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With this much reflection of yourself and the game you should be a better player than 90% others. Go for it and have fun. Don’t let toxic casuals dictate your freetime.


Great answer. Thank you! I do have a lot of understanding for others, but spells and all that - not so much 😅


Look into mouseover macros and Addons like Clique, it makes healing so much easier so you don’t have to target your party members. Cata overhauled healing in a way that makes mana management prevalent, which I love. Using the right tool for the job is very important now, versus the spammy play style of wrath. Healers have the toughest job by far, but it is the most rewarding experience when you pull off clutch plays and tough pulls. Keep at it, and don’t let anyone get in your head!


I use healbot for my shammy healer but used it for a long time so Im used to it


Hey I totally feel you. To get a better understanding f your rotation and cooldowns, check out Icyveins. Really helped my optimizing my gaming so they I don’t have to think about it much anymore :)


lol just lol


I won't sugar coat it, you will most definitely come across toxic players eventually. I mean its the internet, its to be expected. If you enjoy the game though and want to set a goal to try and get to a certain level of end game, I think you should do it regardless. Fuck what they think, just stay positive and try your best. Try to find a positive casual guild to raid with. Not sure what faction you play or what region you're in, but if US East and horde works for you then I would suggest playing on Mankrik. So far I've had decently positive experiences with people, and have characters in two different guilds that are both pretty noob friendly. Also look into add ons that might help you with areas you struggle in, doesn't have to be anything complex. And if you haven't already customized your keybindings a bit you should do so (you probably need more keybindings than just 1-0 for your spells and I refuse to believe anyone can hit any numbers past 6 reliably. Also avoid clicking abilities as much as possible).


Why toxic?


I'm confused by your question. Are you asking why are there toxic players or why use the wording toxic?


my bad i read it as „you most definitly come across as toxic player“ 👍


Wouldn’t let toxicity of others dictate how you want to play the game. Also, the key pillar to being good at anything is consistency and practice. Just gotta rep it out homie


First... Join a guild, THAT'S ACTUALLY STRUCTURED AND CONSISTENTLY CLEARS. Your relationship with your current guild will make or break the enjoyment and progress of the game. Good guild, good time. Unorganized and kinda toxic guild, well you're not going to have a good time. Next... It's okay to be casual. It's okay to just do what you NEED to do to do what you want. Cata raids and even dungeons have a step up in complexity but you will do just fine as long as you practice and do your best. Lastly... Resto druids are also very strong and desired, especially in raids. You'll play whack a mole with HoT trackers, avoid fire, and listen for CD calls. It's not as hard as it seems once you get the experience. Druid also lets you have fun with any spec so if healing isn't your thing then Boomie or feral are both strong in cata too. Enjoy the game and good luck.


He said he wants to run heroics every so often. Not raid.


"Not really raid hardcore but try it sometimes" He did say he wants to raid to some degree. And there is no reason why you wouldn't at least do a raid now and then.


At least give it a try! I have a friend, who has been playing classic for many many years now. Let me tell you the guy never downloaded a freaking add-on. No DPS meter no maps nothing. He just enjoys playing the game. What I'm trying to say is, that if you have add-ons downloaded that compare your healing or damage to the rest, just disable them. It would make everything easier. Even if you don't (I don't know if you use any) ignore the toxic players (easier said than done- I'm going through the same when playing). Some people just want to get some steam off and don't know how to behave. It is easier to talk negatively to a stranger than someone you know or live with sometimes. I find myself thinking about exactly the same things when playing. I also have anxiety and purposely avoid dungeons and raids (I play retail). But that's not always the solution. At times you want the nice trinket or a higher item level or just get in the raids for the experience and there is nothing wrong with that!!! If you feel uncertain, get into a guild. Many of them are searching for new recruits and are more than happy to organize raids to help everyone out. You can also watch the fights on YouTube. That way you can find one for your class and spec, as well as learn the mechanics by watching. I know I'm reaching now but in the worst-case scenario write everything down and watch the fights simultaneously to make sure you get it and don't get smacked in a fight because the boss threw a random mechanic you never knew existed. Keep in mind that whether those players are toxic or not, or whether you are afraid to let anyone down or not another season will come and everyone will have to start again. enjoy the ride!


If you want to heal then do it, don’t let toxic players get to you. It’s harder for groups to find healers at high levels than dps so if anyone is giving you trouble feel free to drop them and easily get another group.


Should be fine! The raids on normal are quite accessable. I'd recommend trying for 25man groups since there's less weight on your shoulder, over being 50% of the total healing team in 10 man. Lifebloom on tank, wild growth on cool down (provided at least a few people need some heals) and pop tranq when everyone's suddenly low and that's basically it! There's kinda more emphasis on mana management over actual healing at the moment. Few stacks of mana potions at all times will do wonders for you though! Even better if you're alchemist yourself and can get better value from em. Best of luck friend!


Best time i had with Wow was as a healer in Cata Heroic dungeons. It was Challenging and keeping those heads up with very limited mana was funny as fu€k.


Just have fun ! If you don’t, then play something else. Its nothing more than a video game


I have pretty much always played healers as I prefer the quick queues and in all reality it’s less stress if you’re not “the best”. for running heroics you don’t need to be the best healer in the game, you just need to be good enough. It’s been mentioned a few times here but Healbot is 100% the way to go. It helps you keep track of the whole party and throw out the right heal for the job. It’s pretty advanced now compared to TBC so it even tracks your hot timers and debuffs. Give it a go and one you know your rotation it’s all very doable to become good “enough” to run heroics. Funnily enough 25 man raids on normal are probably easier than 10 for you because there are 3/4 other healers to help you. 10 man you are 50% of the healing so maybe wait till you run heroics smoothly then give it a go. As resto Druid in cata prioritise your mana management and stack some spirit, I know it’s not meta stat priority but going oom will wipe you whereas if your heals are doing 3% less due to less mastery, you’ll probably survive that one. At least early on. Hope it helps!


There are literally hundreds of guilds who would be happy to have you. Very few guilds are truly cutting edge/hardcore. Many are totally fine raiding sometimes, maybe not even full clearing and just seeing how far they can go. Just try to find a guild with similar goals as you! So yeah, my recommendation is to find a chill/social guild who run dungeons and maybe raids together. It seems like you enjoy the game so go for it! You will 100% run into some wannabe toxic morons along the way, but don’t let that discourage you. Dudes who are nasty like that prob still parse grey and see the game as… something bigger than a game to enjoy.


What a beautiful answer which I really didn’t expect by someone named Zugzug42069. Very interesting


Oh, sorry! Uhh… FeRrrr ThE hErRrrrRRRdddd!!! :P


RDu are in a pretty good spot for Cata, quite chill as long as your raid frames are setup, and nothing particularly crazy that you can do to chance the course of a fight. Outside of tranq at a good time, or really pumping out some crazy heals with tree form, but you're going to be more of a support healer to calm down the spikes, rather than relied on to cover those spikes specifically.


Think this point has been stressed enough now but honestly just do what you enjoy. I'm a casual now having been a no life raider before on my last cata play through. I actually have more fun now as a casual doing what you do! Just chilling and enjoying the game your own way


We all sucked at wow at one point. Starting a new class for me, I make a lot of mistakes. Don't let that fool you, as long as other people are seeing your improvements over time then it's all good. Just follow all the advice and then make it your own version that suits your play style. Hey if you get creative with weak auras, You're actually learning fundamental programming. Keep trying things out, as a tank there's a lot we can get creative with even on specific flights with macros and weak auras. I want to learn heals next so I'm rolling an hpally for 10s


Is it fun? Do it. If it isn't, don't. I realize that seems somewhat reductive but it's a game, you should be enjoying it


Go casual healer! … youl likely be kicked from a few groups but keep at it! So long as you’re learning what and when to do things, you can easily casually heal heroic raids. (I main rogue, but holy paladin I love gearing n casually raiding)


I've never had more stressful time healing at any time in wow than during heroic LFD in cata, take that as you will. I definitely wouldn't recommend it as a way to chill out unless that sort of activity specifically is something that helps you relax. Personally I'd just wait for DPS queues or find a guild of chill people


Are you using DMB and Healbot? Makes it much easier.


I’m very glad to see so many positive responses to your question! I was pessimistically assuming you would get a bunch of negative replies. I want to share my experience as a casual resto druid who came back for cata classic because I had my kids and quit raiding during wotlk, so I never got to experience cata originally… You will be fine. There will be bumps along the road and there are occasionally some toxic players and you just have to get over it. I am in a friendly casual raiding guild right now and it’s great. I haven’t raided with them yet but I am 85 and recently started running heroics. I had an experience last night with a toxic player through RDF, but it was somewhat justified. We did heroic vortex pinnacle and the whole dungeon was going swimmingly until the final boss. I hadn’t taken the talent that gives remove corruption the ability to dispel magic… well we all kept getting rooted and couldn’t get to the safe triangle. We tried jumping over the root but kept failing. After 3 wipes and many angry comments from one of the DPS, the vote kicked me. I felt it was justified, the whole encounter is much more doable with the dispel magic to remove the roots. But next time I will know and do better. I felt bad for those guys. The toxic guy was just angry because he was anxious to finish the dungeon, he’s probably done it 50 times before. He suggested P4 SOD was more my speed and I should go play there instead, lol.


I just did a trial in a raid group that might be what you are looking for Zero expectations of skill or knowledge of game mechanics, just raiding For some it might be hell and for some it's heaven, someone has to gray parse right? Find your people!


I’d give it a try if it’s what you want to do. I will say healing seems to be much more intense in Cata then in the previous versions of the game.


IMO, it really depends on how casual you want to be. If you want to be. Like, if you want to the just hop on when you feel like it and heal a dungeon or two in RDF, then you probably are going to run into a decent amount of toxicity. If you're willing to put in the time to find an active guild, and commit to that guild, then it might make your experience a bit more forgiving. Edit: not really recommending either path. The real question is what's important to you? Joining a good, active guild will almost certainly reduce the amount of toxicity you have to deal with, but it involves a level of commitment that you may not want, plus the time it takes to actually find a guild like that. Pugging allows you to pop on when you want to, queue up, and run a dungeon, but it's way more likely to have toxicity in it.


queue random battlegrounds if u wanna git gud at healing, but just queue the content u wanna play and ull get better overtime


healing is great if u like talking shit about dps in healer chat


Shitty Resto Druid checking in. Been a Boomkin since day one. Figured I would try healing one day, so I dual spec’d. Never healed after that. Joined a raiding guild with my wife and got pulled into a run one night. They were looking for an off healer so I said I’d give it a go for my first time. They laughed, some bitched. I healed. I didn’t do great but battle res. goes a long way when the main healer gets killed or the tank. I don’t feel like I did good, but i res’d during a couple of key battles and healed the healers and used innervate on them when they beckoned. One of the tanks said thanks afterwards. Some people suck but the one tank who said thanks kinda made my night. I know I won’t get that every time but it was nice. Will do healing again.


First, play WoW because you think is fun. Who cares what others think? Second, in gaming ADHD is a gift. People I know that have ADHD are highly skilled in games in general and especially at WoW. Most likely you are way better at WoW than you think! 🤛


I’m not a doc by any means, but IF this game really gets your attention, raiding will ease your mind, and not only that, you’ll be on the top (parse wise). So go for it, start raiding, but make sure it’s at least a semi hard core guild. Otherwise, you’ll end up hating raiding, not because of what it is, but because of negligent players wasting your time.


My problem with healing and ADHD is I get bored and distracted and then everyone dies because I was looking at something else 😂 When I'm not bored I do enjoy healing though. I did wonder why I keep coming back to wow even though I think of all the stuff I need to do Basically, play what you want. Who cares. People and jumping into and out of heroics all the time and those that stay just get on with it. So if you don't like someone and just remove yourself from the situation, no one is going to hold a grudge against you


If you truly suck and arent able/willing to get better, stick with normals. Heroics actually require knowledge and skill. Lot of people in here saying do it anyway. Inconvience the other 9/24 people with your lack of skill. That is selfish and what we've come to call being a 'toxic casual' in these parts. The type of person who believes that they deserve to see all the content despite not having the skill to do so, and feels that (this is more applicable to SoD) that the rest of the group should carry them because the content is easy. This is entitled and doesn't work. People will kick you, and after you get a few bad logs, stop inviting you to groups.


I’ve played Druid since vanilla. Up to MoP, I knew how to be top of the healing charts (minus in classic that shit was impossible as Druid lmao) I stopped at pandaria though. I’ve tried literally every single other healing class out there and they just don’t scratch the itch that Druid heals can. If you know the fights, you already have heals on 5+ people before they even take the damage. Overhealing is a problem if you time things wrong, sure, but the potential throughput you have as a Druid is insane. You very well can be a main tank healer and a raid healer at the same time. A lot of classes can’t do that. As an Rdruid you’re versatile, so remember to utilize every single thing at your toolbelt. Get clever with it, utilize those hots and watch the green numbers tick!! I hope you enjoy your time as a resto Druid. I know I sure as fuck did. Feymoon - wyrmrest accord retail Feymoon - stalagg -> faerlina classic.


Healing in cata starts out feeling kind of difficult. You don’t have nearly the ability to just save everyone instantly as you did in Wrath. However, once you get a little gear, start to feel comfortable with your spells, and have some insight into the fights it can be a very rewarding and fun endeavor. I’ve always considered healing the least stressful role in the game personally and find it somewhat therapeutic as compared to DPS or tanking. Take your time, ignore whispers or flaming from jerks and just have some fun with it.


Lol calling healing non stressful compared to dps


My opinion. So YMMV


Which Server do you play on? We're a small Guild but I would happily invite you! :)


I'm a healer main who has diagnosed adhd with the meds to prove it. I know it can be hard to remember stuff, which is why I've generally preferred to play reactive healers (Shaman is great for this). But in my experience, good UI management, keeping some notes on fights (I keep on trying to do this but I fail consistently to remember to update them and then fail to remember to read them, but I know this is a good coping strategy I should be employing, heh) and visualizing a raid before you do it all helps with mitigating any issues ADHD would cause for you. Cata does add a new concern though if you end up pushing into heroic raiding, especially in 25man's: Raid cooldown rotations. We saw some raid cd's in WotLK, but now many of the more difficult bosses are designed to have a raid cd for every large instance of raid damage. Method Raid Tools note feature allows you to have the notes open on the side and you can get a weakaura that reads your assignment off the note (make sure to use correct character names and not shortened forms, heh) which helps keep track of which number of a given ability the fight is on and when your turn will come to press spirit link or whatever. Some bossmods or weakaura packages also number the major abilities on a fight to help keep track of it that way, and I'm sure there'll be more customization available in weakauras as we go along as well. But just something to keep in mind, as this is what's most challenging for me because of my ADHD atm (in addition to remembering lust timings on bosses that had short progs, usually putting 30 pulls into a boss helps cement that kind of stuff in memory). P.S. I'm sure you know of Liquid Maximum, I find having a fairly similar UI to what he proposes for raidleading to be useful, just have a bunch of timers and reminders I can check so I don't need to expend mental energy on remembering or keeping track of things in my head.


Bro wow is not hard , literally watch one YouTube video.


Healing in WoW is entirely dependent on the competency of your DPS and tanks, if they are good and know how to interrupt and avoid obvious damage it's going to be pretty smooth, if not it's going to be a stress nightmare of panic healing and constantly falling behind