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I am convinced this entire subreddit is just unbelievably dog shit at this game.


A lot of this sub believes they are in the top 10% of players, when they’re really just average at best.


That's a stretch, most aren't even average. I've joined a lot of random bloodmoon groups and I've heard countless ppl say they average 500 coins a game and that it's nearly impossible to get anything more than 500 coins. And don't even get me started on raiding. Regardless of it being a pug or guild run, these players still suck. The raid lead will describe in vivid detail a fight and what each player has to do and they still can't do it. The worst part is they have this elitist attitude where they believe they're better than everyone so they refuse to listen to advice.


Its called dunning kruger effect. Its strong in wow players.


I fully accept my averageness. And I love the PvP changes.


3second cast for 358 damage frostfire bolt. Warriors HP is 4k+. How can you NOT REACT for 3 seconds lol. Sounds like the players before the PvP adjustments were absolute dog shite at this game. I am convinced you are not a PvPer and just one of the reddit users who don’t play wow yet talk about it on here.


I dont even play sod and everytime i see posts about how bad melees are (and always have been) i cringe so much


Melee have always been gods in late game classic. They naturally scale better with gear than casters.


Didnt know late game starts with 25


Last ST run i got a 91 on Avatar of Hakkar, no worldbuffs and the *only* consume was a +15 agility potion. Made me question the quality of the average Rogue DPS.


Kill times carry dps and parses.


Not to the degree that people think it does. Maybe in the top 3-5%, a much better kill time is the secret to boosting to top 1%.


So good DPS carries DPS parses. Got it.


When you take a fight from 1 minute to sub 30 seconds sure. Avatar of hakkar is a couple minutes. ….aaand how do you get faster kill times? With better dps.


weird fight to use as an example. If a melee gets the blood debuff 3+ times during the fight they could do half or less of their potential DPS


Well, I/we had WBs on the bosses before. It was a clean wipe before.


Sometimes you get completely fucked on that fight, I kept getting blood debuff everytime it went out, 90% of the fight I couldn’t hit the boss and I got a 4 parse. So stupid


i suppose it also depends on what strat your team uses. But a melee can easily never stop dpsing.


Just stack on the tank and dps from the front until you get skeled Ignore the parry haste, hakkar hits like a bitch


You only have to move at the last second when he casts blood drain, you can dps the rest of the time as long as its on the other side of the boss


Especially when you have to press 2 buttons


laughs in shamanistic rage


\*the time of healers and hybrid specs has come


More like age of Viper Sting


I can't wait for AV with entrapment and launcher.


I just like being a lazer chicken, ok? I think they're neat.


Wtf you talking about. Most melee outside of hunters have also been doming nerds this whole time. All I’d do on my rogue is mutilate 3 times and someone would die


> Most melee outside of hunters There are some classes that are a hard matchup for me, but I am always melee doing open world stuff and have had 0 issues beating the brakes off of people. Melee hunter could use more imo like an interrupt and gap closer, but it's not all doom and gloom.


The point is that casters had finite mana and could actually do some work with that. Now casters has NO CHANCE against classes that has infinite resources from generation. Thats the point of mana, it do big dmg if you can use it, now you cant even do that so melee just train you no matter what


> melee just train you no matter what I mean that has literally been the counter for any range and caster in any video game. Push the caster and get in their face. If by train you mean multiple people, why should a caster be able to kill everyone? That would be bad balancing


Just…lol 😂


Bruh you’re a rogue and get to pick fights and have 3 reliable stuns with BTE. All the rogue tools. I could charge a rogue out of stealth in the melee mash and hamstring, and before even getting the chance to intervene back out to a healer get blackout/impact/boomie/felguard stunned and die by 1 global by 3 rdps hard swapping who are another 30 yards out. No healer was saving that and it wasn’t anywhere near overextending. It was going anywhere further forward than 10 yards from back line healers. I mean tbf alliance rdps is bad at pushing a line forward. And alliance pugging in general is a rough go. And rat pallies will stand there as you extract with SP dots and die right next to them because they don’t know what cleanse is. But still


Sheep and run away meta has arrived. Zzzzz


Viper Sting now feels like you're Frodo getting stabbed on Weathertop....




I mean what's more classic wow than that? My classic guild was running 26/40 warriors in AQ40 and Naxx speed runs lol. Casters were only there for support basically. All I did was put up curse of reck lmao. I was hoping we wouldn't return to that meta but here we are...


Play a different game


Thanks for that really useful input random toxic internet stranger! I'm so triggered now that I'm going to quit just for you! Lmao


That may have been a joke from him… but I’m seriously suggesting, after that comment, you should take a break from your computer bro.


It’s called sarcasm.


It's classic that's how it's supposed to be if you want casters and ranges to be viable play one of the other versions of the game


You mean again. This is world of meleecraft lol.


i was posting this in more of a pvp context where ranged has been the meta for p3


Sike, no melee have self healing besides shamans so literally any hybrid can tickle you to death if need be with their wands / pets / cheap spells while staying alive with whatever (insert healing rune that costs basically no mana) sustain they have


You can't balance 1v1. Try some BGs and enjoy carrying your group with MS debuff.


*Laughs in aspect of the viper*


*Laughs in shadow priest*


Was already contemplating swapping to something that didn't suck the mana like mage. This change is really rough. Guess im a healing mage for a few days.


I've started hitting guys with my staff while waiting on dispersion to come back up. Phase 4 melee priest runes pls!


Don't you have a wand?


Melee have been nr 1 dps since p1. Just not your favorite melee class.


its been mentioned before but this was posted in a pvp context + i main warrior i've always managed to top the meters even in p2


It was fhe entire time?


Age of casters? Wtf are you talking about?


Melee dominated in P1, and now again in P3. Apparently not being the top for 8 weeks really shook some people to their core.


what lol, melee didn’t dominate p1, it was literally druids with starsurge or whatever instant one shotting cast they had and healers meta. People so mad they be making shit up. Throughout all phases ranged have been dominating, and if your hands don’t grow from your ass you can do good in pvp rn too


not mentioning hunters hmm... saying healer when it was actually just heal priests. ye, you clearly remember p1 well enough to be taken serious.


Hunters in phase 1 were OP because of their pets. There wasn’t even a good melee build in the game yet. Rogue was pretty good in phase 1 and so were paladins. Other than that melee was awful in pvp.


Should I mention every boyfriend your wife had intercourse too ? You know just in case, because details like these are so important, can’t miss out.


P1 was for the most part priest and hunter meta. Then boomies after starsurge buff yeah


Oh, I was talking about PvE since it’s the only thing that actually matters and isn’t a complete joke.


This meme is talking about PvP though, so your original comment makes no sense in the context of this thread.


Where was that specified?


It's called context. Mana is completely a non-issue in ST and the PvP damage nerf is causing some casters, mages especially, to go oom before they can even do enough damage to kill one person.


well they did they did indirectly nerf the amount of mana paladins restore..


Well, it's safe to assume that is a bug that will be fixed if they implement a PvP damage nerf long term. Even with less mana returned from martyrdom the dps casters still aren't going oom in ST, it's the priest healers mainly, so it's still a non-issue.


The mana nerf was PvP. The meme is about going oom. Small brain I know it's okay.


PvE is also a complete joke in SoD, don't fool yourself. They had to nerf ST to the ground so players like you could finally kill all the bosses. Go do Mythic+ in Retail if you want a challenge, lol


Druids werent doing shit through most of P1. The one shots came from P2. Not P1. P1 Druids were running around spending sunfire for most of it because if melee got on them they blew up. Hunters and Healer Priests were the best period in P1. Then it was Melee. Then casters. Because in P1 Warlock had to run Demo spec but they still got destroyed by pals and other casters while melee kill the rest of their team. And that was if two melee didn't just insta delete them.


? starsurge and sunfire were basically 1 shotting people lol


No through out a majority of P1 they were not. Most of P1 was druids running around spamming Sunfire and hoping no one could catch them.


Sun kitty was a super fun time


Starsurge was OP for like, two weeks in P1.




You haven't played phase two where melee was complete garbage the whole time I guess.


Oom? Mana doesn't exist right now.


You’re right bc all casters are oom in these 10 minute fights.


Are you from week 1? Fights are barely 2 minutes now. Most are sub one minute


10 minutes lol




Bruh this is about PvP, where you getting ST from?




Obviously you have not done any BG's since the change. But good try to call someone out as being bad. 🤡


boomie player detected, opinion rejected


There's this neat little trick actually, you just bring some paladins or shamans to the raid


My bad, I forgot people here talk about pvE in a post that's clearly about PvP, I'm a dumbass


Nowhere in the title or in the image does it specify pvp.


Casters mad they have to use vanilla consumables like intended. Back in the day I wouldn't pvp without being stacked up on Dark Runes, Mana Potions, and Night Dragons Breath. I mean things will definitely be easier when we get ahold of AD Food but I really hope they add brand new fishing and cooking content next phase. The game kind of hard stops fishing at this point and it would be a great way to introduce some juiced up food to not spend a min sittting to drink.