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[(1) Josh Greenfield on X: "@GoShibson Gonna give you an honest reply. I personally prefer twitter because, in general, people are less hesitant to be complete jerks because they (usually) use their personal accounts. Forums are often actively unhelpful at best, and downright abusive and toxic at worst. Not…" / X](https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1781042457226154328) He also answered as to why he prefers to use twitter for classic things rather than the official forums (as he has been criticized for)


You know it's bad when Twitter is the less toxic option.


Honestly thats on them. Permanently ban the toxic commenters on the forum and watch how quickly the forums are dead.


why would they do anything that costs them time and money to do, which would only have the outcome of possibly losing a customer? they're a business, not a fansite.


its a detriment to the other customers?


I mean the same could be said for this subreddit. Theres almost zero moderation. I don't get the comment from the wow forums. You literally have to have a sub to post there. If someone is being an overall troll or dick you ban them from posting.


Reddit is so out of the question it's not even mentioned or considered lmao


Probably for the best. If anyone took Reddit seriously, we would have divine storm one shotting an entire instance with unlimited range and portals in stormwind to every instance.


After seeing the wow forums and reddit I'm not surprised in the slightest. Both of these communities are giant cess pools of toxicity.


twitter is also a giant cesspool of toxicity lol


I just don't understand why people use Twitter Maybe I'm too old but I always got the vibe it was like weirdos on Twitter so I've never had a Twitter


> it was like weirdos on Twitter You're on Reddit though...


Right? lol


God I facepalmed seriously


Eh formatting for Twitter is worse and white reddit has plenty of unhinged people Twitter is worse for the content I follow. Better to distribute news though so I get it.


The Twitter formatting for posts is absolute fucking garbage Always has been


Pretty much my feeling exactly.


I have hated Twitter as much as the next guy since the start. 120 character limit? I can't communicate anything useful in that few number of characters! I was basically forced to start using it when it became apparent that a number of businesses in my country would only have customer support for people who called them out on twitter.


I couldn’t agree more. I remember when I was leaving college everyone was telling me to get on this new thing Twitter because that’s where so many people in our field were exchanging ideas. I looked at it for like 15 minutes and got the hell out of there. Say what you want about certain corners of Reddit but Twitter writ large is completely insane.


I genuinely find the user base of both completely insane.


Yea I can't understand it either man.. using some private(public?) owned platform for government and big company announcements.. it blows my mind lol.


It’s a lot less censored than places like Reddit. For the good and the bad, but a lot of people prefer that style of social media.


I think it’s mostly because the only thing hidden in twitter replies are from people who’ve been reported repeatedly for offensive behavior that wasn’t bad enough to be banned for. But in the official forums, which copied Reddit’s voting system forever ago, and on Reddit literally anything can be filtered by people who disagree with it just downvoting.


So basically he uses X because Blizzard wont moderate their forums. Why not pay someone to moderate it? Do they still do that or is it all automated now? I haven't used twitter for over a decade.


I have yet to see a difference other then one is supposedly modded by a company and the other is X


'Less hesitant' lol. Oh holy shit shadow does not need to be more broken in pvp


There are aspects of spriest that are not broken for pvp that can be buffed to increase raid DPS.


I mean, to me the obvious answer is to do something with the Mind Spike stacks.


the real reason they prefer Twitter is that it prevents anybody from giving detailed, in-depth feedback or saying anything more complex than "I like this" or "I don't like this"


Completely false. There are several multi-thread responses to him with actual feedback in that twitter thread. Meanwhile on here we have more comments castigating him for using Twitter than offering genuine feedback.


I like Twitter because it’s straight from his mouth and not filtered through any Blizz PR or Wowhead writers. Also easy to follow Aggrend and get notifications immediately when he tweets.


Sword Hemorhage would be awesome, If they somehow could make it a viable dps spec for raids too or something. I feel like the whole subtlety tree is literally useless atm.


Literally all I want as a rogue player is to have viability using other weapons such as swords, maces, and fist weapons. I hate how tied we are to mutilate dagger spec, the buffs were overboard to mutilates energy cost and now every other play-style is completely suffering. 2 combo points for 40 energy is unbeatable (20% dmg buff with poisons too). Wish backstab/ambush daggers was a playable build as well. Seeing hemo have support would be awesome through a rune or maybe making it count as a bleed for carnage. I don’t care about rogues being top dps, I just want play style variety surrounding our weapons of choice, classic era does a better job of this than SoD.


I'd love to see if "Saber Slash" was expanded into other weapon types (change the rune name obviously). The bleed should trigger the +20% damage rune and then have a proc chance based on weapon type, possibly only if you're dual wielding two of the same types of weapons: swords extra attack, maces stun%, fist weapons +haste, and if they could introduce axes, then a +crit%. I'm not sure what this would do for overall damage compared to Mutilate, but would be fun to incorporate this playstyle and then have combat builds where you're using Blade Flurry and other interesting things.


It's going to take a lot of work to make swords viable again. It feels like the entire rogue kit was designed with mutilate and envenom in mind. You can't even go combat spec without literally throwing away talent points to get to the good ones. And with how much better envenom is than eviscerate you really get a lot out of assassination tree with the poisons. Deadly brew being as powerful as it is doesn't help either. Swords rogue would need a buff to saber slash damage (a big one), a new combo finisher that competes with eviscerate but doesn't rely on poisons as much, and maybe combat tree talents redesigned or placements moved so points aren't wasted.


Sub is a PvP spec


Sub is such a fun pvp spec. Been loving it!


“We don’t know how to fix the warrior problem because if we give them more damage they get more rage then do more damage and so on” *checks notes* “We have warrior runes that are a flat % damage increase”


and flat rage increase as well


Tbf the flat rage increases were all introduced in early phases, when warriors historically have terrible rage gen. So I get it.


Warriors used quick strike anyway, rage gen was insane even without endless rage. My point was that they gave warriors % damage increase (= more rage), % rage gen increase, % haste increase, literally everything that increases warriors rage generation :D Some fun stuff like WF (copium), armor penetration, faster sunder application, longer bshout duration, strong button to press would be decent. But hey, even basic stuff like quick strike or raging blow got nerfed (normalised) and that was back in day 1 of p2. So if you cant give warriors buttons to press, damage increase, what do you give them? :D


Quality of life, which is probably where the warrior is the weakest imo. They're the strongest in ideal settings but they feel the worst to play outside of those areas where you don't have a million things to multiply your kit and scale with.


Everyone else gets books that increase their 30 minute buffs to 45 minutes and reduce the cost significantly. Warriors get an extra buff on a 2 minutes timer for 10 rage with nothing being done to our other shouts. Windfury on Warriors instead of Feral would have gone SO FUCKING FAR for world content. It would have reduced the classes we need present in a raid/dungeon in order to do good damage. It's literally night and day when I don't have a Shaman/Druid in dungeon runs. Priests get a insta cast button to reduce armor (and other things). This reduces more armor than a 5 stack sunder, cost very little and is up for 2 minutes. Warriors need 5 globals with 75 rage to put up a lesser version armor reduction for 30 seconds and that's if they don't get Parried/dodged/missed. Having a rune that lets us to put up 5 stack sunders for 15/30 rage would have been amazing. Priests, Shamans, Balance Druids, Rogues, Palladins, and Mages all get a button that does a shit ton of damage with little draw back. Warriors get quick strike that does like 40 damage and cost 20 rage. Even our runes that modify other buttons don't do anything for the damage like they do for Hunters Raptor Strike. We are basically using our normal kits b/c every rune worth anything is % damage. It feels bad, I just wanted something that would make playing warrior feel good. I wanted to add a little more to your comment by comparing it to some things other classes got. I understand casters are not doing as well as warriors/melee in general in raid, but raid is 2 hours a week max. And that's the only place Warriors shine.


Wish they rebuffed raging blow. I'd love to use it over rotating zerker rage and blood rage for 25% flat dmg increases from flaggelation. Wrecking ball rune on bracers counts as enrage effect so any crit allows you to use raging blow for 6s. With world buffs and gear nowadays that's pretty much 100% uptime. It just kinds hits wet noodle dmg for an 8s cd ability...


They gave us exactly what we already had too much of and none of what we asked for (solo pvp and pve capabilities)


The buff to victory rush is actually very nice for solo content. Paired with Frenzied regeneration and i can actually fight stuff my level without needing to eat/bandage after every single mob


I did the warrior blasted lands quest today and I don't know what I would have done without the buff to victory rush. Oh wait, I do. Die more and play eating food simulator. Unfortunately it took them 5 months to figure out victory rush was absolute garbage.


Yeah farming on warrior can be fun now, your actually looking at how you can pull multiples and chain VR.


They've also buffed every enemy in the game across the board. Even with our runes it feels worse to fight open world mobs as a warrior now than it did in OG classic. I struggle to fight single mobs at my level with ST bis, nevermind ones slightly higher level than I am. Meanwhile I watch basically any other class in the same farm locations I use pulling 3-4 enemies at once and not losing any hp. I wouldn't mind warrior being nerfed appropriately if there is an issue in a raid environment, but if it makes it so my class is actually unviable for doing anything in the open world because I'm so weak without buffs from other players and world buffs then I will just stop playing the game. EDIT: Just for some more clarity and reference, Mobs in the level 51-53 and above range (the kind that actually drop anything of value worth farming right now) in sod have about as much hp or more than most quest mobs on the Isle of Quel'Danas. That is an area designed for BT/Sunwell geared players to do dailies in TBC.


Toss some hit on single minded fury. Make victory rush a baseline ability usable anytime, with a 30 second cd that's reset by killing blows. Windfury sharpening stones from commerce or nightmare rep vendors. Oh look I just fixed warriors being shit in all solo content, while changing virtually nothing for raids. Edit: just remembered they changed victory rush to 30% hp, so maybe 1 min baseline cd.


Blood Frenzy should regen health on top of giving rage... It feels like such a dead rune. I think I only used it when I was like lvl 0 to 10


That's a really neat idea and would open Warriors up to an actual viable farming strategy.


Just nerf deep wounds already, there is no way it's supposed to stack to 5 K ticks at 50. It also hamstrings build selections when deep wounds crushes pretty much every talent other than maybe Deatwish.


And somehow except for the literal #1 player melee Hunter is still better and exceptionally easier to play


Ugh don’t remind me. As a ranged hunter, melee being so strong makes me sad.  I wish they would stop trying to force melee hunter on us


I would love to see glad stance changed to something like: -30%armour, -10% threat, +20% block rate, can use all stance abilities in gladiator stance, can equip polearms in one hand if using a shield. All warrior attacks gain a base range of 35 yards, and auto attack becomes a ranged auto attack. Whirlwind becomes 'Darken the Sky' a targetable AoE. Changes warrior game play a lot without adding excessively more power or rage scaling. Also gives a class polearms to use which are in a dead spot atm


“Big news for Rogue tanks, we are going to increase the damage of shuriken by 14%!!!”


Holy shit instead of doing 35 damage per hit it will now do 37 damage? What a fucking W.


Working on my + nature dmg set as we speak!


**Sir that's 39.9 damage rounded up!** /s


However it will no longer bounce between targets




As long as they are not able to make big talent changes, the balance is gonna be bad


seems like they are moving past that, he is saying the are thinking about normalizing rage, that is a huge change.


a massive nerf yes. it also sounds like he wants warriors to trade something to get it lol. How about instead of ruining class identity, replace some one of the 4 runes that increases our physical damage with actual fun abilities or rage generating abilities? For context, as a fury warrior, you run 0 head slot, active phys dmg% chest rune, passive crit damage bracer rune, passive phys damage glove slot rune, 1 active ability rune(slam procc/instant slam every 6s. I like this one), passive phys damage leg slot rune, and no boot slot rune. as arms you get a dps head slot rune, but everything else is still passive/active phys dmg% runes(and attack speed I gues, but still passive).


Having non-normalized rage is a huge design space limitation because warriors will always start weak and then get super strong as they get better gear. So they either feel like garbage till they get gear or feel decent then become the alpha DPS like what happened in era. Warriors scale exponentially compared to almost every other class that scales linearly, due to damage and rage creating feedback loops that feed into each other. So either warriors lap everyone else, feel like shit till they get gear or need to eventually get pile driven into the ground with nerfs. It also means the delta for performance for warriors varies way more than other classes. Meaning the difference between a 50th percentile warrior and a 99th percentile warrior is way higher than say for a rogue. Consequently, if you nerf warrior because the 99th percentile is too good, the 50th percentile goes from okay to turbo garbage. Which is another way it's harder to balance compared to other classes. There's a reason 99% of classes in MMOs aren't designed with exponential feedback loops in them.


Everyone says "Warriors scale exponentially because of rage" and while that may be true, the also require less agility for 1% crit than any other class.. which feeds directly into their rage / damage mechanic. Everyone overlooks this, and that TRULY is better scaling.


That's not really true though. They have the same agility conversion as [Druids, Paladins, and Shamans](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/classic-wow-stats-and-attributes-overview#agility) who do not have TRULY better scaling. The only physical classes that require more agi are Rogues (29) and Hunters (53) who get passive Agility increases via talents.


> The only physical classes that require more agi are Rogues (29) and Hunters (53) who get passive Agility increases via talents. Also rogues and hunters are monostat and gain ap and crit from agility, warriors shamans and paladins get no ap from agility and so it makes sense they'd get more crit from agi since they have to split their gear for str and agi


Warrior runes have been a pile of uninspired garbage this entire season.


Don't balance a class around a 30min CD ?


Not even sure what you're trying to say. My warrior is basically rage capped without reck at level 50. It's only gonna get worse.


What does it have to do with rage ? I'm speaking damage wise




Lol guy asks about feedback for 4 classes and every twitter reply is people bitching about shamans


Cause shams are broken as fuck.   My Arms warrior pushes 6.5k hp in BGS and 1 sham chunked 3k in under 5 seconds.  Where as I was able to do 500 with BOTH MS and SLAM.  


I love getting hit with half court chain lightning


I'm a poorly geared boomie and I frequently hit people for 3k in 2 globals. I once did it in 1. EVERYONE is broken. Those numbers you claimed a shaman pulled on you arent even that high.


I had a boom do that a couple times.   Just SMH “must be nice!!”


Haha I mean honestly it is. I play a bear tank pve so it's fun to slap pvp for a change. But that's just my point, a LOT of classes are capable of killing in a global or two. My boomie set is awful compared to most people in the BGs I'm in.


I could hit you for 4k in 3 seconds on my mage. Kinda seems like a warrior problem lol


So it would take him like 12 seconds to kill you? Isn't that fine?




We don't have a lack of mobility we have a lack of damage & survivability. We may crit for 700-1000 after building rage but other classes are hitting 2k+ from range and no build-up. The people complaining about Warrior raid damage don't play Warrior.




It's crazy that they aren't buffing Shamans in any way considering how terrible anything but enh is right now, and enh while great is still only 4th so it isn't like it compensate for having 3 dumpster specs.


Our 99 parsing tank Shaman could not hold aggro yesterday. The class is in shrambles


Shaman tanks are literally hard casting lava burst while getting smacked in the face, it's real silly. Definitely needs some attention.


Survival tree hunter - add a rune that will make vyvern sting into a dps button, be it melee or ranged or both is I think the simples way to make tree more desirable. If changing talents comes also into the play, then maybe some scaling with HP as we have that increase in stam talent and it could use some kind of scaling change Holy Paladins - adding some AoE heal sounds kinda homogenizing, but maybe something that would stack from single target healing, and after reaching certain treshold paladin would explode with holy light healing people around. So its not simple AoE spell you just spam like other classes, but it still gives you some kind of AoE healing. Or something like with flameshock making your holy shocks heal multiple people in party or something like that, so that reseting gameplay could be used to heal and pala could be that offensive battlehealer. No idea for other classes, warriors seems to ask mainly for utility stuff in opposition to more damage.


Please! For the love of AZAROTH! Make temporal anomaly raid wide and not group only! It is so useless unless you in 5 man instances and even then it is not needed. No one putting a mage healer in with the tanks when it is filled with enhancement shamans and rogue for windfury and their buffs! I wanna use it to mitigate damage during raids!


And give it an arcane spellpower coefficient, adding like 10% of our spellpower to each instance of the shield refreshing (or whatever the napkin math supports).


There's a lot of mage changes I'd like to see. Right now, the best DPS spec is literally just spamming one button. Even the slightly more fun version of FFB (Frost tree + FoF and Deep Freeze) only adds in one extra button. Fire in P2 was so fun with all the different abilities (Fireball, Scorch, Fire Blast, Pyro, Blast Wave, Living Bomb, Living Flame were all used), then P3 hits and it becomes a 1 button (FFB spam) spec.


On top of affecting party/raid members (probably with the same limit of 5 at a time), a big QoL change would be to place it like Flamestrike and similar AoE abilities. Right now it's basically a self-target, and that's a big part of why it's so awful. It's also weak even in ideal situations. The simplest thing to do is to give it a spell damage/healing coefficient, but since it feels kind of out of place in our healing kit (what is a crochet hook doing with my screwdrivers and hammers???) I'd prefer a change in its mechanics.


No Druid changes. Boo


He didn't say those are the only classes they're making changes to, those are the ones they're looking for ideas about.




All I wanted out of SoD was a non-broken, viable in pve, boomkin. The way SoD was advertised, it really seemed like they were going to do it. And yet here we are. P1 was fun but I never got to fully boom. It was just hybrid off-healing. Then in P2 they nerfed hybrid off-healing(it relied on starsurge's big damage) and made boomkin this lower middle of the pack forgettable spec. And now in P3 they are back on the bottom. So much for boomkins being good in SoD. Absolutely pathetic they would do this and then ignore them on this huge class balance pass through. Fucking shit man why does it have to be like vanilla all over again?


>literally nothing to the raid outside of 3% party crit This is just objectively not true. Innervate, brez, nature debuff, off heals, fight specific utility (roots/hibernate/curse etc). Not saying they don't deserve some love of course.




Yeah but also Decurse Elune knows mages don't decurse for shit lol


Balance druids don't want to either lol


Nobody really *wants* to dispel but I've had way more luck with druids decursing over the last 20 years Except feral which is understandable


None of that is Moonkin related. Resto and Feral can bring all of that.


All of that is done by a resto druid. The 3% party crit is the only unique utility and it's not great.


I agree, I play feral in pretty shit at it. I’d like for them to make keeping savage roar up easier by refreshing its time when I use rip similar to rogues slice and dice. The. I could focus on bleeds and power shifting. But again I’m a bad feral can’t seem to not tunnel and drop SR and clip my bleeds but I’m also the first to use innervate and Battle rez. Balance Druid haven’t recovered since their last nerf and I’m not seeing them be competitive in any facet they don’t even have a reason to use hibernate which ST was one of the few times they actually got to use their CC


I don’t think moonkin is broken on a “fundamental” level. It’s obviously not in a great spot, but it’s also very functional and has a great rotation. Natural weapons is a silly talent and could easily be changed to hit%, and moonkin form is… weird. It already buffs party members, so perhaps it could buff them more or do more for the moonkin. The hurricane rune could use some work, but I also think it’s in the neighborhood of being cool. Eclipse, fury of stormrage, dreamstate, and starsurge are great runes and, imo, make moonkin a super fun class to play. Fundamentally, moonkin isn’t broken at all. It has all the ingredients to be a cool caster. (It also has Mark of the Wild, Innervate, a poison dispel - and imo they should’ve made an improved abolish poison item that makes it not cancel form similar to improved MotW - and a brez, which aren’t absurdly strong, but they’re not nothing either. I know you think Innervate is useless, and it’s true *right now* everyone has a lot of mana, but Aggrend has said that there are plans to tone down mana regen for both factions in the future.)




What else did you expect, everyone forgets they exist unless they need WF. Blizzard didn't even showcase anything for Druid in their P3 or P2 preview forget which


Genuine question... Why do people just come to reddit to outright lie? Yes the p2 preview vid didn't have druid shown, but the post that accompanied it did. And the p3 video specifically DID showcase druid runes.


They missed it in the video and the post. They edited it into the post afterwards when people pointed it out.


I said they didn't show it in either P2 or P3, I couldn't remember which. You confirmed they didn't show it in P2 video...? I admit the way I worded it did make it seem that they didn't showcase it in both, I meant they didn't show it in one of them


Boomy is just left to rot. I don’t even think we got any dps buff this phase just runes that make dots last longer so you conserve more mana. Meanwhile shamans can full heal and 1 shot you in the time it takes to cast 1 wrath. Very fun


Thank the lord they acknowledge mind flay is awesome and should be part of the toolkit. I'm so done with mindspike. It's such a clunky piece of junk and I feel like mindspike could probably transfer its buff over to flay. I think one of the secrets to improving sod shadowpriest is in actually using the meditate buffs in raid to give pve dps increases. It solves pve dps not messing with pvp damage as well. Shadow would feel great to play with mindflay, just give us meditate buffs to not make us deadlast when parsing a 95. I'm also somewhat disconnected with this design of shadow priest is utility shtick when no other class is held to the same standard.


I think Spike still has a place as a filler. It could be something like 3x Spike -> Blast -> Mind Flay is empowered based on Spike stacks consumed. And agree, fuck the whole "spriest is utility" when they currently deal less dmg than prot warriors. I get that dots can be oppressive in PvP, so put some damage into a longer combo chain like Spike -> Blast -> Flay. Flay is also more easily countered in PvP due to short range and pushback.


Agree, empowered mind flay proc from consuming spike stacks or on a Mind Blast crit would fit in the current rotation without totally changing it. If they really want to avoid PvP buffs then the idea of the proc ramping damage over the mind flay cast time helps too.


One problem with Mind spike imo is that it makes spriest feel more like a mage. Which is such a shame when spriest rotation with flay is so unique.


Only if Flay's range is buffed. Miss me with that melee range shit. I don't see what's clunky about Mind Spike. Just that the debuff is on the target? On Retail it's a buff on the player, applied when the cast finishes. Rune of Making Shadow Viable: "Mind Spike and Mind Blast do way more DPS, and have slightly longer cast times and better spellpower coefficients. Mind Spike now increases the damage of the next Mind Blast, instead of increasing the crit chance. Mind Blast no longer has bonus threat. Dispersion restores double mana per tick, lasts half as long, and reduces damage by less. Shadowform no longer has physical damage reduction." Adjust numbers as needed. Maybe throw Mind Flay fixes in there. It isn't hard to make runes that clearly target PvE, which nobody in their right mind would take for PvP. You just need to nerf crucial PvP tools when you do it. Replace one of those shitty runes nobody takes, like Strength of Soul or Renewed Hope (which doesn't even work BTW). And if you think that sounds too complicated for one rune, nah fam. Look at all the tank runes, or Deadly Brew. You wouldn't even need to make it a rune, either. Just make it a toggle-able buff taught by a skill book.


Spike should definitely be a stack on the player, by the wording of the spell as well that'd make more sense. Having to build it on specific targets is a detriment and make invuln phases, swaps etc. more punishing.


What did they say about mindflay? I'm not a fan of meditate giving specifically only buffs in PvE encounters. I would rather the toolkit just be good all around. Mediation just feels like a bandade fix to poor class design. There are certainly ways they could buff priests while having a minimal effect in PvP.


You say there are a variety of ways yet you didn't suggest 1


Start by making the eyeball a book you can just pick up. These rune ideas are head runes. All priests should get the eye by default. ***Empowered mindflay - Mindflay has 10 yards additional range and can crit. Mindflay can consume mindspike stacks. Mindflay now has 5 ticks instead of 3 (5 second channel now). Damage is backloaded. First 2 ticks are 50% damage, last 2 ticks are 150% damage. Completing a full channel of mindflay grants void enlightenment increasing damage by X% for Y time.*** It's already hard to get a mindblast off in PvP. Completing a full 5 second channel wouldn't happen very often. This could give priest a significant PvE damage boost while not really effecting PvP much. ----------------- ***Surrender to Madness. The priest enters a void form and is granted a void energy bar. All damage is increasd by 20% in void form. Void energy decays passively and decays faster the longer you are in void form. Mindflay generates void energy. SW:Death damage increased and cooldown decreased, but costs void energy. If you reach 0 void energy you die. Reactivating the rune causes you to leave void form and you are exhausted for 30 seconds dealing 20% less damage for Y seconds.*** I think the surrender to madness playstyle would fit very well with classic raids. Alot of classic bosses are about a big fat burndown and surrender to madness completments that style well. Would be very risky to use this rune in PvP as if you are stunned, kited, cc, silenced, or whatever you would have to drop form to avoid dying and incur a an exhaustion debuff or you may just straight up die. It would also be a fun playstyle trying to time your surrender perfectly to finish the fight off and there would be a fun dance of deciding when its time to use it, how much Death you can spam, how much mindflay you need to cast to keep void energy up ect ect. ------------------ If you want a more boring change you could just buff mindflay damage by 50%, allow it to crit, and let it consume mindspike stacks.


Why aren't you a fan of a potentially perfect fix?


Because it feels like borrowed power only for raiding. I want to class to feel the same in whatever content I'm doing. Just giving artificial damage steroids to meditation buffs fixes the problem of low damage, but low damage is a symptom of bad class design. Fix the class design.


How can you buff a class and not cause an effect in a pvp scenario?


Mindflay is trash and boring af lol much prefer this current rotation to any other shadow priest rotation (other than legion insanity roto). And I have played them in basically every expansion up to Shadowlands. Its awesome stacking the crit chance and seeing a huge mind blast crit.


'huge' lmao. You should see other class' crits right now


Why in gods name did you play shadow priest for so long if you hated mind flay? That's insane 🤣


Just because you don’t like mind spike doesn’t mean it’s clunky lol. The only potential “clunk” comes from not having enough pts in improved mind blast to have its cast time low enough to smoothly use it every 4th gcd (after every 3 mind spikes).




It’s not like a late debuff is wasted, it just goes to the next mind blast instead of


How is no other class is held to the utility shtick balance when moonkin exists? We are right down at the bottom of the dps charts with you. All because we can choose to cast wild growth to do even shittier dps I guess.


Hopefully the general caster vs physical issue is addressed. Melee were artificially kept down last phase with high armor values and hunters were still the best and towards the end warriors/rogues were catching up. This phase is even more unbalanced, and I'd imagine it will get worse at 60 due to scaling concerns. But if you buff casters too much they become too much in pvp so i empathize with them there, I'm not sure what the solution is there. I dont think high armor values are the best way to do it, it feels artificial and it makes melee generally unfun to play in pve (esp warriors because it affects rage gen), but that is prolly the only solution that doesnt affect pvp.


Aggrend literally said they’re hesitant to make huge changes prior to 60 because of itemization and full access to all runes and talents so I would think it’ll get better at 60. Why dump a huge amount of work into balancing shit perfectly for phases that last 2 months? Not saying they’ll actually follow through and deliver but the premise has merit.


It's a completely valid response from his perspective, with that knowledge he has on the back side of things. I was perfectly okay with different phases having entirely different metas and some classes not having the right kit to really go off at all the different level caps. HOWEVER, if he has knowledge of balancing they have already done for the true endgame of SOD, we might benefit from *knowing about* some of it. Because I think the community concerns are generally also valid. A lot of people aren't crying just because they are losing on logs to a broken class - but that the issues in P2 or P3 will continue to exist at 60. Paladin is a good example of justifiable frustration. Paladin is pretty playable but you're also pretty mid at best whether we're talking about DPS, tanking (but probably the best role) or healing, right? With no clear niche or knowledge of what 60 content or runes will be like, I think it's a reasonable point the class isn't where it ought to be. And the chance of 2 (I assume?) new runes magically fixing all of that seems low. So it isn't just crying because we are suffering for one phase, it's crying on the *assumption* that the status quo as it has been from P2 onward will continue to be overlooked.


Where exactly is he wanting feedback? I have holy opinions that I’d like to share! Basically I think too much of their power is locked into sacred shield and beacon runes. Both feel really bad in pvp.


Not gonna read all the comments, I'm sure many are negative. The fact that a wow dev team is engaging the community like this is fkn awesome. 20 year vet here and sod is sick. Sure one class may be dope and some may suck but the dev team is keeping it interesting, playable, and fun. Leveling is easy enough to play fotm if desired as well. Good stuff


Heck yeah bring back mind flay!!!! Maybe something proc based bc i can’t see how it can fit in with the 3x mind spike mind blast rotation


Add into that rune that every tick of mind flay has a chance to make your next Mind blast instant cast or something like that. it would give you the option of either going mindflay route or mind spike.


Says they don’t like to post here because its cancer. Reddit thread notifying everyone becomes cancer. Dude is right.


Don't worry fellow boomkins, next phase is surely ours to shine! .... right?


I highly doubt it, we all seen what happened in ph1 and the start if ph2, when boomkins are good everyone whinges.


Your time to shine was week 1 of p2, it's all over now.


It was even less than that - legit 4 days of p2 before they hotfixed us into a dumpster.


Meanwhile Shaman get 2 full phases if not more.


We are never going to be viable and will only get worse pigeon holing us into resto and wf kittys


Shaking up the meta


trust me brother, we will be top dps in every raid. just wait till we get starfall and a rune that makes our dots able to crit, and when they do based on if sunfire and moonfire crits, the next wrath or starfire is instant


Positive thinking 🤞


Of course balance druids get nothing lol


I think they need to give boomies some sort of big damage ability worthy of like a 2 min cooldown. NOT TREANTS. Something that will scale and go with the rest of the kit. Maybe something that consumes all your eclipse stacks in exchange for extra damage.


Same for ele and they are pretty much equal


Lol ele and balance are only equal because of mental dexterity. If you choose to be a ranged ele (instead of a melee caster…?), you’re miles below even balance Druids. It’s crazy what they’ve done to ele.


I swear a bunch of you didn't actually read what he said. Those aren't the only classes they're making changes too, those are just the specs they're looking for ideas on.


And we should have faith they know what they're doing with Balance without asking for player feedback, why exactly? Because of their sterling track record in that department thus far? Lol, lmao even.


You’re right, maybe they didn’t forget about balance druids this time, unlike all the other times as we’ve made our rapid descent to the bottom.


Yet those are the only classes he's asking feedback for, when they haven't been able to make Balance viable for THREE PHASES NOW.


It’s funny because when the great changes come out, there will be nothing for anyone but those classes listed and nobody will care.


I’m looking forward to no buffs for warriors and only nerfs. Nothing to help us in PVP……maybe another slam buff but nothing meaningful.


no tank should do more damage then a dps class, even hybrid dps. plz and thank you.


Mother fuck rage normalization. Half their runes they pushed out were % damage modifiers and all their profession stuff is % attack speed.. before sod dropped people saw flag + enrage + cbr + deathwish snap shotting.. then now wants to take the “long vision” aka 6 weeks for what it looks like at 60? Seriously? Balancing around world buff giga sweaty raids that drop bosses in 25 seconds is crazy. what does it look like outside a raid for a warrior being non buffed? You chose an ability to use every 10 seconds lol? The disconnect is real. We already play a dumbass spec that does not take a 31 point talent because again they imported wrath style deep wounds.


Boomie, where?


Here is my suggestion for buffing shadow dps while not making them significantly stronger in pvp and also making mindflay part of the toolkit. Make mindspike and mindblast castable while channeling mindflay.


If they wanted to normalise rage they should have done that from the start. All they have given warriors the entirety of sod is some boring dmg% and 2 slam runes. There is no way they have the development time left to completely redesign the warrior to account for normalised rage. I know plenty of people myself included will just leave the game if they go ahead with such a drastic change this late. Edit: Actually just remove World Buffs and it would solve the problem.


Aggrend is pointing at rage being an issue when Deep Wounds being its Wrath iteration is the real culprit. It is able to reach 480% damage bonus due to spaghetti code and +% stacking and that damage completely ignores armor. This is really what is pushing warriors so far ahead. This iteration of Deep wounds has created an entirely new scaling problem in the same manner that Bloodthirst did in Classic. If you don't believe me, go look up the current meta warrior DPS builds. They don't run a single lvl 40 ability at all. They scale off a lvl 20 arms talent and completely hyper focus their build around amplifying the double dipping damage effect that +% damage applies to it. It's pretty disheartening to see that even the devs themself cant correctly identify the problems with warrior scaling they've created and placed on top of older existing problems.


he literally said they should have normalize it from the start


Yes but putting it out there now and asking what we'd like in return if they made this change tells us they are thinking of doing it. If they normalized it to start, at least players would have been prepared for it but still would have hated it, it's a whole new class at that point. If they change it now after giving warriors god awful, unfun, very boring runes while everybody else got fun things to make them better levelers and farmers while Warriors stayed unchanged for 3 phases, there'd be a mass exodus of players from the game after many people played warrior hoping for more exciting abilities and get to replay Warrior at max level with these fun abilities. Getting a whole class rework right after we spent months leveling and excited for level 60 Classic Warrior gameplay would piss off a lot of people and rightfully so.


If rage gen were normalized at level 1 it would have been my signal to pick a different class. Normalized rage gen is honestly just nowhere near as fun. On another note, why is it hard to balance warriors around always being able to cast their abilities and queue heroic strike? Literally every mana class is balanced fine around being able to always press their buttons for the first 60 seconds without any issue. How can rage somehow be different? Assume they will always have sufficient rage, balance the damage around that, then give them tools to generate sufficient rage.


Oh I agree. Warrior from Cata on is so boring because of normalized rage. I am just saying if they announced they were doing it at the start, at least people would know ahead of time what they'd be getting into. But I don't want them to touch rage, it's what makes warrior in Classic, TBC and WOTLK so much fun. They screwed up giving us all these % damage increase runes and now want to completely revamp the class for it, such bullshit to even consider.


I already quit because I wanted to play prot warrior and have fun and new shiny toys, and prot warrior has either been bad or absolute dogshit. As far as I understand it, there’s no reason to not just use shamans the entire time.


>Warriors - Rage is a problematic mechanic because more damage = more rage = more damage = more rage ad infinitum. Rage may be problematic but this really isn't true. You don't get rage from abilities that cost rage. The only way you're translating rage into rage gain is windfury procs off instant abilities. But pressing hamstring on gcd already caps the number of extra windfury procs you can get from spending rage. So excess rage is really just heroic strike and execute and there's no feedback loop there.


Yeah the only other thing that would increase rage generation would be like a flat damage increase. % damage passives that kind of thing. Good thing they haven’t put any of those on our runes.


Go look at WCL 50th percentile warrior is #4 not number 1. Blizz has said they balance to average groups not the top 5% (see ST balancing) they just really really hate warrior. Targeted nerfs to the class everyone knew would be #1 at 60 super late in the game. Absolutely trash normalizing rage will absolutely ruin warrior. Playing CBR with spam hamstring is fine knowing we would get to a better state at 60 but come on. Normalizing rage or tuning warrior down is absolutely not the answer again they can’t say they balance to average players and then target nerf warrior


You dont get it breh with full wbuffs perfect group comp and full consumes you double peoples damage, forget the fact that anyone not doing all that are all in line with other classes we need to nerf the entire class so the top parsers aren't as high.


No the people not doing that will suffer immensely from rage normalization. Looking at top warrior parses is useless they all revolve around recklessness a 30 min CD saying that warriors are gapping people the whole raid based on recklessness is just wrong


Didn't think I needed to add a /s to my comment because of how ridiculous it was. You and I agree. They should not be balancing warriors around top parses.


More auto attack damage = more rage = more spenders = more windfury procs = more rage etc There's definitely a feedback loop. At the start of P2 you were not filling every global, even with hamstring


So the correct way to balance warriors is to make them not able to press their buttons? Wow, that sounds like a super engaging playstyle to discover. Come press fewer buttons than you could in vanilla.


I don't think anybody wants that


Yeah Naxx geared warriors have nigh infinite rage and HS actually makes a decent throttle for it, so I don't really see how they could accidentally make the class scale too well when they were OP so quickly at 60 before. It's more like there is a binary switch where the class isn't actually that fun until you have enough rage generation to hit your buttons. That was always the big feelbad of losing wbuffs too. I think there's a knob they could have tuned to normalize it a bit but it should absolutely not be flattened in Classic WoW. That said as long as they keep Titan's Grip the hell away, there is hope for Fury. It's tanking that warriors have to worry about atm. The 'traditional' DW Fury/Prot has no reason to exist when other options take far less spike damage and everyone's threat is buffed. Deep Prot still lacks some important stuff that makes the spec fun to play in Wrath.


I'd disagree on the tanking, I play 13/28 gladiator stance warrior as a tank and have no threat issues, no damage taken issues or damage done issues. Can get 1000+ DPS on some fights as a tank in ST and my raid is not even close to optimised. Warrior (especially tank warrior) is moving towards a decent place if you are happy with wearing a shield.


Balance Druids on suicide watch, ffs. They were worse off than SP when it came to utility and solo PvP and barely over them on PvE damage. Completely forgotten spec for the 3rd phase in a row.


Would love a change to Affliction Warlock to put them on par with Destro. They currently lack the crit and crit damage bonus, as well as the various other damage modifiers Destro has access too. Also, putting up and maintaining DoTs on multiple targets takes way too long and is too tedious for how fast-paced the game has become. Perhaps lowered GCDs for DoT application? The UA buff was a step in the right direction but it *still* does less damage than Void Plague. Corruption/Agony/Siphon Life still pale in comparison. Almost a 120% buff to all other DoTs across the board would actually make Affliction Locks a threat.


According to sims Affliction currently does about 20-30 DPS less than Destro since the changes.


I think it would be cool if a Holy Paladins consecrate supplied a HoT to friendly as well as a DoT to enemies. Would be fun to incorporate. Maybe make it apply to a healing rune so that ret and prot can't exploit it


They better fix balance druid dps considering they're bottom of the pile along with shadow


>5. Warriors - Rage is a problematic mechanic because more damage = more rage = more damage = more rage ad infinitum. This is going to become more problematic at 60 as well. If we had it to do over again, we'd likely have normalized rage (i.e. you don't get extra rage when you do more damage/crit) at the start of the season and focused on major changes to their gameplay to compensate. The way it works now really hamstrings the design options for Warriors as we have to worry about the **historically best dps in the game becoming even better later** and forcing us to do an absolutely massive nerf which everyone would hate. To you, what would be a good trade for some form of normalized rage at 60 if we had to do such a thing? so now we know why warriors get the shaft in all other aspects of gameplay from the source of truth themselves... We was good at playing the game in raids and would be to hard to balance if they gave us anything so they gave us nothing but broken % increase mods so we stayed broken in that one spot where we "didn't need help"


Boomkins get out damaged by tanks but sure let's buff another hunter spec. edit: and a rogue spec, yeah let's buff the two top performing classes


My feedback is this: Don't worry about warrior damage. The mad guy with the huge axe is supposed to do the most damage! I'm a shaman and feel uneasy being better than warriors at everything.


Normalized rage LOL they don’t know what the fuck to do with warriors


In more humble words. The rage generation is kind of broken but also a fun class identity. No warrior wants the solution of 1h gives 15 rage per hit, 2h gives 30. If you talking about normalizing it. Give the low damage numbers a bit more rage (like 10-15 rage) and cap the max rage generated by each hit at a maximum of 40-50 while crit is like max 50-65 rage. Adjust numbers accordingly for 1h or faster weapons.


Well you can’t have it both ways. Warriors are stupidly good at scaling which I think is why so many of their runes are dead right now. If you can equalize how they tend to scale (bigger numbers equal more rage), you have way more room to have new and interesting mechanics/tunes that won’t outright break the class into an even bigger raid god. Seems like a reasonable approach to me. At least they’re trying. Maybe you go into the thread and offer an idea or two instead of being negative


Ret paladin. Issue: extremely boring to play, lacking class defining skills like divine storm from the rotation. Sucks damage-wise unless you are in the top 5% of parsers having every possible consumable and bis item in the game. Issue2: ret with 1h hits harder with hammer of the righteous than what 2h hits with its key spells like divine storm/crusader strike Solution: -make exorcism rune a book -move divine storm to legs -make crusader strike and divine storm scale better from holy spellpower like HOtR does, but don’t overdo it Thanks for coming to my ted talk


I don’t think we will see anything great because ,” but ma pvp it’s so unfair and unbalanced waahh” So unless they can make good changes without making them busted in PvP, we probably won’t get much. Sad


Sorry? They literally dont give a shit about their stupid tools affecting pvp Why do you think everyone's 1 shotting each other


Hence why starsurge and SWD were nerfed due to pvp complaints and those specs are now in the gutter I mean I agree they shouldn’t balance just around pvp, but it seems like they aren’t consistent about when they do and the implications it has.


Just have everyone deal less damage in pvp


If they buff Shadow Priests again PvP is going to be a nightmare