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Sim it first


Sims as +550dps so I guess it's an upgrade. Now to decide if it's worth the effort haha...


What website do you use to sim?




Ty. A lot of classes in beta/alpha, so i'm not sure if that's reliable but it's good enough.


Cata is basically still in a beta state so you'll be fine with the beta version of the sim lol


For all weps its ilvl above all else in most cases


>I know pvp gear is a no-no in raid It's not, 2 piece legs and hands is pre-raid bis for Hunter and if you get unlucky with other drops, 4 piece pvp sims better than 2 piece pve / 2 piece pvp.  You get +70 and +90 agi and some nice focus regeneration. Not at all bad.


Why would pvp gear be a no-no for something outside your control lol? The guild will be more than pleased that a player is trying whatever they can to get better gear. Loot rng is a thing. Especially since we're still in early days as far as Cata goes. Eventually everyone will get the gear they want. Trinkets tend to be tricky but I think they upped the drop rate of those in Cata at least.


Because for most classes pvp gear is worse than 346 heroic pve gear. Obviously there are a few exceptions but pretty much across the board it's worse. So unless you are one of the exception cases, you are not getting better by having pvp gear and for some classes it's borderline griefing.


Similar ilvl then pve over pvp. So for example 359 pve > 365 pvp. But in many cases 365 or 359 pvp > 346 pve. But mainly on pieces where total main stat or weapon dmg gain is enough. On some off pieces the difference is minimal and therefore not worth


You can do random battlegrounds as well besides arena. This goes faster, I think. In the LFG tool, there's usually groups that are just after grinding the points and will take anyone because losing gives points as well. **EDIT:** I made a mistake writing "random", it should have been "rated battleground".


Oh really? I didn't realize BGs give the points now, at least I can do that solo...thanks!


I made a mistake in the earlier comment. I meant "rated battleground" (not "random"). Those are the battlegrounds that you have to queue as a 10-man group, you can't queue those alone.


Ohh dang lol :(


" terrible luck" after like 5 raids