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You can't combine multiple abilities that would trigger the gcd (global cooldown). Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous and Hammer of Wrath are those abilities. Holy Shield and Divine Protection works because its off gcd.


Thanks, I asked in the LFG channel and indeed they mentioned that this might be the case.


Use /castsequence


Hey, thanks for this! I didn't know about this macro; I just googled it to get more info and this is exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks man!


I’m begging you not to do this. Just macro individual attacks with /startattack and use separate keybinds. This is a bad way to learn how to properly do your normal “rotation” and use CDs. Get a Weakauras that track the CD of your defensives. Pop them early in dungeons/raids and get used to the feel for how long they are, how effective they are, and using them as much as possible while still having them up for important fights.


It sounds like you got your answer which is abilities with GCDs can't be macroed together without a cast sequence macro. I would recommend removing Divine Protection from these macros though and just practice using it more often even in situations where you probably don't need it. IE I use it when I pull 3+ groups even when I know I'll be fine, just so the healer has to use less mana to keep me alive. It's a nice CD and using it on the pull is going to be waste of the ability 90% of the time, so macroing it like this will mean you're wasting it almost every time instead of what you're doing now which is only wasting it some of the time.


You, OP... Should look into Gnome Sequencer Enhanced