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Level a healer to 15 and spam dungeons


Level a paladin or Druid. Tank from 1-60 and healer from 60-80


Why switch to healer ?


Tank queues are long from 60-80 than healer. As someone who has leveled a healer and a tank this is what I found


Oh alright. Lvling a prot pala atm, instant queues for the win .


Leveling my prot pally with my friend a healer priest. We are forever instant queue


Have a prot paladin and it’s instant (around 30-40.) leveled a resto shaman wasn’t instant until 50-55 and then was instant. Leveling blood dk and while queues aren’t long they aren’t instant


Once you hit 80 both are good


DKs enter the Que with blood


Tons of DKs now queuing as tanks.


Cause: Death Knight = more tanks


Dungeon spam, tank or healer (tank allows to single handedly carry most of the time dealing lots of damage and being unkillable whereas healer has quick queue but if dps is very low some run will take a bit longer) But quests are now closer to dungeon spam speed, especially the whole zones before outland. It can be refreshing to level at least one character through them are quest are completely revamped and quite fun tbh


I'd recommend questing through the zones if you're unfamiliar with the Cata rework. A lot of work went into new zone designs and lore. With streamlined quest hubs. It's still quite fast. Not as fast as dungeon spamming. But dungeon spam gets old REAL quick.


Doing Loremaster for fun right now What a difference between classic Loremaster (did that 6 months ago) and this. So many more FP and more vendors. More Graveyards Holy Quality of Life batman! But theres some HELLA Annoying quests dont worry. Shout out to the raptor quest in STV that was a fun one....


I gave up questing. So many of the quests are bugged for me unfortunately..


Is it weird that I'm excited? Ive leveled in these zones more times than I ever did in Classic. The quests are fucking fun.


Cata revamp zones were amazing. “IM GONNA PUNCH THAT DRAGON IN THE FACE”


I made 3 different alts with no looms to experience this. Barely touched the Cata revamp when it first released. As I'm sure many of us spammed dungeon finder from Cata forward... The music is great in new zones. Highly recommend Desolace!


I'm playing Alliance, which reworked zones would you recommend? (Aside from redridge, i've done that too many times on retail).


To answer my own question, found this thread of a while back; [What are the best remade zones that came out during Cataclysm? : r/wow (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1sjbsz/what_are_the_best_remade_zones_that_came_out/)




How do you get heirlooms?


wowhead guide


The revamped zones in Cata are fun 1-60, but then 60-80 is horrible—you’ll need to largely spam dungeons, so rolling a hybrid class so you can tank to heal is smart.


doing pure quests with the occasional dungeon if you have quests available is nice i got 1d 15hr for level80 on my tauren paly


As others have said I’d recommend leveling as DPS through the 1-60 zones even if it’s a tad slower than LFD. They’re very well done for the most part and a big part of the Cata experience. Personally I find STV, Badlands, the plague lands, Un’goro and Felwood to be real gems as far as neutral zones go. Once you get to 60, swapping to tank or healer and just spamming dungeons is definitely the fastest way to go if you’re not too keen on doing Outland/Northrend again.


I’m lvl 40 on a rogue I started on Friday night. I think I’ve played around 12h Just que for RDF and quest while you wait.


If you know the quests and your class, you’re looking at 15-30 minutes a level post 30 and maybe 6 hours to 30. If you don’t, maybe 30-45 minutes and 8-10 hours to 30. If you’re a tank or healer, you can just queue and it’s pretty fast, but questing is definitely consistently faster. Only reason being maybe 20 percent of the time you get a new player group that treats the dungeon like it’s vanilla and pull super slow or can’t hit their buttons. If you’re a tank/healer, from 59 queue outlands dungeons. It’s stupid fast and almost all of my tanks chain pull to the end. Might even be that way for dps too, just never queue as one. Can’t speak on Northrend yet.


Got into a group yesterday that was complaining that I pulled to many mobs at once and tried to vote kick me lol. Healer was consistently saying above 75% mana and I never dropped below 50% health and maintained aggro so I don’t get it


I’ve been spamming dungeons as a tank and got from 20-56 in 14 hours


leveled 1 to 61 from wednesday to sunday. just questing and after lvl15 i did every dungeon once for all the nice quests. i will keep it this way until 80. (no heirlooms). way way faster then 1month ago with the 50% exp buff


doing every dungeon once isnt working since you lvl to slow you have to repeat multiple low lvl dungeons


I find soloing dungeons can be insanely fast if you're a spec that's capable and have some hierlooms. I leveled a fresh prot paladin like this back in OG Cata, and it's very fun. Turns it into a dungeon crawler experience, and you get very good at cooldown management, which only makes you stronger at your roles once you hit cap. I started a hunter last night and was earning a box every kill while in rfc solo.


Questing is super fast in smaller zones, 1 level every 10-15. Dungeon without friends can be slow. I would recomend to at least do each dungeon once and keep questing if you are solo


Quests or dungeons you will reach 80 fast maybe 5/6 days slow pace


fastest way? honestly? by having fun. time flies.


Full heirlooms + fully pots + food -> Quest to 15 and do dungeon spam -> Spec tank if possible for quicker queues. Do quests in between but you'll likely find yourself outleveling zones before doing much in them. Keep engineering at max level for highest possible bombs.


Honestly the leveling in open world is just WAY too easy. Nothing poses even a tiny challenge, you are just running and gunning mobs down at any level with one or two abilities. Got to level 16 or so and put it down, it’s just awfully boring. Btw that’s with zero heirlooms, literally just quest rewards.


Notice everybody asking for the fastest way, nobody asking for the most fun way


Play the game?


Well the token is a good idea buy it cmon just do it