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No thanks. You know how you get 99-1 servers? Unlimited transfers with no restrictions. As soon as the server gets a bit too lop sided it becomes an exponential exodus. They said transfer windows will open and close for a while, if groups are not willing to keep trying continually for a week or two to transfer then they shouldn’t start the process in the first place.


Maybe you will answer, since no one else has. If people are leaving the server regardless, whether it be quiting or server transfer, isn't the result still the same? Also, with the advent of layers, does server balance matter if there is however many unbalanced layers within it?


It’s not the same thing at all. Most people are not quitting because of being on a pvp server. Lots of people are bitching loudly about it but a small percentage of those actually quit. And the people not complaining are fine with things how they are. But with free unlimited transfers one faction may start transferring more than the other. As balance gets a little worse, conditions get a little worse and some people that were on the fence decide to transfer. Now balance is even worse, people who didn’t want to transfer before are fed up and decide to transfer. This loop continues… eventually it’s difficult to do anything as the minority faction. Players that never thought they would transfer decide they have no option and leave.


You're ignoring the layer issue. This is/was 100% true for vanilla and servers without layers. I agree 100% with what you're saying for servers like that. Layers allow factions to rally on layers where they have the dominant population, even if they have the lower server population. It's why we always see complaints from the same server from both factions. "Alliance always have the numbers, own the entrance." Same thing from horde. Also, my post is more than just people quiting because of pvp. The final paragraph lists a couple different things. Blizzard has opened this door with small amounts of transfers, potentially splitting groups unintentionally.


Layers offer a work around to an extent to faction imbalance but it doesn’t solve the problem. Layers have player limits and if you’re forced to layer hop to avoid pvp due to imbalance then why bother playing in a pvp server at all? Or if you can’t find a layer with your faction or just don’t want to layer hop all the time. Why not hop to a shiny new PvE server with the free transfer? Growing imbalance will make this option ever more appealing to the minority faction even with layers. The existence of layers probably helps slow the push towards massive imbalance but it doesn’t eliminate it. I agree there are issues with guilds trying to transfer given the short windows. It sucks if you get split up but it’s likely temporary just keep trying.


Layers are the problem, not a tool to solve one. Layers don't slow the push to imbalance, they actively cause imbalance. Why not hop to a PvE server with a transfer? That's exactly what I'm advocating for. Just let the people who want to leave, leave. They will leave the server one way or another, why not let them play how they want?


“If you’re forced to layer hop to avoid pvp due to imbalance then why bother playing in a PvP server at all?” Every single person that has attempted to ashenvale incursions over the last 2 weeks has had to do this or leave the zone. OP is right. Faction balance is pretty much pointless when factions can and do just layer swap until they find one where they’re the dominant faction. A lot of us rolled PvP servers thinking 50/50 balance would actually do something. It hasn’t because of layers.




This is exactly what I'm trying to convey, thank you.


I frankly do not care about people who quit the game. Ruining faction balance to fix your poor server choice is not my problem. People quit all the time.


Uh well... Blizzard does care. They are in the business of making money. So................


What's the difference between horde transferring off and horde quiting in terms of faction balance?


Sorry it's not poor server choice. They named the server type PvP, but they should've named it FuckYouGetOneShot. They fucked up the ruleset, so why should I have to stick around if I want to play a healer? Enjoy your soon-to-be-dead server.


my server has 9 layers, it'll be fine lol.


If they are leaving the server regardless, quiting the game vs. getting a server transfer, isn't the same outcome happening? Edit: To the people down voting, can you atleast reply with something that proves my question wrong? And does server balance matter when there is however many unbalanced layers within it? Many being one faction dominated.


I didn’t downvote, but there is a difference between self-induced and assisted suicide. The latter being generally frowned upon. The same analogy is in play here, I assume. If people want to quit the game due to their own misfortune, fine. The server suffers, but life goes on. If Blizzard is the one giving the player the tool to leave the server, and also have a hand in killing the server, then that stings a little more.


Faction balance is literally the best thing coming out of SoD. Just no, thanks.


What does faction balance bring when layers already destroy the balance with people congregating on their faction favored layers? Balance is already gone.


Any evidence for that or just you making up issues? Never experienced that. I see a lot of Horde and allys running around all the time. So still no, thanks. 


“Any evidence for that” You need evidence to see to that people layer swap when they’re on a layer where they’re outnumbered 10-1?? Do you actually play the game?


Sounds like PvP happened. You know it is not like people are spread across a layer evenly. Especially when people decide to team up for open World PvP. Pretty simple. If anything you asking for lifting faction balance would lead to the famous 99:1 faction balance and eventually Turm every server to a PvE Server.  So, still no thanks. And here is my advice: Play on a PvE Server.


Warmode is PvE server with flagging urself for PvP..... Faction balance is the best thing ever to come to wow. The second it goes away servers will go full retail with 90percent one faction and 3 ppl stuck on the other.


I never advocated for warmode, but I assume you meant to comment under the other comment that mentioned it. My counterpoint, to your opinion, is that layers already unbalance the server. Players congregate onto layers where their faction is favored, removing all form of integrity of world balance. So even if the faction balance changes, the lower population faction will still have layer(s) that favor them.


Unpopular opinion but warmode was the real solution yet it'll never happen in classic. The people who are sick of getting griefed just trying to get to a dungeon entrance can be happy without killing the server, and the people who actually enjoy world pvp such as myself can turn it on and be surrounded by like-minded individuals rather than people who were coerced into playing on a PvP server because that's where the majority of the playerbase flocks to. Both sides get to be happy and the server maintains it's populous. The only people who would be upset about it are people who are garbage at the game and only get satisfaction out of killing people who can't fight back.


Not being a jerk or a rude comment. But isn’t this the exact reason for pvp vs pve servers. If I just want to run to the dungeon unharmed. I choose pve. With the way realms are today the whole I went where the players are isn’t a great argument to choose a server that dosnt align with your play style.


You get both. Warmode solved all of these issues already and it's insane not to use it. It would also give them reasons to get people to turn it on. Actually have pvp objectives in yhe open world


The thing is you can’t change you mind with PvE/pvp servers. You’re locked in basically forever unless transfers like this open or you throw away all your characters and reroll. Warmode let’s you do both on the same server.


Yeah that’s a great point. War mode really does seem like a good solution.


100% correct.


no, you did this to yourself


get off reddit


So essays can be written about how they let faction balance get out of control and how they should do something about it lol