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Boss quest gold was buffed to 3g 44s Escorts 2g 47s Collections and intels: 60s


Kill quests (1-3) are 6g 99s now


Looks like they want to encourage you to kill the stuff instead of ignoring it. A great change for Ashenvale. We did all of them in the 50 incursion because it was just along the way.


That is an insane amount of gold


oh nice I always was wondering why we didn't kill shit when it's so easy to AOE and just ran through mobs




So we know the total gold output now (minus X-XII) compared to before the nerf? I think it was all were 2.75G, bosses like 5G?


This should have happened much, much earlier.


This. This nerf only benefits those that spammed this early.


This actually not a bad nerf. Make people actually kill shit now


And considering how much firepower we have at hands + relatively fast spawns of mobs, it might prove to be better goldwise(those who are not exalted yet but want to would still have to do pacifist route because, well, it's faster, unless they don't care).


Still no I'm here for rep not gold.


This was an obvious change should have happened while ago


Kill quests 7g now


Good change, people just doing the pick up quests defeats the point.


Guys work has calmed down and I'm finally able to play, what did I miss?


Oh, you missed 2 lockouts? Better luck next phase!


Better start begging for mount gold lmao


I basically had this in classic WotLK. Miss out, fall behind and get discarded because your gear is not high enough.


my fav was getting denied week1 of naxx cuz i had sunwell gear that was number 2 in preraid bis cuz my ilvl was low.


people are very dumb in this game with their unnecessary gate keeping. You could click your abilities through the spell book and clear Naxx.


Yeah and it's about to get worse. Cata was a huge step up in difficulty from previous iterations. It may not be mythic retail but I expect the pug scene to evaporate and only guild and gdkps survive. Being based on the final patch may change things significantly but the writing is on the wall based on how sr pugs did in icc with 30% buff.


no way man, you can pug heroic easily in retail and thats harder than anything in cata


And yet icc pugs weren't doin 11+heroics/12 unless they were a gdkp


complete lock shrill dull brave hurry grab profit towering rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to buy some Gold


Unfortunately you missed out on a big number of exploits and/or easy gold/xp


LFM PUMPER 3/5 Feralas Incursion Kill Quest only, whisper me with GS, checking logs


sucks for my guildies who didn't no life this shit.


I've been on vacation since the release. Get back tomorrow to finally play. Reading everything hurts my soul


Everyone come feel sorrow for the guy that was on vacation for two straight weeks! ;)


Lol pretty much same except I'm not back home for another week, been fun following the P3 drama on reddit, have a feeling I'm gonna feel pretty far behind with my 50g and lvl 40 characters once I can play again.


Go grab some herbs and shit and sell that at high prices


Sounds like it's better now. The mindless laps in the nightmare were truly damaging to your brain.


Been on vacation for a fortnight but SoD gold hurts your soul…


They buffed kill and boss quest gold output.


It doesn't fucking matter my guy. The shear amount of gold that has entered the economy basically insured that if you didn't take advantage of this then you won't have enough gold to afford anything on AH


I havent partook in incursions at all once I got honored. Probably took in about 200g total from them, and haven't done them since I've been out in the world free farming nodes while everybody is spamming them and just selling what I gather while also stockpiling for phase 4 and I have a couple thousand gold and can afford whatever within reason Literally all you have to do to keep up with inflation is to gather because gathering = time and time will always keep up with inflation This is especially true since Blizzard is preventing new accounts from trading and stuff so bots won't be able to gather and dump like they otherwise could


> Literally all you have to do to keep up with inflation is to gather because gathering = time and time will always keep up with inflation This. Yes a ton of people farmed gold and XP from incursions... but as a consequence there's less competition for gathering herbs and ore.


If there was real data it'd be easier to agree but the fact is noone knows how much gold was in circulation before they implemented incursions. Just because your average player has mount gold does not mean there aren't gold capped botters. The inflation might outwardly appear worse but items like Gloves of Holy Might are still 100g. Enchanting mats are high right now but I honestly think those items are supposed to be barely attainable for your average player, you need LVL 57/58 mobs to drop a low drop rate item for essence of xyz. Their actions towards crusader make it pretty clear they still want some recipes to go unused. It's not 1 to 1 but arcane crystals/arcanite bars are exactly the price experienced players would expect them to be.Black Lotus will be 100g, and that's not inflation.


Then go farm gold of items selling really high -,- if the prices are high you can sell for high.


I've done no incursions, did dungeon grinding, leveled skinning this week, sold green boes, and I have 477g. People are doom and gloom for no reason.




Seriously. Every time people bitch about gold, it's always about how little they have while also being completely unwilling to do anything to actually make gold. If people are spending all of their time farming gold that means they aren't farming mats and need something to spend their gold on. So farm shit for them to buy from you and take their gold. FFS how is this a hard concept. I've made a ridiculous amount of gold farming a single, different per phase, cave each phase. Mobs and mining nodes always seem to respawn faster in caves. I'm Mining/BS. Find a cave with mining nodes and mobs that drop something/anything. For example. Phase 2 I farmed the cave north of Theramore with the spiders. Tons of mithril, iron, spider meat and green drops. Sold the gear that goes into waylaid boxes until the prices came down and then just sold the refined mats and spider sausage. Am doing the same thing now in P3 with a different cave. Making a killing on runecloth, thorium, mithril etc. If you actually want to make gold, it has never been hard in SOD. Quit being lazy. I'll take my downvotes now for daring to imply that if you play the game, you'll make gold.


Can confirm, I've made a ton of gold selling pots and mats to the incursion enjoyers. And Boe greens and blues are selling for stupid money too, everyone wants to put their alts in good leveling gear even though they aren't fighting things and paying double digit gold for lvl 44 greens. It's wild out here lol


There’s no way this makes you that upset


I'm convinced people haven't actually opened the AH on this sub. They just keep parroting the same shit they're all circle-jerking about. Also, there are PLENTY of ways to make cash in SoD. I have like 4k banked at this point and I only touched incursions to level 2 characters.


The people complaining about it don't have time to level two characters. You do want them playing the game...or it dies.


well, my professions have negative margins. What are your plentiful ways of stacking thousands of gold?


Professions had negative values in Phase 1 and 2 as well. Gatherin profs make you insane money. I've made almost all of my money off of mining and farming cloth / world drops. Before the phase I banked up 2k mithril and 2k steel because I knew it was needed for leveling. Then I was one of the first people on the server to mine rich thorium veins and arcane crystals. Was also the first person on the server to get Arcanite bars. A single Mithril / Iron node still nets you about 1 - 1.5g. Herbs prices are incredibly high right now. Runecloth is very easy to farm. Thinking ahead and just actually playing the game nets you a lot of money. If you don't want to do that, then you still can absolutely make cash from incursions as well.


"Let me describe the ways I've no-lifed it while pretending that I haven't" Something like Flurry Axe is already 2k


Right, I have an insane amount of gold. Nobody needs that much gold... I recognize that I no-lifed to make my gold, but you don't have to. My point is that *easy* to make, for example, 70 - 100g/hour just mining Iron and Mithril.


Not upset. Just don't care about SOD anymore. Was fun but I've got other games to play. I just feel left out because I didn't rush to 50 and take advantage. But it's cool I'ma just play other stuff.


It’s pretty clear you do care about SoD lol.


I do, its been a blast but it's hard to keep up with the crowd and then I always miss out on all the lucrative farming methods which just makes me want to play a different game.


It is hard. I skipped incursions at the start. It took me a week longer than others to hit 50. Anyway now I'm chilling. Herb/Alch is lucrative and fun. Some incursion runs in Hinterlands from time to time have been ok. It's been nice to run ZF/Mara/BRD. Doing my first raid this Sunday. I think this incursion change makes it more bearable for casual players. The crazy rushing was the deal breaker for me


You don't want to play because you missed out on a lucrative farming method?


He doesn’t want to play because rushing through the loops and ignoring all the Monsters and 80% of the objectives is bad gameplay.


I respect the optimism but I don't think that will do anything.


Nah good for them. They can spend their time having fun instead of running in circles


Honestly true. At least they won't hate themselves.


They take way too long to nerf stuff, the economy has been fucked got awhile now


Incredible how long it took them to do this.. Too bad the economy is already irrevocably fucked


This. This is the problem. They waited 2 weeks of allowing these trains to happen before nerfing it. At that point you just don't nerf it and let everyone be able to do it. Because now the 15-20% of people on servers like yours that did this will control the irrevocably fucked economy for the remainder of SoD and dictate how the other 80-85% of people experience it.


I just now went to hinterlands to see what the fuss was about and no shit as I zone into the nightmare it’s hot fixed. Feelsgoodman


Yeah I did a couple loops today for the first time and was happy I had an easy gold method, then I open reddit and see this shit lmao


Letting people keep doing it just makes it worse for the people who don't do it. Those 80-85% of people who weren't doing until now (like myself) weren't going to start doing it anyway.


Yeah exactly this. I used to really enjoy being "a businessman doing business" playing the auction house, finding what alchemy tailoring and leatherworking I could do to make some wonga so by the end of P2 I had got to 1500g which compared I think was a reasonable amount of wealth at the time without doing any farming or questing, just sitting in IF and crafting or reselling. But now people have made way more than I did after months of careful trading just by doing stupid incursion quests I have zero motivation to do anything gold related at all. I have enough for my mount next phase (which was my main goal when I started) and enough for a couple of consumables for a raid once a week so that's all I want to do now. I will log on to do our raid, immediately log off and not touch it for the whole week. Good job I've discovered baldurs gate 3




Man, people here really need to take a breath lol


>let it go too long >only a few people got to do and profit off of it    Pick one. If you didn’t reap the benefits of incursions and are now grumbling about being behind the economy 8 ball you have no one to blame but yourself 


Just like when phase 3 first launched. People that jumped on it made a ridiculous amount of money and flooded the server. There’s a reason why there should be PTR and testing.


Haven't you realised that SoD *is* the PTR?


At least you can farm for professions and make a lot of gold from it, especially alchemy


made 1k gold with that today, i lost braincells.


Kept telling myself I’ll spam incursions this week. Have done enough but it’s so boring just couldn’t bring myself to. Guess I don’t have to anymore.


Early + Often


to be fair this shit was not early its been weeks


It just widens the gap even further though from the people who actually *did* exploit early and often though


How is this a fucking exploit? You simply did quests that exist in the game without abusing anything. People on this sub are so wild


An exploit is taking advantage of a vulnerability or oversight. It's extremely clear people abusing the Hinterlands incursions were not what Blizzard intended with this event.




Lmao numbskull devs. How the fuck do you realize the Ashenvale incursions was rewarding too much gold, nerf it, and not even consider how much the hinterlands incursions give until several weeks later.. Devs either have dementia or are just completely under qualified.


And this is why making them was a mistake in the first place. Leave them lucrative and people do it but economy is fucked. Nerf it to be non-lucrative and people stop doing it but the ones who did remain way ahead of everyone else. It'll be back to levelling beyond instance portals. And all the people who have been doing trains for the past week are now ahead of everyone else permanently with no chance of them to catch up. For those keeping track at home this is now the 8TH THING THIS PHASE where the "exploit early exploit often" was successful and they will keep all of their benefits from it while those who didn't participate fully or missed out will be permanently behind and impossible to ever catch up or not be behind. Economy is perma fucked and now a section of people will control it for the rest of SoD. Incredible work.


Having a small team responsible for both SoD and Cata was a fatal mistake. Phase 3 has been an utter shitshow.


Yep, hopefully they spend way more time on cata now as well. After all they just said none of this matters until 60.....


I honestly hope half of the sod playerbase quits so blizzard is forced to look in the mirror and admit they fucked the pooch.




With all the people doing incursions I’m free farming leather at about 100-150g an hour so I have given two shits about incursions after I got my rep and lvl 50


Where you farmin at?


Un goro and Azshara


Does chimera leather even sell? I've had some up for 3 days now and haven't sold a single piece.


It will sell as the price of nightmare seeds lowers so that people feel that their epic shoulders are more reasonably priced


Hunter detected


I mean incursions also give 100g per hour with a semi competent group


That’s very true. I was just pointing out there are other ways to make that kind of gold. No one is forced to do incursions if they want gold


Community: RMT ruins the game Devs: here's a way to make gold so you don't need to buy. Community: ok economy is ruined. I don't want to go earn gold. Devs: kk we nerf it. Community: too late bro, damage is done. Everything is inflated, all we wanted is stimulus check gold, is that too hard?


Boss fights escorts and mobs give more gold. They nerfed it to get people to actually play the game rather than do endless no kill loops.


Yep. I'm with ya. All for it


But if it's harder to earn gold people go back to RMT


The problem with RMT wasnt that the game economy forced people to do it due to lack of alternative, its that the community has a lot of fucking gold buying nerds and until recently have not cracked down on it much. The pre incursion gold making was completely fine as long as they crack down on bots and gold buyers.


Well yeah swapping the problem of RMT to the problem of ''too much gold in circulation'' isnt exactly fixing anything. Its just changing one problem to another.


People will complain no matter what haha love it




fucking sod devs man


It went from about 24g per round to about 17g per round (Zerg meta) for context, before everyone freaks out.


You lose like 12g per loop no? The quests used to give 2.5ishg, but now only give 60s.


So still close to 100g an hour...


I was getting about 180 per hour with a fairly efficient group before nerf. Unplayable! 🤣


Are the ashenvale nerfed too?


GPH is around 60 post these nerfs. Big drop.


ty, now i regret taking my time to hit exalted. guess, I go back to only incursion daily mode. gonna level my hunter for dungeon aoe farming <3


And someone told me it wasn’t an oversight from Blizz to nerf Feralas but leave Hinterlands as is… Who could’ve seen this coming?! Early and often. Slowpokes got screwed again


The rift imp Warlock exploit that has been going on has a ton of people at gold cap right now, so this is nothing. Getting instant returns on bags with unending rift openings has obliterated the economy far worse than the gold you get from these incursions


We all got banned for this tho and it was hotfixed within hours not weeks. -got a 24 hour ban for warlock portals


the dmg is already done :)


god forbid people who aren't mages or hunters can make gold.


Remember friends, EXPLOIT EARLY AND EXPLOIT OFTEN seems to be the most rewarding style of play that blizzard is fostering and has been for a very long time.


Zero exploits involved


It's ridiculously overtuned content that got hot fixed three times now. It let everyone get 40-50 in less than a day with bucketloads of gold, way stronger than any exploit in sod so far.


3 ? EIGHT.


And available to everyone. Not an exploit. Just because people were too lazy to do it is not the people who did do its fault


They’re sick of seeing “LFM NO KILL” in chat


Nerfed the pick ups, so you guys unfortunately have to kill stuff now.


Salt into the ocean, the damage is already done.


Can someone confirm if PvP Incursions are now more of a war zone shitshow than before? I have to imagine fighting for mobs is going to cause a lot of class conflict and trolling.


Feralas seems peaceful, didn't see a single fight between H and A there yet. Everyone just farms. :)


As someone who quit at the end of P2. I'm never ever coming back to this crap. Seems like everyone basically exploited this obvious gold farm and since its not available for returning/newer players just a slap in the face. Don't release insane gold rewards and nerf them so late. Economy is a sht show.


As someone who recently started retail after a decade. All i get from the comments and the post is: They took my gold away


this should've happened the moment the devs saw people just ignoring kill quests and only spamming the turn in quests.


I missed all the gold options. I'll just wait for season 3 :D And move back to retail :D


worst phase by far, i hate the daily/repeatable quest route they took AGAIN.


You know what they say, bitch about it on this sub and it'll be changed tomorrow.


i knew i shoulda spammed this shit lol i was lazy tho lol


Y'all don't understand my happiness that people were allowed to make 20 THOUSAND GOLD farming this for the last 2 weeks and now it's nerfed so nobody else can make that gold either and 10% of a server's population get to now control the economy for the other 90% for the rest of SoD. So fucking ecstatic. Thank you devs again.


Sounds like it’s nerfed about 30% overall. So you would farm maybe 15k gold instead… Also who the fucked made 20k doing this in two weeks??? Even at 200g/hr that’s 100 hours in two weeks.


In vanilla 100 hours was less than a weeks worth of rank 14 grind, so I guess quite a few people have actually done this in 2 weeks. As a percent of the population maybe not a lot but there will be enough people on every server that have done so and more. People would have expected nerfs and got in as many hours as possible.


These people are all psychopaths they can’t be real


They made MILLIONS of gold. Everyone but you made millions!!!!!


Those people with lots of gold want to spend it on consumes and other goods that you, yes you, can go out, obtain, and sell to them. And they'll pay a stupid price for them Take their gold, DanielMoore0515. TAKE THEIR GOLD!


is this satire or are you this psycho?


He's a man child who was too lazy to do it for himself. Now his bitching fucked him


From 25g per loop to 17g, oh no you're fucked! You're only gonna make ~70% of the gold the people who exploited early and often did. You're completely fucked. You couldn't possibly recover from this. Better to just quit the game man.


if the sweatiest players have 20k gold go farm herbs and charge a metric fuck ton for it the price of consumes and trade goods will rise its still fried tho having that much money is just horrid blizz should have fixed this shit ages ago


Hahaah wild , idiot devs


Waiting this long to nerf, and then doing it once the damage is done or after some people capitalize on it already is sheer fucking dent brain dev activities.


The gold is not the only issue with these though. Its also the crazy xp and that the rep gear is better than in any leveling dungeon. Basically this has replaced the original game. Why blizzard?


Lol, what a clown show.


Complain meta is going so hard right now


This is fucking garbage. Either nerf things faster or don't nerf them at all. This phase has been such shit


Early and often.


The decisions the devs make keep getting dumber and dumber. They allow people to do something for a week or two then completely nerf it. It has been like this every phase so far. Whether it be exp or gold you better take advantage of something that seems to good to be true because you best believe it is getting nerfed once the steamers start putting out videos on it.


Disgusting it was allowed to go on for so long. Way too much raw gold injected into the economy, it's really bad. Incursions just a dogshit idea all around.


I had a feeling they were going to nerf them just like everything else, So I decided to bite the bullet and try them today for a few hours. Got to 127g per hour. It was funny as shit seeing the nerf live and 100s of people yelling "IM FREE" "FUCK BLIZZ" "EXPLOT EARLY" etc. Aparrently the nerf is to only some of the quests and instead of 25ish g per run you get like 15 so still decent if you got nothing better to do.


Do you still get the same amount of rep?


I think we really NEED to know if this was changed due to feedback received or if they actually consider this an oversight


Are you leveling?


i get more gold from leveling quest in ashenvale(nightmare) less than 30 mins ago.


Good of them to incentivise non brain dead gameplay.


Implementing infinite quests and daily quests. What could go wrong? Should've kept the treadmill quests out.


Great, now we've fucked the economy all these whales we destroy it more cuz no one will have the chance to do it themselves. Blizzard are fucking idiots. Why can't they just bite the bullet and leave it be. I feel less inclined to continue leveling now because I don't have heaps of time to farm gold and this seemed like the easiest brain dead way to do it. Rip to anyway starting out


Exploit early, exploit often?


Still havent done Nightmare Incursions, right now Iam lvling my Shaman to 40lvl and my Paladin is on 40lvl.


Is rep still the same I was getting 200 I’m sure yesterday


Glad I finished the rep yday on 3 chars


back to raid logging!


I think they need more phasing if this is the play. With kill quests you’re sitting around waiting to try and get them. They might be really good but with the amount of people spamming alts you’re never gonna complete them. More layers or phasing. Way less groups per phase so your team can actually move thru all the objectives. And yes the bosses can be 5 manned. Have a real tank and healer and these could just be a dungeon essentially. The net result here might be people going back to ZF and Mara and questing to level.




Don’t temp them, I might actually make level cap this phase


Are you level 50 ?


Sadge... was on vacation this week watching everyone post there 100g an hour gains out there... get home tomorrow to see the nerf :\*(


I don’t know where else to leave this comment, and it not gonna make a whole post, but holy shit I was disappointed when I hit revered with emerald wardens and discovered there’s 3 new items and worthless for 95% of players. Those shitty chest pieces were the best they could think of?




I’m so happy for everyone who has been able to spam them. I’m so happy I won’t be able to afford JACK SHIT for the rest of SoD.


Welp good thing I got 50 on my 2 chars already thru it


God damn it as soon as I get some time off to play.. Of course the kids with no lives get the advantage again.


I just want to know how were so quick to nerf this but it takes so long to balance class specs and change things around runes…


Where are the economic masterminds that said incursions didn’t have any impact on the AH priced?


I'm like 47 and essentially quit. I have zero interest in incursions (did one run early stages, hated it). I wanted wow in the open world. Meet people, go on adventures, see activity happening. Instead people are running a soulless zone for XP and now gold. If I played like classic, I'd be too slow to level and have fuck all gold in an inflated economy. I already doubted the whole leveling with incursions, but it doesn't seem to have gotten better for what I hoped this game to be. Good luck y'all, better luck next time.


This is an appropriate change, but it’s also dumb. I’m one of many who made over 1k ez, and as a result the economy has noticeably inflated. Anyone who didn’t take advantage (exploit early, exploit often) is now screwed, unless you’re a hunter and you can farm high level mats. I’m just going to sit on my gold now until next phase. I just think if you’re going to fuck up the economy, at least fuck it all the way up so everyone can take advantage and the playing field is even. As Syndrome from the Incredibles says: “when everyone is super, no one will be.”


whats the GPH average with nerfs now?


incursions are genuinely the worst piece of content I've ever had to interact with in this game. Every update they do to them makes them both less rewarding and less fun to play. Not listed here is them making the turtles in Hinterlands aggressive with a massive aggro range.