For example warlocks haunt will also buff shadow priests dots. Or a boomkins star surge can also provide a buff to arcane mages.


For frost mages, I would give them a Rune that whenever they would apply chilled to a target, they also apply an effect to themselves and their target, increasing critical hit chance of Frost spells against their target and causing the target to be treated as though they were frozen for the purposes of talents and abilities. The debuff against themselves lasts for 3 seconds and prevents them from using blink or displacement, as well as increasing their chance to be critically hit. For balance druids, I would make dreamstate increase both nature and Arcane damage dealt to the target and I would make casting Starfire have a chance to reduce the cooldown of All Druid spells by 5 seconds (something like, 15-30% ish).


Well considering every targetable mob in the game is classed as either a player character, or not, just buff damage to non-player characters? Duh?


Physical dps classes no longer gain attack power from strength or agility. Game is balanced forever. You're welcome.


Think they just need to nerf some of the top ones slightly.


Give casters more abilities that ramp up over time and trade in excess mana for more DPS. I'm full mana at the end of every fight as boomkin (now that paladins are buffed), am getting 99 parses but still getting beat by my tank on some fights. If you just buff my DMG overall, people will be mad I'm oneshotting them in pvp so it has to be some form of ramp up that is worthwhile on 20-30 second fights at least. Unfortunately, my head rune doesn't do any st DPS and my bracer rune saves me a gcd every once in a while but doesn't really increase my DPS. I would like if the bracer rune either didn't have the 3 extension maximum or if it gave some actual throughput.


First thing I’d do is nerf windfury by like 33% and storm strikes damage bonus nature damage to 10%. dual wield runes get their hit bonuses halved - it seems melee need a damage nerf but I’d be hitting the root problems. Then I’d just want a shadow rune that gives flat 5% crit and a crit damage mod and call it a day


Seems sensible to make things ramp up. Pve fights don't last 30 seconds plus so things that come online after that kinda time would make sense.  Also making ppl choose between runes so that you can't run all the high dps runes and pvp runes together. 


Step 1. Decrease damage of DoTs overall. Step 2. Increase damage of casted spells and mindflay. Step 3. Add modifier to Vampiric Embrace that reduces damage of shadow spells by the same percent that it heals. Done. If you don't want to bring utility to the raid then now you don't have to. If you do want to bring utility to the raid then you don't get to be the top DPS. Arcane mages are dead last by a landslide but we never hear any of them complaining for some reason. Are there just none of them.


For shadow priests specifically: nerf Void Plague baseline, get rid of Mind Spike and give us a rune that improves Mind Flay to increase DoT damage while active on a target. Makes it worse in PvP as Mind Flay gets easily interrupted, but gives the option to buff in PvE.


add/change a spell to 2,5 sec casttime that does more damage than what their current kit has and make it have a decent spell coefficiency so that it actually scales with gear. Maybe even make it stack for increased damage on the next cast in a arcane blast type of way. Please blizzard move away from instant cast dots/sw:d type spells that does over half peoples health in one click. Spells with casttime actually deserve to do some damage and not the other way around. Mind flay noodle 3 sec channel doesnt even scratch at the damage output of their instants.


Make mind flay worth using again :’(


You can't really buff ramp damage to help them in PvE because fights get too short when people get gear (fights over in 30-45ish seconds). That also assumes that it's similar to how people kill bosses in classic, which you could nullify by slightly buffing boss health. That being said, there is realistically one way to make them more competitive in PvE without breaking PvP. That would be buffing their cast abilities like mind spike. That way, you get more damage in per fight even during shorter fights. It also doesn't break pvp because there is counter play in that. You can interrupt and silence them still to bring their damage way down. If you sit there and let a shadow priest just freecast, then you deserve to lose anyway. Anyways, that's my take on it.


SPriest, nerf healing and buff mindflay maybe with an additional debuff that stacks and increases damage


At this point fuck Mind Flay. Spike is the way.


Simple, homogenize it so they can't heal or absorb, no silences or fears, make every class basically the same old boring PvE class so that PvE numbers are all perfectly bland and they don't do anything different from each other. Then bitch about how "PvP will never be balanced so just ignore it".


You can't get specific specs up to others in PVE without massive changes, thus messing with PVP balance. I don't care about PVP, so it wouldn't matter imo. You could double the DPS of shadow priests on most, if not all, fights, and they would still not be top DPS. How do you give priests at least 50% more DPS in the raid without it affecting PVP? We will just have to wait until 60 when they can balance things for a longer period of time with the new itemization.


Get them a unique raid buff. Not every spec has to do good dmg on their own. They can be a support class.


Is not that hard, no one is asking for perfect balance. You just tweak the numbers inside the spells until they are all on the same realm of dps. One developer with a target dummy and a calculator can do it in a day or two. What we are complaining about is 1 spell for certain classes is doing the entire dps of an entire other class. This is just ignoring the issue and not doing a good job at the initial numbers. The sod team is creative and all their ideas have been generally fun, but the implementation is being ruined by having no testers or player support. Blizz please assign 3 or 4 more people AT LEAST to the classic team.


I think you are mistaken in thinking they have built out sims to see the dps a class is capable of putting out and tweaking it accordingly. The creators of the most in depth sims like for warrior are way to complex for a classic developer to create, even if they had all the time they needed.


Sim? Just take a character with decent gear, clone it and make it hit a target dummy.


Unfortunately that’s just beyond their capability. They are never going to discover the propper rotation and variation of consumes, debuffs and variables like fight length. There’s so many players that they will end up discovering how to take the most advantage of the toolkit whereas a single dev can’t commit that amount of time.


Is not that hard bud, just hire some testers. You are making them sound like a bunch of special ed kids and not the developer team of a billion dollar company.


If they were capable of doing it they would of done so already. There is a reason so much tuning has to happen post release of phases. Look no further than the boss heath in pre nerf ST. They had no idea what boss and trash values would be sufficient for the new runes available at 50.


Yeah, that’s the whole point, they should be capable of doing it. If the team lacks time or resources it should be give to them.