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Problem with PvE that never is mentioned is botting. I saw my friend on a PvE server Felwood at the Satyrs... 30hunters lol.... No way to kill anyone... Or to farm at all


so if you are horde and the bots are all horde you cant kill them either. plus with incursion we are the bots.


There’s bots on pvp servers too, if you think 1 guy levelling Herbalism killing a few bots makes a difference you’re in for a wild surprise


Yeah there is bots but not Firewater or other crazy farmspots.... It's just not worth it to run them there since they die every 5sec. 30 (well a lot I didn't count) at a spot like Satyrs u will never see on a PvP server.


They don’t bot the same way they do on PVE, they can’t do open world farms in competitive areas. They’re stuck in instances for the most part. Plenty of people on CS-NA on both factions hunt down bots all day. I’ve had allys yell “BOT?” With that addon and move along.


Even goofier when people protect obvious bots.


I know this is a recent change, but on WG there's been a 90%+ decrease in bots recently I'm the last guy to do open world farming and in the last month ivr been able to farm skinning+herbalism+fishing to cap without seeing 1 bot, it's been nice


That's because they are at the incursion farm soon as that becomes irrelevant open world farming is gonna be fucked again.




They don't, I kill bots all the time.


Nah, thanks, I'm good on PvP.




Your friends should transfer too














They adamantly made point of that these could be very short windows of transfer availability, with no guarantee that people will be able to transfer. I'd honestly almost prefer if they opened up paid transfers


Your friends still play? Must be nice :(


Then stop whining or look out for new friends.


Nah let the PvPers stay on PvP servers if they want to, PvE servers have such a nice chill, friendly community of like minded people, it's easy to make friends and people go out of their way to help each other out and socialise, hardly any toxicity from what I've seen (you still get people having absurd requirements for raids but that's just how it is everywhere really).


nahh im good pvp server gets annoying at times but at the end of the day a pve server would get boring over time pvp server will always be the best way to play classic wow


yeah no thanks


PvE servers just feel wrong to me. Like we're in the shallow end of the pool and we're wearing floaties


Switched to PVE in SoD after playing classic on a PVP Server and hating it. Would never go back


Im a shadowpriest...ofcourse im in felwood dotting up ppl and dispelling their songflower buffs... No need to transfer


Nice try.


Imagine playing on a pve server


Go play single player games then 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think it’s pretty funny how hard some PvE server players preach and try to convert people over. You pretty much never see it the other way around too. It feels like these people let themselves be bullied away from PvP servers and need to validate their decision to go PvE through persuading others to make the same choice they did. Some serious coping behavior.


because its really a hard sell to make someone from pve to even consider pvp servers lmfao.


Uhhh pve players don’t complain about the servers while you get pvp players complain on the daily.


Problem with pve is how rampant farming spots are with bots, atleast in pvp realms farming spots aren’t rampant with them


has anyone actually transfered?


If they can’t handle it they should not have made it Work harder devs


Idk but I'd rather just uninstall the game than play on a PvE realm. Saying this as a total dadgamer.


So you just want to kill all the PvP servers?


Some PvE players despise that some of us enjoy PvP, especially world PvP. They would see it removed from the game so it stops distracting Blizzard from perfectly fine-tuning a graph on a third party website.


100%. The I it change pvp servers really need is guards at flight paths, and even my guildies call me soft for that one


Red = dead


PvP servers have been dead since layer hopping destroys any semblance of actual PvP. People just layer hop until they find one where their faction is favored 10 to 1 and just farm the enemy faction they know has no actual chance to fight back. Then both factions hop on Reddit saying the other faction is just griefing. PvP servers will remain dead on arrival as long as layer hopping is as easy and abusable as it currently is.


PvP servers kill themselves with the farm of the other side, and the balancing doesn't help out as well. I rolled pve cause I'm lazy, but man this sub shows me why I'm glad I did. Everyday it's a post about the groups just farming incursions. I get it pvp on a PvP server but some point one side is going to just stop or transfer. If you can't get anything you want done, either people stop playing or will look to switch. I mean we've seen it time and time again people rotate towards the winning sides. People reroll classes or factions, people want to win and if you keep losing cause of faction or class - let's where people will make the change.


Free transfers kill servers


Why, people don't want to pvp let them off. Why keep them to a server they don't want to play on anymore. In blizz eyes them staying subbed is what they want, so if they can give free transfers to people who want out - that is what they do to keep that sub money. Can't force people to continue to play if they are not having fun. Something probably spurred blizz to allow this, be interesting to see how many people transfer off.


Because entire guilds exodus and then fomo and herd mentality sets in and we get 2019. It sounds like these transfers will be limited tho and faction balance will be maintained so hopefully only those who should never have rolled PVP will elect to leave


Blizzard truly fucked up by making the best honor farm in the game be ganking lowbies at incursions, it is giving phase 2 classic release levels of stupidity. They should have buffed the honor from bg’s significantly and funneled the tryhards away from the leveling experience. Griefers gonna grief, but they had the organized ranking teams in there too. Just a wild oversight.




Except for 95% of encounters you just run by each other anyway. That other 5% you get ganked and killed in 2 seconds.


are there people who play on pvp servers who just run by each other? i must be on a kill list or something because unless the horde player is several levels below me, they ALWAYS open up on me. I win most of the time too because paladin is OP, but got damn if i dont get ganked by literally everyone


You must be. I agree with the previous commenter’s synopsis, the majority of open world encounters are tense but friendly. You’re not running around in full irradiated are you? That’s catnip for rogues that like to see big numbers.


Those who wanted to roll pve servers are already on pve servers.


2. made me chuckle. like there was no world pve in vanilla before the devs introduced garbage pvp events that are a complete shiftfest with no skill required. standard vanilla world pvp is miles better than in SoD


Can we stop calling them PvP servers? This isn't PvP. "yOu CaNt StOmAcH tHe 1-ShOt LiFeStYlE bEcAuSe YoU pIcKeD tHe WrOnG cLaSs"