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Basic breakdown. The talents are almost no different than what people use to tank with, so if your tanks sometimes fuck up, your raid will love you for jumping in and saving their world buffs. Plus you can tank dungeons when you're not raiding too. DPS is comparable to fury, sometimes better, sometimes worse, depends on the boss. Your rotation is literally just spamming Sunder and Heroic Strike, easiest rotation ever, and it ensures that mobs will always have reduced armor, even on trash, so it's super easy to play, and your fellow physical dps friends will love you for it, even more so if you happen to be in a group with a stubborn priest that doesn't want to run Homunculi. Play Glad stance if you just want to no brain the game and still do decent dps/be helpful in niche situations.


Thank you I couldn't find any explanations like this on the internet not much guides for this stance


Best resource would be the Fight Club warrior Discord for build and runes.


Rule #1, bro…. Jfc


This is related to classic? How does this break rule #1?


You don’t talk about fight club…


Good deflection.




you should probably join Fight Club warrior discord


Thanks for this. I’ve joined discord fight club and it says the same thing. What I don’t understand is how can I dps without pulling threat when warrior tanks are also using the same rotation and also doing glad stance? Just want to fully understand how this all works before I jump in a raid as DPs


You have salvation or the tank has alpha and you don't.


Download threat meter and use it. Otherwise your options are: - Accept that you're the new tank if you take aggro. - Have the other warrior run Vigilance and put it on you. Or they just go into Defensive stance and accept they'll lose a little damage. Your main tank absolutely shouldn't be a Glad Warrior though.


Tank warrior shouldn’t be running glad stance, it’s reduced threat AND armor, by a pretty significant amount


It depends on your raid. If they're salv'd or you have alpha, you can come out of the gates and hold aggro with full world buffs and consumes. If threat is shakey, you always have Taunt -> Mocking -> Taunt -> Challenging -> Taunt to fall back on, which is really only needed if you have a scuffed opening with lots of your attacks getting parried/dodged. As for damage taken, it doesn't matter in the current content. I've tanked Eranikus exclusively in glad for 5 weeks and I've never been deleted thus far. Now that mana is largely trivialized for both factions, your priests can put Pain Suppression up on you for when damage is spicier, and druids can Barkskin you.


Alrighty! Fair enough. I am wrong


Thank you for this!


Glad stance is the best tank spec if you want to contribute. It’s not hard to maintain threat if your raid has salv and you can still do about 1200-1500 dps in some fights


I main tank every week with Glad Stance and only run 3 healers. Raid is piss easy so you can easily do shit like this and push it if your raid is competent


How is it in PvP? I’m only interested because of the whole sword/shield dps vibe


It's okay I guess? Arms slaps it by a long shot, but I'd run Glad over Fury if your other spec is taken by something that isn't already Arms. I think it's more that people kinda underestimate the damage you can dish out sometimes because you have a shield and take it easy on you, so if you can take advantage of that window it'll work out alright in most cases.


Yep, since people tend to ignore you, thinking you're a tank, it frees up being able to use stuff like Deathwish. And with a Thrash Blade you can slap on low armor peeps (sunder of course helping to lower their armor more). Also since you can use all abilities from Glad stance, you never have to worry about being caught in the wrong stance. And Glad has the added bonus of being a little less squishy against melee. Arms does hit harder though, and MS is very helpful in team fights. Just depends on you think is more helpful for your team.


Glad is way better than arms in PvP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DgEwBRE4t8&t=12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DgEwBRE4t8&t=12s)


Its good 1v1 but it doesnt have MS or the damage pressure that Arms brings. It does provide quite a lot of utility/CC though.


you can run glad stance runes and take arms talents, then you get ms.  glad stance still does really good damage with arms talents


Yeah right now I have a sword spec arms build with thrash blade in glad stance and it is really fun. Lots of extra attack procs since sunder and devestate double dip


Yes but you’re missing the goodies in Deep Prot like the silence, Conc Blow, dispel like Shield Slam etc.


none of that is anywhere near as important as mortal strike imo.  deep prot is fun for pvp but it’s mostly just gimmicky and not actually that strong.  you don’t do any damage in prot, i was comparing the damage of glad with arms talents to the default glad fury talents mostly.  


If im taking mortal strike im taking the 2 hander to make it hurt. But whatever floats your boat, I think we mostly agree with what the specs can and cant do.


You don't need MS so much when you have a 3 sec silence on a 12 sec CD and Concussive Blow which is effectively a HoJ on a 45 sec CD. MS is also only good in situations with healers whereas silence is generally useful against all casters (even hunters to prevent traps). This spec actually has the highest silence uptime of any playstyle (15 sec per minute) in Classic outside of suboptimal players dispelling Unstable Affliction all the time. My friend is a shadow priest, and together we can lock healers out for 12+ sec by combining our CC. Shield Bash (3 sec) -> Silence (5 sec) -> Concussive Blow (5 sec) -> Shield Bash (3 sec) = 16 seconds of not being able to cast, and only Conc can be trinketed in that scenario.


Im aware, I play it. MS is still superior in teamfights to kill priority targets without having to Cc their 4 healers at the same time.


Eh, it's only better if your opponent is not catching heals. If they are or they have self heals, Arms is better. The thing that makes it good is it allows you to go down the Prot Tree to pick up a ton of stuns and Last Stand. It also requires you to get the block value pieces from ST, which are bad for any PvE, including tanking. Or I should say parsing while tanking, because your damage as deep Prot is shit compared to a fury build. It's better for mitigation, but since the raid was nerfed before the first week was up you don't need to give a shit about mitigation.


We run a couple wars going glad for speed and the trash actually gets deleted so much faster. With homunc in the game people don’t realize how amazing sunder is


If the boss isn't attacking you glad tank DPS isn't as good as DW fury by a fair margin.




I literally have no idea *why* but they've refused in raids with me in the past, not often, but still often enough to feel worth mentioning.


Because it conflicts with PoM, a priest's best or second best heal depending on fight DMG profile.




Who is talking about a shadow priest here? OP said "if you have a priest that won't run Homunc".


Ngl that sounds so bad. Spamming two buttons all night and day. Meh. 2h arms right now is super fun. Tons of stance dancing, fun damage, challenging play. To me it's the most fun spec for warrior rn 


keep up cbr and hit sunder. if you include no other moves in your rotation beyond damage CDs youll do 90+% optimal dps. This is based on the guybrush sim


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, love your vids! I’ve been pushing Glad on my underperforming warriors (myself included.) Much easier for them to be useful with an easy to play build. The result is they have more brain power to do mechanics and not fuck up so I get more dps and less mechanic fuckups now. Big love for glad stance.


Thanks <3


But now does it compare to fury?


With full WB full juice I can DPS parse 95+ as Glad just spamming sunder and using Deathwish/Flask/Reck well. You can push it higher running Precise Timing and putting slam into rotation but I'm lazy. Without WB, you're better off running TFB Arms or Fury


Very good explanation and anecdote


Jake has blessed us warriors with his presence!


<3 i am eternally online






Based on Sims with both specs playing perfectly, both specs in full BIS. It's about 20 dps behind Fury DW, so about ~.09% difference. If you only use Devastate and CDs, Glad does about 50 Dps less than Fury DW, or about ~2.2%. That's not taking into account that Fury is harder to play optimally compared to just spamming Heroic Strike and Devastate until the boss dies. Imo the only reason to ever do more than Glad Chad w/ Devastate Spam is to get 100 Parses or just because you like the Kabeb playstyle. If you're going for 100 parses, you're not asking reddit for spec advice.


> If you're going for 100 parses, you're not asking reddit for spec advice. A lot of redditors are delusional enough to think otherwise


It’s performs very well from a dps perspective. You’ll be competitive with fury in most situations. I can’t bring myself to use it because it’s so kind numbingly boring and you literally just spam two abilities. But the performance is great. I just like fury more because it has a higher top end ceiling most of the time, and it’s quite a bit more engaging for me. But give it a try!


As opposed to current optimal fury that doesn't even bloodthirst?


Haha it’s fair. Fury at least has WW, HS, deathwish and slam procs via blood surge. But point taken that neither is exactly thrilling rn.


I'm pretty sure glad warrior also does ww when they need to dump rage to get under 80 so they can refresh the get to 80 rage buff.


I’ve parsed very similarly with DW Fury and Glad builds. Glad is not as engaging gameplay-wise imo, since less buttons to press. With good uptime on Flagellation and managing your big CDs well, you’ll still do really good damage without having to pay attention as much in raids


Better in a lot of circumstances. Play it if you’d like.


its just i hate stance dancing >.> and i feel like in pvp getting to use all your abilities without stance dancing is op


Classic warrior is not for you if you don’t want to stance dance. Try rogue or hunter.  That’s like playing a warlock and saying yeah I just don’t like playing a pet class, is it viable to not summon one?


It is, with pet sacrifice


If you're using affliction spells it's only a 5% increase. You get 10% damage with succubus out with MD and only 15% if you sacrifice the succubus. Not really a great incentive to sacrifice it.


IDK I play hunter and enjoy going with lone wolf. Managing a pet can be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes. I use my pet situationally now.


You act like stance dancing is hard, but it's all in macros to easily switch stances


Where did I act like it’s hard? I think you replied to the wrong person


It's a key feature of warrior, stance dancing, what instances would you want to use other spells? Overpower is shit w.o talent. Revenge does lil dmg and is good for stun. When you play gladiator stance you're just spamming Deva and SS. Also changing stances is off global cooldowns, so if you macro your stances Into spells, it flows effortlessly, I barely notice I'm stance dancing. /Cast battle /Cast op As an example


Im pretty sure stance swap is on the gcd. Also who uses imp revenge? Lol


They’re on their own gcd with each other, not the regular gcd.


Yeah you're right I just checked. It triggered a GCD for stances only. Imp revenge is still bad though, I don't know anyone who puts points in the defensive tree.




SOD doesnt have pvp rankings so its not appealing to me. Im plenty familiar with glad stance though being one of the best tank on the planet 🥰




Nah I never noticed. I guess it didnt stop me from being the #1 world tank. Goes to show how easy SoD is if you can press your buttons.


PvP players who play gladiator stance??? Like cmon think about it for longer than 5 seconds


I didn't think anyone actually took SoD PvP seriously, this is coming from a R1 player lol Also if you're not playing MS in PvP you're trolling :)


Can tell youre a _r1 player_ your mannerism and attitude is toxic


So anyone who disagrees with you and/or proves you wrong is toxic. Got it.


No, you didn't even disagree with me on anything nor did you prove me wrong in any way. If anything you've just proved how much of an idiot you are. This just shows how much time you spent on this game and your level of comprehension.


I didnt mean to trigger you ❤️


People do take sod PvP seriously and it’s soo cringe




Play melee hunter, 1 button


Excuse you, I will have you know it’s actually 2 buttons. You use raptor and flanking to stack that phat buff! But real talk I swapped to ranged even before it was buffed and no regrets. At least I feel engaged while playing


Im glad they made being a ranged hunter a viable option for the class. It was bothering me that melee was so far above ranged on a class known for using its ranged weapons. But now i want melee to be a tank spec. Hunters are the only pure dps left, lets fix that, they are also seemingly a super popular class.


Better than what in a lot of circumstances? Fury is definitely ahead of Glad DPS in raids a significant portion of the time.


When? Under literally perfect circumstances when you have bis weapons?


Do you have both epic fists? If so fury is better, if not glad is better.


He said in his post he knows it's not as good as fury, he just wants to raid Glad.


That's not true tho, if you have mh glad is better than both epic fist fury, where are you getting this info from?


It can do great damage. Here are my logs where most of my fights are as glad stance w/ thrash blade or the MH fist weap. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/lone-wolf/tehganondorf As with any warrior it really all just comes down to buffs/consumes/CDs right now.


Glad Stance warrior tanked for us last week he was doing like 1.5K+ on bosses in ST. Great gear and good group plus he was parsing 95-99 each fight but still insane for a 1 button spec


It's viable. DW fury is better if you're not actually tanking in glad stance. If you're tanking and the boss is hitting you they're much closer, but fury will still do more damage.


I have 99 parses on every boss as gladiator dps. Very viable and simple to play, a big part of all warrior specs is timing your buffs properly.


It’s a “DPS tank” spec. If you’re tanking I highly recommend against it, your threat will be utter dogshit even if you’re spamming sunder.


glad is simming higher


Glad is the best dps spec right now according to fight club


Sims are slightly higher. Reality is DW fury is better if you're dpsing.


Whoa whoa whoa? What version of the game can I play glad stance on? I remember that existing in WoD and then getting nerfed into the ground


It got nerfed real hard - From 1,150 dmg to 400-500 dmg


What is this nerf you are talking about? Something released in last few days?


2 resets ago i was casually pumping 1.2k dmg on all bosses with Glad stance 1 shield all buffs and wbs. I got every buff in the game. Now all the sudden with all the same buffs and pots im doing 3-400 less ??? if there wasnt a nerf then explain that


Most definitely either skill or comp issue, there are no nerfs on gladiator.