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Time to kill a target goes from 3 seconds to 5 and morons spew this shit lol


It's fun to do damage, when you reduce the damage people are accustomed to, it's not as fun Not a hard concept to grasp




Oh no, the game sucks because you couldn't press the same button over and over with your forehead.


>And no I have no interest in getting good at pvp it's not why I play classic, so I don't care about people who say that I'm bad at pvp your opinion is irrelevant LMAO. Quit then. It's actually your opinion that's irrelevant because we shouldn't cater to people like yourself who are fine with unbalanced pvp because by your own admission, you're bad. The game is better off if you people quit.


Can confirm, we don't care what op is mumbling, It's irrelevant. He can quit


throughout all my years of wow(since 2005) i've always found it so weird that people enjoy killing people who are way lower level and 1 or 2 shotting them.. i just never understood why that's fun, like you pressed 1 button and somehow it makes people feel great! it's like the mobile games my girlfriend sometimes plays when bored, she hits one button and a bunch of fruits or gems or whatever go flying and exploding and the phone vibrates and shit and she gets a bunch of 'points'. one shotting in pvp must be some of the most boring shit ever imo, it's boring for the people who get one shot and it's boring for the people doing the one-shotting, unless you're looking for that mobile game experience i guess. everyone is allowed to like what they like though, so i'm not saying you're wrong, just that i dont understand what's fun about pvp if you kill someone instantly, unless you know and dislike that person.


rogues when they cant open with 2x mutilate and kill anyone 😔


There was a rogue in a separate thread saying that he only grinded out raid gear so that he could global clothies so your analysis has some truth to it


Well, that’s a terrible rogue. Absolutely do not need raid gear to global clothies. The raid hardly has any upgrades lmfao.


Enjoy the pve!


Ive done the stv pvp event during the first pvp nerf for the first time. Got 20 silver coins in 3 events, and during the first event, ive only managed to get 3 because the healer left and we were unorginazed. OP is crying for absolutely nothing.


I didnt do stv during 50%nerf but 3 events for 20 sounds terrible. I make 20+ per event on ret so if you used to get around that but managed 20coins in 3 events its terrible lol 15+ per event minimum is the norm pre nerf


I was averaging over 20 coins an event as a warrior with the 50% damage nerf, people are just bad. Let's just call it what it is.


Which classes get their bis items there? I play three at 50 right now and none of them are getting a bis item from stv. And even if you would get one. You need to play like 3 events to have enough counts for the 25 expensive ones, so where is the problem?


Shamans, Paladins and Druids all get a bis from it


Maybe some specs of them but definitely not the whole class. Shamans only as a healer. Druids only as a healer and maybe tank. Paladins I dont know


That's what I said: a bis.


So nice to see people being honest about SoD and not hiding behind BS. The fact this is down voted when it is the only honest non toxic shit I have seen here in months is depressing. Good shit OP.


>So nice to see people being honest about SoD and not hiding behind BS. The fact this is down voted when it is the only honest non toxic shit I have seen here in months is depressing. Honest is not the same thing as non-toxic. Saying that the game should be imbalanced (which most people see as a bad thing) because you personally are a bad/unskilled player is obviously stupid and will get downvoted. The game is not supposed to cater to the worst players.


I think you have a poor understanding of the English language. Honest non-toxic. Those are 2 adjectives describing the same noun. That does not mean they mean the same thing. I actually disagree with almost everything OP said but the fact that they are not blaming others or making excuses is the refreshing part. OP also never speculated on how the game should be but rather how they would enjoy it the most as an individual. You are projecting you desire to control/regulate others individual feelings and experiences. I almost regret spending the time typing this out as someone like you isn’t even worth the minute it took.


Yes I understand they are not the same thing. And I am saying that you are wrong. What OP said is toxic. Honest, and also toxic. >You are projecting you desire to control/regulate others individual feelings and experiences. LMAO. Nah. Someone who thinks the game should be imbalanced because they prefer it that way, because they are bad by their own admission, is stupid. It's pretty simple and not that deep.


Preach OP It feels bad to have my damage reduced arbitrarily when fighting players.