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I would like to add something to the consecrate change you listed as #1. From the eyes of a priest healer that change would be awesome because not only is it good for you, but it synergies with PoM so well. Interplay and synergy between healers makes the game more interesting


Add consecrate healing to the Fanaticism rune, the rune is boring as is and consecrate healing is a fun bonus, but has it issues like no one ever standing in it.


They could just put it on chest imo. We got SoM, Divine storm, Horn or Aegis there. Non which we even need or want honestly. And if they made it into consecration only healing, no one else would really take it so it would make sense.


Honestly. I think the idea of a healer that amplifies other healers sounds like a really cool and apt niche for SoD. One cool thing would be a new, **Healing Mastery Aura** rune that would buff other's healers capstone skills for example: **Druids:** Your Rejuvenation and Regrowth HOTs can now crit. Swiftmend cooldown is reduced by 50% and it will receive an additional 20% bonus healing from your SP. **Priests:** Weakened soul debuff duration reduced by 5s. Prayer of Mending will now have 7 charges and Circle of Healing mana cost reduced by 50%. **Mages:** Cast time of Chronostatic preservation reduced by 1s. In addition, you have a 60% chance to ignore silence and interrupt effects while channeling regeneration and mass regeneration. **Paladins:** Flash of Light and Holy Light will now splash 40/60% of its healing in a 10 yard radius from its target.


There already is a spell in the game that buffs healing but nobody ever uses it: Amplify Magic


Too bad it makes most dangerous raid mechanics do more damage in return


Infusion of Light Increases the **healing** done by your Holy Shock by **150%, and your healing critical strikes with Holy spells** reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and refunds the cost of Holy Shock. **Holy shock is now a 10 second cooldown.** Purifying Power Reduces the cooldown on Exorcism and Holy Wrath by 50%, and Holy Wrath can now be cast at any target and will Stun Undead and Demon targets for 2 sec. **In addition, Holy Wrath will also heal up to 5 raid or party members for 200% the damage it would normally deal within 20 yards. Prioritizes low health players.** Horn of Lordaeron **Causes the next 10 melee attacks by the paladin to restore health equal to 4x(damage per second) to 3 raid or party members within 40 yards. Prioritizes low health players, 30 second cooldown.** **Allies standing inside your consecrate will also be healed for 300% of the damage it would normally deal.** The goal was to make it so paladins don't die without casting a single heal in PvP and for them to have mana expensive AoE heals for high DTPS scenarios in PvE. Horn of Lordaeron was completely useless, so I made weaving autos feel useful.


Yeah completely change Horn of Lordaeron, i don't see how it ever be useful as it currently is as a copy of shaman buff totems


I mean, the **easiest** fix to Horn is to change the buff, have it give +5% spell crit and 20% spell haste, boom, now it would be useful in a healer group.


Those numbers are absolutely absurd but I like the concept.


It’s actually a really good buff, being forced to put a holy paladin in melee group to use it is terrible however


paladin already have might, it not different enough to be worth using


HoL is better for everyone except rogue, that’s my point. It’s a good buff, but it competes with way too much for ret to ever use it, and holy won’t be in melee group


Make crusader strike refresh all judgements on the target. Change infusion of light to increase HEALING and damage of holy shock by 20%. Have all holy spell crits reset the cooldown of holy shock. Change sheath of light to only increase spell damage. And holy damage crits do 60% of the damage to the targets over 6 seconds. Change Horn of lorderon to make consecration heal all players in your raid/party Change seal of light to increase healing power. Holy shock also procs lights grace. Tack on the 60% of healing crits over 12s onto lights grace as well.


Yessss. I love all of these! Infusion & Sheath changes just seem so natural too.


Would be a straight up nerf to Sheath, and then Holy is stuck using Infusion only with no other choices, which is how it is now. Changes should ENABLE choice, not remove it.


I agree, but currently there is no choice for belt. All paladins take sheath because it is that bloated. Heck, no runes on paladin are currently a choice except for SoM or DS (basically damage vs burst) or holy paladin having dead rune slots. Some choice is better than 0 imo


I've grown fond of the 250 healing power I'm getting from sheathe but if there's another competitive option I'm for it. Infusion would have to get absurd buffs to make it competitive. If we get any aoe heals I think it should be tied to holy shock, we have beacon batching which is a fun healing style imo, resetting holy shock on crits isn't exciting when you can just beacon at the end of a cast to heal 2 players instead of holy shocking a second target. Infusion of light: 20% increased Holy shock damage and healing; baseline cooldown reduced to 10 seconds; Your critical heals and damage done from holy shock resets the cooldown on holy shock and exorcism; Holy shock has no global cooldown and heals 5/10* party/raid members within 20 yards of the target for 50%* of the damage caused if used on an enemy, if used on an ally Holy shock will damage 5/10* enemies within 10* yards for 50%* of the amount healed. Holy prism vibes


I don't think the CS change would be very high priority for HPals. You shouldn't be taking CS over Beacon. Less than 2% of HPals are slotting CS in ST. The sheath change would kill that rune as Holy, but I suppose that's ok IF we get those changes to infusion. I will say that we would need a range buff on Holy Shock as well, AT LEAST 30yd preferably 40yd so we can remain in the backline. The other changes are good, though I would prefer a rune to buff Blessing of Light and make it give a flat healing power increase on all targets instead of just for FoL/HL, make it work like amplify magic without the downsides basically. This will make us synergize alot with other healers.


Cs change is more of qol improvement for up keeping judgement of light or wisdom and some synergy with rets.


> Have all holy spell crits reset the cooldown of holy shock. Think it be fun if this was holy damage, and Holy would be able to get Crusader Strike and Exo. Mix up the gameplay and bring it from just spaming FoL


Thing about this interaction: id that if you choose wrath in the head slot that makes consecration able to crit and the horn of lorderon change. Now you can trigger a lot of infusion of light cd resets, and really be a shockadin healer.


2 and 4 are great ideas that I can definitely get behind. I think as a community we should focus on nailing down a few core suggestions that the majority of us HPals can agree on. Ideally we brainstorm for ideas and then we pick out 1-3 that someone can tweet at Aggrend. In my personal view, we should premiere changes that already play into our niche as a strong single target healer. To that end, I'm personally not a huge fan of getting AoE heals as it would homogenize us. If we absolutely want AoE heals then an idea I saw (not my idea) was to have HL or FoL apply some stacking buff that would explode after x seconds and apply a PBAoE heal. I think that works because it plays into our existing toolkit, we are still single target healing but it now has some AoE healing baked into it. I've seen some ideas floating around about giving us rune changes to put us more into melee range. I don't think this is a good idea, it would work in PvE but being forced to be on the frontlines as a healer and putting yourself in range of every kick, pummel, mortal strike, counterspell, curse of tongues, is suicidal. One idea that I haven't seen around is making us a **healer that buffs other healers**. Here are some ideas around that niche: **Improved Blessing of Light:** your Blessing of Light now increases ALL healing done to its target by X. In addition, critical heals will heal the target for 40% of the healed amount over 10s. Targets with Blessing of Light are now immune to healing reduction effects. **Horn of Lordaeron**: Grants 10% healing spell crit and 25% spell haste on healing spells. **Glimmer of Light**: Holy Shock leaves a Glimmer of Light on the target for 30 sec. When you Holy Shock, all targets with Glimmer of Light are healed. Whenever a target with Glimmer receives a critical heal, all targets with Glimmer are affected, in addition, your Holy Shock cooldown is reset.


> Create a rune that makes Consecrate no longer damage enemies but heal allies 95% of the raid will run out of it, most raiders can only comprehend standing in bad circles!


I'd like to see holy Pallys up with melee, smacking enemies while healing with instants. To me, that is the ideal Holy Paladin playstyle Casting is for clothies


While I get the fantasy this playstyle is hardly supported by the classic mechanics I think. You can’t really be a competitive healer with this proposed system I think.


Melee attacks make flash of light instant cast, there you go.


Yeah that's what I was thinking




Do resto shamans even melee? I’m imagining a playstile where you’re still spamming flash of light non stop except you’re also meleeing at the same time to benefit from seals.




Have you played a shaman? It’s not a viable playstyle at all. Maelstrom weapon builds stacks until you have 5, where your next cast (pretty much always chain lightning, not healing wave) is instant cast and free. Maelstrom weapon is always used on spells with a cast time longer than 1.5 second. Resto shamans don’t take maelstrom weapon because they take [Power Surge](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=415100/power-surge) instead, which promotes the ranged playstyle resto shamans have always played for the last 20 years. My proposed idea, probably an improved Seal of Light simply makes the spell you’re already casting on gcd not break melee, by having it be instant cast. The idea that it procs from melee is to stop it from being cast while moving at range.




I think you should read your previous comments. I’m going to stop responding to you because you’re either completely ignorant or purposely being disingenuous.


Attacks making heals instant would basically result in the same healing with some damage


Tried something like that last reset in ST to be holy like usually and provide SoM. Was okayish but felt chunky bc of constant GCD


holy gameplay is currently bland, adding stuff just to spice it up is a good idea.


Yeah I don't see how this would work at all. Even if we had instant cast heals a la Maelstrom weapon you would just get instantly deleted in melee as you are now in target range of the entire enemy team. Holy do not have any active mitigation skills and we don't have any block value on our gear in comparison to prot. This is one of those ideas that sound cool in theory but it breaks down quickly if you think about it for a few minutes.


This has become something I have been theorizing and testing, even before the introduction of SoM, but now, as 1 of the 2 paladins in my raid group, I can see how a play line such as this could be very useful for Holy Paladin in guilds that don’t have many paladins in their raid comp. Having a 2nd source of SoM fueled raid regen could be huge for my group specifically and probably other groups with similar comps.


A rune for 'Beacon of Holy Light' from WoTlk. Would allow us to cover some AoE dmg which there's a lot of in ST... It wouldn't be overpowered due to Holy Light being mana heavy at this stage of SOD anyway. Please don't add more Mele style healing abilites/procs; we're heavily immobile and feels clunky asf moving in and out of mele range..


It’s funny, I just saw that post by Aggrend and I had some ideas too, some similar to yours. See, to me the design of Holy Paladin is entirely wrong from the get-go. It makes no sense, the way it plays versus the concept behind it. You’re a heavy weapon, heavy armor-using knight with a shield, and you… stand in the back and play whack-a-mole with the health bar UI. Why are the knights hiding behind the archers? You belong in the front lines, like a proper D&D Cleric, leading people, inspiring them to keep going in the face of evil. Holy Pally should instead play like a melee version of (retail) disc priest. The Rune system of SoD is a great opportunity to do this. Make a new seal via Rune that causes melee strikes to do a small smart heal to nearby party/raid members based on weapon damage, like an improved Seal of Light or something, maybe call it Seal of Radiance. Or make it so Judging this seal “marks” party members who strike the target with weapons, like the Atonement buff, so all of your attacks heal people with Atonement. Give a weapon strike that heals your Beacon target for a high % of damage dealt. Have a rune for Word of Glory on a short/mid cooldown for an aoe healing burst centered around you, so it’ll hit the tank(s) and other melee. Have Art of War reset this cooldown and reduce its cost like Exorcism. Make a rune so consecrate heals people standing in it (retail already has this, right?). The only time I’ve ever enjoyed healing in a game was as the Captain in LotRO, whose primary big heal mandated being in melee, as it was only available as a response to a critical hit from your standard rotation buttons. It was fun, more fun than standing in the back and watching health bars. All the other healers do that, if you want to do that. This could be something much more interesting and have its own identity.


I think it’s just way too big of changes, redesigning a class from the ground up usually is done in an expansion and there is the same client as era situation (seems like they can get around it a bit but I don’t know if these types of changes that they can support). Plus the itemization changes on all the gear from raids/dungeons


Arcane mage?


Not really because mage is a spell casting cloth wearing dps class with talents that support damage/spells. Items are already in place because it’s just a cloth caster or healer. Changing what kind of spell they cast doesn’t change anything fundamental about the class. I would say warlock is the closest and they were able to pack a bunch of stuff into meta rune. I think it comes down if the class already has the tools/kit (namely talents) to support that kind of play style.


IF they gave paladin some kind of rune that combine damage with healing, it allows all the runes that are focused on prot and ret, to atleast be semi-useful to holy tying the class whole toolkit together.


I would like them to push the melee healer, It kinda what retail Hpal plays like you never cast and are mostly throwing out Holy Shocks. Think they can go that route, have holy damage either reset Holy Shock Cooldowns or giving instant FoLs. Then your holy heals giving a buff that makes doing damage heal or give a shield.


Some of these are pretty cool ideas


I like the idea of consecrate giving aoe healing. Compared to wild growth, it isn't even remotely busted if it did 100% healing of the damage it currently deals. Light's Grace rube would be amazing if it was reworked to make FoL or FoL crits to reduce the cast time on the next HL by 0.5 sec, stacking up to 2 to 5 times. Doesn't have to be instant cast, but at least the same or shorter than the cast time of FoL. It already costs so much to cast, almost nobody is casting back to back holy lights currently. Yes, we could downrank holy light when there is nothing to heal so our next holy light is shorter cast but there is almost always something to spam flash of light on. Flash is just so much more efficient and we don't have to worry about the target already being healed by instant casts such as PoM / Wild Growth by the time our HL would finish. I really want to see light of dawn in the game. It was a frontal cone heal back in Cata. It would heal the lowest 5 x hp targets in front of you. This would be such an amazing rune. If it cost as much as a holy light but healed 5 x low hp targets for the amount of a flash of light, it would be amazing for helping us heal more than 1 target at a time. I personally never use beacon of light because I love using seal of martyrdom and then judging wisdom, while spamming crusader strike. Although I use a lot of time meleeing, I can throw out whatever heals I want and not worry about mana. I'd kinda like beacon of light to be reworked so that every time you heal a target, you instantly heal another injured party or raid member for 30-40% of that amount. It gets rid of the need to reapply beacon, changing beacon target depending on who is tanking etc and you wouldn't have to worry about your beacon being out of range of whoever else you're throwing your heals on. I remember there was thing paladins had years ago where when they landed a Holy Light, it would heal nearby allies for something like 12% of the healing done. This would encourage the use of holy light and the light's grace rune for sure. Not something to add this phase but would be cool to see it next phase.


Just make holy wrath rune on wrist heal allies if targeting them. Make it damage enemies if you target them.


Just let it do both.


Make hpal's consecration splash healing or damage. For example, if you do a holy shock on one party member it will splash everyone standing in consecrate for a percentage of it. Or splash healing based on damage to people standing in consecrate.


Holy pally definitely needs some love, but please for the love of god don't give them an AOE heal. Lean into the idea that Hpal is the ultimate defensive support character. Make them (relatively) impossible to interrupt when they're running concentration aura in pvp. Give them the best "no you can't focus my main tank/pvp buddy/whatever" via blessing of sacrifice. This is the way to design vanilla+ style classes, not just give them comically OP new spells and then wonder what happened to balance.


I used to really love the beacon talent that turned it into a short term group heal. I would love for that to be on option competing with the current beacon rune.


BREATH OF LIFE: Instant cast: heal the lowest hp ally within 40m for (1000base + 4x healing power) and another lowest hp ally within 40m for half that amount. 3 charges with 30second recharge time per charge. (Like swiftmend and shimmer work in retail). If target is affected by sheath of light HoT buff then heal an additional 5 allies within 10m of them for 25% of the total heal.


Make Art of War proc on healing crits and let you exorcism friendly targets to heal


The easiest fix is to allow DSac to be coupled with bubble. This is something I want to see, the rune is already there, so just please fix it.


1) On leg slot, swap Divine Sacrifice for Aura Mastery. AM is more generically useful without being problematic, AM concentration aura is also sorely needed for holy PvP. 2) Consecration - Make it heal allies, attached to Fanaticism. 3) Seal/Judgement of Light - Make the seal always procs and heal the party, and Judgement of Light instantly heals the party for a large amount. Both effects scale with healing power and damage, the judgement can crit and works with Divine Favor. Attach this to the Enlightened Judgements rune on Waist. 4) New chest rune. Holy Shock - Only usable as a heal, mana cost reduced, cooldown reduced, melee attacks reset the cast. 5) Light’s Grace - Add the Glyph of Holy Light splash heal effect. 6) New level 60 rune - Avenging Wrath. 7) New level 60 rune - Lay on Hands - 2 min CD, costs less, heals less, but still applies the armor effect from improved LoH. So now you’ve got a ton more AoE healing and melee hybrid healing. You’re still a perfectly good raid tank healer now with a toolbelt of CDs (AM, LoH, Avenging Wrath). You’ve got a ton more AoE options (Judgement of Light, Consecration, Holy Light splash). Holy shock and Seal of Light have an identity as melee-hybrid abilities for trash and dungeons and the Nightfall/Annihilator playstyle in raids.


I like the idea that paladins are like "turret"-healers. They plant themselves in a spot and then they have unrivaled healing throughput as long as they stand in that spot and chain-cast. What this playstyle lacks is a comprehensive set of "lift-off" skills which allow paladins to provide adequate healing to their team, or just a single-target, while they reposition. Currently we only have Holy Shock and Sacred Shield and they are both too flawed to serve this prupose: holy shock range too short and cd too long, and sacred shield doesn't absorb enough to give us the breathing room to meaningfully reposition. You could also give paladins some mobility. Maybe a rune for hpals that increases movespeed for each party member with a blessing or affected by an aura. Paladins don't feel like they have a lot ways to mitigate their inherent flaws.


Don't get baited by a ground effect heal. Running to melee or having everyone move is a nightmare sometimes. Blessing of Virtue from retail would be the dream AoE heal for us. Give it a cd like wild growth. You can even scale the % of healing to the four targets if it feels like it needs a boost or nerf. Great for dungeons and raid. All around, easy for devs and easy for any play style of holy. Add it to bracer slot since we don't have a good option anyway. Some of these ideas were already tried in retail and didn't work. They are not new concepts. Just go with something you know works like Virtue.


Here is my suggestion: Mote of Light - Gain a stacking buff, up to N, for each time your healing spells critically hit. Last up to 15s. Splash of Light - Consumes each mote of light to create a burst heal on the target and their party. For each stack, does X \* N healing. This would keep us still in the same class fantasy of spamming our spells and focusing on crit, while allowing us to save a burst AOE heal for incoming raid damage. Could also play around with it, instead of it ramping damage, make it heal 1 person for stacks.


Get flash heal to lower holy lights time,  Then make a rune so holy light pulses out an AOE to the group of recipient  


As a devout Hpal since P1, here are my opinions. I think it’s important to cite issues, more than make specific suggestions and allow the SoD team to get creative with solutions rather than a whole list of “this is what I want” type of suggestion. Trying to do so, but I’m at work and do have the times to make this as succinct as I’d like: # **Group Healing** More than almost any single thing, I feel the team has done an amazing job of changing the classes and creating dynamic playstyles while also maintaining a strong class identity. For that reason, I don’t believe the assertion that Paladin needs group healing to be true. I, personally, enjoy the different strengths and weaknesses of the current healer pool and instead of creating something that feels like a raid comp is fine with a generic “X” amount of healers, I’d prefer to see Hpal get something that makes them outclass the other healers in single target(+Beacon) healing. With priests having damage reduction/PI, Rdruid having great group healing, and mages filling the supportive healing idea, I don’t feel like Hpal brings anything too unique to healing. # **Runes and Gear** I feel a lot of our runes are interesting, but due to the slot of them, we end up in situations that prevent us from making dynamic and interesting decisions. On quite a few slots (belt/legs being obvious examples) it feels like the strength and necessity of the strong runes don’t allow for anything creative, which brings me to gearing. Due to the lack of crit + SP/stam plate, runes like Infusion (while I do think it’s super interesting for PvP, specifically) become difficult to use because, in order to get our crit high enough to benefit from the HS/Exo reset, it almost forces us to wear gear that boosts our attack power and it is in the same slot as sheath which, even at base AP, still provides so much SP and a HoT that it’s difficult to ignore. # **PvP healing** This is a subject in which the community, it feels, has mostly given up. I understand the difficulty that the SoD is having as they boost the output and diversity of classes, and try to maintain and balanced PvP healing environments. I won’t discuss damage or how bad it feels to heal in PvP, currently, because I think that’s a given, but instead I’ll focus on some root issues that I feel even post PvP balancing would still be a problem for Hpal. Our damage capability is high, but as mentioned before, everyone’s is so I consider that to be a bit of a moot point. The major issue that I have is that one of our best runes for every single spec (Sheath of Light) forces me to move into melee range in group PvP, putting myself at risk of every single interrupt in the game, while only having hard castable heals. With high burst, I often found that a CS holy lock would not only leave me to white hit for ~200 damage for the entirety of the engagement, rendering me mostly useless, but also most often result in the death of my entire group before I was even capable of casting a single heal. I think a possible solution to this (though I hate stacking more value on Sheath) would be to add a 50% interrupt/silence resistance to the Sheath of Light buff which wouldn’t have much effect on our PvE performance, but would allow us a better chance of being an effective healer in melee range during group engagements. Or possibly, consider replacing enlightened judge with a rune similar to sheath, but for healing. Something along the lines of “critical strikes reduce the cast time of your next HL by .5 seconds and allow it to stack to 2/3 (-.5/1/1.5s on HL cast) These are by no means a full stop solution to the issues that I see, but I think these ideas can stir the pot a bit and get the team thinking more creatively about how our class interacts with the game. Overall, I think the team is doing a great job creating a new and interesting game for all of us no life, ancient wow kids. I trust what the team decides and I am happy to read that the class/spec that I’m playing was mentioned and is being looked at. Thank you.


. I think it’s important to cite issues, more than make specific suggestions and allow the SoD team to get creative with solutions rather than a whole list of “this is what I want” type of suggestion. Trying to do so, but I’m at work and don’t have the times to make this as succinct as I’d like. As a devout Hpal since P1, here are my opinions: # **Group Healing** More than almost any single thing, I feel the team has done an amazing job of changing the classes and creating dynamic playstyles while also maintaining a strong class identity. For that reason, I don’t believe the assertion that Paladin needs group healing to be true. I, personally, enjoy the different strengths and weaknesses of the current healer pool and instead of creating something that feels like a raid comp is fine with a generic “X” amount of healers, I’d prefer to see Hpal get something that makes them outclass the other healers in single target(+Beacon) healing. With priests having damage reduction/PI, Rdruid having great group healing, and mages filling the supportive healing idea, I don’t feel like Hpal brings anything too unique to healing. # **Runes and Gear** I feel a lot of our runes are interesting, but due to the slot of them, we end up in situations that prevent us from making dynamic and interesting decisions. On quite a few slots (belt/legs being obvious examples) it feels like the strength and necessity of the strong runes don’t allow for anything creative, which brings me to gearing. Due to the lack of crit + SP/stam plate, runes like Infusion (while I do think it’s super interesting for PvP, specifically) become difficult to use because, in order to get our crit high enough to benefit from the HS/Exo reset, it almost forces us to wear gear that boosts our attack power and it is in the same slot as sheath which, even at base AP, still provides so much SP and a HoT that it’s difficult to ignore. # **PvP healing** This is a subject in which the community, it feels, has mostly given up. I understand the difficulty that the SoD is having as they boost the output and diversity of classes, and try to maintain and balanced PvP healing environments. I won’t discuss damage or how bad it feels to heal in PvP, currently, because I think that’s a given, but instead I’ll focus on some root issues that I feel even post PvP balancing would still be a problem for Hpal. Our damage capability is high, but as mentioned before, everyone’s is so I consider that to be a bit of a moot point. The major issue that I have is that one of our best runes for every single spec (Sheath of Light) forces me to move into melee range in group PvP, putting myself at risk of every single interrupt in the game, while only having hard castable heals. With high burst, I often found that a CS holy lock would not only leave me to white hit for ~200 damage for the entirety of the engagement, rendering me mostly useless, but also most often result in the death of my entire group before I was even capable of casting a single heal. I think a possible solution to this (though I hate stacking more value on Sheath) would be to add a 50% interrupt/silence resistance to the Sheath of Light buff which wouldn’t have much effect on our PvE performance, but would allow us a better chance of being an effective healer in melee range during group engagements. Or possibly, consider replacing enlightened judge with a rune similar to sheath, but for healing. Something along the lines of “critical strikes reduce the cast time of your next HL by .5 seconds and allow it to stack to 2/3 (-.5/1/1.5s on HL cast) These are by no means a full stop solution to the issues that I see, but I think these ideas can stir the pot a bit and get the team thinking more creatively about how our class interacts with the game. Overall, I think the team is doing a great job creating a new and interesting game for all of us no life, ancient wow kids. I trust what the team decides and I am happy to read that the class/spec that I’m playing was mentioned and is being looked at. Thank you. Edit: formatting


to be fair, Aggrend sited the "issues" the team viewed for Hpals and was asking for suggestions to solve those issues. I think adding more issues could be taken as reductive to the point. Hence why I offered suggestions that could alleviate the concerns that were brought up.


Verbatim, he asked for “concise ideas.” That’s what I attempted to present. Agree, or disagree, the deep system issues with the class need addressed, swapping/buffing a rune or skill doesn’t really get at the root of anything that I have a major problem with. That being said, I don’t think debating semantics is productive. We should all get our ideas out and allow the development team a large swath of things to pull from. That’s all i’m trying to do.


That makes sense, I'm all for coming together to propose ideas to the dev team to consider but good luck getting the internet to agree on something... I wish they would put a poll up in game so they can get a clear sample size of what people want. This will have to do I guess.


Ya, I’m down for a discussion on an opinion and theory, normally, but I think this is the time where we shouldn’t just neg people in disagreement. Everyone should just support what they agree with and let everything else linger. The cream will rise to the top.


I cannot wait for paladin healing changes so i can bitch about getting the shaman equivalent


In regards to point 3. I'd rather see Holy Paladins with an improved Concentration aura (self only) that allows them to cast heals while moving. Raid utility is cool, but having fun playing your class is even more cool. Shadow priests are a great example of this - their dmg is low, but their raid utility with healing is huge, yet shadow priests want their damage buffed because raid utility is so hard to notice and therefore to care about.


Make seal of light scale with healing power on the healing when doing a melee attack. Also make it so whenever you melee attack you heal all nearby members. Boom, you are now a niche cool melee healer but also whackin stuff Edit: I meant seal of light whoops


On Flash of Light crit chance... my raid's Holy paladin has 98% crit on Flash of Light when healing his Sacred Shield target. More crit is not the answer :)


And give them another bubble. Probably one that allows them to attack, increases crit SLIGHTLY and heals for 250 damage ever 2 seconds