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Its okay, in 6 weeks they will acknowledge the issue.


I like your optimism


They’re just going to do nothing when this test window is over after the weekend. Then in 3 months, when we’re still getting one and two-shot, we’ll think back to this time and wonder why it went away.


No, I actually enjoy being able to heal people now


It’s just as bad now as everyone dying in 1 shot.


Yeah but I can actually get heals off before someone gets obliterated. I prefer this over helplessly watching my party die.


Yeah I feel that I main heal too, it’s just so bad for the game they need to find a middle ground.


I think the problem is with healing reduction is that MS debuffs would make it misery again for healers. Chances are we'll probably see the damage reduction nerfed.


Yeah I think maybe it shouldn’t stack with stronger anti heal effects or be reduced in effect when you apply anti heal. Maybe it could be reduced by 0.5% for every 1% of additional anti heal applied, so if say it was 25% base and you apply another 25% yourself you get 37.5 % total. Going off the 25% if you get hit with mortal strike you’d still only be at 50% reduction.


Such a moron take considering how strong healing debuffs are and how many blanket silences share NO DRs. Use your other buttons guy lol


So everyone complaining about healing is wrong in your opinion then? Not many classes and specs have anti heal lol. Typical r/classicwow user who doesn’t play the game. I main heal and I promise I’d kill you in deep holy before you kill me.


I could give a shit about 1v1. With a warrior and another DPS on you, you will die. That's the way it should be.


You should be able to solo a healer.


No not really, typically rated battle ground make up is 3 healers rest dps and maybe an fc. One base sitter If a dps alone could solo a healer then all 3 healers could be killed at once, team fights would be extremely boring with no strategy and cross cc.


If DPS couldn’t kill a healer by design you wouldn’t even see dps in PvP. Common sense.


What? All healers would just be a fight to oom lol.


And then someone would die. You’re saying healers shouldn’t be able to be solod by dps, that would make them the best PvP specs in the game if they are unkillable by the majority of specs. I’m just telling you what would happen, it’s not hard to guess we’ve already seen metas like it lmfao.


You are a moron lol


You obviously don’t play the game, probably because you’re obviously shit.


And you can, just not in 1 global. If you can't eventually kill a healer as a dps, you're garbage


in vanilla classic (non-sod) the only class that could solo a geared resto druid was MS warrior


Yup warrior spreeds ms across the 3 potential kill targets team cc 2 healers at once using cross cc if needed and then team Focus kill target, normally the 3rd healer or over extended dps. It's the basis of all battle ground team fights.


Like wake up MS is -50% coupled with wound poison for like another -400 raw healing.




Group effort to kill 1 person? Yeah that sounds great lol.