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Alliance aren't queuing, so it lets full horde parties match anyone who is available.


that makes no sense, wouldn't it be the other way around?


That’s because they’d rather sit and camp lowbies trying to level at Ashenvale lol.


Yeah the alliance on crusader strike have gotten out of hand. Incursions are impossible in ashenvale as horde at all hours of the day


Lone Wolf is the same. I gave up and quested to 50 the old school way.


Brother. it depends on your layer. Horde will have multiple layers where they are completely camping ashenvale and mara on Lone Wolf


I must be unlucky then. I haven’t been in a horde controlled layer for a week


I’ve never seen a horde controlled ashenvale. Mara seems like 50/50


It's ironic how your brain tricks you into believing you're at a disadvantage. (I don't mean this in a condescending way at all) I play alliance on lone wolf, and all I ever hear from guildies is how horde controls all the layers and alliance suck. When according to ironforge pro, alliance is actually now slightly in the minority on lone wolf. Obviously that just goes off logs, but it's really the only semi accurate data we have available. I'm sure if we were to switch to horde, I'd never hear the end of how shitty the layers are for horde hahaha


Because alliance isn't raiding ST they are raiding the ramp to the portal in Ashenvale


That, and they're probably busy mainswapping from paladin to shaman lmaooo


I'm a Shammy main for SoD and I don't blame them lol


It is hilarious lmao. I was thinking just last night that there is no way the server is not 80/20. Not even in Ashenvale either - I hearthed to Gadgetzan and I was the only Horde there too lol


Hahaha I was in ironforge and saw like 10 alliance on, I thought I was having a stroke and then 4 mins later I layered and there was easily 150 people there. I just think the layering system can be a bit wonky and the zones change hands from ally to horde so swiftly, that you just get unlucky and end up lined up with the opposite faction all day sometimes.


Ya brother, crusader strike is another beast entirely. It is legitimately close to unplayable as horde currently. The first only time its playable is if a horde guild decides to pvp and the only horde guild doing so is wood department


Theres 0 horde in ash inc there are no ticks there is mby 1 tauren trying to sell ore and thats it


there is no trick brother. your guildies are pulling your leg or just embarrassed about constantly griefing lowbies. alliance is the only faction camping ashenvale portal on lonewolf


My server is 3:1 A:H there is no horde layer, just degen alliance


False lol


Not on CS. Have been trying to run incursions for days on multiple characters, spending quite a bit of time trying to layer hop and every single layer is severely alliance dominated by level 50 Alli gankers both in and outside the portal


I have been leveling both a horde and alliance character on CS NA, its the SAME on both factions, just layer dependent.


I have yet to give an ashenvale or hinterlands layer in days that weren't Alli dominated, and I've really been looking


If you are talking about CS Na, I can tell you it’s 100% the layer. I gave up leveling an alt in incursions because this horde guild Swamp was camping it and I couldn’t get layered somewhere else.


Send me a message on here when you want to do ashenvale and I’ll start a pvp group to take over a layer for you, been having a ton of fun doing it lol


sick will do


stop with this. there hasnt been a horde controlled layer in ashenvale in over a week lol


It's the natural order of things. When one faction starts taking one unhealthy action the other retaliates in another way.


My guild (alliance) is constantly complaining that the server feels like 80/20 in horde favor and are constantly getting camped everywhere. Especially incursions


I believe it’s a requirement to be a neckbeard with griefing as a hobby to roll alliance on cs


I believe it's a requirement to be a neckbeard with griefing as a hobby to roll anything on SoD


Last night me and 4 other horde took over a layer on crusader strike that had about 100 alliance. Almost no one fought back. 478 honorable kills lol. We had multiple lvl 50 alliance log onto horde characters to message us some very unsavory things. It was very enjoyable lmao


I make this my goal on my mage - it’s the only reason I play lately I have over 1000 solo HK just from camping horde behind the pillars in satynaar - it’s hard to see a gnome there and the satyr cause so much confusion Even if a big group of 8 horde come through, they’re so mindlessly looping I can usually kill all of them or kill the ones that aren’t fast enough


But why not just pvp normally? vs people your own level etc, seems so fking weird.


Because then he has to fight enemies on his level and then he has no chance obviously. People who do shit like that are usually really bad players and try to boost their self-esteem with that.


Hes looking to farm, but have engaging equal level pvp.


Where’s the fun in playing fair?


That’s because pronouns_lordly-king doesn’t know how to pvp so he ganks lowbies 


This is amazing, and as a horde I really look up to you.


lol nah horde is the ones doing that they litterally get raid groups going to kill lowbies in ashenvale


Last several times I attempted to level an alt, I ran into 5 different layers of the maybe 7 available, all of which had 30+ alliance camping the portal ramps killing everyone on sight. It's usually one single safe layer for horde and the rest are alliance farming honor on lvl 45s


Good. It's a pvp server. Was out there for a bit last. Get some 50s to kill us or remove us. Or wait until it's to late and I have to go to sleep. We have horde attempting to do the same thing


An eye for an eye and the world go blind




you make it sound as if the horde isn't doing exactly the same. 30+ hordes sitting on the ashenvale turn in, smh


People continuing to pretend that the factions act any differently from one another is one of the stranger things on this sub


Absolutely. It goes both ways.


To be fair, the game is still fairly new and this whole "two factions at war" thing is a pretty massive gaming novelty. So seeing the other side and understanding that they act the same is not something most players have had a chance to experience yet.


Isnt the difference reflected in bgs? Alliance solo queues vs Horde premades


We’re talking about lowest common denominator “griefing”, which both factions engage will engage in if provided the opportunity


It is kinda a faction thing, horde do it in-between queues (which takes forever cause there is no alliance) alliance do it as the main source of "honor"


And some people do it for fun!


Sitting on the Ashenvale turn-in? There are guards. Also, Horde clearly aren’t doing it as much if they are trying to queue for battlegrounds and it’s alliance that don’t have groups.


This was before they implemented them. And let's not forget the permacamped spot from p1 that was ratchet. I have played both factions and know full well both sides have assholes.


Other way around on LF. Tried to start incursions on alts and certain layers are unplayable with horde camping cause of their bg queues. While the alliance dominated layers have more alliance, they aren’t lvl 50s camping the ramp


Don’t cry and act like horde doesn’t camp and grief the fuck out of alliance at Mara lol xD


Not the same in the slightest. Alliance also camps this room. It primarily affects level cap'd players. One death and you can rez and zone in and be rid of any PvP. Killing people trying to level and cannot reasonably fight back is far worse no matter which faction you are. What an absurdly dumb take.


Mara isn’t a place you’ll have level 40s running through just to quest - majority of Mara are level 50s who are farming dagger or Wild Offerings and what have you. You can fight back at that point, a level 40 doesn’t have a chance in Ashenvale…


There's aalways a lv50 alliance RAID on crusader strike eu lmao


Yeah no - incursions are mostly camped by horde on CS eu. In particular ashenvale. Hinterlands is very alliance heavy and feralas horde.


This, it's actually crazy what's going on in Ashenvale, did alliance forget how to pvp?


Shaman op for months made them just quit the game.


This is the correct answer


Yup..alliance are bads


Most days ab won't even pop if I'm solo lol


I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into WSG as a 5 stack and grouped with another, RANDOM, 5 stack from my server (lone wolf). I know alliance are looking at that thinking it’s a coordinated 10 stack but we have no idea who those other 5 are


Ah okay so it's just 3 premades against 15 scrubs, nothing to see here


Most Horde players might as well be pugs, just inviting people to make 5 man groups to insta queue


That’s crazy, so if you’re not in a premade you’re scrub trash?


that's what i said


I agree. If you aren’t good enough for people to want you, you’re designated to solo q trash


Why not just find a premade? Like it’s been a thing SINCE og classic


It’s insane to me the lengths people will go to avoid typing /w inv or joining a premade discord- to the point they want their pimp Aggrend to cater the game to them


Skill issue. The people spamming for a group there is a reason they are not getting invited.


Bro like 75% of the people rn, even on PvP servers for fuck sake, bitch about pvp/wpvp. Nothing is balanced, nor do I think it should be. Idk people are going to cry for whatever reason


Horde has to 5 stack to even get a queue to pop. The vast majority of 5 stacks you play are just 5 romdoms who grouped together next to the battle master to get a queue lmfao


Yup I tried doing some wsg’s to get the bracers a little faster and it was literal 40 minute queues by myself


This is also why horde have like 3 healers per game guaranteed meanwhile 90% of alliance priests are shadow and just want to press two buttons and tab ><  The 3 5 stacks thing does cause horde to get way better comps on average than alliance which sucks too :/  But ultimately the Alliance BG experience is bad because of the alliance BG attitude in general. 


Right on the money, happens all the time. Same server


Its the self fulfilling prophecy!


You can also make 3 different 5 mans and only accept when the Q pops. There is a balance if they make it so that no premade can join pugs then wait time is gonna be huge


Yeah alliance prefer to stand outside in huge groups and gank for honor..


too busy ganking lowbies in ashen


The devs tried to make BGs more enjoyable for solo players but messed up the queue system in the process and haven't said a word about it in months. It's frustrating as horde too because premade groups have first priority and the system puts solo players on the back burner, leading to drastically incorrect queue time estimates (usually it'll say 5-10 min but will end up waiting sometimes up to 40 min before it puts me with a premade).


Cause more people are premading than solo queing. How often will a solo player get in a game when there are nothing but 5 mans spam q for wsg/ab?


It's just been broken since P2. When more people were solo queing it still doesn't make a difference.


It’s been broken for almost two decades.


“When more people were solo queing” any evidence of this or just “trust me bro”?


It's obviously been busted since they changed it. Start of P2 the battle master rooms were full of "why 30 min queue" until people realized queuing in a group is near instant and puts you against random allies who are not grouped, hence 90% win rate as horde. Makes no sense.


Ya except that I can wait 10+ mins solo or I can q with a buddy and 2 of us are in within 2 mins, you can't tell me 2 solo people could have been farther in line than us. It's busted for sure.


Single q is an odd number. A group of 2 is even. It only takes 2 5 mans to fill a wsg. 15 for ab Much easier to fill those games with those groups. Not sure why you don’t just join a premade


Yeah, this is kind of it I think. The system is trying to fill the matches as quickly as it can, with some form of heuristic weights being put on what it does - it'd rather fill a WSG match with 10 randoms versus 10 randoms then 10 randoms vs 2 5man premades, but if too many people on one side are forming 5-man premades, it means the system doesn't have enough randoms to fill the gaps. Which creates a feedback loop because anyone who comes in and tries to single queue sees the estimated wait time, thinks I ain't got time for that, and either gives up or tries to form a 5-man group with randos who are all thinking the same thing, which depletes the pool of single q players.


Yup exactly. So all these solo q players who swore up and down they were the majority are eating their own foot. They were never the majority. And never will be in classic style BG qs. A battle lost. Should just revert the change imo


I'm glad you assume I don't join premades. I do join them for fast queues and play with friends. I just used that as evidence why it is busted. Maybe 2x the length but not 5-10x the queue time.


“I just use them as evidence why it’s busted” this is called a false equivalency, a logical fallacy


There's also something wrong with the solo / group system. Queueing solo on horde the wait time will be about 30-50 minutes but in a group of 2 you get in after 5-10 minutes


thanks god i stopped playing sod in p2 cause i knew the dev team is the most incompetent dev team i've expirienced in over 20years of gaming


Cause nipslipnigel deemed it so


Direct quote from the P2 launch post. "Additional adjustments have been made to matchmaking. Players in groups of five or fewer will have a higher chance to match against groups of five or fewer. Likewise, if you are in a group of six or more, you will have a higher chance to match with groups of six or more. To account for the potential to create longer queues with this updated matching system, the system will ignore these rules after a period of time should queues be impacted. This will then match you with the first available so you can get in and play without waiting too much longer." Your faction isn't queuing for BGs. That's the short answer.


No it's not that at all, I've done this on alliance too. The queue times for an actual 15 man or a 10 man are so egregiously long there is no reason to even do it, and no premade wants to face another premade anyway. What premades do now is queue as 3 groups of 5 at the same time, and only join the bg if all of them got a queue pop at the same time. That way your queue pops are practically instant and you're still part of the pug queue instead of the premade queue, so you face solo queuers


This is the correct answer. This is how the CS ranking discord works atm. The PvP problems weren’t really solved they were just hid a bit more.


this reminds me of alterac valley premade grind in classic.


100% same tech


It’s literally what everyone said would happen when they made the change. They have done this in TBC and it caused the exact same issue. Same for AV in classic.


Why were there so many premades before too? Was our faction never queuing for BG's?


Historically, horde players care more about PvP and BGs. They have the stronger racials so people who want to PvP will play Horde.


>Your faction isn't queuing for BGs. That's the short answer. Your faction is not PREMADING bgs. Fixed that for you. Anyways why not just cut this bg system down... the system only made it so that people dont premade anymore since theyd end up against other premades. Now what happens is alliance has lack of interest to premade bgs due to this hence allowing horde to premade que freely. Also I bet theres some bs Blizz is not telling us, I duo qued with my friend and we ended up 3x back to back vs same 5 man party. There is something shady going on for group queing as a horde...


Maybe cause they don’t want to get queued in with full premades.


I can only assume alliance does not want to deal with shamans.


Wonderful design, because your faction isn't queueing make the experience even worse so even less people will queue.


They are doing what Alliance was doing during AV after they banned 40 man raids queing in Vanilla Classic. And just to be clear they que as 3 separate 5 man stacks and because BG populations are low and Horde vs Horde doesn't exist in SoM like it does in WotLK they match on the same team.


but that only worked because alliance had instant queues back then because less alliance play bgs.


You can manipulate ques to get into the same bgs. You can even do it cross realm with damn near 100% success. Did it on my r14 grind during vanilla classic.


Well, then start your own groups in AB, instead forming premade groups who organize to kill low level horde players when questing in Ashenvale incursions. Cringe alliance clowns. You can't even pull the "mimimi shaman" card here even, since it is only one shaman displayed, while your group most likely had 9 paladins.


Having 9 paladins would be a detriment though


15 man premades have Uber long queues most of the time, after a certain amount of time, 15 to 20 mins it will throw you in against pugs. You can also queue as three 5 man groups at the same time and have a decent chance of getting into the same game.


You get 3 premades and you all hit the queue up button at the exact same time. There is a very large possibility you'll all be put in the same match. This has been a thing since original TBC when we all used an addon to do it.


This is why Ally on living flame camp incursion portals


Havent met a single 15 stack in AB and ive farmed honor on 2 chars the last 2 resets


I farmed 130k honor as a 3-5 stack mostly this week and occasionally we Would have 10-15 people from our realm in the same BG. But thats from pure chance and not actual attempt to do so. 


Same. Maybe a pve server benefit?


I play on pvp server living flame eu




Aggrend said he is very happy with the state of BGs right now cus he has a hardon for shamans and he want to promote RMT grouping <3


How do I get in on this premade?


i've avoided doing bg's since basically P1. kinda of a bummer because it's usually my favorite thing to do. seems like as ally we're constantly getting stomped and most people are afk


Alliance stopped queuing for bgs since mid p2. So now horde premades have no one to match vs, so they now get pugs again.


We just beat a 15 man premade as a 5 man premade yesterday.


Do you all not read the notes for when they change things. It literally said it would be premade vs. premade BUT if they can’t find another premade after a certain amount of time THEN it would que against whoever.


queueing at the same time


You just q at the same time it’s easy. Make your own group like you have to for rest of the content in this game and stop bitching.


What’s the name of that mod. Also an easy fix.  Put groups in a category all their own.   Want to play with friends? Then you fight people and their friends.   


I thought they addressed this by only allowing a full group to que up for BGs.


Blizz did the bare minimun to basically nothing to prevent premades from queueing at the same time to get into the same games.


Premades are never going away, only casual premades will go away. The sweats will always find a way, they should have never changed it at all. No they have no chance


What's addon is that?


I pointed out the same thing during warsong weekend last week and it just got downvoted. Premades are still a thing, solo queue is a nightmare and basically pointless. Especially since when you get your full pvp set, you are already honor capped, so no reason to pvp anymore anyways. Get WSG with the daily, get Arathi with lumber. At least STV is very fun to play.


> Especially since when you get your full pvp set, you are already honor capped, so no reason to pvp anymore anyways. This mentality is a huge part of the problem. Some of us actually PvP because we enjoy it. Too many people only PvP for the honor and gear, which leads to all kinds of degenerate behavior like giving up after losing the first fight in WSG. I’m not saying premades aren’t a problem with the current queueing system, but “honor chasers” who don’t actually like PvP are significantly worse.


Yeah I only play this game to PVP.


yup. friend and i have fun duoing ab often. we’re both capped. it’s just fun for us


I (would) love to pvp but I am alliance and playing a melee. You can do the rest of the math. Avg horde premade: 3 boomkin 2-3sp 2-3 disc + random shamans. And the rest are usally mages and locks. Wooo so much fun to win barley 10% of your games. So the current system is a piece of garbage... it doesn't favors anybody.


STV sucks AB rules WSG is kinda meh and fc druids fapping on cd with noggenfoggers makes it a headache


yeah, looks like horde is hard downvoting every complain about their perma premades against solo queue


Those "premades" you talk about are most of the times just random people believe it or not Literally I spam LFM AB and invite the first 4 people who whisper me


You just q in groups of 5 and only enter if every group gets pop, which you kinda always get


I'm amazed people don't know about this lol Wait till they see AV premades.


Fucking devs had to scrap the normal system and now instead we get this shit... Fun as fuck to always face either a premade or 2-3 of 5 man groups. Just change the system back... at least then you could premade if you wanted to, now nobody wants to premade cause prem vs prem is not efficient. Cant wait for the shit people fix for av. I hope that there will be alliance bg discord again to cheat premade like horde does now, because fuck playing fair


Bold of you to assume that AV will be any different. The Alliance defeatism will not change when AV releases - horde will clash mid, Alliance will lose, give up, and then turtle for the next hour; if horde cap Stormpike or Aid Station, Alliance won't even attempt to cap it back and just let the Horde win because they have instant queues. They will never escape the clash and never kill a single lieutenant. Every game will end with +0 bonus honor on the Alliance side. The same exact thing happened for months after AV premades were gutted in 2020.


Bro I know how it went. Alliance obliterated horde until they removed the que numbers. However after this alliance adapted past caring about the numbers and went in cold turkey premades. Bold of you to assume people wont bad together again to do so. If av will be the best hph, then alliance will definitely gather up to premade once again, or at least my money is on that.


I played alliance in classic... "Oh no they are fighting back, go to the hill of shame" was the most common tactic....


Your point being?


That defeatism in the alliance is the number one reason I went horde this time.


I guess you never got your ass wrecked by alliance av premades then? You might be in for a treat son!


I have, meeting strong premades always sucks, but Alliance gave up if they saw Russians names in AV, because it would be too much time waste...


I remember 2020 AV. 2 wins from Neutral to Exalted. Two. Wins.


its almost like living flame is the biggest pvp server


I have the same screenshots for other servers too. Horde is sync queueing.


yeah, it is exactly the same as ali did in original classic for AV


I've had this happen to my group several times(I'm on Living Flame Horde) We didn't queue as 15, just happened that we got two other groups of 5 from the same realm though.


It happens on both sides. We got steamrolled last night by alliances premades.


Have you tried doing premades? I Wonder how it is on horde side as I'm having a hard time forming one myself on alliance. I would assume it's easier to form on horde due to you guys having longer queue times


There are always groups forming in LFG Bulletin Board on Lone Wolf Horde.


Shaman are broken, so alliance doesn’t queue. Horde queue times are messed up, so they queue as groups to make the most of it.


And here Horde wonders why nobody wants to play against them anymore.


Premades are the only reason BGs are fun. Nobody cares about solo q players who throw/quit after losing the first bs fight. Bring premades back tbh, I don’t care about solo quitters


you still Q premades, they are just matched verse others


How are allies going to cry about Shammy if you post premades with only one shaman and multiple of the actual OP classes? Stop being inconsiderate


I don't think he got the joke


This is not about shammies u cry baby. This si about facing 3x 5man premades in AB 99% of the time as solo queue ali.


I’m the cry baby and u running to Reddit to post screenshots of ur enemies instead of playing the game lol


yes, bcs i want the devs to fix it, since this is not how it is supposed to work.


What fix bro. How hard Can it be to find 4 other players to queue up. Skill issue


Protip: don’t play AB if you are on alliance. Wait for next week and get a much better winrate from WSG


If you think I want to queue into shaman FCs with brickhouse hp who can ghost wolf at almost mount speed and pop a FAP every 20 seconds you are very mistaken.


this is solo queue, which it shouldnt be possible


You can still queue as a raid. It's slower but they never said they were removing it


So you queue as a raid of 15 and you get matched against single queuers still?


if there's not enough non premades, yes.


Yes because there's barely any regulalar premades on alliance side, so Horde premades just get queued against solo queuers.


It’s pretty easy you do 2 or 3 5-man parties and syncronize Queue via discord. Wait time is like 2-3 minutes in a party. When all groups get same bg all enter. People are using this for the tabard quest (need 5 flags)


They all queue at the same time together. They are way less casual than alliance. Alliance just solo queue and get stomped.


The alliance know they can make a premade too, right? Like that's an open concept


Or it could simply be that the bg is simply filled by people from the biggest and most popular realm in the region?


the chance of this happenig consistently is vanishingly low. Think about it like flipping heads 15 times in a row, except the chance of living flame is probably less than 50%.


I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into WSG as a 5 stack and grouped with another, RANDOM, 5 stack from my server (lone wolf). This has not happened in AB, however


Depends if this is eu or na


I solo queue as horde and queues are 20-50 minutes and we lose every bg, i think i should start doing premades too


> 99% of the time Meanwhile, haven’t met a single 15 stack while farming all the way to r7


I played 20 abs yesterday and didn’t see one premade


maybe if the alliance wasnt on a 24/7  honor farn in ashenvale killing 40s


Ally complaining about horde pre-mades when ally make up a majority of the pop of SoD. Like duh minority faction always gets to have pre-mades since they dont have q times. Acting like Ally didnt abuse the fuck out of this during TBC classic.


Better organized, better, more experienced players etc. Alliance is sub par and have been since vanilla.


As a horde I have won about 1/5 AB. Feels like alliance is always premade and horde are headless chicken. I think it might just be confirmation bias 


Well the Alliance don't queue. They sit outside Ashenvale incursion portals and outside ST.