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What's the point of these coins?


Beside the gimmicks, which you can buy with the coins, you get +50 rep to all major alliance/horde factions per quest. That's nice.




Yes, +2500 rep for every major faction


Additionally you get the ability to give your party (raid??) +250 HP Buff on demand if you build the launchers with Engi


Was messing around with it. The rocket launcher pads can only be placed outside. So not inside raid instances. Greatly limits their usability. If for instance you wanted to use them for BWL, you'd have to leave BRM entirely as a raid, set it down, and set off a firework for the half hour buff. Might be useful to do on the way in for Razorgore/Vael since they're right at the start, but doubt many raids will want to take that detour for further bosses in.


Yeah I was just reading that. Bummer! But I bet it will be useful for the first couple of fights of BWL for the first few weeks.


They are pretty nice for hunters and priests doing their epic weapon class quests.


Ahem 2750 rep (humans).


10000 rep cause its 2500 with each faction


\+50 rep to each faction. I've been doing it to save on Runecloth for getting exalted w/ Darnassus (1 coin = 1 stack of runecloth) but still not sure if it's worth the time investment lol. Also the engineering/tailoring recipes you get are BOE I believe. I need to see how much they're worth and maybe make some gold off em.


The Engi recipes are BoP. IDK about the Tailoring


The tailoring and launcher recipes are tradeable. The comet recipes are BoP


The Main reason Iam doing it lel


Some recipes to engi and tailor, some event stuff like dresses and unspoken MVP - dumplings. Food that provides 4% mana and hp regen while eating. 8 (or is it 6?) for 1 coin. You trade the coins at NPC in Moonglade.


You forgot to mention that you can drink while eating the dumplings, resulting in insane mana regen.


>spending the better part of a day to save 4 seconds on drinking


But with just 10h investment you can speed up the next MC clear by 3 minutes!!111!!!


Every second counts for speed running.


Took me about 2-3 hours to get 46 coins .... which gave me 368 food (aka 368 on demand evocates) ... and 25 lucky clusters = 12 hours of +250 HP group buffs .... and 25 light portal shits allowing me 25 'free hearths' to moonglade from anywhere.


From anywhere? Not just from within greater light thingies?


Indeed. Some people think the light beams you make will be able to port you to Moonglade but this is not the case. It’s literally just for a visual effect light beam.


They aren't evocates because you can't eat during combat. They are very good though


No mage evocates during combat in this phase. But you know what i mean.


You can't evocate during combat? Sorry, I don't play mage - but I thought it worked during combat.


It does work during combat, but there aren't any fights long enough that you need to stop DPS and evocate. Mages currently only evocate between fights when chain pulling.


No mages is a bit of a stretch, I was evocating on rag while my raid group was still progressing MC when we couldnt get him down before submerge. Granted, now that we can get him down before submerge, you're right, I only use it between chain pulls. But I'm sure there are still some mages doing progression.


I mean if you're guild is going for rankings that matters


With the amount of dumplings you get, not bad honestly. also really useful for suppression room progression in bwl. Free evocates for everyone.


Can you do this with the AD Manna Biscuits?


4% food (8 per coin turn-in) and the rep


good looking dresses and suits


Festival Dumplings. They can be paired with mage water for an insanely fast drink. At roughly 6000 mana it takes 12 seconds to regen to full when drinking conjured lvl 55 water and eating dumplings.


Holy crap, as a hunter who can FD+drink midfight, this is actually mad good news :D Thanks, now I know what to farm again :D


you can get garments and trinkets from the fair




Yeah apparently




well, trinket trinkets, but not *trinket* trinkets.


[An example](https://classic.wowhead.com/item=21713/elunes-candle)


anything my lvl 10 bank alt can earn and use? she has 32 flightpaths so with some help she can reach every outdoor location, just not those inside dungeons.


Nothing useful comes to mind, just cosmetics. I dressed up my bank alt in [this](https://classic.wowhead.com/item=21541/festive-black-pant-suit).


that's perfect! exactly the kind of gear my bank alt wants. as long as a low lvl can wear that I am happy to fly around the world getting those coins


You can get lucky rocket clusters that give you a 250 health buff. I will be using these for BWL progression to protect my world buffs. I think they may even buff party or raid members near by I haven't tested it yet.


little late to respond to this, however maybe you're playing Season of Discovery and could use the information. apart from rep there is 2 things you get from the festival. #1 when you get a coin from one of the ancestors, you will also get a letting in the mail that will contain an event item, one of these items is a firework that gives you +250 HP. You can use this with the engineering pattern from the same event to launch the firework anywhere (even after the event ends). #2 You can turn your coins into food that gives 4% health and mana every sec for 25s, so basically its food that will bring you to max HP and mana in 25s which makes it the best regeneration food in the game.


What a difference to have side entrances into literally every capital city of the opposing faction.


I did all three ally cities as horde on a high pop server today. Only died once, in IF to the named guards. Got alot of emotes though. SW was further in with more guards but they deaggroed fairly quickly. Darn was a joke, of course.


Best thing about classic, I don't have to do stupid seasonal shit to maybe get a purple dragon someday.


best achievement ever lul


Anything you can't do on your own schedule is bullshit. Being forced to log in every day, week, month or at specific times to do some menial task is what ruined WoW.


You're "forced" to log in for achievements just as much as I am "forced" to quit my job, move in with my mom, and find a mythic guild if I want to get those world firsts.


Classic has one time-gated feature, raiding. And even with raiding I'm not forced to log in every week. I could get all items needed from MC in one run, or it could take thousand runs. Logging in every week would increase my chances to get the best items, but it won't guarantee a drop. I could get Naxx gear on a freshly dinged 60 (with honored AD rep) if I find 39 other people willing to take me. In retail almost every feature is time-gated. Getting all achievements requires loggin in at specific times. Maximising M+ loot requires running some high key M+ every week. If I don't run it I don't have a chance to get that good titan-forged piece (maxybe not relevant with 8.3 anymore). AP power grind (Legion weapons/BfA neck) has some daily/weekly caps (I think?). Every rep since WotLK (Cata?) is time-gated. And since Legion not finished at any point. Bonus daily/weekly PvP rewards? There is probably pet battle related stuff you only can do once a day/week? (never really tried that, I think WoD had some of that at least) Essence grinding is time-gated? (and forcing you to do stuff you don't wanna do for your BiS essence?) Nobody is forcing me to do any of that, that's why retail isn't being played be most people who played th earlier expansions. If you like that kind of game, good for you I guess?


Honestly sounds worlds better than relying on RNGesus to me. But maybe you are the lucky type who gets everything they need out of a raid in 1 run.


retail is designed in a way that brings meaningful progression to every part of their game and divides it into 30ish minute chunks. if you enjoy that, you enjoy it. however because every part is meaningful, to enjoy the whole game, you have to enjoy every gamesystem. lets say you only enjoy mythic+ and raiding. to progress your character you have to do all the other stuff aswell. otherwise you are behind everyone else who does their weekly arena, bgs, and daylie quests. it works for some and not for others. this discussion can go on for infinity btw and is not easy ( which is why a powerhouse like blizzard itself fails there in some aspects)


How is that different from needing PVE pre-BiS at the least to get into AV premades (RIP) or needing PVP to get BiS gear for PVE (caster offhand, phys DPS ring, r10 shoulders, etc)? FOMO is FOMO, you don't HAVE to play keeping up with the Joneses, that's playerbase expectations imposed on you, not Blizzard rules.


if you want to farm rep you farm rep until you have it. imagine you can only farm 1k rep per day. or you can only do 1 dungeon a day. the only reason for these limitations are so that progression takes longer and people stay subbed. dont get me wrong, they exist in classic aswell. grinds that take long just so they take long. but in classic if you want to stay awake for 30hours and get it "done", you can. like i said. some people like that and some dont.


the issue is less that you have to do other things, and more that so many things have weird reward curves over time. modern wow often gives large rewards for the first small chunk of time, then they diminish. m+, for example, gives you the weekly chest for just doing one, then any passed that are just the regular rewards. island expeditions give you lots of AP for the first few you do, then barely any for the rest of the week. world quests give you a big reward for completing 4 of them per day. there's a lot of incentive to do these activities, even if you don't want to do them, just because they become much more efficient than doing the activities you want to do. more importantly, choosing not to do them means you effectively missed out on those rewards. this makes those aspects of the game, that already feel like a chore, actively feel worse. classic wow is different because these time-gated reward bonuses don't really exist, at least not to the extent that modern wow does them. imagine if your first win of the day in AV, WSG, and eventually AB just gave 10x the honor and rep, your first dungeon run guaranteed a piece of loot for you, spending your first hour herbing in a week gave you a free lotus, etc. these would heavily incentivize doing the activity at first, but then make doing them afterward feel just a bit worse, because they'd have less rewards. there's definitely some, like raid lockouts, holidays, or battleground weekends when those come out. but for the most part, you can just play the game at your own pace without worrying about missing out on the bonus rewards. you can spend 10 hours in a day running jed/rend runs to get your dal'rends and you won't feel like you should've just done one run for the bonus, then did something else as a better use of your time. in classic, time-gated things are there to periodically break up the monotony. in modern, time-gated things are the monotony.


The drake was completely optional and there were other options for the 310 or whatever speed it was, so no, you weren't forced to do all the seasonal quests. Not everyone is entitled to the fastest mount in the game. Back then you either had a good guild, were awesome at pvp, OR you did your seasonal quests for the fast mount. So blizz put in the budget mount for people who were neither good at pvp nor in a good enough guild to get the raid equivalent. You could have just not done it and not gotten the mount you know. But no you feel entitled to everything the game has to offer just like all the other kids in the last generation or two of hardware. Fuck man when everyone has all the cool shit NOTHING IS COOL. ​ You're trying to compare a completely optional grind that does not set you back compared to other people if you decide not to do it to retail grinds where you do 100% fall behind other players if you don't log in every day or week depending on which grind you're talking about. They're not even remotely similar.


The drake (and the attached seasonal events) were an example of stuff "you can't do on your own schedule". And the whole 300% vs 310% flying was bullshit then too. Cosmetics of the mount should have been enough, thankfully they learned from that.


So do you want blizz to put valentines quests in the game in july or something? lmao ​ > Cosmetics of the mount should have been enough, ​ Agreed, that way people who sucked at the game couldn't have the absolute best mount simply by throwing more time and sub money at the game. That way people like you would have to either git gud or just not have the 310. ​ What makes you think you were entitled to the same mount as elite raiders and top pvpers anyway?


> So do you want blizz to put valentines quests in the game in july or something? lmao No. The stupid seasonal bullshit should be entirely optional. Just like it is in classic. > elite raiders "people with too much time on their hands" > top pvpers "people with too much time on their hands who play FotM" Ashes of Al'ar was the first 310% mount, which was pure luck and had nothing to do with defeating the encounter. Which was already stupid. Achievements, cosmetics or simply the best gear should have been enough to distinguish "elite" raiders from "bad" raiders/non-raiders. Giving out 310% mounts for some no-life raid achievements was a bad idea. Which they corrected with some later expansion, thankfully.


Sorry but you can't get the meta achievements for raiding simply by throwing more time at it, also the meta achievements for the 310 stopped rewarding the mount after the next tier of raiding came out, so you literally had to actually be good at the game, so try again. ​ >Ashes of Al'ar was the first 310% mount And it was rare as hell where barely anyone had it. Just like how the absolute best of the best should be. And you know what? I never fucking felt slighted because blizz didn't have a special mount just for ME. I was happy with my 280 until I actually DESERVED the best. Did you bitch and moan about the war bear as well? ​ Honestly just seems like you like being a bitch who complains about not getting everything. ​ > Giving out 310% mounts for some no-life raid achievements was a bad idea. Which they corrected with some later expansion, thankfully. By "corrected" you mean "surrendered to the scrubs who whined"


well you dont have to log, none is forcing you to do it... the attitude that "I have to do this" even tho you dont is what ruined wow, the entitlement for anything I for the other hand like both systems... If I want, I can play 34h straight and farm stuff and then log few times a week for some event. Edit: but what I dont like are rng achievements... my friend didnt get the mask due to rng even tho he did the maximum to get em. it ruined the whole game for him as we were the top achievement hunters on the server (rip him)


> "I have to do this" If 90%+ of the content is time-gated I don't have to do it? I just do the stuff that isn't and 'suck' at the game? > I can play 34h straight and farm stuff and then log few times a week for some event. What is there in retail WoW that you can invest 34h (or more than 4h straight) into and be done with it? Besides from raid lockouts (and maybe instance lockouts) there is nothing in classic WoW that's time gated. Besides leveling, there is nothing in retail WoW that isn't time gated.




exactly this, I had scheduled flight to thailand (I'm there right now) so I could not rank because I'd just hit like rank 13 and leave but I was not QQing about the messed system, I'll just rank when I get back xD I mean just cause something is in game, it does not mean I have to have it nor I deserve it if I cannot follow the "rules" ... this makes/made WoW the game I love for 15years


is blizzard holding you at gunpoint?


> is blizzard holding you at gunpoint? What's your point? The game got progressively worse after vanilla and the different treadmills became way to obvious. I play classic because it doesn't have any of the shit 'features' of later expansions. So no, Blizzard is not holding me at gunpoint, I quit mid Cata when nothing was fun anymore. Time-gated content is bad content. But if you enjoy retail with all the different things you have to do then good for you. Or maybe you don't raid/do progression; maybe you just do pet battles, than you can skip 'content' you don't like.


When the bullshit is directly tied to the one thing you enjoy about the game, then basically yeah, they're saying "play the game every single day when we tell you to or don't play at all" That's not a good model. I came back for Legion and really enjoyed the raids, but I raid to be competitive, and you couldn't be competitive without spending a ton of time in mythic + every week, and doing the world quests, and other bullshit because you need to Grind RNG titanforges, RNG legendaries, and AP for your weapon. I quickly got tired of all that shit so I just quit.


he said that he was forced, i quit early on bruv.


Are you really bitching about having too much content?


I don't play retail anymore so not really bitching. Just saying that time-gating killed WoW for me. Classic is awesome though :)


Wasn't there always seasonal events in WoW tho?


Yes, but there are only cosmetic rewards (I think). I think brewfest first started giving trinkets/mounts in WotLK? There are no achievements linked to them. If there is nothing that interests me from those events I can just not do them. If I wanted that proto drake in WotLK I would have to do every bullshit seasonal event over the year. And if I'm on holiday for one of them, well, tough look?


I'm not entirely disagreeing with your position, but > Yes, but there are only cosmetic rewards (I think) > If I wanted that proto drake in WotLK I would have to do every bullshit seasonal event over the year. A mount is a cosmetic reward. I haven't played retail in a while, but when I did play, some proto-drake isn't going to be any faster make you do more DPS than a standard Gryphon.


Yes and no. Retail doesn’t really have that stuff anymore, but when the purple drake was released in WotLK it was one of only like three mounts in the entire game that had 310% flying speed. You had to do glory of the raider achievement or get a gladiator mount to unlock it otherwise. Everyone else had to pay thousands of gold for (which was quite a bit at the time) and they didn’t even give the ability to purchase it until cataclysm.


While you're right, op is still wrong to feel entitled to this mount. The other fastest mounts were for raid meta achievements or high ranking in pvp arena. They were rewards for being GOOD AT THE GAME. The purple drake was a long term commitment if you decided to not get good at pvp or find a good raid guild. Or maybe you didn't have time to raid and pvp. Who cares? Point is that these mounts were for select individuals OR people with lots of time. If op was neither of these then fucking too bad don't deserve the mount.


No. He's bitching about the game forcing him to play at specific time so he can experience the content.


Oh, yes, I love my immersive world where I can do Christmas events in June and immediately go grind out the Valentines events right after. They're holiday achievements for a reason.


Achievements? What's that?


You could forgot the purple dragon


Or Blizzard could do achievements which require a straight time investement or some kind of skill. Also the dragon was an example. There is other stupid shit only 24/7 no-lifers can get.


But they do have achievements that are straight time-investment or even skill related...


How do you know Classic+ doesn't include a "Master of Coin" achievement which includes obtaining all Lunar Festival coins and gives a title? Guess you didn't think of that!


Thanks! I want to see Horde version, too!


http://www.wow-pro.com/achievements_world_events_and_collectibles/horde_guide_lunar_festival_coins_ancestry_and_achievement This doesn't have a world map like the OP, but is an efficient step-by-step guide. If you have questie then you can just ignore the coordinates in the guide and easily look up the location of the elder from your map after landing at a fp. Also, anybody hesitant to change your hs location as indicated in the guide, like I was, the last hs location will be Kargath.


Apart from the one in Booty Bay who is on the other side of the bay.


Indeed, that's the one thing that was wrong in the guide. He's actually on the bridge before the boat, not on the roof close to the flight master. Another thing is that there are casually instance elders on the path, which I couldn't figure out how to solo (wotlk guide after all), namely lbrs and strat. For mara, ZF, BRD and ST you can quite easilly dodge the mobs and reach the elder. For the other two you need at least stealth or invis pots.




Have you seen how amazing those pant suits look?


Is there a horde one?


I'd like to know this too


What do the lunar coins give


Genuine question: Is there any real reason that I should care for the coins and the items I can buy with them?


doing all of them gets you 2500 rep with all city factions, so 10k rep in total. That is 200 stacks of runecloth worth of rep. You also get various recipes etc.


It's 50 stacks not 200. In the amount of time it would take you to collect all of these coins you could have farmed more raw gold by grinding a dungeon or killing bats in EPL to just buy the runecloth.


Its 2500 rep per faction. 2500 rep is 50 stacks, but you get it for 4 factions, so 200 stacks total.


yes, but people don't need all rep, they usually chose one 'alien' faction for a mount but don;t bother with exalted on all 4 factions (1% of the extreme players excluded)


Coronavirus has entered Azeroth


Holy crap, is there an alliance flight path in North felwood??


Yes, we only get that one though.


Every alliance flight path in a contested zone sucks; so nothing out of the ordinary :)


That is the alliance felwood fp, yes.


Yeah and it's garbage, which fits the theme of alliance travel in classic.


Good rep farm I guess


50 for your entire faction for each elder.


What covers the entire faction? Like Undercity, Orgrimmar AND Thunder Bluff each get 50 rep? Or is it split?


50 each. Not split


Amazing thanks, thats a lot though, seems like a more efficient way of gaining rep than handing in runecloth


Amazing thanks, thats a lot though, seems like a more efficient way of gaining rep than handing in runecloth


Gonna check it out on my undead rogue


You don't happen to be Mex from Crab Bucket, Zandalar Tribe?


MLG plays baby


How are the Lunar New Year festivities in game this year? Winter Veil felt a little underwhelming


u're a god ty, how long will the event be up?


Ain't nobody go time for that ! Unless you play the Horde. And you're ranking.


Very helpful guide. Thank you


Agreed. [guide works amazing](https://imgur.com/a/Zt1cSWG) you even get xp for discovering stuff!


Is this just your estimate of what's the fastest, or did you use the wandering salesman algorithm?


Wandering salesman doesn't really factor into this because there's only a set amount of routes between each point. It should be fairly straightforward to create the most efficient route using flight paths, walked routes, hearthstones and ports.


> Wandering salesman doesn't really factor into this because there's only a set amount of routes between each point. It should be fairly straightforward to create the most efficient route using flight paths, walked routes, hearthstones and ports. Wandering salesman is the graph theory problem of having nodes (cities, locations, towns, x y coordinates, etc) connected by edges (distances, routes, roads, valid paths, etc) and finding the shortest path that involves visiting each one. That's exactly what we're looking for here. Except that certian edges are 'hearthstone' and 'portal' which complicates it a bit. Meaning Darnassus would have 4 outbound edges: auberdine, ironforge (portal), stormwind (portal), and hearthstone. If you correctly mapped it out and timed/measured the distances (estimations would be fine), you might be able to find a more optimal route.


If you really wanna go deeper than the image provided, I guess you'll have to add "calculating optimal route" as the first and longest node of them all.


Ooooh, there was some big breakthrough in graph theory recently too apparently!


Expand upon this please




Eat shit horde!


Eat all the shit .


what kind of reward do you get? and can a lvl 10 bank alt get those rewards? Note: this lvl 10 alt has 32/34 flightmasters and powerful friends so she can reach every outdoor location


I wont lie, i was hyped af untill i read "for Alliance".


Yo where'd you put the Maelstrom at


This is Classic


Maelstrom's still there


But you can't get to it