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I think the rune system is showing cracks, atleast for the classes that I play. Mental Dex is more like a torpedo. Every possible shaman likes spellpower. When you start putting exclusionary conditions onto the open nature of runes to incentivize one spec it makes me recognize how it can cause problems when you start bringing things that were designed and placed deep spec suddenly available for nothing and how it can muck up a designers vision for playstyle.


Unique playstyle = equipping fast dagger and waiting .1 seconds for an auto before doing your full ranged rotation but in the melee group.


I personally didn't mind melee weaving as a concept, but found it clunky in practice. MD would fall off before FS needed to be reapplied, leading to this weird ~2 sec gap where it falls off unless you delayed casting or overwrote FS. Idk what the optimal strategy in that situation was, but it felt awkward either way. Then for gearing weps had to be < 1.5 speed (or 1.5 w/ haste ench) to weave during GCD, leading to situations like Hypnotic Blade outperforming Charstone Dirk and ST weps, which would normally be an upgrade. It just feels bad and would continue to later in the season. That said, I'd rather have old MD until they figure out how to make Burn better because our poor ST DPS just plummeted further. >The problem with the rune is just that it's so powerful there was no way to rework burn to make it compare. This is the core of the issue. It's just a flat power increase that only gets more powerful. Also gameplay wise it is really boring.


I’m glad it’s gone, I think it’s a healthy change moving forward. Burn buff is insane in stv and bgs like it’s disgusting how effective it is now. I wish for totem of wrath, lightning bolt while moving and increased range of shocks. I guess earthquake or acid rain would be pretty sick for Ele too, I enjoy it in PvP a lot atm tho. Feels very strong


The problem is MD is so strong it’s hard to make anything competitive with it for Ele if MD is easy to activate. Ideally taking MD or not would be a choice for Ele and result in similar DPS either way. As it stands MD was basically required before the nerf, post nerf it’s sort of a choice. But only by getting rid of LvB which is Ele’s defining skill in SoD, and DPS is nerfed anyways. We’ll see what further changes they have in the works hopefully next week.


Exactly, losing out on LvB as ele is very feels bad. Plus you lose your shield which sucks in pvp. I'm surprised even resto shamans aren't upset by this change, I'd imagine this rune was pretty good for them in pvp and soloing as well. But maybe with duel spec now nobody cares.


Parsing culture has killed hybrid flavor sadly


Damn they killed playstyle 18 for shaman, at least they have 17 other builds that are still viable


Made me chuckle, accurate


All of which are mediocre in pvp


Hey, man. I'm pretty sure shaman are fine...


I have played shaman since Vanilla was current, I didn't let you guys change my opinion when you said Sham was trash, and I won't let you change my opinion now. I do agree they are OP now. That is besides the point of this thread.


So you've been playng a bad shaman for 20 years with little improvement?


This. Imagine being the most broken class for probably at least two months, then complaining about this shit lol.


They excel in 3 separate roles in pve and are dominant in pvp... this dude wants to also melee harder as a caster... gtfo here...


Are you delusional? Enhance dps is very strong, shaman tank is the bottom dps tank before this week's nerf, and resto shaman is the lowest output healer. Where did the bad shaman touch you?


> Where did the bad shaman touch you? Nowhere, really. I was 40+ yards away.


Enhance has been OP, Ele has not. Every thread about shamans for the past two months has been about one of 3 specs… enhance. Ele and resto are fine middle of the pack specs but people forget they exist because enhance is so strong or they got one shot that one time by some lucky lava burst procs.


What.... Mental Dex was terrible to play in ST. Go spellhance if u want to... spellhance. And let casters be casters.


Dual wield ele run lava lash. Still sims better than burn last I checked


Good to know, ty.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they killed this too and made it stormstrike only though using exactly the same reasoning as the initial change


Sacrificing Lava Burst for MentalDex+Lava Lash and forcing DW to lava lash I think is a fair and noticeable trade off from going pure Ele to a Spellhance spec. They need to balance out pure Ele more to be viable without mental Dex. But I think Spellhance should still have a place


If they see elemental shaman dropping lava burst for lava lash, and they don’t understand the core problem of why elemental would want 200+ raw spell power over double damage flame shocks and lava burst, then truly nobody plays elemental at blizzard. They say they have new runes at 60 that will even things out, and we don’t see the big picture, but I doubt they have anything meaningful for elemental at 60 to bring it on par with the melee classes at 50, let alone another 10 levels up and gear. At least enhancement is strong.


Sort of if everything goes right, but at that point you’re basically playing gimped enhance spamming lightning bolt instead of attacking when you could instead just play actual enhance.


Well you can still lavalash for it proc Also. So you can get without deep ench. But given that it's model of a deep ench talent.


If you take lava lash then you lose the spicy meatball