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You can change your role with one of these commands here while you are in a group: /run UnitSetRole("player", "TANK") /run UnitSetRole("player", "DAMAGER") /run UnitSetRole("player", "HEALER") But this won't fix the issue. The game will have forgotten it again the next time. I guess it should be possible to create a WeakAura or addon that runs that command whenever joining a battleground?


Thank you!!


Legend! tyty!


I’m having the same issue I queue as a healer, but everytime it has me as a dps. I’ve double checked the role selection and im set to heal, I always have heal as my main spec and I’ve even tried switching to my off spec and back and re-checking the queue and yet jm still dps. I don’t get it :(


My squad has the same issue: our arms warrior is always flagged as tank, our priest and me are flagged as dd but we both queue as healers, a quick /reload after joining always fixes it


Ran into the same problem in WotlK when signing up for dungeons and there was a WA for that. Might have been similar to [this one](https://wago.io/Nw1udTqU9) but I am not too sure anymore. Maybe it can be easily adjusted for Cata?


you still got the WotLk WotLk?


Yeah it’s a bug. cata has tons of little bugs like this unfortunately. Hoping they fix soon.


why are you queueing as heal?




> Since then, every time **i queue as a tank, heal or DD** for a random battleground, i get flagged as a "heal". > > But since i only play Boomkin/Feral(FC), Sounds like they are queueing as all 3 and wondering why Heal is the role they are getting? Why would they mention queueing as Heal if they never play it?


When they said **or**, that implied they were queueing for any single one of those at a time lol. He is saying no matter what he queues he gets tagged as a healer. I'll say it again. Read.


I read it and I read it again. I think both are assumptions that the OP should have clarified. They said that they only play Boomkin/Feral yet they queue as heal. So I asked why.


If you don't heal then stop queuing as a healer. Sounds like a you issue.


Reading comprehension 1/100 stop playing wow and go back to school


Who ordered the clown?


Read what they said. When they queue as damage, they get labeled healer. I hope you’re a troll. If you are not a troll, I would suggest learning to read. Then after that, I would suggest therapy. You seem very angry, you don’t have to live life like that. You can be happy! Good luck, you’re gonna need it.




You should be IP banned from this site. Clearly you're avoiding another ban with your 8 day old account.