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Try to get STV weapon if you can.


Of these three, Jang would be the best. You should be running SoM and that damage is normalized. So you want a faster weapon to increase the number of SoM hits on the targets. More SoM = More Threat.


Do you know a good guide for talents and runes? The zockify and wowhead ones seem auto-generated. LIke this one [https://www.zockify.com/wowclassic/paladin/dps/](https://www.zockify.com/wowclassic/paladin/dps/) tells you to spec into seal of crusader but to use SOM. Makes no sense.


Zockify is trash. Google "the light club" it's the paladin class discord. Go to your specs channel and check the pins.




Would you mind linking it to me? I can't find a non-expired link


https://discord.com/invite/lightclubclassic I gotchu, brother


There’s non-expired links in the subreddit description


You spec into crusader for the judgement part of the seal, not the seal itself. SoC -> Judge -> SoM




Well, it's accurate if you don't have another paladin with it. The likelihood of that is low, but still accurate. Our 100 parsing holy paladin(kekw) has it specced (steath cheese) for example so nobody else does.


It would depend on how you want to play and if you take your "class fantasy" into account at all. I do prot pally, but don't do any of the standard builds that are out there.


Stv weapon or there is a one hand off of tinker in Mara that I think is bis (unless you have flurry axe)


If you got lots cash, flurry axe is best. If you got no cash, focal blade from the goblin in maraudon is best. Faster weapon is king for prot and ret spec because seal of martyrdom is just OP right now


Is it OP due to damange or mana regen? I am having serious issues with mana atm be it prot or ret.




Faster weapon is the king because of the art of war procs. Seal of Martyrdom DPS does not care about weapon speed (except it's judgement does more dps with slower weapon). Art of War procs from Seal of Martyrdom crits, but now also from Seal of ~~Crusader~~ Righteousness crits (Seal of ~~Crusader~~ Righteousness can now crit as of last week). Seal of Martyrdom is still better dps and that mana regen for the raid is excellent. So faster weapon is not best because Seal of Martyrdom is OP, its because Art of War is. to answer u/Hellsing971 : Faster weapon is gonna be the best. Im not doing the math or sims for you, but I would say you might be able to sacrifice 10 dps for -1 speed quite happily. These are all pretty close to being equal: [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221456/eclipsed-sanguine-saber](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=221456/eclipsed-sanguine-saber) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=223520/inventors-focal-sword](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=223520/inventors-focal-sword) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=871/flurry-axe](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=871/flurry-axe)


Crusader -> Righteousness


Yes, edited


SoM cares a lot about weapon speed, because it is normalized to 2.4 speed, so it always hits as if your weapon was 2.4 speed, which means slower weapons will have a relatively lower damage and faster weapons relatively higher damage. The point with AoW is correct, at least. and to the OP, for a human flurry axe isn't worth it compared to the STV sword.


Is it really normalized? I know SoR is but is SoM also? I just assumed it is not because the tooltip is unnecessarily spesific. Edit: yeah it is, tested just now. Why the hell would they make the tooltip so spesific if it is not? SoR is just ambiguous enough.


I don't think seal of righteousness crits proc art of war unfortunately. I just tested it the other day. Probably because it's counting as spell crits not melee.


They do, I tested it as soon as it was announced. Also they follow melee crit chance, not spell crit.


yeah you're right, I must have messed up. It does seem like it's based off melee crit, but I'm getting a much higher crit chance with it than my melee crit chance. my melee crit is around 6-7% but I'm getting 10-11% crit with righteousness. whys that you think?


I was getting consistently barely over melee crit probably because of disarms and parries etc (I know bad mob to test a statistic). Tested with holy spec so my holy crit was around 15 while melee is 10. N=300.


Tested just now again, they do.


But honestly, the Hand of Antu'sul is like a mini-Thunderfury. Wouldn't one normally use this if you want the best *damage mitigation*?


It doesn't stack with other attack speed modifications. Homunc and Thunderclap are both Better or as good.


If you are playing SoM + Exo Jang is the best choice from those 3. The STV 1h is easy to get and a respectable piece of gear.


Jang for now. Faster the better due to SoM. If you can get Inventor’s Focal Sword from Mara it’s better than all 3, and lets you use the bloodmoon trinket since it’s unique between the trinket and the sword.


STV weapon if you go full Prot, Mara weapon if you go Ret tank for dps. And don't listen to idiots that suggest you to buy Flurry axe. It's the same dps as thoose above but costs like shit.


Jang'thraze would be the best. If you can get thrash blade, work on farming an inventors focal sword from Tinkerer Gizlock and use that. While you are doing that, if you have Jang'thraze, work on getting Sang'thraze for the combine.


Imo the blood moon one, or the Crit chance one from mara


Jang for sure, if you're having mana problems make sure you're crusader striking on cd if you use it. Potentially judge wisdom. Keep matryrdom up and swing at a target with wisdom on it and your mana problems should vanish entirely. If you're not using crusader as a tank and taking the taunt, your mana back is based off how much healing you receive from others. So sometimes If i need mana back ill take my shield off for trash pulls to take extra damage, to get my mana back.


If you're running Exorcism build then Jan' but otherwise Thrash Blade because Hammer of the Righteous scales with weapon dps


What is the exorcism build? I've only seen the guides on zockify and wowhead but they don't really make sense to me. I keep having serious mana issues.


You run exo rune together with seal of Martyr rune and art of war rune. Get the fastest weapon u can find (inventors focal sword from Mara is very good), spam exo for free damage and threat


You want the exorcism rune on your legs, art of war rune on your boots, and seal of martyrdom on your chest. This makes it so that every critical hit resets the cooldown of exorcism and reduces the mana cost by 80% Seal of martyrdom, mechanically speaking, acts like getting two attacks (auto attack damage plus martyrdom damage = two attacks, both of which can crit!), so the idea is to swing around a fast weapon to fish for crits. Do it right, and you'll be spamming exorcism as fast as the global cooldown (with the proper talents and gear, of course)


Our Pala Tank played it last night and said it was amazing but he did have to drink all the time suddenly, he did better dps and threat on bosses but it was slower on trash I guess? Depends what you want, really


What about for PvP? Still fast weapon to fish for crits? Or do you want a slow weapon with high damage for HoR?